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The Flood / Re: Been a while since we had one of these.
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:01:02 PM »
got to question 66 and scrolled up to realize i was only a little over halfway there

fuck this tbh

I'mma be real with you chief, I just now learned what all that was about. Been playing this game for years and never picked up on this storyline.
that's funny

you never wondered why the pardoner let you know he was "drenched in sin"?
Nah, always knew he was a dick cause he rode out when they needed him, just never knew the end to her quest line. Always figured she just fucked off after you save her.
She's goes hollow in the duke's archives prison if you manage to save her from Petrus.
lmao wtf

so she's just fucked no matter what you do

Gaming / Re: skyrim is a bad game ang BGS is a bad game developer
« on: July 18, 2018, 10:05:39 AM »
it's a 5/10, the most middling game possible

The Flood / Re: hi its me
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:40:21 AM »
whoa wait when did verb become a weeb
wait he dislikes coybow bebop what a cool dude me too
wait he likes SEL wg=hat a fucking loser
you should be the show's biggest fan

I get it because it's a bunch of nonsense that effectively adds up to nothing but at least it's aesthetic
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Serial Experiments Lain. The message of the show is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of S.T.E.M and technological progress in 1998 most of the messages will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Lain's double personality outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy presicely represents concept of persona and shadow from Friedrich Nietzsche literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the message show delivers, to realize that they're not just are mere predictions about modern technology progress- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Serial Experiments Lain truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the fat guy with glasses, which itself is a cryptic prediction about anonymity on the today's internet. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Serial Experiments Lain poster. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
haha well memed my friend you are like a meme god
to be fair, admitting that you don't like something because you don't understand it is basically asking to be called stupid

'cause you are

a pleasure is when you enjoy something that you'd also defend

a guilty pleasure is when you enjoy something that you wouldn't

The Flood / Re: hi its me
« on: July 18, 2018, 08:44:13 AM »
whoa wait when did verb become a weeb
wait he dislikes coybow bebop what a cool dude me too
wait he likes SEL wg=hat a fucking loser
you should be the show's biggest fan

What on earth are you guys talking about
remember that group of clerics that goes into the catacombs, but they all go hollow

petrus stays back the whole time being all creepy and foreboding, and after you rescue the girl, apparently you can find her at the altar where you fight the gargoyles in the undead parish, selling you miracles you can't get anywhere else

if you don't kill petrus after clearing the tomb of the giants, though, he kills her like lautrec kills the firekeeper and acts innocent the next time you speak to him—the only thing you'll find in her place is 7 humanities and a pendant

i don't know why he does it, but that's what happens—and you can tell, because he drops the girl's talisman and shit if you kill him after the fact

I'mma be real with you chief, I just now learned what all that was about. Been playing this game for years and never picked up on this storyline.
that's funny

you never wondered why the pardoner let you know he was "drenched in sin"?

You absolute fucking melt
in my defense, i obviously haven't been to that altar lately, so i never even knew she was there

anyway, i decided it was time for petrus to die—didn't solve anything, but he deserved it

i knew there was something fucky about him, even the pardoner warns you, i just never expected what he was about to do

You technically didn't find it on your own but I'll let it slide, if you actually ran around on the fucking rooftop to go chill with birdo than good on ya.

it was 100% on my own, nobody told me anything except turkey, and he didn't even really tell me anything, and i never asked for his non-hint anyway

Serious / Re: Andrew Yang 2020
« on: July 16, 2018, 03:16:23 PM »
UBI is probably the best idea anyone has ever thought of (not that it's new or anything), but I think basing your entire campaign around it is very dangerous, because (for whatever reason) a lot of people seem highly opposed to the idea. That alone is why I don't see him getting nominated. But right now, I don't think anything needs to happen more.

Serious / Andrew Yang 2020
« on: July 16, 2018, 03:12:06 PM »


Give me reasons not to get my hopes up for this guy.

The Flood / Re: What Are Some Cool Animals We Should Domesticate
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:32:13 AM »

The Flood / Re: What Are Some Cool Animals We Should Domesticate
« on: July 16, 2018, 11:31:30 AM »

Oh, during all of that stuff, I naturally decided to upgrade all my shit as much as I reasonably could, revisiting every blacksmith to do so—I won't be grinding for Chunks or Slabs, though.

There was something I noticed when revisiting the Undead Parish, though, that I thought was pretty cool—a new item appeared in the same spot on the altar where I found (and dimwittedly consumed) my first Firekeeper Soul. It was a bunch of Humanity, maybe 5 or 7, bunched up with a regular Pendant—the same Pendant that has no effect that you can take as your starting gift. I just found it here.

I don't know why, but I thought it was amusing.

Oh, during all of that stuff, I naturally decided to upgrade all my shit as much as I reasonably could, revisiting every blacksmith to do so—I won't be grinding for Chunks or Slabs, though.

There was something I noticed when revisiting the Undead Parish, though, that I thought was pretty cool—a new item appeared in the same spot on the altar where I found (and dimwittedly consumed) my first Firekeeper Soul. It was a bunch of Humanity, maybe 5 or 7, bunched up with a regular Pendant—the same Pendant that has no effect that you can take as your starting gift. I just found it here.

I don't know why, but I thought it was amusing.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread - Update #29.0: Bed Witch
« on: July 16, 2018, 03:50:19 AM »

<- Previous update: Bed Witch

- Killed the Bed of Chaos
- Collected the last Lord Soul
- Opened up the Kiln of the First Flame

Current missions:
- Explore the Great Hollow
- Find the Painted World
- Beat the game

The Great Hollow + Ash Lake

Knowing there's still much for me to do, I cut my excursion into the Kiln of the First Flame short for some endgame errand running. There's a couple of areas I still need to explore—including the Great Hollow—plus a couple of unchecked areas on my list: Ash Lake and the Painted World.

The last time I explored the Great Hollow was in Update #17, just over two years ago. I did not have the best of experiences there, so I never bothered to unearth whatever it was hiding from me—so I supposed it was high time for me to get it over with.

On the way back, I met Seigmeyer in the Poison Swamp, who gave me a Piercing Shield in exchange for some purple moss. He's the only meme character I feel any sort of attachment towards, so I'm glad he's still okay.

Once I made it to the Hollow, I was instantly reminded of why I wasn't a big fan of this place—falling down a series of branches with awful, awful collision detection and horrible invisible wall placement. It has a neat atmosphere, I guess, and those creepy basilisk things are definitely fun enemies (so long as you don't let them curse you), but navigating this place is an absolute nightmare.

Eventually, I made it back to those little mushroom fucks that make cute loon noises when you kill them—as well as the big mushroom fucks that bullied the shit out of me two years ago. I'm a lot stronger now, though, and they move just slow enough for me to make perfect use of my Chaos Fire Whip. They still pack a wallop if I get careless, though.

These guys were the reason I decided to put this place off—but, as it turns out, I had absolutely no reason to even fight them to begin with, because the next room brings me to a brand new area: Ash Lake, and there's a bonfire waiting for me just behind the busted log I emerged from. Looking around me, this is a pretty beautiful place—in fact, it's the same beautiful place I was admiring just before the Gravelord Nito fight, the place Chronic was telling me about.

Further out, I see an enormous yet familiar creature—a hydra, just like the one I fought in Darkroot Basin. I wonder if this one is stronger? Whether or not it was, I never found out, because I was able to slay it pretty easily regardless. I was half-considering posting a video for this thing, just like I did for the first one, but I honestly don't even think it's necessary at this point.

I didn't anything interesting from fighting it, either. Here and there, I was able to pick up random Dragon Scales, materials for upgrading weapons I'll never use.

Curiously, unlike most areas in the game, there was actually music playing. Pretty good music, too—the kind that makes me excited to see what's coming up next. Tension built as I followed the long, winding path of ash to wherever it would lead me. Scant few enemies were strewn about the map—easy-as-fuck clams that were a great source of Twinkling, and a (relatively) small hollow with a big mushroom and a couple basilisks, nothing too crazy or difficult.

The path eventually lead me to a dark, forested area—in the distance, I saw a bonfire, and a large, foreboding figure—as I approached it, I wasn't sure what to think of it. It couldn't be a boss, so what the hell is this?

After approaching the figure, I discovered it was an everlasting dragon, only he's WAY smaller than he should be. I have a weapon called a Dragon Tooth—a literal tooth from an everlasting dragon—and it's bigger than my fucking body. So why is fucking Charizard over here so small?

In any case, upon interacting with him, I was met with only ONE menu option:

"Join covenant."


I came all this way, after ALL that build-up—I even put this entire area off for two full years—JUST to have the option to join some crummy-ass covenant. Please fuck my nose with a fucking snowmobile.

As you could imagine, I have absolutely no desire to abandon my favorite covenant to join some other random one that I'm not even given any details about. He doesn't even say anything to me, he just sits there. I almost attacked him, and I still kinda want to.

For the next thirty minutes, I desperately scoured the rest of Ash Lake for fucking anything of value that I could take with me, and the most valuable thing I found was a magic spell that I'll never be able to use, and wouldn't want to anyway. Ultimately, there's fuck all to do here. This entire diversion has been a complete waste of time.

The three things I've been secretly searching for for the longest time—the Armor of Thorns, the ninja flip ring, and, of course, the Peculiar Doll—I've visited every single one of the game's locations at this point, and I still haven't found any of those things.

Return to the Undead Asylum

I gathered my first couple leads about the Painted World in Update #19, where I saw the Peculiar Doll's description on a loading screen for the first time, identified it as the object I need to pass through the mysterious painting in Anor Londo, and determined that would bring me to this "Painted World" I've heard whispers about so often.

Turkey then gave me a hint as to where this doll would be, but promised it would be small enough that I wouldn't be able to suss out its exact location. In the end, that wound up being only half-true—his hint, paraphrased, is that I would need to revisit an area I haven't visited in a long time.

Obviously, he's implying that I can go back to the first area of the game, the Undead Asylum.

Technically, I still don't know how that works. The one who brought me away from the Asylum in the first place was the giant crow, who's always been perched there, but every time I try to interact with it in any way, it doesn't respond to me at all. I've contemplated attacking it a couple times, but something tells me that wouldn't get me anywhere either. I've tried all sorts of different and silly things—I even tried using the Beckon motion—but nothing ever worked.

And then I looked up.

There it was. I noticed a very large nest sitting up near the top of the shrine, one that obviously belonged to the crow, and looking further around it, there were distinct points in the shrine that made it distinct to me that I should be able to reach the nest. Either something important must be inside of it that allows me to interact with the bird, or I have to fuck with it somehow in order to get her to fly me back to the Asylum again. Either way, I was gonna find out.

I figured the easiest way to climb up the shrine would be to use the Undead Parish elevator—I always noticed the platforms you could jump to while ascending, but never bothered to actually see what would happen if I did. In doing so, I found myself climbing in places I didn't know were possible to climb before, and collecting items I never could've seen before. It's a weird feeling, knowing I always had the ability to do so.

One item I picked up was a key for the Undead Asylum, which confirmed in my mind that I was on the right track.

I eventually climbed my way up to the crow's nest, found two eggs, and nothing else. The game only gives me the option to curl up into a ball and pretend I'm an egg, too. Doing so does absolutely nothing, so I figured I had to stay put for a few seconds, kinda like the secret coffin passage in the Catacombs.

That did the trick.

From here, I'll cut to the chase—I killed the Stray Demon on my first try, and found the Peculiar Doll shortly thereafter.

Because the Stray caught me by surprise, the first 10-15 seconds of the fight were cut off. In essence, it's just a rehash of the Demon Firesage fight, which in itself was a rehash of the Asylum Demon fight. As such, I'm not going to bother recording commentary for this one, because I have absolutely nothing more to say about these things. I've fought so many of them at this point, it's a good thing I didn't die against him, because then, I'd pretty much have to rescind my Dark Souls license forever, because it's basically just a regular enemy now.

Don't feel like you have to watch this, or anything—I'm only posting it as a formality at this point.


The Painted World of Ariamis

First and foremost, I just wanted to say SUCK MY DICK to whoever said I would never find this place on my own.

Second... Guys, you're killing me. This area was pretty goddamn underwhelming, too.

I mean, it definitely wasn't as much of a waste of time as Ash Lake was—but once again, I've found myself in an area where there's not really a whole lot for me to do. I found some cool pyromancies, but I can only be so excited about that, given that this is the endgame, and all my opportunities to use them have already expired at this point. In particular, Fire Surge is almost exactly what I wanted Chaos Fire Whip to be, and it even only takes up one attunement slot. The other one is a spell that corrodes weapons, which is neat and all, but again, I have no use for it at this point.

The rest of the area is a pretty barren, snowy-ass place filled to the brim with pathetically weak hollows, some of which have giant, creepy, and gross heads that spew HIV when you stab them. Most of the items you collect will be souls—boring consumable souls that I just don't need anymore. I'm getting the impression that this area would've been a lot cooler to find WAY earlier in the game, and not the very last one. But, you know, oh well, I guess?

I was just expecting something REALLY special, because... I don't know. The way people talk about this area, like it's this super cool place, made me think it was different from the rest of the game, or that it was special. But it's not, really. It's just another area, and a particularly boring and unmemorable one at that.

There's a big poison dragon thing, like the one I fought before in the Valley of Drakes, but I decided to just cheese with arrows, because fuck it. He only gives you a Dragon Scale anyway, so who gives a fuck. Down the bridge he was guarding, I found an equally large beast-looking creature—I don't know if it's another poison dragon, or what, but it wasn't moving and it wasn't acting hostile towards me, so I didn't really want to just attack it. I gave it one stab, just to see what it would do, because it's blocking my path, and I didn't know what else to do. I don't even know what this thing IS. I can't tell where it begins and ends. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen, but after awhile, I just left it alone.

Later, I had to go down to the sewers. With my trusty Hidden Body spell, those bonewheel cunts weren't able to detect me at all (and neither could anything else, for that matter), so I was able to clear that section of the area pretty well. I imagine this spot gave a lot of people all kinds of trouble, but fortunately, my willingness to use weird spells and shi paid off for me once again.

The switch I activated down there caused a statue above ground to turn a new direction—now, it's facing a door that was previously locked, opening it and revealing a fog gate. I guess it's boss time?

The individual described on the Peculiar Doll's lore piece is who I gathered to be Crossbreed Priscilla, the only name left on my hitlist that isn't Gwyn or Gwyndolin. She's the one I'll be meeting after I cross that gate.

And, lo and behold—there she was. Upon seeing her, I couldn't help but notice that nohealth bar appeared, as would be typical for a boss—nonetheless, I raised my shield and walked up to her as slowly as possible, before I could confirm that she was, indeed, not hostile, and was willing to speak with me.

Now, if you understand why I refuse to fight Gwyndolin—or hell, if you know how I play video games at all—then it probably doesn't surprise you, that I never actually wound up fighting Priscilla, either.

Basically, she's not evil or anything. She simply tells you that you shouldn't be there, and politely asks you to leave.

So, uh, I did. I spoke to her twice before jumping off the plank home—no more than that, though, because I was scared of triggering the boss fight which I couldn't bring myself to commence.

I mean, maybe I just made the Painted World completely pointless for myself. But look, man—if a boss is going to be that nice to me, it doesn't exactly inspire me to just go and kill them, you know what I mean? She didn't do anything to me, so I feel like I have literally no reason to fight her. It just wouldn't feel right.

What exactly is her deal, anyway? You can answer that, I certainly don't mind. Who knows, maybe I should fight her.

My only idea is this—I found an Egg Vermifuge while exploring. That makes me think it could be possible to get infected by those big-headed poisonous hollows, and then Priscilla is there to cure you, or something. She starts off by saying that I'm not "one of them"—one of them meaning "crossbreed," I assume. So, if you're in no need of her services, she just sends you on your way. That's all I can really imagine.

Anyway—this has probably been the most boring fucking update ever. But don't worry, there's only one more after this. Then I'm officially done.

No, seriously. It's almost time. I can't really believe it either.
Asylum Demon
Bed of Chaos
Bell Gargoyles
Capra Demon
Ceaseless Discharge
Centipede Demon
Chaos Witch Quelaag
Crossbreed Priscilla (spared)
Dark Sun Gwyndolin (spared)
Demon Firesage
Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough
Four Kings
Gaping Dragon
Gravelord Nito
Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Iron Golem
Moonlight Butterfly
Seath the Scaleless
Sif, the Great Grey Wolf
Stray Demon
Taurus Demon

From that screencap, eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that I have the Ring of Favor & Protection equipped.

Oh yeah—that's how you know it's time.

Gaming / Re: DLC
« on: July 15, 2018, 06:53:21 PM »
Why not just raise the price of videogames and include all forthcoming releases in said price?
because video games aren't worth $60 as is
Then don't buy them new
someone would have to

Gaming / Re: DLC
« on: July 15, 2018, 05:55:35 PM »
Why not just raise the price of videogames and include all forthcoming releases in said price?
because video games aren't worth $60 as is

Gaming / Re: DLC
« on: July 15, 2018, 04:28:28 PM »
y tengo el derecho de decir, "vete a la mierda, matarte a ti mismo folla codicioso"

porque no se trata de derechos

Gaming / Re: DLC
« on: July 15, 2018, 03:46:25 PM »
My only problem is that he tries to draw a line in the sand between "actual DLC" and "content that's being taken out that they just call DLC," and I just don't see a point in drawing that line. I don't see how it's possible for you to say this DLC is okay, but this DLC over here is bad. It's pretty much just arbitrary opinion-based bullshit.

Either you're okay with all of it, or you're okay with none of it. You can't say this DLC over here is bad, just because you don't personally think it's worth it. Someone else might disagree with you. Meanwhile, you might think that DLC over there is actually good, and totally worth the money. Then I download it, and I think it's a bunch of garbage. There's no standard to that.

I don't care what individuals think is worth it. It's bad in principle, regardless of its quality, regardless of anyone's opinion.

Gaming / Re: DLC
« on: July 15, 2018, 03:27:19 PM »
i love this guy, this guy gets me

The Flood / Re: Just need to rant about something (moving out)
« on: July 15, 2018, 12:29:45 PM »
If you move out, shouldn't they start actually paying you?
Or will you not have a means to get to work then?
I'm trying to work it out right now, but it's looking like it'd be too impractical. My hours harshly conflict with the rest of my schedule, which would change, taking into account that it takes much longer for the bus to head home than it does for it to reach the apartment, because it has to stop at many other places on the way back.

Even if my friend gets a car, I don't wanna have him drive me home and back every single day for work—especially when I don't even know his school schedule. I don't even know if he's signed up for classes yet.

The Flood / Re: Just need to rant about something (moving out)
« on: July 15, 2018, 12:20:15 PM »
From my experience with my roommates, I don't think your friend is exaggerating a lot, but he might should've been less harmless with his roommates.

Also, it's not like you completely abandon your parents, you still can support them from distance, if you feel morally obliged to do so. You can also find better job there and become stronger, which benefit you and your family in long term plan, and make your friend stronger, fix some of his issues which he can't fix alone. Of course, it's all gonna be very hard and it'll take time, but it will be beneficial in long term, if you succeed in any of those things.

You also gonna have an opportunity to rearrange your life, maybe start your vegan crusade or at least implement daily breakfast and more flexible schedule.
Yeah, that's basically what I'm trying to do as well. Look at it as an opportunity to mature and grow, get a new life experience. Getting a job might not actually be impossible for me, because I have something on my résumé now, and the apartment itself is smack in the middle of a very commercial area, so all the shops are in walking distance. It could very well be not that bad—I'm just too scared and pessimistic to allow that to alter my predisposition.

The Flood / Re: Just need to rant about something (moving out)
« on: July 15, 2018, 12:15:30 PM »
Is this a permanent move or a temporary one just for uni? Is it miles and miles from your parents house?

Moving out isn't always "the next stage in life". I moved out for 3 years while I went to Uni, and after moved back home because it didn't make sense to pay rent without a job to jump straight into to cover it.

Although my home was too far away to visit often, I knew I had a place at home if/when I came back for Easter, Christmas, etc... If there ever was a real problem it was just a 3-4 hour trip home. It cut me off from my friends a bit as I couldn't always come down for birthdays etc, but you're moving in with your best friend so it's sorta balanced out.

Moving out doesn't cut you off, unless you wanted to. Being "away" feels odd for a while but after about a week or two you get into the routine and have some new things to add (e.g. dropping down for dinner or calling every few days).
It's temporary just for uni. It's not terribly far away, but I also can't drive, so it suddenly becomes impossibly far away when the bus adds a 30 minute wait to everythere I want to go if I want to travel anywhere by myself. At least, until my friend gets himself a car and I can start hitching rides (which, he tells me, is 100% cool with him). So, it kinda depends.

The Flood / Re: Just need to rant about something (moving out)
« on: July 15, 2018, 12:10:03 PM »
just do it lol

it sucks not having your own place
an apartment is just as much "your own place" as your parents' is
yeah but what about the heart wrenching shame of not having your own place as an adult
there is none, at all

it would require buying a house, which is a ridiculous decision for most people in this country at this point in time

The Flood / Re: Just need to rant about something (moving out)
« on: July 15, 2018, 11:59:03 AM »
just do it lol

it sucks not having your own place
an apartment is just as much "your own place" as your parents' is

The Flood / Just need to rant about something (moving out)
« on: July 15, 2018, 04:05:27 AM »
My best friend outside of the Internet, who I have known for 16+ years, dropped out of college a few months ago, before completing his eighth semester. He was studying for a STEM degree. We both went to different universities—he to a slightly more prestigious one, myself to the cheaper lower-class one—and after four years, he decided he just couldn't handle it anymore.

Had he stuck it out for just one more year, he would've graduated, but the fact that he "fucking hated every single person there" was an important factor in his decision. It wasn't something I didn't see coming eventually—if anything, I was surprised he dropped out so late into the game. It wasn't that he was bullied, or anything—he was mostly just fed up with the culture, and he performed poorly and failed several of his courses.

Every time he'd come home for the summer, we'd always catch up, but the only stories he ever had to tell about college were about how fucking miserable he was there, for pretty much every waking moment of his life. Every single roommate he's ever had has been a piece of shit, or an irresponsible douchebag, and they always treated him like garbage. He's never had a single positive experience he thought was worth telling me about. Not one.

What you need to understand about this guy is that he's a bit of a headcase. I feel like I shouldn't go into details without his approval, but just know that he's not all there. He's nice, funny, hardworking—but he has issues. Many issues.

So many bad roommate stories. It's natural to assume that a lot of it was exaggeration, but literally, there would be times when he'd almost be on the verge of tears telling me these things—so even if he's stretching the truth, or not giving the complete story, or whatever, I know he's not outright lying to me about anything. He's not that kind of person anyway—and again, we're best friends.

Later, he told me he was gonna enroll at my university and transfer all his credits there. I told him that was a good idea, because it is—not only was he close as fuck to graduating anyway, he'll actually be able to do it in a place where he won't want to fucking kill himself every day, because people at my campus are generally nice and pleasant (as far as I know). The fact that his closest friend studies there is certainly a bonus—but it's not like we could dorm together, or anything. Not only are dormitories insanely fucking expensive, I also can't drive. I commute to school every day on a goddamn bus. The only way we'd be able to be roommates is if we got an apartment.

And that's exactly what he wants me to do. He asked me if I wanted to last week, and at first, I had to say no, but only because I knew I wouldn't be able to pay the rent with him. My parents don't pay me to work at the record shop—I'm paid in "room and board," to quote them. Which is fair and all, but that's my situation. I can't pay rent, and that's not fair to him, so I had to say no.

Couple days later, the subject comes up again, only my mother is in earshot. She brings up that I could pitch in with the overage from my financial aid, which is true—but only if I get a decent check. Sometimes it's a lot, sometimes it's not that much. If it's less than $200, that's not gonna help much. I never know what I'm gonna get, I don't understand how any of it works, and I'm not smart enough (or bothered enough, frankly) to figure it out. The "no" has changed to a "maybe," but my friend, naturally, wants a definitive answer. It's not like we have a lot of time before the next semester begins.

So he asked me again about it last night. I had more time to think about it, and I decided that I was being an ass. I probably should've just said "yes" to begin with—my overage has only vacillated in a serious way for one semester, where it dropped significantly because my parents' income rose that year, due to my father getting himself a better job. When your family's income rises, you get more financial aid—and if you're wondering what my family's income has to do with me, the way it works is that my name is tied to my parents' income until I'm 23, which I won't be until the semester has already begun. They really fuck you pretty hard in the ass on that one. Either way, my dad has since lost that job and is working some other place—so, as a result, my overage should be a little higher this semester. Maybe. Unless there are other factors I haven't taken into account.

In any case, the "maybe" has changed to a "yes." Having put my financial concerns to rest... I guess I'm officially moving out of this house now.

It was never really about that anyway, though. That was the excuse I gave, but it wasn't the excuse I felt in my heart—which is, simply, that I don't want to move out. At all. I've lived in this house for 20 years. I realize I have to move out at some point, all I can really think about is, "Why did it have to be right now?" I don't feel ready for it. I'm not ready for it. But I feel like my hand is being forced anyway.

It feels like I'm not making a decision based on what I want—I'm making a decision based on what my friend needs. And he does need me—if he has to room with anyone else, he's gonna be right back where he was. Hating his life, being his manically depressed self. I'm the only person he can have a good time with anymore. And if you're wondering why he doesn't just commute from home—ignoring the fact that he's trying, too, to be a self-respecting adult who doesn't live with his parents at 22, like me—he also fucking hates his parents, and his homelife is just as miserable. Getting an apartment is literally the only option for him (unless he grows to despise me, too).

There are reasons I don't particularly want to go through with this, too, that aren't just based on selfish trepidation. It kinda fucks everything up. I've been working at my parents' shop for a year, and they're working jobs of their own with pretty intense hours. So even though I'm not getting paid, I don't know what they're gonna do without me.

I just feel like he's asking me to make a huge life decision, without even considering for a moment just how much weight that drops on me. I said yes, because I'm morally obligated, but I'm literally up at 5 AM typing this because I'm stressing myself out so hard over it. Maybe I'm overreacting—but even if I am, I just needed to get off my chest.

My depressed friend wants me to move into an apartment with him because he hates everyone and has no one else in his life right now. I told him "yes" out of a sense of loyalty and moral obligation, but I still feel shitty and spineless, because, in my heart of hearts, I honestly have no interest in doing so. I'm very comfortable where I live right now + I have a job here. This was all very sudden, and I don't think my friend understands that. The cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing right now is driving me crazy and I needed to vent about it.

I wanna be a good friend, but I feel like having these thoughts makes me a shitty friend. Or I'm going insane. Or both.

I'm really gonna miss my parents.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread - Update #29.0: Bed Witch
« on: July 15, 2018, 01:50:40 AM »
since i'll be closing this playthrough relatively soon, and because it's been such a long journey, i've been thinking of sending it off in a big way

maybe start a new file where i fight all the unrecorded bosses (Asylum, Tauros, Gargoyles, Capra) as SL1 depraved, or maybe taking no hits or something, all in one big final video, if only to make up for the fact that i'm not buying the DLC

maybe make that my third AMA video too, idk

something like that, i think that would be fun

eat shit vien

Ripped the mace out of that degenerate's hands and getting pussy from a barely legal fat girl could I be any more based
you're dead tomorrow after i tell literally everyone

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