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The Flood / Re: Having a Bass battle with an asshole neighbor
« on: February 27, 2022, 01:42:36 PM »
Can you not just knock on his door and tell him if you hear that music while trying to sleep you'll pay a visit and make him look like a pretzel?

That or escelate it. Just park all your shit right outside his door and sit there in a camping chair. Hope you're picking the most obnoxious music you can find.

If you really want to break him down just play something like Barney the dinosaur's into music on a loop. They use it in guantanimo to psychologically break people down and it apparently works like a charm.

The Flood / Re: World War III Bunker Thread
« on: February 27, 2022, 01:36:23 PM »
man's gone insane
It's really baffling wondering what Putin feels he's gaining from this.

I'm wondering if it's a push to recuperate losses. Russia stopped reporting covid deaths early on, but one of their reporting bases made a mistake. They released a report on projected mortality rates for the next year(s), and the math is all based on mortality rates of the previous year. I think they got steamrolled by covid and lost a lot of their workforce and ability to produce. One of Ukraine's biggest assets is farmland. Take Ukraine and you get both farmland and the people in it to work the farms.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 26, 2022, 11:42:24 PM »

Something I've earnestly been wanting to try for a few years. Making a rendition of a forerunner or promethian that's not overdesigned in 343's approach.

The truly ironic thing was that I used Didact's undersuit, and Halo 4's Spartan Forerunner armor with a dirty retexture and I thought it looked pretty fucking rad. I chopped off a watcher's head to make a support ancilla, and surprisingly it doesn't look bad although I botched colours because there's an issue with the model, but eh, this was a test.

I also feel kind of bad for the artists that worked on halo 4-5, because while everybody bitches that everything is overdesigned into visual noise, working up close with some of the ported models gives me a view of just how much fucking detail was packed in, which is really sad in a way because it probably goes under everybody's radar.

They must have worked so fucking hard making the complex textures for all of it to pretty much go to waste.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter 6
« on: February 26, 2022, 04:13:15 PM »
oh my god, if they actually did age up the female characters, the sheer amount of SEETHE it would produce would make me coom harder than any fanservice costume they could ever add—you just gave me a new pipe dream

as for what the next gameplay gimmick will be, i have no clue, but i do hope it's something relatively simple, but still produces a lot of emergent gameplay situations like the focus system did

less emphasis on aggressive playstyles would be nice—i like playing aggressive as much as anyone, but it felt like defensive players had to put in a lot more work to win in SFV a lot of the time

i also hope they bring back proximity normals, give backdashes some more utility, and significantly increase the number of combo routes for each character to help jazz up the gameplay—even if it means bringing one-frame links back

oh and remove throws, thanks

Have nothing constructive to say since never was into fighters and am sliding out of gaming over time.

But wouldn't aging the ladies up just attract the MILF hunters and give us a stream of content somthing like

The Flood / Re: World War III Bunker Thread
« on: February 26, 2022, 03:27:41 PM »
I wish the reaper would take a few fuckheads sooner. Putin's long overdue for either feeling despair at fading into the void of nothing and knowing he can't do fuck all to stop it or taking a fat fucking futa cock in hell.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 12, 2022, 11:39:11 PM »

Valentines usually leaves me a depressed bag of trash, and I don't imagine this year'll be any different. I did want to make something for my SO though, and I can only assume it helps me move on, just slightly.

The Flood / Re: Dear God
« on: February 12, 2022, 11:37:03 PM »
Doesn't it count as a vegetable if it has no brain activity though? Could eat my weight in dead chickens and get all the vegetables I need.

By that logic Joe Rogan would be a 5-a-day super food.

Sick burn man. Joe's gonna be in the ER after that one.

The Flood / Re: Six Months Sober
« on: February 10, 2022, 10:39:42 PM »

Hey buddy. Got a surprise for you. I had the idea forming for a few months, maybe three ago or so. Hearing the six month sober mark prompted me to finish it. This is for you just in case I happen to pop my clogs before I get around to my business.

I share my work freely, so I hope you don't mind if I drop it here. But for you, later in the year I'll get this printed out onto canvas and you'll have the only physical copy of it. You've earned it buddy. That's the least I can do methinks, but it's something.
Yo, sorry for the late response. Gotta say that this is pretty wicked, man. Gonna go check out your other Art stuff in a little bit, but again,  it's pretty rad and I really appreciate it.

All good. Don't gotta go hunting through my stuff if ya don't want to.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 09, 2022, 03:13:47 AM »

A personal challenge to see if I could switch from heavy art to humor since I want to make a gift for a co-worker who's retiring this year. She ain't a dark art kinda person.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 08, 2022, 12:53:21 PM »

Re-worked this present using tricks I learned making Busta's painting/thing. Guess I'm not a painter but whatevs.

The Flood / Re: Six Months Sober
« on: February 06, 2022, 12:48:20 AM »

Hey buddy. Got a surprise for you. I had the idea forming for a few months, maybe three ago or so. Hearing the six month sober mark prompted me to finish it. This is for you just in case I happen to pop my clogs before I get around to my business.

I share my work freely, so I hope you don't mind if I drop it here. But for you, later in the year I'll get this printed out onto canvas and you'll have the only physical copy of it. You've earned it buddy. That's the least I can do methinks, but it's something.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: February 05, 2022, 05:50:18 AM »

Finished birthday present for another friendo.

The Flood / Re: Dear God
« on: February 03, 2022, 09:54:45 PM »
Doesn't it count as a vegetable if it has no brain activity though? Could eat my weight in dead chickens and get all the vegetables I need.

The Flood / Re: Six Months Sober
« on: February 02, 2022, 06:30:05 PM »
I'm shit at processing time. Seems like fucking forever ago that you started the road to stopping. That is something to be proud about. Never really is easy to kick an addiction. Seems like you're doing great.

Glad you decided to push through it. Ya get a part of your life back and there's probably a lot you can do with that. Keep chuggin' buddy. (not the booze though)

The Flood / Re: How have you changed since Sep7 began?
« on: February 02, 2022, 01:27:52 AM »
Posted in here before but may as well drop something since it's been a ride of a year or two. Personality fragmented again, just about offed myself in November, found some docs that are helpful for once, and am slowly having my organs liquified by being a depressed bag of potatoes for over twenty years. So here goes I guess.

Been a depressed bag of potatoes for twenty years or more so I was a depressed sack when I showed up here. My distrust of people meant I generally didn't talk about it or my life unless it bled out of me. I think I'm largely the same as I was then, and that's because the only emotions I can process are still here. Humor, empathy and sympathy, and being sad.

Over the last year I've done some work with docs. While not a comfort, three of them said the same shit to me. I've been through stuff that most don't ever even get in one lifetime, and that changes people emotionally. They all confirmed my suspicions. Had first suicide attempt when I was twelve. The will and want to die has never left me, but I managed to shove most of it into my sub-conscious and combat what's left by making promises to people I gave a fuck about that I wouldn't let it beat me.

How that's come back to bite me is through psychosomatic symptoms. My mini-heart attack in 2020 and what appears to be slowly failing organs and crippling fatigue is all the result of the background of my brain wanting to die being strong enough that it's winning slowly by shutting everything down. I've done cognitive behavioral changes on my own over the years, but the docs figured its time for drugs since my serrotonine and dopamine reserves are fried(mainly because my coping methods in the past were excessive gaming and internet usage)

I visited a grave marker for my SO in october, consciously changed some things in my head, and then fell apart in November. I've bouts of I guess what could be described as psychosis or something else, and whatever's left of me shifts around. I leave behind something of my personality while somebody else steps away, and that takes time to adjust to, as for a while I don't know who I am.

I used that to make improvements, at least. Mental changes to fight better. Meds are iffy. I adapt to them quickly, but they're giving me a leg up at least.

The sole main upside to this year is that I said fuck it and decided to turn one of my stories into a comic or graphic novel of some kind. Test of everything I've learned. I've learned more in the last month than I have in two years, which is great. I learn as I work, and I love the work. I think if all I had was projects like what I'm undertaking now to do for the rest of my life, I could manage with being an emotionally destroyed sad bag of potatoes, even if I don't manage to fix these things entirely.

I don't want to say that things are better. I'm still an emotionally crippled pile that's usually sad, tired, and terribly alone and unable to connect to people without immense difficulty. I feel like a sixty year old trapped in a fourty year old's body who happens to be twenty nine. A flesh carcass, if my humor speaks for me.

But for some reason I'm still trying to fight it. And that's okay. I die one day anyway. Whatever I do while I'm alive is enough because I won't have the opportunity for any of it one day.

The Flood / Re: Dead
« on: January 29, 2022, 01:15:20 AM »
Something regarding the Harry Potter universe has been on my mind but I hesitated to post it incase you gentlemen find it too lame of a topic to discuss?...

Dude Harry Potter was the shit when I was a kid.

Fuck whatever anybody else thinks is lame. They can go eat a bag of cocks.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 24, 2022, 07:02:50 PM »

I'm stupid happy with how this turned out. Took me days to think of how to portray it and days to put together because of it's complexity and it turned out absolutely bitchin.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 23, 2022, 01:25:57 AM »

Been experimenting while I work on a second project. Adopted a sort of policy I guess. Every panel a painting. Seems to be going well.

The Flood / Re: wtf I'm basically a female
« on: January 20, 2022, 10:21:58 PM »
new year new start

That's like me saying new year I'll have a year that isn't shit.

Not to dip my feet into forum politics I don't know shit about, but you're kinda you Class. My memory's poor but you're largely the same person you were before I dipped my sorry ass off all records for a few years.

Gaming / Re: Okay, this is driving me fucking nuts (Witcher 3)
« on: January 19, 2022, 10:03:09 PM »
I ran into a few locked chests early on and came back later after finding the quest that got you the key. I haven't actually come across any of those though, guessing it's because I didn't spend much or any time looting houses. There's a lot of items in the world that say locked if you can't do anything with them, like alphy said.

Interestingly, I've got a huge collection of ported witcher 3 models. Never saw that chest in those files either. Not that it means anything, just weird that I sunk a solid month into that game and never bumped into those.

The Flood / Re: wtf I'm basically a female
« on: January 16, 2022, 04:31:09 PM »
I'm fuckin' mad nobody here wanted to post an unironic cringe joke about Dan's 69.

Let's go Dan, I'm up for some 69 action.

The Flood / Re: wtf I'm basically a female
« on: January 16, 2022, 04:24:58 PM »

Lol the fuck am I. This makes you Undifferentiated-Androgynous.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: January 10, 2022, 07:07:40 PM »

The new weapons aren't fun. In particular the Bulldog is an actual Nerf gun and the Ravager may as well be the Cursed Halo Reverse Throwing Pistol.
Bulldog is great bro. Easy two tap at the right range. 
It's no CE shotgun bit it's leagues above h3 or reach's.

Ravenger is hot fucking garbage tho yeah

To this day I don't even know how the CE shotgun functions in multiplayer. Explain it to me das. Is there like a magic range and headshot damage to get the perfect two tap or oneshot?

Best I can ever manage is leading four shots at point blank for a takedown and by then some sweatlord's already kenshiro'd me so I just bust a nut imagining I was skilled enough to get a quad shot.

Serious / Re: Coronavirus panic room thread
« on: January 10, 2022, 06:59:12 PM »


Fuck me. Saving the economy one boomer at a time.

I may live in a shithole of a province but I guess I should be thankful that being an isolated degenerate has its perks. Haven't caught any kind of the variations yet, not vaxxed since my heart's a piece of shit. Bromicron climbing out here though, so who knows, maybe I'll catch it and finally get knocked dead.

The Flood / Re: What have you been reading lately?
« on: January 05, 2022, 10:50:23 PM »
Would ya believe me if I told you it's been at least a couple years since I read any books? Sucks in earnest, I just pick something up and then drop it. Don't seem to have the enthusiasm I used to.
gonna be brutally honest

i'm surprised any of you read at all

Didn't get my long winded writing from nowhere. I was the fag at the back of the bus for reading asimov and heinlein, tolkein and such when I was a fat little bastard of a kid.

I'm surprised you put reading past some of the folk here, barring the possibility that you were being half sarcastic.

The Flood / Re: What have you been reading lately?
« on: January 05, 2022, 09:51:05 PM »
Would ya believe me if I told you it's been at least a couple years since I read any books? Sucks in earnest, I just pick something up and then drop it. Don't seem to have the enthusiasm I used to.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 05, 2022, 09:44:32 PM »

Love how panel ten turned out. I'm excited to keep this up, since now I'll be shifting from less narration and more presentation. It'll take more scenebuilding and consideration out of me and put my technical knowledge of my program to the test.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 01, 2022, 11:08:22 PM »

Finished two panels today and altered my colour pallate to what I figure suits the darker nature of the story. Colour's also gonna be important later on, so a limited pallete will help things shine, I think. Only a couple days in and I'm learning fuck tons.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: December 31, 2021, 09:11:36 PM »

Figure it's time to kick the training wheels off and start trying to make my stories. I've got enough tricks and know how, I think. Won't learn if I don't try it out.

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: December 31, 2021, 03:19:59 AM »
Yo I just realized some of the skirmishers are female.

Rule 34's gonna have a field day.

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