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Messages - Verbatim

Pages: 1 ... 848586 8788 ... 1601
The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 02:44:07 AM »
Titanfall is a far better game than the sequel.
there's no SP so that's not true pretty much by default

if you're going to compare the MP exclusively then i couldn't really give a shit

a game is not complete unless it has some kind of single player mode, because when that game dies, all you're going to have is a menu

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 01:31:30 AM »
I didn't say I didn't own physical copies of the games

I do steal software like photoshop and windows though
and yeah, at this point, i really can't condemn you for doing so anymore

i really can't

downloading ROMs of games you already own physical copies of is a little on the silly side, though

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 01:24:52 AM »
I download roms
i've actually warmed up to piracy a little tiny bit, just because i've become so fucking disillusioned with every media industry ever, to a point where i would literally burn them all down if i could—seriously, fuck anyone working in any of those industries

it's still, at its base, a bad and wrong thing to do, because it's still theft—but i just don't give a fuck anymore, shit is way too goddamn expensive these days and no one deserves to make that much money off of simple entertainment, it's fucking bullshit

anime is the only art form i hate enough to not monetarily support in any way whatsoever, no matter how illegal it is

The Flood / Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 12:28:16 AM »
say some dumb shit so i can verbally throttle you

if your brain was a kitten i'd still choke it out

society is so f***ed up man

The Flood / Re: DC (Teen) Titans show trailer
« on: July 24, 2018, 04:40:42 PM »
superhero movies are trash pls stop supporting them
but this is a TV show

The Flood / Re: Do you eat at chick fil a?
« on: July 24, 2018, 03:56:39 PM »
i'm not a piece of shit

(ok now I'm really done, toodles)

the correct pronunciation doesn't always win, though, as is unfortunately the case with Priscilla
Great. Thanks for admitting that your opinion is the one that - for good reason because priskilla just sounds bad - lost hundreds of years ago and isn't used, accepted or considered correct in any way, shape or form by virtually all English speakers or the standards of the language.

Nothing more needs to be said. This is like me saying that we should pronounce your name as yah-cob instead of jay-cob and that every single other English speaker other than me is wrong just because it's closer to the original word in Hebrew and because it sounds better and more natural in my own opinion.
there is no flaw in this logic

And no, there's absolutely nothing fallacious in showing you how people who speak the language properly actually pronounce a particular word correctly. There's standards in every language and violating or deviating from them isn't suddenly correct just because you feel it rolls of the tongue easier.
it's a very classic example of a fallacy, and no, that's actually exactly how it works

i was checking if the word "scent" was actually pronounced "skent" in the past, and it wasn't—it was always pronounced basically the same; the only difference is that it didn't have a C—the C was added later for no documented reason, because language changes, and the only way languages change is if people change it

so if i'm gonna have to be the person to help bring back the correct way of pronouncing certain words and names, that's a hill i'm willing to die on

you literally don't know the first thing about this at all, i would suggest stopping

Now you're just being dumb for the sake of it. Just because a word has roots in a different language doesn't mean it's pronounced the same way in English, either. Remember the whole conversation about your name? How adamant you were about it being ver-bay-tim, not ver-buh-tim? The English word verbatim also came from Latin (verbum, "word" and -atim, meaning word by word). And since you're so big on language, I assume you know that "a" being pronounced as "ay" is a very English thing that does not exist in languages like Dutch, German, French and Latin. So if you're actually interested in any sort of logical consistency here, you'd pronounce your name ver-buh-tim too.
it's simply a matter of what sounds good and natural

"priskilla" sounds good, natural, and rolls off the tongue, whereas "ver-buh-tim" sounds retarded, it's as simple as that

it may not be the most academic approach, but it's the approach that more often than not dictates how the entire language functions—when the creators of the .gif extension insisted on a soft G, we told them fuck you and continued using the hard G, because it's sensible

the correct pronunciation doesn't always win, though, as is unfortunately the case with Priscilla

and also, if you were going for the latin pronunciation of "verbatim," there would be no "uh" sound—there would be an "ah" sound, so you're not even right about that
But you're not interested in that. You're just defensive because you were wrong on something you're sensitive about. A quick google search of "priscilla english pronunciation" gives you literally hundreds of results (interesting link indexing great speakers using it in normal sentences rather than randoms recording themselves) pronouncing it the longstanding and correct way: "prisilla". Come on now.

You're very defensive when it comes to being wrong about language stuff. I know you care about it a lot but there's nothing wrong with making a mistake here and there Verb. Learn and move on, no need for all this defensive stuff.
only i'm not wrong in literally any way, and it didn't take much effort to prove it

you learned latin (apparently) so you should already know i'm right without even having to say anything

We're not speaking Latin 😝
so if i pronounced the Ls in "tortilla" as they would be in english, it's okay because i'm not speaking spanish

another funny thing to point out is that "priscus," the latin word to which Priscilla is rooted (also pronounced with a hard C) means "old-fashioned"

so you could say i'm using the priscus pronunciation

but certainly not the wrong one

ironically funnily enough, priscilla carries a bigass SCYTHE, which a lot of people pronounce with a hard C as well, even though it's not supposed to be—same with words like scimitar, it's usually archaic weapons in video games that you don't generally say aloud anymore

so i wouldn't at all call it "unintuitive" when it appears to be such a common mistake (priskilla also happens to roll off the tongue more, so that doesn't help)

also i just wanted to point out how bad of an example "conscience" is
OH NO NO NO😂😂😂😂😂
oh yes yes yes 😏

also, most of these words are latin-derived, where they were indeed pronounced with a hard "C," so i'm basically right in several dimensions of reality—because guess what the name Priscilla was adopted from

i mean how stupid would it sound if you pronounced "Principia" as "prinsipia"

i bet you don't even know what that is

ironically funnily enough, priscilla carries a bigass SCYTHE, which a lot of people pronounce with a hard C as well, even though it's not supposed to be—same with words like scimitar, it's usually archaic weapons in video games that you don't generally say aloud anymore

so i wouldn't at all call it "unintuitive" when it appears to be such a common mistake (priskilla also happens to roll off the tongue more, so that doesn't help)

also i just wanted to point out how bad of an example "conscience" is

like that 😴

how the fuck else would you presume to say it based on its spelling
Well, you don't say suskeptible, conskious, condeskending, diskipline and so on either. There's probably a rule on when it's a soft or hard c (like in discrimination) but it's pretty unintuitive to pronounce it as priskilla.
no it isn't

how the fuck else would you presume to say it based on its spelling

you're a pretty good photographer


The Flood / Re: Ian, where the hell are you?
« on: July 21, 2018, 12:30:43 PM »
how the fuck am i going to watch shin godzilla in this backwater country
I read this in a Finnish accent
I read this in a Gay accent
Makes sense, people usually read things in their own voice.
how boring, i have different voices for all of you

i've just heard it's overbearingly edgy

people have trouble with the stray demon? are you fucking kidding

well, i guess you could chalk it up to me choosing to fight him last, but still

started up a new file to record boss videos for all the bosses i couldn't get footage of, due to not having a capture card at the time

i tried to impose a simple challenge to make things interesting, but it wound up making things pathetically easy and borderline pointless, but whaaaaaaatever

the final update will be posted soon enough thereafter

The Flood / Re: Pixel Art Request
« on: July 19, 2018, 10:05:42 PM »

Are you going to play Bloodborne? It's basically just an uglier Souls with a top hat and a pimp cane, but a lot of people like it.
yeah, it's either that or dark souls 2 or demon's souls

i have another series i'm gonna dive into as well

Gaming / Re: skyrim is a bad game ang BGS is a bad game developer
« on: July 19, 2018, 12:47:17 PM »
Reminder that these two are the real enemies within Bethesda, Todd is just a cool guy who wants to make video games.

Hey fucking shit is this real?
How do you even get away with this?
they're not real

The Flood / Re: DC (Teen) Titans show trailer
« on: July 19, 2018, 12:36:58 PM »
not that the CN show didn't have cringey angst or anything, but this is pretty unbearable

The Flood / Re: Been a while since we had one of these.
« on: July 18, 2018, 09:24:51 PM »

fuck it, not like i have anything better

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