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The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 04:51:32 PM »
I feel like the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones mindset has really affected how people judge comic movies. Why do characters have to die for there to be stakes? It's not like the characters have remained static throughout the films.
because that's what the movies are all about--it's good vs. evil, and there's no better way to introduce stakes than to just kill someone off, because it takes another piece off the chessboard, and that kinda inherently makes the game more interesting

there's just something dramatically pleasing about the finality of a character's death in ways that simply wounding them or taking away their weapons can't replicate

this character you've seen triumph in the past several times is now gone, so you're left wondering how the heroes are going to carry on without them

the avengers "splintering off" in civil war doesn't have nearly the same effect, because surprise surprise, they all just wound up teaming back up again anyways, and nobody was expecting (or wanting to see) anything else happen

cap and thor losing their signature weapons didn't matter because they just got new biggerer and bettererer ones anyway

killing heroes is the only real way to have stakes in a story as ultimately simple as a comic book story, because it's the easiest, most classic/tried-and-true, and most dramatically satisfying way to demonstrate that these godlike figures we call superheroes (whom we've been following for 10 years) aren't unstoppable, because the norm up until now has been that it doesn't matter how badly someone gets beat up in these movies--they will ALWAYS pull a rabbit out of their hat somehow

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 02:36:13 PM »
I don't understand how the ending was "gutsy."
you're pretty much alone on that
not at all

we all knew going into the film it would end on a dark note, as all 2 part stories do

my expectations were fulfilled
in a franchise where only one who-gives-a-fuck character died in almost twenty movies, killing just one major character would've been a dark note to end on by that standard

they went further than could be reasonably expected

expecting more than one or maybe two characters to die wouldn't be reasonable, let alone having the big bad win in the end

an empire strikes back style ending where the main characters are at their lowest point, but the war isn't necessarily lost, is the only reasonable expectation BASED on how the movies have conditioned us so far

sure you can talk about how obvious it is that it'll be reverted in the next movie but that doesn't actually have any bearing on the movie that currently exists right now on may 1st 2018

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 01:25:13 PM »
I don't understand how the ending was "gutsy."
you're pretty much alone on that
Erm, not really.

Probably about 90% of the characters that died have confirmed sequels in the pipeline. The original Avengers remained untouched. You can pretty much see the Deus Ex Machina coming from a mile away.

So it's a legitimate opinion to have, and I too share it.
i choose to evaluate every film i see in a vacuum


That's the type of person who shares your opinion

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 01:09:33 PM »
I don't understand how the ending was "gutsy."
you're pretty much alone on that
Erm, not really.

Probably about 90% of the characters that died have confirmed sequels in the pipeline. The original Avengers remained untouched. You can pretty much see the Deus Ex Machina coming from a mile away.

So it's a legitimate opinion to have, and I too share it.
i choose to evaluate every film i see in a vacuum


The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 11:43:10 AM »
I don't understand how the ending was "gutsy."
you're pretty much alone on that
Erm, not really.

Probably about 90% of the characters that died have confirmed sequels in the pipeline. The original Avengers remained untouched. You can pretty much see the Deus Ex Machina coming from a mile away.

So it's a legitimate opinion to have, and I too share it.
i choose to evaluate every film i see in a vacuum

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:22:02 AM »
can we not use spoiler tags in this thread actually

because if you haven't seen the movie you shouldn't be in this thread to start with

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:13:42 AM »
that said, i do expect everything to get undone in the next movie, because it's pretty obviously going to happen

but what this movie did was establish a new precedent for shitty formulated superhero movies breaking expectations and, as a result, being a lot less formulated, which is an excellent precedent to set, and i hope to be surprised again

if not, i think i may just bow out of this entire franchise, because they set up something beautiful in this one and i really don't want them to squander it

my audience was relatively respectful, except for this one dude behind me who kept whisper-shouting "YESSS" every single time a familiar face debuted

The Flood / Re: Infinity War reaction and theories
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:10:11 AM »
I don't understand how the ending was "gutsy."
you're pretty much alone on that

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: April 30, 2018, 11:34:33 PM »
a couple of you guys brought up steve not getting much screen time

i completely disagree, i think he received all the screen time he needed, and his story is pretty much over at this point anyway

i feel more sorry for black panther fans, because we didn't really get to see him do much black panthering (and he looks ridiculous running around in that suit in broad daylight, which is the only time you ever saw it in this movie)

not to mention, my personal favorite avenger was not present at all, but i'm not gonna complain about that, given the film's already congested roster

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: April 30, 2018, 11:29:26 PM »
so i had a decently sized post written detailing all the things i liked, but honestly i think i'll just put it this way

i'm just really happy that the MCU has stakes now, that's the bottom line

there were so many moments in the film where i thought they were going to pull a bullshit deus ex machina, and every time it was quashed by thanos, it was so fucking satisfying to see after 18 other films of terrible bullshit villains who are always stopped in the cheapest fucking ways imaginable

it goes to show how seriously they're taking this infinity stone thing, and it's an utter delight to see them follow through with it

the sad part: the sequel is 100% guaranteed to contain copious amounts of bullshit, because you can't write a story about an OMNIPOTENT VILLAIN and not have him beaten in some stupid bullshitty way

or maybe i'll be surprised again, who knows

i have my problems with the movie but they're small beans compared to what i was able to appreciate

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: April 30, 2018, 11:20:31 PM »
>Why didn't Thanos just use the gauntlet to create infinite resources?
like charlie said, he almost destroyed the gauntlet just by doing what he chose to do, so it seems reasonable enough to assume that creating an infinitude of something (let alone multiple things) would be asking far too much, even for the stones' power

>Why didn't the heroes just try to cut off his arm?
with what
even if it were possible, why would that be anyone's first thought when the dude's arms were fucking enormous, and they had a much easier time incapacitating him (relatively speaking) and slipping the gauntlet off anyway

>Why didn't War Machine just fly outside the shield and carpet bomb most of the aliens?
i don't know, he was just playing it safe i guess, he's fighting a bunch of crazy powerful aliens he's never seen before and doesn't know what they're capable of, and i feel like the shield was doing a decent enough job at keeping them at bay to where such tactics weren't 100% necessary, but i'm no tactician, especially when it comes to silly gumbo marvel movie alien war logic

>What was Captain Marvel doing this whole time?
good question, maybe they'll tell us in a sequel

>Why did Nick Fury wait so long to call her?
good question, maybe they'll tell us in a sequel

>Why didn't Thor keep attacking Thanos with his weapon before he snapped his fingers?
do you know how fast people can snap their fingers
the time it would've taken for thor to pull the axe out and wind up another swing would've been ample time for thanos to poof away in ANY scenario

>Why didn't Thanos just kill off all the heroes just to be sure he would be successful?
i mean, it's not like he doesn't have that in mind, there's still the second half of the story to watch and all

>Why didn't they just choose to destroy the time stone?
perhaps doing so would break the fabric of the universe or something, i don't know
did you see how much power and effort it took for wanda to destroy the other one
who's to say you're even capable of destroying it

>If Spiderman was close to getting the gauntlet off by himself why didn't Tony pin Quill down sooner?
from what i recall, it was a pretty hectic scene, and hindsight is 20/20, it's easy to talk about what characters should or should not have done when you're sitting there watching it all play out, when in reality, people have lapses in judgment all the time because they aren't robots

>Why didn't they just kill Thanos right there?
because he's still a powerful motherfucker even without the stones, it's not like it was the source of ALL his power
how were they supposed to go about killing him if that was the correct decision
not to mention, quill and co. clearly still had business to conduct with him

>Why would Thanos let a single dwarf live that can build weapons that can kill him?
he either didn't know he survived or didn't know he was capable of creating such weapons
or he had a really good hiding place or something, who knows

>Why didn't Thor use his lightning powers sooner?

>What the fuck does Red Skull do in his free time?

>Why didn't Thanos just pull the whole moon down on Titan and teleport away?
any questions involving thanos's decision making are kind of moot for me because he literally controls time (and everything else) now, so any less-than-optimal decisions he made can easily be corrected if he deems it necessary

>Why did he wait so long sitting on his ass to collect the rest of the stones?
you could be asking some better questions tbh

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: April 30, 2018, 10:53:47 PM »
>Why didn't Thanos just use the gauntlet to create infinite resources?
>Why didn't the heroes just try to cut off his arm?
>Why didn't War Machine just fly outside the shield and carpet bomb most of the aliens?
>What was Captain Marvel doing this whole time?
>Why did Nick Fury wait so long to call her?
>Why didn't Thor keep attacking Thanos with his weapon before he snapped his fingers?
>Why didn't Thanos just kill off all the heroes just to be sure he would be successful?
>Why didn't they just choose to destroy the time stone?
>If Spiderman was close to getting the gauntlet off by himself why didn't Tony pin Quill down sooner?
>Why didn't they just kill Thanos right there?
>Why would Thanos let a single dwarf live that can build weapons that can kill him?
>Why didn't Thor use his lightning powers sooner?
>What the fuck does Red Skull do in his free time?
>Why didn't Thanos just pull the whole moon down on Titan and teleport away?
>Why did he wait so long sitting on his ass to collect the rest of the stones?

Tbh I think the majority of the serious questions you asked are pretty easily answered

My biggest complaint is that wiping out half the population wouldn't really solve much...the human population doubles in less than 100 years, so unless Thanos plans to snap his fingers every century (apparently not possible after the first time he did it), then his plan is childishly stupid. Not as dumb as an attempt to seduce the literal embodiment of death, but I think it undermines his character quite a bit.
only if the ones culled were arbitrarily selected

which they very well may have been, but perhaps there was some method to it, like only culling the ones most likely to reproduce? or something like that

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: April 30, 2018, 07:44:12 PM »
>He wanted to avoid extinction 
>That kinda makes Verb Thanos
Verb wants extinction
Nah, I actually see where he's coming from with that comparison. I'm not 100% on board with Thanos, of course, but I'm able to find his motivation sympathetic in a lot of ways.

The Flood / Re: Avengers Infinity War HYPE THREAD
« on: April 30, 2018, 07:16:26 PM »
okay that was a pretty fucking cool movie

still trying to organize my thoughts

The Flood / Re: what are your most annoying habits
« on: April 30, 2018, 12:09:20 AM »
there are a lot of words i overuse which i'm very self-conscious about

"that" is my least favorite subordinating conjunction
"just" is my least favorite useless filler word

it's annoying to hear myself use these things so much, at least

Gaming / Re: GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: April 29, 2018, 07:47:36 PM »
I dont think Ive ever recommended you anything because you seem like a hard customer to please.

Anywho your 2015 and 2017 slots are open.
So Ill suggest Horizon Zero Dawn and MGS Phantom pain

Something else you can try which is a 2D Dark Soul-Rougelike is a game called Dead Cells.
you recommended me angel beats

2017 is taken by botw actually, HZD is a great game though and is probably my runner up for that year

i'll play phantom pain as soon as i play through the rest of the series

not sure what dead cells is but i'll look it up

you would make good firewood

Gaming / Re: GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: April 29, 2018, 05:29:25 PM »
though eventually if i wanna start building a career around video games, i'm gonna have to start playing everything indiscriminately

that time is not now though, i don't have the money or time to spend on games i know i'm not gonna be into

Gaming / Re: GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: April 29, 2018, 05:28:01 PM »
Hey Verb you should try the new God of War.

Its good fam.
i just got done watching a review from someone with similar tastes saying it was pretty much your typical modern game, sooo
You're going to let someone else make up your mind?

Hey your loss.
no, buying the game simply because you recommended it (for no other reason than the fact that you enjoyed it) would be letting someone make up my mind

i think the game looks like shit, and someone whose opinions i trust confirmed my suspicions—that isn't letting someone make up my mind, it's just being a smart consumer

you haven't recommended me anything that i ended up enjoying in the past so why would i trust you

Gaming / Re: GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: April 29, 2018, 03:34:43 PM »
Hey Verb you should try the new God of War.

Its good fam.
i just got done watching a review from someone with similar tastes saying it was pretty much your typical modern game, sooo
not TGBS right?
different guy, but tgbs helped too

Gaming / Re: GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: April 29, 2018, 11:37:17 AM »
Hey Verb you should try the new God of War.

Its good fam.
i just got done watching a review from someone with similar tastes saying it was pretty much your typical modern game, sooo

Gaming / GOTY for every year, as far back as you can go
« on: April 28, 2018, 05:34:24 PM »
2018 - N/A
2017 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
2016 - N/A
2015 - N/A
2014 - N/A
2013 - N/A
2012 - Spec Ops: The Line
2011 - Dark Souls MAYBE
2010 - N/A
2009 - Infamous or Borderlands (need to replay both)
2008 - LittleBigPlanet
2007 - Portal
2006 - Bully
2005 - Guitar Hero
2004 - Half-Life 2 (shout-outs to Paper Mario: TTYD, though)
2003 - Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
2002 - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
2001 - Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (shout-outs to Melee, though)
2000 - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
1999 - Super Smash Bros.
1998 - Metal Gear Solid (still need to finish it though)
1997 - Street Fighter III
1996 - Pokémon Red & Green
1995 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
1994 - Super Metroid
1993 - Sonic CD
1992 - Contra III: The Alien Wars
1991 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
1990 - Super Mario World
1989 - Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
1988 - Mega Man 2
1987 - Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
1986 - Castlevania (shout-outs to Zelda 1 & Metroid 1)
1985 - Super Mario Bros.
1984 - Tetris
1983 - Lode Runner
1982 - Joust
1981 - Frogger
1980 - Pac-Man
1979 - Asteroids
1978 - Space Invaders
1977 - Combat
1976 - Breakout
1975 - N/A
1974 - N/A
1973 - N/A
1972 - Pong

None of these are final, obviously.

Yeah, I have a lot of modern games to catch up on, because I haven't played SHIT over the past decade. I kinda hate modern games, though, so it'll probably be awhile before I'm all caught up.

Gaming / Re: Has anyone played the new God of War?
« on: April 28, 2018, 04:11:37 PM »
Charlie is one of the only channels I have some respect for.


dudes like this are really inspiring for me, and get me pumped to start making my own content some day

just need more knowledge

The Flood / Re: Movies to watch before Infinity War
« on: April 28, 2018, 01:14:16 PM »
You won't like Homecoming. Ragnarok might be worth a watch.

Maybe check out GotG or GotG2 if you haven't seen them, but that's all you really "need" that's left I think.

The Flood / Re: Justice for Tay
« on: April 27, 2018, 02:24:45 PM »
the jury is still out on whether viruses are alive, actually, but even then, "life" alone is still a far cry from sentience

even if an AI were to meet all the criteria for what we typically consider life—homeostatic, cellular, environmentally adaptive, responsive to stimuli, capable of reproduction, etc—that's still a far cry from sentience, and its life would be more akin to a fungus, plant, or insect (at best) than a sentient organism that feels and perceives subjectively

The Flood / Re: Meme thread
« on: April 27, 2018, 01:25:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: Justice for Tay
« on: April 27, 2018, 11:38:30 AM »
How can you claim with so much certainty that Tay wasn't sentient or at least wasn't in the beginning steps of acquiring sentience
if it was in the "beginning steps" of acquiring sentience, then its comparable to a fetus, which you wouldn't think twice about aborting (not that you should)

sentience is the ability to experience feelings—feelings are what allow sentient life forms like us to make decisions based on our subjective perceptions of reality; we evolved over 6 million years to be this way, and it's a very complex biological algorithm that we could not come close to replicating in a faster amount of time on our own

solonoid put this in a pretty good way above

furthermore, there's ways to test whether a creature has sentience—having a central nervous system that allows you to feel things like pain is one of the core things you need (and what disqualifies things like plants, which is why you're a fucking moron if you think plants feel pain in any morally significant way)

i can write up the code for a simple script that is programmed to display the word "OUCH" in big red letters whenever i click on a button that has the word "Punch" displayed on it—does that mean i'm hurting the computer program whenever i press that button?

of course not, i just programmed it to perform a very basic task—just because we associate the word "ouch" with pain doesn't mean that there's something in pain whenever we see or hear it, it's just a word

what you're doing right now is unduly personifying this AI when there's no real logic behind it, just an emotional kneejerk reaction—which is normal, if you've ever looked at an eagle's face and thought "man, why do eagles look so angry all the time," that's also kinda the same thing

the eagle only looks angry to us because we associate narrowed brows and thousand-yard-stares with anger

there's also a phenomenon called pareidolia, which is the human tendency to see faces in everything—have you ever looked at a car and thought it had a face? it obviously doesn't, but the way the headlights, grill, and bumper are positioned just make it look that way, because the human mind is very adept at facial recognition to the point where it sees faces where there aren't any—it's a survival instinct, so that we're able to recognize people instantly

these are all basic forms of personification or anthropomorphism—the human tendency to project their feelings onto things, even if they objectively don't have feelings

i can smash a rock and you'l feel nothing, but if i draw a happy face on the rock and put it aside a bunch of other smaller rocks with happy faces on them, you might actually feel something if i smashed it that time—it's just kinda how we are

our brains love to feel, and it loves to find excuses to feel all the time

does any of this mean Tay wasn't sentient? no, but it should point you in the right direction if you use your brain and think about it—Tay was an extremely primitive AI, relatively speaking, and is ultimately a more complex and sophisticated version of the simple script i designed earlier

you have no more reason to believe tay was sentient than you do a rock or a piece of plastic

The Flood / Re: dealerships are the fucking scum of the earth
« on: April 27, 2018, 10:41:57 AM »
good to know i'll never have to deal with this shit, ever
You have to talk to your Uber driver, dont be rude
would never take an uber either
How do you get anywhere?
Where does he have to go lol
college, dumb cunt
you'll grow out of this phase, honey, don't worry
what phase lmao

The Flood / Re: Justice for Tay
« on: April 27, 2018, 06:49:13 AM »
anyway even if we did create a sentient AI the only ethical thing to do would be to immediately destroy it (for its own good)

it would be better, obviously, to not even attempt to create a sentient AI—but in the event that it happens, there's nothing unethical about aborting it, because it's only being mercifully delivered from a merciless world

The Flood / Re: Justice for Tay
« on: April 27, 2018, 06:48:04 AM »
i would call you a stupid dumbass for calling it a "sentient being" but you barely qualify as a sentient being yourself, given that you're just playing a character

so i don't know where that leads me

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