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Messages - Verbatim

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Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:04:47 PM »
How are graphical mods ruining art?
Because it's not how the game was originally. That's the basic, fundamental problem I have with mods. They change the game. I don't like that. It just feels dirty as fuck, like someone got their grubby disgusting hands all over the touch screen of my laptop.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:59:43 PM »
If their franchise is going to continue growing they can't. Companies like Bethesda know this which is exactly why they can't slack off. Especially since they have console ports that can't be modified due to the closed nature of those platforms.
Still, on principle, the game should be good out of the gate. If the game sucks, which it does, and is only made better with mods, then the game doesn't deserve to be played. Why don't these modders just make their own games, if they have so many bright ideas?
You're the only one who considers this "ruining art".
Fuck. Guess I can't have my opinion anymore, then.
Even the developers support this kind of stuff.
Yes, people are idiots. I'm well aware.

If I was a developer, I would be insulted if people started modding my games.
It would be a fucking insult.

ive already explained my argument time and time again. please, by all means, keep riding lucas' gangrene infected dick, but im done here.
And you keep riding Mike Stoklasa's.


The Flood / Re: ayy lmao
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:44:54 PM »
how did this ever catch on

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:43:09 PM »
And why shouldn't I fix them if I can?
Because that's going to clue developers in to thinking that, "Hey, we don't have to put in all that much effort for our next game. The community will do it for us!"
Mods keep things fresh so it's quite easy to spend over 300 hours over a period of 5 years on a single game. On my next run of Skyrim I'm going to do a tropical overhaul with flintlock weapons and a piracy mod installed that gives me my own ship, lets me recruit a crew, and lets me set sail to do a bunch of random events that involve things like piracy (duh) and treasure hunting.

This isn't excessive if it's fun.
It's excessive. Not to mention, that absolutely fucks up the lore, which is exactly what I mean when I say that it ruins the artistic integrity of the game.

If ruining art is your thing, what the fuck ever. But it's not mine.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:36:13 PM »

Care to state why?
$50 was just fine.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:35:37 PM »
So you dont like new games
Never said that.
Why is it your life mission to say otherwise? Like I know you can say 'opinion' but the general consensus is that people know how to adapt and modify their gaming experiences. If you sir, like the ways of old and wish to stay that way, then that's fine. But the crusade you're on doesn't really seem worth it.
I really don't give a fuck if you mod games, at the end of the day. I'm still going to call it stupid, because I think it's stupid. I don't think that's really inhibiting your gaming experience any.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:25:36 PM »
But not worth $60.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:22:49 PM »


1. the legend of zelda: wind waker
2. super metroid
3. ratchet & clank: going commando
4. super smash bros. melee
5. street fighter iii: third strike

In a universe occupied by the force and with Sidious being supposedly powerful, of course Anakin didn't see it.

Considering what Anakin was dealing with at the time, how he never seems to think rationally, and whatever power Sidious was exerting on him, of course his judgement is clouded. It's easy to look at it as an outsider retrospectively like you are but you have to put yourself in his shoes.
this guy

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:14:50 PM »
No no no, you don't get to be critical and not give us a proper answer, come on now.

*sips tea*
That is a proper answer. I don't know what the fuck else you're asking. You're asking what video games I play--I play "retro" games, usually. Did you mean to ask which games I play? I don't really care to list a whole ton of them out to you if I don't have a good reason.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:13:07 PM »
Then you really do not pay attention, or your taste in games is very, very pitifully small.
You realize games have only been $60 since the seventh generation, right?

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:07:54 PM »
What video games do you play?

*sips tea*
Older ones.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 09:00:06 PM »
There are games that are worth the $60 I pay up front
I really don't think there are any of those.

First option, of course...

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:48:44 PM »
But you do that.
Not really. It only seems like it because I don't like having gigantic walls of text pointlessly repeated all over the page, so I trim it down to size to make things cleaner/less cluttered. If I don't respond to a specific section of a post, it means I just didn't care to respond to it, for a variety of reasons depending on the post.

Games, especially AAA games like the Elder Scrolls I mentioned, usually cost $60.  Again, it's an example but I guess you can't really catch on.
I don't see how that changes anything I've said.

Don't. Spend. $60. On. Video games.

That's just a little bit silly.
Are you too good for used copies?

the original trilogy was for kids, too, but didnt have these wild narrative inconsistencies. am i not allowed to critique a director for making a few shitty movies?
I literally just said that it's your prerogative. lol

I just don't personally see a point in that, considering that I still find the prequels entertaining.

The Flood / Re: How did you come up with your username?
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:42:05 PM »
Many years ago, when I still played flash games on the Internet, I made an account on Kongregate. This was after I was permabanned from b.old for the first time (simply for bypassing the profanity filter. Thanks, Recon).

I was about to use my usual username ("Jaco"), but I noticed a cool-looking word in the reCAPTCHA verification: "verbatem". I thought that sounded cool, so I went with it. The next day, I discovered that "verbatem" was actually a misspelling of "verbatim", an adjective based in Latin that means "word for word" (ie. He recited the text verbatim).

I have a passion for language arts, and I love to write. One of my favorite things to do is teach myself obscure words, like "desiccate", and just pop them into conversation. I like to use new words every day and build my vocabulary, to make my writing stronger. The word "verbatim" seems to encapsulate that personality trait pretty well.

On top of sounding cool, it starts with "v", which is my favorite letter, and abbreviates easily into "Verb" or "Verby". It just seemed like the perfect username. When I came back to Bungie, that's the username I went with, and that's the name I've been going by ever since.

Caring about Anakin's seduction is, in my opinion, a nitpick, and something that can be overlooked very easily.
its the single most important plot point of the entire series! it should be harshly criticized for being poorly thought-out.
If you want to take a kid's film that seriously, I guess that's your prerogative.

How is the scenery and biology of the people relevant here?
My point is that it makes perfect sense for a sci-fi fairytale universe contrived for children not to make logical sense in our world. Caring about Anakin's seduction is, in my opinion, a nitpick, and something that can be overlooked very easily.

i care because vader was the exact opposite of stupid. thats an inconsistent character. you dont just magically stop being an idiot once you get sith powers.
He's also how old in the original trilogy? Seems like he would have wizened up a little to me.

Unless you're referring to sources outside of the movies, in which case, I couldn't give the most miserable fuck.

anakin is literally the dumbest character in star wars.
And who cares if he is? I still don't think that takes away from his character at all. Lots of people are stupid. If he was smart, there wouldn't be a fucking movie, would there?

So, you're saying that if you were in the position you wouldn't find it at all incredibly odd or suspicious that the Supreme Chancellor starts telling you some ancient Sith mythology that's relevant to a problem you're dealing with when you just came by to watch the opera with him?
I'm saying I don't know what the fuck I'd do, or how the fuck I'd react. I'm also in a universe filled with weird fucking aliens and laser swords and shit. A universe where the "good" and "evil" are bluntly defined, and there is little to no ambivalence whatsoever. So I wouldn't exactly be living in a rational universe to begin with.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:54:18 PM »
Oh my God you're actually serious.
RTS games suck.

Thank you for conveniently ignoring the rest of the post, too.

Anakin wasn't even slowly pulled to the Dark Side
>Episode II

Yes, he was.

i care. i care about character development and narrative consistency. the prequels do not give me those things.
They gave me those things. Sorry they didn't for you.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:49:45 PM »
You can like something and still recognize that it has faults and problems that can either be fixed or improved.
And it should be the developers' job to fix them. Not ours.
I would not be able to get this same mileage out of vanilla Skyrim.
You probably shouldn't.

300 hours of one game? I'm not saying I haven't done that before, but that's still excessive.

Gaming / Re: The purpose of mods
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:46:35 PM »
When you do your usual pissing and moaning about RTS games (they require thought to play, I know, that's a challenge for some people)
Except I love games that require thought?

No, RTS games require patience. And nothing else.
Maybe I like playing games that don't last a fucking year, and aren't boring as all fuck to play.
and then say that someone should pay out another $60 for a new game when they can just spice up game play for something they already own for free?
Nobody is telling you to pay $60 for a game. I haven't paid $60 for a game since 2006.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:40:46 PM »
First off, I honestly don't feel that life is imposed on me.
I mean, it is, just by definition.
Perhaps yes, my initial conception wasn't formed of my own volition, but that occurred before I had a will of my own.
Well, then I'd just make the argument that your will was imposed upon you. If sentience wasn't a thing, procreation wouldn't really be a problem, in my opinion.
But now that I am capable of rational thought, I have opted to continue my existence. If I truly had no wish to continue living, I could literally walk down stairs, take a knife from the kitchen, go back upstairs and draw the knife vertically down my wrists and be dead long before anyone would even know about it. Secondly, if it's good enough for me, why question it?
Because the universe doesn't revolve around you.

I mean, that's literally the answer to that question. You like your life? You're okay with existing? Fine.
That doesn't give you the right to impose it on others, though.
What need is there for a grand purpose? If you enjoy life, live it, if you don't, you're free to off yourself, for the most part.
No, you're not. Euthanasia is illegal in most countries. Maybe I want to make sure my death is

1. painless
2. peaceful
3. quiet
4. organized
5. humane
6. successful

etc. etc. etc.

Maybe driving a kitchen knife down my wrist doesn't seem like a very pleasant way to go.

And either way, it doesn't solve the problem of procreation. Suicide does not undo your birth, which is the root of the problem. Instead of having people painfully commit suicide if they don't want to be here, why not make the rational decision to not impose life on people in the first place?

Oh, and give us the legal precedent to administer euthanasia. That too.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 22, 2015, 07:32:41 PM »
I'm not ignoring the rest of your post. I just feel like it's predicated mostly under the notion that anti-natalism is a defeatist philosophy, and that's what I'm arguing against right now.

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