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The Flood / Re: Saw Dunkirk in IMAX today
« on: July 25, 2017, 04:47:58 PM »
>baby driver

still need to see all of these

The Flood / Re: Why are police trained to have the warrior mentality?
« on: July 25, 2017, 01:52:55 PM »
Several reasons. One that hasn't been mentioned yet is the availability of arms. If you're a police officer in a country that has more privately owned guns in it than people, you're trained to just about expect the worst in any situation. Pulling over a car with a pinged plate, breaking up a confrontation, called for a domestic dispute or possible break in? Odds are someone's going to have a gun. 60 something policemen shot dead while on duty in 2016 alone. That's more than one a week. They're trained to prepare for stuff like this.
Of course, should the government ever turn against us, the ability to kill police will be vital.
Government cannot turn against people. People can only turn against government.

Gaming / Re: Freeman's Mind 2 - pilot episode is out.
« on: July 25, 2017, 12:50:18 PM »

Series is picking up now.

Sadly, this one only felt like 4 minutes.

But verb, did you at leaat enjoy the lobster episode of bepop?
actually, that fucking episode tripped me out, because i actually saw that shit ten or twelve fucking years ago on adult swim

i only realized at the end, when ed eats the thing, and then it clicked

but yeah, i thought it was a neat episode, probably my favorite

Sounds like a bitter way to pass the time.
that's what's so great about it
What's great about being bitter all the time?
the smug satisfaction of knowing i was right all along is pretty fucking cool

and if i'm wrong a couple times, and i end up enjoying something for once, then that's cool too

i love loving things almost as much as i love hating things

it's a win-win, and i pity anyone who doesn't feel the same way

Sounds like a bitter way to pass the time.
that's what's so great about it

Why do you watch anime if you hate it? Doesn't make sense. What little free time you have as an adult should be spent doing the things you love.

For me, it's your mother.
i AM doing what i love

i love hating things, and i especially love hating things that other people enjoy and gloating about how much smarter i am for it


or is it because it's cyberpunk, and i like cyberpunk, so that means i like anything that's cyberpunk

let me tell you—if there's one thing i hate, it's when a show takes an idea that i love, but then completely botches the execution

I'm having a really hard time accepting that you didn't like ghost in the shell.

Like, a really hard time.

I'm perturbed.
i missed this post

what exactly did you think i'd like about it, because i'm struggling to think of anything that i liked even a little bit

is it because everyone likes it, so that means i have to

How many episodes of Bebop did you get through? I didn't make it past 2 or 3.
I list the number of episodes I watch in each blurb, but thirteen.

Please tell me you didn't watch cowboy bebop subbed.
i did

i'm so mad right now, anime fans do nothing but berate people for watching dubs, and here i am being told to watch dubs

fuck yourselves

i'll watch the dub then

i can justify it since it appears to take place in burgerland anyways

Trigun is actually pretty good.
Seconded, but be warned that the first half is very episodic and things centralize after that.
i don't mind as long as it's good from beginning to end

Hey neat

Out of all these, I think I'll be most disappointed if Baccano! doesn't work for you. It's what made me think I could actually enjoy anime. Are you planning on dub, sub, or a mix of both?

everything i've watched thus far has been subbed

i normally prefer dubs, but sometimes they're not available, and i get to avoid people saying shit like, "you only hated it because you watched the shitty dub!!!" so now they can't say shit like that

I only recommend Your Name because it's not shit, which is kind of a sad standard to set for anime. It could've been an hour shorter and nothing would have been lost. The last act dragged on for way too long.
yeah, it really did

you also recommended baccano, so i will hold you PERSONALLY ACCOUNTABLE if i blow my brains out in the next few days

I'm calling this week "Attack of the Boring as Fuck Anime."

These reviews are probably going to seem very repetitive, because I have relatively similar takes for all of them.

Cowboy Bebop (Sunrise, 1908, thirteen-and-a-half episodes) "Overrated" is a word that I'd like to keep myself from using too often in these, but I'm struggling to find another word that oh-so-perfectly defines this show. However, my little reactionary weebs—that doesn't mean there was nothing about the show that I enjoyed. The coolly distinct atmosphere and lowkey tone of the series was what kept me going for as long as I did, and though I'm not terribly into jazz, I felt like it was a pretty good fit for this series. It gave a lot of scenes an "oddly satisfying" feel. That said, the characters are all annoying as fuck (especially—surprise, surprise—our female leads, Faye and Edward) and I don't give a fuck about any of them. The story isn't very engaging, and I couldn't help but ask myself, "What's the point?" after every "session" (the show's little pretentious way of saying "episode"). That said, it's still probably one of the better shows I've partially trudged through. I think it's rather telling how the best-of-the-best anime always seem to be inspired by Western styles, ideas, or sensibilities. I still don't have the heart to finish it, though. Sorry. 5/10

Your Name (CoMix Wave Films, 2016) You'd think the film's roaring international success in the West would give me high hopes, but I tend to be very cautious whenever I hear that people like something, because I find that most people are very easily impressed. A film that the average person would rate an 8/10, I would probably give that film a 6/10. Not always, but that does tend to be the case. Likewise, whereas most people found Your Name to be beautiful and original, I found it incredibly insipid, predictable, and anything BUT original. This movie is every boy-meets-girl story ever made, but with a silly Freaky Friday premise. OH BOY, MY FAVORITE. Our two subject characters are so cookie-cutter—having relatable characters is absolutely fine, especially in stories like these, but not when they're so fucking drab to the point where you can't NOT relate with them. And while the plot itself didn't really have any glaring issues that I could see, its biggest issue is that it doesn't actually take any risks. The risks it does take are of the safest and most predictable variety. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I genuinely don't understand why so many people are claiming that the twists are "unexpected." I guess you just need to watch more movies, or something, because I was about twenty minutes ahead the entire time. At least one of you was suspecting that I'd rate this film low strictly because of the scene where the boy, in the girl's body, starts feeling her breasts—and don't get me wrong, it was annoying and cringeworthy to watch, and extremely unnecessary. But I don't actually have a huge problem with it, given the circumstances. If a guy and a girl swapped bodies, it's very realistic to assume that the guy would start groping himself. It's still gross to show it in a movie, but the film had far more pressing issues than that. Overall, it's a very dull and unadventurous flick that commits many-a-sin, falling apart especially during the third act. Even the music was sucky and unmemorable. That being said, I'm about to do something I haven't done before, but I'm being absolutely genuine: I'm actually going to recommend this film to pretty much everybody—because, despite my own criticisms, I still expect most of you idiots to eat it up anyway, since most people have. So go ahead, watch it if you haven't already. Knowing how you people are, you'll all love it. I practically guarantee it. 4/10

Yu Yu Hakusho (Pierrot, 1992, six episodes) Perhaps this show invokes the Seinfeld Effect, but this is the most boring anime I've ever seen, and I certainly don't see myself sitting through 100 episodes of it. Indeed, I decided to drop it relatively early upon realizing just how long it was. I was told by many people that I'd like it based solely on the fact that it contains "no fanservice," which, 1.) that's almost always complete and utter bullshit, and 2.) I need WAY more reasons than that to enjoy a show, guys. Like an interesting plot, for starters. I know it's a shonen—and a particularly old one at that—and I know that there's an appeal for things like simplicity and "doing what works," but that's no excuse for the story being so bland. These days, it has nothing to set it apart from modern shonen, and I don't think that's an unfair comparison when it had DBZ to compete with back in its day. It resultantly suffers from its poor aging, and unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing about it that grips me enough to keep watching. 3/10

Trying Baccano! next + a couple more films.

Bots, some of them have links to (probably) porn sites in sig in russian. Also, when I registered, I needed an approval from mod to post, I thought it is protection from bots spamming messages.
this is exactly correct

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: July 24, 2017, 10:30:25 AM »

My friends and I have been playing this on Tabletop Simulator and it's the shit.

The Flood / Re: Do you spit or swallow?
« on: July 24, 2017, 08:50:55 AM »
I'm p bad with drooling.  Like, I drool for no reason a lot, it just falls out
that just completes my perception of you

Gaming / Re: Zelda Megathread (First Breath of the Wild DLC is out)
« on: July 24, 2017, 07:57:26 AM »
have you guys ever gotten all 100 gold spiders? i've never done it
I'm trying. No guides, either.

knowing that there are 100 now instead of the 50 i remembered is discouraging though

I can't really say much to help, I'm afraid.

I want the people I love to be happy, and I recognize that I'm not the center of anyone's universe—not even my own. So to see my loved ones happy makes me happy, too, even if it means that they're not spending time with me. Or even if they want absolutely nothing to do with me. It doesn't really hurt me at all; all that's important to me is that they're happy doing whatever they want to do in their life, seeing who they want to see, and I'm peachy.

I think I'm pretty much entirely unaffected by heartache. Maybe it's a "cuck" mentality, but I'd consider it almost selfish of me to be hurt by someone else's happiness, just because I don't happen to be the one who they're interested in. Not to say you're selfish for feeling otherwise. That's merely something I tell myself, and it works for me. May not work for you.

But as a result, I can't really empathize with what you're feeling right now, so I can't offer any meaningful advice. I'm sorry, though.

Gaming / Re: Fishing minigames
« on: July 23, 2017, 03:08:06 PM »
They're kinda neat I guess. I think if they had more depth half the time, they might be a fun time waster.

Animal Crossing did it best. Filling up that museum is fun and rewarding as hell.

Gaming / Re: Zelda Megathread (First Breath of the Wild DLC is out)
« on: July 23, 2017, 01:45:48 PM »
Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly might be one of my favorite dungeons, despite it not making any sense whatsoever (how are his insides so complex and spacious anyway? Jabu-Jabu is nowhere near that big).

It's just so nasty, and I felt so uneasy and grossed out throughout the entire thing (in a good way).

Now I know what Snake means about Princess Ruto, though. She was such a bitch. Actually having to use her as a button block is a cute idea, but I dislike the implications of it (literally objectifying her). And she still bitches every time you leave her alone, even if you're kind of forced to. That was the worst part.

Still a great dungeon, though. Current favorite in OoT. Barinade was a cool boss.

i mean, i'd say most people are

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: July 23, 2017, 01:09:52 PM »
I like that dude's videos, but he needs to get better background music.
that's a weird complaint, lol
He has like 20 videos already, so the fact that he tends to use the same music starts becoming more and more apparent.

shit, now i feel bad that i've made you aware of it

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: July 23, 2017, 01:05:00 PM »
I like that dude's videos, but he needs to get better background music.

Gaming / Re: mario party
« on: July 23, 2017, 11:14:18 AM »
8 is the only one that lets you pick a Blooper, as far as I know, so that makes it the best.

The Flood / Re: So I was walking down the street...
« on: July 23, 2017, 10:54:55 AM »
But did you drop a sick one liner as you left?
Yeah. I said in a low voice "physical removal".
did you roll a 2 on that d20

any cringier and he would've just been healed by how fucking lame it was, and your back would've been stabbed

The Flood / Re: So I was walking down the street...
« on: July 23, 2017, 10:46:23 AM »
also it's so fucking stupid when this actually happens in movies and shit

killing the offender or preventing them from speaking after offending you removes your ability to torture them by forcing them to apologize or say something nice instead, which would be 10x more satisfying

fucking idiots

The Flood / Re: So I was walking down the street...
« on: July 23, 2017, 10:44:27 AM »
thanks, cringiest thing i've read in awhile

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