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Messages - E
« on: December 04, 2023, 07:27:47 AM »
I'd like to sit down and write more. Stories. But I think I'm balancing so much on my plate that I achieve very little, very slowly. In the middle of learning electrical engineering in a lot of fields, mechanical engineering. Still making artwork, but it's slowed as I'm experimenting with different methods and teaching myself animation.
All the other shit like juggling bills and trying to help family while keeping the building standing and keeping my failing body upright takes the rest of my time up. Story writing's been one of those things that's taken major hits for time put into, since it takes more than the other things. At least, more consistency.
Every now and then I try and just confirm to myself that my writing edge is always sharp. Shame I can't push it to its limits.
« on: November 19, 2023, 01:31:41 AM »
The deal fell through with that hovercraft I wanted. Somebody else had dibs on it years before I asked about it. Took some shots of important details so I can copy the design in the future.

Woah this is cool as hell man! Where in the world did you find a hovercraft haha
There was a mechanic in the region with 60+ years of his salvaged stuff in an abandoned school. I was more curious about where he picked it up.
Did a bit of research on that ID name. Apparently these things were ahead of their time a bit. They were a recreational vehicle made in the 1970's. Supposed to go over water, but they worked better on land and could max at 40 mph. Back in the 70's they sold for about a 1000 bucks I think. Betcha it's worth fuck tons more today, probably more because it's the first time in my life I'd ever seen a hovercraft of that type. Probably rare as fuck because they weren't a bestseller and had some flaws, like rollovers with strong winds and sounding like a fucking plane at street level.
Still wanted it though. Coulda run that small engine it had on hydrogen and skipped all the fucking flat tires out here. Probably add a roll cage too. I figured it was a once in a lifetime find.
If they’re rare, building one that looks nice and runs might be worth a pretty penny to some collector out there
Don't think I've got the materials for something so nice. But I can do a hick/backwoods impersonation of the shit that makes it work with all the scrap wood and stuff I've salvaged. Just tacking on a note because it's something big. Not related so much to vehicles. I've had theories for a long time about water. I've wondered if it was possible to make a battery that used water. I am correct. More than correct. I found a way to make a battery that doesn't corrode and that uses water as its electrolyte. Aluminum and brass get the best results. But here's the kicker. This battery gets better results in water that's heated, water that's flowing, or if the battery itself is physically moving in water. I did a lot of research on this and proved a theory correct. The battery corrodes, but extremely slowly because you're not using the metals to create an electrical charge. It's the water. The water contacts the surface of the metal and exchanges electrons with the metal. It's a fucking electrostatic battery that uses water as a catalyst to drive a charge. It's stupidly simple to make, so even if I need to make hundreds of cells and link them, they can all sit in a single bucket of water. I found a way to make a battery that can run on salt water without corroding as well. Carbon and carbon. I could quite literally use the wood ashes from a family member's wood stove, mold them and bind carbon powder with some kind of paste, and I'd have a battery that could never die. That's a big fucking win man. Haven't felt this good about anything in decades.
« on: November 13, 2023, 01:13:46 PM »
The deal fell through with that hovercraft I wanted. Somebody else had dibs on it years before I asked about it. Took some shots of important details so I can copy the design in the future.

Woah this is cool as hell man! Where in the world did you find a hovercraft haha
There was a mechanic in the region with 60+ years of his salvaged stuff in an abandoned school. I was more curious about where he picked it up. Did a bit of research on that ID name. Apparently these things were ahead of their time a bit. They were a recreational vehicle made in the 1970's. Supposed to go over water, but they worked better on land and could max at 40 mph. Back in the 70's they sold for about a 1000 bucks I think. Betcha it's worth fuck tons more today, probably more because it's the first time in my life I'd ever seen a hovercraft of that type. Probably rare as fuck because they weren't a bestseller and had some flaws, like rollovers with strong winds and sounding like a fucking plane at street level. Still wanted it though. Coulda run that small engine it had on hydrogen and skipped all the fucking flat tires out here. Probably add a roll cage too. I figured it was a once in a lifetime find.
« on: November 10, 2023, 01:00:30 AM »
« on: November 05, 2023, 06:01:01 AM »
We’ve got so many people here that we are kind of melting the servers
Funny since that genuinely happened to Sep7 on its old webhost and they kicked Cheat off the service because it was apparently so bad that all sites hosted by them went down and I guess they thought Sep7 was too much of a liability.
Although, it was surely a DDoS attack that caused it.
Keep in mind we had absolutely bonkers traffic and activity here at the height of the site. It could have just been legit traffic melting their servers. TBH I don't really know. I just know they told me to get lost.
That's pretty bitchin' to have on your record of stuff honestly. Random Chad makes miniscule backup site, gets booted off servers for flexing on bandwidth too hard.
« on: October 24, 2023, 01:18:32 AM »
Been considering blowing myself up with two pickle jars strapped into the truck to use as hydrogen fuel cells to mix with the gasoline into the truck.
Ultra mileage and the bonus of doubling the allah ackbar factor of the vehicle. What's not to love.
« on: October 09, 2023, 10:09:43 PM »
Looks cozy in a beat down kind of way. That your home or some kind of hobby project?
I have an idea for you if you want. The building I'm staying in is 100 years old. Same sawdust insulation in it when it was originally built. This building is both stupid hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I've no money, but I think I found a way to make wall insulation out of scavenged plastic.
The theory is, take two sheets of plastic and seal them together to make an air pocket. Could leave it at that, but my idea is this. Stick an air valve in the plastic and suck out 80-90% of the air between the sheets. Vacuum or near vacuum makes a great insulator because there's nothing to conduct heat.
I've been building batteries out of screws and nails of two types and using water as an electrolyte to power smaller things in the house. Dunno about you, but I don't count on power grids very much lately. If you want, once I've tinkered with the prototypes a bit and find out their duration limits, I could give you specs on them. Good chance you could power some shit in that shed with it.
No, it's just our smoke and drink spot, there's also a house on the property that was built in 1920.
I recommend you look into aerogel insulation solutions, you can actually just paint it on and then reuse your existing insulation as a fill. My plan for this little building is to put up a cementboard ceiling, then paint my walls with Rova Shield, then insulate with cermic fiber. If you have a metal roof you can also paint it with a solar reflective aerogel. Unfortunately mine is tar shingles.
Would imply that I have money to buy that stuff. I don't. I have just enough to pay the mortgage every month, and buy 20 days of food for the month. My roof is reflective yes, if ugly as sin. I used scavenged industrial strength farming plastic layered twice over each other and made roof panels with the white side up. All things considered, it's a nice hangout spot you've got. Like a firepit without getting eaten alive by bugs in the summer.
« on: October 09, 2023, 02:24:54 AM »
Looks cozy in a beat down kind of way. That your home or some kind of hobby project?
I have an idea for you if you want. The building I'm staying in is 100 years old. Same sawdust insulation in it when it was originally built. This building is both stupid hot in the summer and cold in the winter. I've no money, but I think I found a way to make wall insulation out of scavenged plastic.
The theory is, take two sheets of plastic and seal them together to make an air pocket. Could leave it at that, but my idea is this. Stick an air valve in the plastic and suck out 80-90% of the air between the sheets. Vacuum or near vacuum makes a great insulator because there's nothing to conduct heat.
I've been building batteries out of screws and nails of two types and using water as an electrolyte to power smaller things in the house. Dunno about you, but I don't count on power grids very much lately. If you want, once I've tinkered with the prototypes a bit and find out their duration limits, I could give you specs on them. Good chance you could power some shit in that shed with it.
« on: September 02, 2023, 11:05:27 PM »
I also found a way to produce methanol by myself. Doing research on what fuel injectors I need to change on one of my vehicles so that I can adapt it to run on that instead of gas.
Best part is, there's a wood mill in the area that has huge piles of sawdust and scrap wood just sitting around that anybody can take. That means all I gotta do is pick it up, light a torch to the right temperature in a canister with a coiled tube, and I can make myself gasoline to run on while I learn more complicated retrofit processes for either pure electric vehicles or steam powered shit. If I really put my carcass in gear it's probably something I could figure out in the span of a month and get up and running.
Which is good because fuck gas prices.
« on: September 02, 2023, 04:23:43 AM »
I know it technically doesn't belong here, but batteries are a part of vehicles right?
I've been doing a lot of tinkering and studying lately. Mainly what actually has me excited here is that I found a way to make a battery out of dirt, and a battery out of water. These aren't going to be voltages to jump up and down over and go to youtube and make a clickbait video called FREE ENERGY UNLIMITED POWER.
But I think 2 volts of power from a cup of water, a zinc screw, and some stripped copper wire is pretty fucking awesome. If I can get something in the low range like a 25 volt drill, I can probably use that to power a bigger magnetic generator I'm building which will be the big supplier I need to run my shit off the grid.
« on: August 20, 2023, 10:12:53 AM »
I don't have any pictures yet because I've still got to pull it out of the grass and ground, but I found a hovercraft out here that fits in the back of an 8foot truck box.
Frame is gone but I'll repair it.
« on: August 06, 2023, 12:30:55 AM »
Fucking sick dude, Cursed Halo got an update.
« on: August 06, 2023, 12:27:00 AM »
I remember listening to some discussion a while back about a guy who won an art contest using AI generated work, which outraged a lot of people(artists likely). But he neither hid that it was created by AI and he spent something like roughly 80 hours filtering through generated content and stitching elements together to create a comprehensive piece. So in his own way, he put the work and time in. But that's superficial as fuck. Art isn't about time put into a piece.
Here's what I think the outcome is. You know how vintage shit sells for high prices? And model replicas of vintage shit can also sell for high prices, but rarely the same as the real deal? That's what AI art will be.
There'll be a market for the original "organic" hand/person produced shit, and there'll be a market for the high quality replica stuff. But again, this is all superficial shit, and I'd suggest to any artist complaining about AI work denting their profits that they stop and take a look at whether or not they're actually an artist, or just a very good craftsman selling their trade.
There's a difference because art's not about the money, and it doesn't matter who else makes what, or what makes what, because an actual artist plays the game for themselves. When I make art, I make it because I want to, or I want to see if I can. I test myself, I express whatever's left of me as a person either as emotional representations, concepts and ideas, or just going with the flow. You could fill the markets with AI art and it wouldn't bother me because I'd still be tinkering on my own time, making shit not with the intent to sell it, and even sometimes with nobody in mind to show it to.
The only real threat AI art poses is to the tradesman who calls themselves an artist.
« on: July 20, 2023, 01:53:17 AM »
If Bungie did anything right for sure, it was that generally Halo had pretty solid buttery smooth gameplay loops. There was a reason it became a juggernaut in the early days of consoles for how much it changed things.
When or if you get to the library, give a salute to the gigachad Marvin Mobuto for being a regular marine who got to within sight of the objective while soloing that fucking slog.
« on: May 27, 2023, 07:47:02 AM »
« on: May 25, 2023, 01:43:17 AM »
Be a strange day when this place closes up shop for good. Weird. Hardly any activity here but you can always wander back in. But once it's gone, it's gone. Who can say if I like that finality or not.
« on: May 12, 2023, 03:29:30 AM »
  Between all the shit goings on I've been putting work in. The first picture was experiment involving metallic reflections, and the second was the theory I took from the first picture. Overlay photographs over 3d models for a surreal but not too uncanny valley effect. While not what I'd consider clean or finished, it's proof enough for me that I'm on to something interesting.
« on: March 08, 2023, 02:49:35 AM »
. You want to pace your shots so bloom doesn't fuck you? Get dicked up the ass by a guy spamming across the map.
The secret to dmr bloom wasn't five evenly spaced shots It was four spammed body shots then wait for your headshot
Yeah, I think I remember now. Still. I just hate how the game devolves into pistol and dmr spamfests. And I love how even if you spam body shots RNG can still screw you if you miss. Like I know Halo 3's sandbox isn't super balanced either, but you could at least make most weapons work against an average player if they weren't a tryhard. Speaking of, I swear there's some fuckery going on in the port of 3. Grav hammer always had a huge knockback range, but it's fucking football field sized in MCC and it can jank warthogs way fucking farther than it should. I used to be able to snipe with the banshee's and ghost's main guns, but either auto aim or bullet magnetism makes it fucking impossible now. And the scorpion is the absolute worst. I don't know how the reticule works. I used to be able to cross map snipe people jumping in mid air, and non registering bloodshots weren't that bad. Now bloodshots are so fucking bad that you don't see them just on your screen, you can watch other players land a hit with an explosion on somebody and they take no damage. I wonder if it's because of connection changes. Double beatdowns were really rare in 3, now they happen a lot. Tell me I ain't crazy here. The port of Halo 3's had some changes made to physics and registry.
« on: March 04, 2023, 02:05:07 AM »
Once in a while I go on a binge and surf MM and customs for a bit, and man, I just can't do Reach no matter how hard I try. Like, it seems like the game's mechanics and weapon sandbox are a perfectly bad combo of sweatlord and self punishment.
I can play Halo CE cause its old physics and wack maps are fun, and perfect 3 shots with the pistol is easy to understand even though the reticule doesn't represent what the bloom does when you hold the trigger rather than quickly tap it. Halo 2's a nostalgia glitchfest and easy going, Halo 3's mechanics have been altered from OG Halo 3 and are a bit frustrating alongside the workable, yet unbalanced sandbox.
And then there's Reach. If you're using any covenant weapon and competing against its counterpart, its automatic loss unless the other player is a potato. You want to pace your shots so bloom doesn't fuck you? Get dicked up the ass by a guy spamming across the map. Tired of the bullshit bloom and go for title update physics? Welcome to DMR fuckfest. You want to play some good old brain cell killing infection? Have fun with pro sword clashers and dead bodies infecting you.
I really want to add Reach to the roster of game modes when I get into a mood for pubstomping or brain cell death in customs, but every time I try it just leaves a sour taste in me because of its bullshit mechanics and the fact that it spawned all the bad trends that still currently plague newer titles.
« on: January 15, 2023, 10:36:54 PM »
Well, I'm poor and I live in a shithole that's frozen for eight months of the year, so no, I won't own one.
Only time I ever rode in one was with a client I got friendly with through a contractor working on his house and boat. He had an early days hybrid. Electric for most things, but ran on gas once the battery needed to charge. The thing had a stupid amount of acceleration to it and it always just felt weird to see the thing start moving without a sound.
Honestly though I don't think there's much that's "green" about them because they don't address the actual problem of pollution. Manufacturing batteries is a dirty process and we don't have decent containment methods for the waste of production.
A big chunk of the electric charging stations run on electricity created through burning coal or other shit. Real green, that.
And long term, EV's aren't viable because the materials to make the batteries won't be around forever. Depending on the battery type, you're looking at shit that's once it's extracted, it's gone for good. A little bit like the klondike gold rush.
A lot of our industries are going to either collapse or downsize considerably in the coming decades, which will cut into the methods and materials used to make them. Currently, I think EV's belong with the rest of current green tech trends.
They're a sham, and a good conman's get rich quick scheme playing to the market without solving any of the problems. That is unless somebody streamlines them.
« on: November 14, 2022, 11:47:48 PM »
Also boom when are we engaging in 390 ping shenanigans I wanna drop a 15 bomb on some kids with AFK teammates while you carry the team to a 50-30 victory again
I'm washed up now. I've booted up mcc once in the past year.
Hey, I've been out of sweatlord territory in Halo for years now. A couple weeks of relatively consistant playtime and you'll have some of your edge back. It's not like you're a boxer out of their prime or a used condom or anything. You'd be surprised how fast your reflexes come back.
« on: November 14, 2022, 11:42:33 PM »
As some of the others have said in seriousness or jest, why drink the pain away?
You know what fuckin' sucks dude? An alcoholic father who upon reaching critical levels of drunk reverts back to the same old shit that destroyed him forty years ago. He drinks to dodge it, but once he drinks enough it's like watching a fucking broken record spin. If you think you'll get anywhere going that way, may as well just take Verb's advice and get a step ladder. My addition to the step ladder is a noose. If you're considering drinking for shit like that, may as well save yourself the trouble and time.
But earnestly? Just talk about shit to somebody that can sympathize dude. Generally my box is open if you want. Or I'll just shoot.
What's up on your end that makes you ponder taking up the drink?
« on: October 10, 2022, 03:01:51 PM »
Last few months have been varying degrees of hellish. But made it through. The only thing of note lately was a change in mindset. I was pondering anti-natalists and buddhist sects. I derived a toned down set of truths for myself. I find things are much easier going now.
Lost my jobs due to failing health, dole won't consider me since I have a couple hundred bucks in my bank account and no real official doctor paperwork that says "am crippled wreck", no proper place to stay before the winter comes. That's some spicy good meatballs.
« on: June 20, 2022, 10:47:49 PM »
 I've been wanting to do some work on Dark Souls stuff for a gorillion years, figured I finally had the skill to give it a go.
« on: June 18, 2022, 05:04:13 AM »
 Who knows why I'm drawn to skeletal figures. A test of my blending tricks and getting a thing outta my head that's been rattling around for a year.
« on: June 14, 2022, 02:44:52 AM »
 Learned some new tricks. First time in a while that I've made something specifically focusing on my own feelings about something.
« on: May 18, 2022, 11:06:37 PM »
Made some progress on my melting organs. Might have lyme disease. Working on trying to get docs to test me for it.
Dunno how I feel on that. If it is, I'm likely in the later stages, which can't be reversed. If it's not, I come up empty and docs figure despite barely managing to work for two hours before collapsing that it's just in my head and I don't qualify for some assistance. Tough call because I know I can't manage my job and helping family out anymore. I can only do one, barely. Boxes me into a choice I'm not much up for making that I lose at no matter what I pick.
Even if the fatigue and organ damage can't be reversed, I can keep fighting it. But some fucking support from the docs would go a long way. Just once.
« on: May 03, 2022, 10:29:26 PM »
 Another piece finished up. It's been sitting in limbo for a couple years. Difficult to work on. My homeless buddy who OD'd. Parents didn't want her even after finding out she was dead. Remember how all of it made me feel so fucking hopeless. That it seemed like nobody gave a shit but me in the capacity that I could. I'd rather remember her for the time shared, who she was without the drugs. Played music, wanted to always be traveling, taught me the basics of sleight of hand magic tricks for show. She was a good person.
« on: May 02, 2022, 04:22:56 AM »
 Finishing up some stuff before am homeless bum in a couple months.
« on: April 26, 2022, 07:49:39 AM »
I'm not sure if I remember you or not. Picture's familiar.
It's been a sketchy few months. I had two miniature heart attacks in the span of a month and we're finding that inflammation is spreading to tissues in my ribcage and separating the cartilege. I'm going to have a bit of a housing problem within two months or so. This week is a banger.
Front tire blew out on my car and I lost control on the ice. I ended up in a steep cattle ditch and nearly rolled the car. Banged up a little bit from the impact. Couple days after I got it out of the ditch I had to drive my niece to the hospital. Docs figured her appendix ruptured. It was a cyst, at least. But two days of driving and being awake the whole time then going back to work is fun.