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The Flood / Re: What have you been jamming too lately?
« Last post by Super Irish on June 14, 2024, 12:50:20 PM » says this is what I've been playing a lot of this year:

But I've been inot my remixes lately. This is a remix of John Martyn's 'You Know'
The Flood / What have you been jamming too lately?
« Last post by XSEAN on June 13, 2024, 09:46:46 PM »

I've been playing the shit out of this song. 
The Flood / Re: Where are they now?
« Last post by XSEAN on June 13, 2024, 09:44:36 PM »
Wait Tiny chat still a thing?

Last time I  used that I was drunken and spoke to a few members here
The Flood / Re: Thread for my battery shit
« Last post by E on June 10, 2024, 02:22:24 AM »

This is some divine levels of providence that I find this in the garbage at the scrap yard. 9000 watt generator, which basically means this thing can pump out roughly the amount of power my house uses in a day. These things are a nightmare to take apart if you don't have the tools, which I don't, but basically all I need to do is get the copper coils and part of the rotary shaft off, and make them spin to generate power.

So I'm going to start using this as my baseline for the generator project since it'll be able to handle anything I throw at it. I'm debating on whether or not I decouple it at all, as there's a possibility I could turn the main engine block into a stirling engine, or just mount a fat fucking wheel to it and use the inertia to overcome the drag from the pistons.

I've also managed to develop a battery cell that runs on water vapor in the air.
The Flood / Re: been getting into the warhams
« Last post by velox on June 08, 2024, 04:35:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« Last post by E on June 08, 2024, 04:53:42 AM »

Working at pixel level artwork taught me a trick that can be used on bigger pictures that can give things a sketchy/brush stroke look but retain 90% of the detail. I can stitch most imagery rather easily as well, and the resulting overlay process gives it an effect that blends or deepens light in such a way that I can't explain. This picture to me feels like the most "alive" picture I've ever made.
The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« Last post by E on June 07, 2024, 01:54:34 AM »
Holy shit E. Amazing art.

Thanks boss. May as well drop an update. I searched and studied an art brokerage over the winter. I've decided it's time to go heavyweight. I've created a piece that's 7800 by 5000 pixels. Translates into roughy six feet across and four/five feet tall on canvas. I'm going to have to shrink it since the printing place I use doesn't even fit that size.

I'm doing the final edits on it now, but I'm going to print it, put it up on the brokerage and drop a 12-10k price tag for it. I won't know if I don't try. The final edit will probably take me weeks or months. But here's the prototype.

Serious / Re: My manifesto
« Last post by Cheat on June 06, 2024, 09:28:06 AM »
Reminds me of The Witness (Destiny 2's "Thanos" / big bad). Sorry for being weird and relating to a video game haha. I don't necessarily disagree with your take, either.

"The universe makes us all victim, and perpetrator, of its infinite cruelty."
The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« Last post by Cheat on June 05, 2024, 01:13:12 PM »
Holy shit E. Amazing art.
The Flood / Re: Where are they now?
« Last post by V on June 05, 2024, 10:44:46 AM »
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