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Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 28, 2018, 09:20:58 PM »
Reposting so it's on the top of the next page

<- Previous update: Painted by the Numbers

- Found Ash Lake
- Found the Painted World
- Spared Priscilla

Current missions:
- Beat the game

Before we wrap this shit up, let's take a final look at my stats and inventory:

Honestly, things haven't changed too much from the beginning of the playthrough in the items department. The Wanderer class wound up having the coolest looking clothes in the game, and I never really found any armor I liked more, so I decided to stick with them for the whole game.

The Winged Spear has been my weapon of choice since I found it in the graveyard, and I'm extremely comfortable with it. I've tried many other different weapon types, and nothing comes to me quite as naturally as the spear does. Coupled with an Eagle Shield, the ability to attack while blocking has been invaluable to me across the entire journey and I'm not sure how I would've fared without it. No other weapons are as fun or as satisfying to use.

Rather than using my greatshield, however, I'm bringing back an old friend of mine—the Grass Crest Shield. It doesn't synergize with my spear quite as well as a greatshield would, but it's the first shield I ever decided to stick with for any length of time, plus it unlocks a particular ability that I've rarely had access to, which wound up being very important during the final fight. It also produces a cool green aura, signifying its stamina-boosting powers. It's my favorite.

I have the Ring of F&P because it's about time. I planned to bust it out for the final fight, and I'm following through. There's no real reason not to just go for it—I don't really plan on doing any NG+ stuff, except maybe to get the platinum trophy down the line. But at that point, I'll just be able to pick up a second one anyway, so it doesn't matter.

My build from the start was constructed naturally without looking anything up—Vitality, Endurance, and Dexterity with enough Intelligence to use certain spells, enough Attunement to use up to three spells, and enough Strength to wield certain weapons. Pyromancy was my choice of magic, because it doesn't really require any extraneous stat investments other than Attunement, and because pyromancy spells are fucking sick. Power Within is my bread-and-butter spell for bosses—I've slaughtered many a foe with its help. Fire Orb is situationally useful, and Fire Surge is a new spell I've only limited experience using, but it seems powerful.

That's about all, I think. Oh wait, one more thing—Darkmoon Blades for life; the guilty pay the price.

All right, now I'm done. This is the final boss video.


Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread
« on: July 28, 2018, 09:20:15 PM »
Anyway. I'm done arguing about something this pointless. I will once you actually have a better understanding of everything, rather than repeating the same argument 5 times over.
Beat the game, so i think that qualifies as having a better understanding of everything

my opinions on invasions and MP haven't changed one bit, and in fact, i've only doubled down since then


Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - The FINAL Update
« on: July 28, 2018, 09:08:58 PM »
And now begins the part where I go back and read all the spoiler tags in this thread that I couldn't read before.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions Thread - Update #29.0: Bed Witch
« on: July 28, 2018, 09:04:41 PM »
Update reposted on the next page

<- Previous update: Painted by the Numbers

- Found Ash Lake
- Found the Painted World
- Spared Priscilla

Current missions:
- Beat the game

Before we wrap this shit up, let's take a final look at my stats and inventory:

Honestly, things haven't changed too much from the beginning of the playthrough in the items department. The Wanderer class wound up having the coolest looking clothes in the game, and I never really found any armor I liked more, so I decided to stick with them for the whole game.

The Winged Spear has been my weapon of choice since I found it in the graveyard, and I'm extremely comfortable with it. I've tried many other different weapon types, and nothing comes to me quite as naturally as the spear does. Coupled with an Eagle Shield, the ability to attack while blocking has been invaluable to me across the entire journey and I'm not sure how I would've fared without it. No other weapons are as fun or as satisfying to use.

Rather than using my greatshield, however, I'm bringing back an old friend of mine—the Grass Crest Shield. It doesn't synergize with my spear quite as well as a greatshield would, but it's the first shield I ever decided to stick with for any length of time, plus it unlocks a particular ability that I've rarely had access to, which wound up being very important during the final fight. It also produces a cool green aura, signifying its stamina-boosting powers. It's my favorite.

I have the Ring of F&P because it's about time. I planned to bust it out for the final fight, and I'm following through. There's no real reason not to just go for it—I don't really plan on doing any NG+ stuff, except maybe to get the platinum trophy down the line. But at that point, I'll just be able to pick up a second one anyway, so it doesn't matter.

My build from the start was constructed naturally without looking anything up—Vitality, Endurance, and Dexterity with enough Intelligence to use certain spells, enough Attunement to use up to three spells, and enough Strength to wield certain weapons. Pyromancy was my choice of magic, because it doesn't really require any extraneous stat investments other than Attunement, and because pyromancy spells are fucking sick. Power Within is my bread-and-butter spell for bosses—I've slaughtered many a foe with its help. Fire Orb is situationally useful, and Fire Surge is a new spell I've only limited experience using, but it seems powerful.

That's about all, I think. Oh wait, one more thing—Darkmoon Blades for life; the guilty pay the price.

All right, now I'm done. This is the final boss video.



TLJ is gonna be a tough act to follow though

we are but moments away

Gaming / Re: skyrim is a bad game ang BGS is a bad game developer
« on: July 27, 2018, 11:40:12 PM »
I remember the first time I played Skyrim, I spent the whole day on it. Eventually I saw it for the boring trash heap that it was and never touched it again, how did this thing ever win so many awards when it came out?
big epic story with dragons in high fantasy open world setting is probably the easiest way to bait awards

if you're able to make a game that resembles that description, the game is automatically good and impressive

The Flood / Re: Do you believe in the paranormal?
« on: July 27, 2018, 06:29:13 PM »
not at all, to a point where i feel bad and lame whenever people share ghost stories and i have nothing to say

sometimes i use it as an opportunity to make some shit up, though, just to test my off-the-dome storytelling skills while also not looking boring

other times, someone will be telling a story about some ghost they saw, and when they finish i'll be like "yeah that was me sorry"

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 27, 2018, 04:34:50 PM »
overwatch is a bad game
it doesn't look amazing


I found that the subdued fantastical elements and themes led me to enjoy it more than other Miyazaki films.

You've covered every anime I've seen, so I look forward to trying some that you recommend. I watched Ergo Proxy after you rated it, and I'm planning to give Evangelion a try.
what stopped me from giving it a 7/10 is that there were more than a few points that lulled (the beautiful realization of miyazaki's plane fetish notwithstanding, i found myself getting bored with most of the flight sequences), some attempts to make jiro likable were a little heavyhanded, and i also don't necessarily agree with how it ended—but it was still enjoyable overall, so much so that i can definitely see myself liking it more on rewatch

and yeah, make evangelion your first priority—not that i think you'll love it in particular, but it's one of those things i think everyone should watch regardless of their taste

here's my 1998 list, which i finished somewhat recently—i'm sure you've seen #2 already, but definitely not the #1 spot

also maybe try angel's egg and devilman if you still need to watch those (sex and gore warning for the latter)

that all being said, i'm in the midst of wrapping up my dark souls playthrough and beginning a new project, so i'm taking a break from the animemes for a little bit

The Wind Rises?

tied with princess mononoke (which i also rewatched and decided i was too harsh with) for my favorite miyazaki

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 26, 2018, 03:26:01 PM »
not really, given that IQ is only one specific way to measure intelligence
This is a common misconception.
oh, okay
Doing well on an official IQ test means only that you did well on the official IQ test. It doesn't mean I'm inherently more intelligent than you if I were to have a higher IQ than yours. A lot of this comes down to problem solving. Where the contents of the exam(s) might be tailored to a certain demographic, another might score less. This doesn't actually mean that because the average IQ in certain countries maybe scored at 85 that it's a country of subhuman retards. If you were to take these individuals and give them a good education at a young age they would certainly score higher, for whatever that's worth. But it'd be due to being raised in a different environment.

Different races do think differently due to evolution. Climate, predators, resources, culture, all these factors have a say in how intelligence is perceived and regarded. IQ is a decent way to measure a certain type of intelligence, but not everything and not how intelligent a human being is.
this is basically what i was trying to say though

when i said it's only one specific way, i meant it—there's many other factors that go into it, that's what i was saying

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 26, 2018, 03:02:47 PM »
not really, given that IQ is only one specific way to measure intelligence
This is a common misconception.
oh, okay

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 26, 2018, 02:37:24 PM »
there's no advice you could give to a 20-something that he hasn't already thought to himself at least once

people like to say teenagers think they know everything, but if you think about it, in a lot of ways, they really do

you get stupider with age starting at age 20
You don't lose intelligence unless somebody's hitting you over the head with a brick or some kind of brain deteriorating disease. And supposedly you gain slightly more intelligence over the years, especially as your brain is still growing during teenage and adult years. The only difference is living longer, and depending on your life experiences, you can become a wiser and more mature person.

IQ actually drops with age though past 25 unless you remain active and eat alkiline forming foods
There’s a pretty big disparity between this post and Verb’s though.
not really, given that IQ is only one specific way to measure intelligence
I don’t see how IQ dropping implies that teenagers are more knowledgeable than adults.
i didn't say they were more knowledgeable

what i'm saying is, people generally stop learning after they get out of school—to most people, life after school becomes about getting a job, making money, having relationships, masturbating, and other stupid unsophisticated bullshit

the rate at which you learn things, too, decreases dramatically as you age—there's a reason why foreigners tend to know two or three languages, because they learned them all at a young age (when it's the easiest), and why it's so hard to learn more as you get older

among other things

adults also tend to exploit their increased sense of responsibility to find excuses to continue doing stupid shit, like drugs and alcohol—"i'm a working adult, i pay my taxes, i'm allowed to come home and have a drink," etc.

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 26, 2018, 02:01:50 PM »
there's no advice you could give to a 20-something that he hasn't already thought to himself at least once

people like to say teenagers think they know everything, but if you think about it, in a lot of ways, they really do

you get stupider with age starting at age 20
You don't lose intelligence unless somebody's hitting you over the head with a brick or some kind of brain deteriorating disease. And supposedly you gain slightly more intelligence over the years, especially as your brain is still growing during teenage and adult years. The only difference is living longer, and depending on your life experiences, you can become a wiser and more mature person.

IQ actually drops with age though past 25 unless you remain active and eat alkiline forming foods
There’s a pretty big disparity between this post and Verb’s though.
not really, given that IQ is only one specific way to measure intelligence

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 26, 2018, 09:21:03 AM »
there's no advice you could give to a 20-something that he hasn't already thought to himself at least once

people like to say teenagers think they know everything, but if you think about it, in a lot of ways, they really do

you get stupider with age starting at age 20
You don't lose intelligence unless somebody's hitting you over the head with a brick or some kind of brain deteriorating disease. And supposedly you gain slightly more intelligence over the years, especially as your brain is still growing during teenage and adult years. The only difference is living longer, and depending on your life experiences, you can become a wiser and more mature person.
i've always liked the fight club quote "on a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero"

there's a lot of ways you can read into that, and one of the ways is this—the longer you live, the more likely you'll live to see yourself continue to make stupid mistakes and dumb decisions, which smarter people than you would never make

wisdom is the stupid person's intelligence, because it's intelligence gained through life experience—the more stupid shit you do, the more you learn from those experiences

but an inherently more intelligent person than you would just intuitively know not to do those stupid things, without needing the life experience at all

MAL has 121 entries between the years 1917 and 1959—and considering most of these animations have probably been lost over time, we can probably chop that down to about 60 to 90

so when i'm done with the '90s, i think i'm actually going to clear up that era next, because it should be easy and quick, and i'll call it the pre-astro boy era

also if you couldn't tell i'm taking a break from this shit, i haven't watched an anime in weeks

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 11:01:40 PM »
my problem has never been with people who aren't perfect—it's with people who've never made an effort to be, and use their inevitable imperfection as a human being as an excuse to remain imperfect instead of using it as a chance to improve

The Flood / Re: tfw death grips will never be this good again
« on: July 25, 2018, 10:52:00 PM »
i think there are enough similar artists out there at this point to fill the void, like JPEGMAFIA

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 10:50:35 PM »
there's no advice you could give to a 20-something that he hasn't already thought to himself at least once

people like to say teenagers think they know everything, but if you think about it, in a lot of ways, they really do

you get stupider with age starting at age 20

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 07:39:19 PM »
Mars colonisation is a meme and there is literally no reason to go there
100% agreed

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 03:30:25 PM »
DLC is the best thing that's ever happened
it doesn't work if you don't actually believe it
Support for a game that extends its content well beyond the initial release? Sounds great. Octo expansion fixed most of my problems with splatoon 2.
only $20, huh

i have a fucking bridge to sell you
where is it? I know a few places that need one so that could be really helpful
it's not complete yet but i assure you it's worth $60 as is
Holy shit $60 for a bridge? Fucking sold
yeah, you'll have to pay us extra in case you want the complete bridge bridge expansions, but don't you worry about that right now

i can either send you my paypal info, or you can email your payments to lmaogetfuckedkid@gmail.cunt

and don't worry about that address—i made it when i was 12, you know how that goes haha
oh I get it haha. I couldn't remember my PayPal info, so I just sent my SSN and credit card details. Will that work?
that's PERFECT, thank you very much

if you don't hear from me again, that means everything went through

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 03:11:34 PM »
DLC is the best thing that's ever happened
it doesn't work if you don't actually believe it
Support for a game that extends its content well beyond the initial release? Sounds great. Octo expansion fixed most of my problems with splatoon 2.
only $20, huh

i have a fucking bridge to sell you
where is it? I know a few places that need one so that could be really helpful
it's not complete yet but i assure you it's worth $60 as is
Holy shit $60 for a bridge? Fucking sold
yeah, you'll have to pay us extra in case you want the complete bridge bridge expansions, but don't you worry about that right now

i can either send you my paypal info, or you can email your payments to lmaogetfuckedkid@gmail.cunt

and don't worry about that address—i made it when i was 12, you know how that goes haha

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 02:39:50 PM »
DLC is the best thing that's ever happened
it doesn't work if you don't actually believe it
Support for a game that extends its content well beyond the initial release? Sounds great. Octo expansion fixed most of my problems with splatoon 2.
only $20, huh

i have a fucking bridge to sell you
where is it? I know a few places that need one so that could be really helpful
it's not complete yet but i assure you it's worth $60 as is

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 02:31:33 PM »
DLC is the best thing that's ever happened
it doesn't work if you don't actually believe it
Support for a game that extends its content well beyond the initial release? Sounds great. Octo expansion fixed most of my problems with splatoon 2.
only $20, huh

i have a fucking bridge to sell you

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 02:05:50 PM »
DLC is the best thing that's ever happened
it doesn't work if you don't actually believe it

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 12:45:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 12:27:09 PM »
but yeah, if what the core of what you're saying wasn't at least partially true, the industry would be dead already

there are games i've purchased that were introduced to me by people who did not legally purchase them, because they don't legally purchase anything—so it's not like exposure is 100% worthless

it's just kinda bullshit to have to pay for something just because i choose to be a good person, when other people don't

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 12:20:42 PM »
I think I don't have anything against piracy as long as it's copying, not theft, because in the end it benefits author by making him more popular and after all people don't own ideas, it's ideas who own people. Author owns the expression of idea.
i know what you mean, but i wouldn't say the average person who pirates honestly spends a lot of time advertising for the products they're pirating—why would they, it's not their job

if you have some kind of platform where you can reach thousands of people and say "hey this game is cool buy it," then maybe that works, but even then, people don't like having to spend money on something they don't know they'll enjoy, and most of the ones who refuse to do so will never talk about it at all, giving no exposure whatsoever

basically, there's scum on all sides—we're all just selfish pieces of shit, that's the bottom line

The Flood / Re: Fight me
« on: July 25, 2018, 10:30:11 AM »
no one deserves to make that much money off of simple entertainment, it's fucking bullshit
the truth makes me cringe too

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