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Messages - E
« on: February 02, 2025, 11:18:10 PM »
If I sit round and reflect a bit here...
Halo was where I formed my original circle of gaming friends. As they died off over time I leaned more onto spending time on forums until they essentially became my only social interaction. I talked sometimes about my life, but back then I made a point not to reveal much. Sometimes it broke through though. The time I spent on here back then was during the worst moments of my life, and that reflected with my instability and eventual dropping off the grid with a bullshit exit that was orchestrated in mind with getting my ass out of my internet addicted hole and maybe some legitimate help for everything I was carrying.
That wasn't the right move to make, but evidently if you're not in the right frame of mind you don't make sane decisions. All of that feels like lifetimes ago by my perception. Whoever's piloting the meatsuit that is my body now isn't the same person as back then. But there's enough of me left to find familiarity and comfort here which is why some years later I wandered back.
I don't recall causing problems for anybody or having beef with anybody here with the exception of the massive pile of shit I pulled at the end of the road. From time to time I wonder what's happened to some of the other users that went dark over time, and I hope they made it. Better or worse, you guys partially filled a hole that was eating away at me during the darkest time periods of my life.
I owe an apology that won't ever be enough to anybody I hurt with my non-permanent exit and lie, and for any possible drama I may have stirred when I was here. My memory's not all there, so I know there's gaps. But I also owe a thanks to everybody here.
Life out where I live is what I'd sum as monotone mediocrity with patches of extreme bullshit. I am mostly a loner, but without the original friend group I had in my early days and the first person I ever grew to love, everything is that much harder. You guys made it a bit easier on me back then, and even now you still do since I show up every so often. It's just nice to know some of you guys are still kicking or have actually gone and done something with your lives.
« on: December 18, 2024, 09:57:17 AM »
I'm not expecting a due date yet but I've been pushing myself hard over the last couple days trying to find the most optimal way to make a stack of ludicrously strong magnets move through what copper coils I've got. Rotation would be the best but good luck making anything stable with what I've got access to.
I made a small water wheel that got up to 700 rpm under a sink faucet dripping at half speed, but its lightweight frame means it can't carry heavy ass magnets.
I settled on a pendulum being cranked by water. The stack of magnets I've got is so strong that they repel each other from two feet away, and testing them above one of my coils gets me 7-10 volts and 10-20 milliamps just moving them back and forth by hand.
I've had to adapt and reassemble things three times this week, but hopefully I'll get something up soon. 10-20 milliamps isn't a lot, but that's enough to charge a battery safely, just slowly.
I'm also encountering problems now. Past 20 milliamps if I move those magnets by hand the copper coil responds with its own opposing magnetic field that I can physically feel repel the magnet stack. This is what they refer to as back emf, which was a hurdle I knew I'd encounter eventually.
The stronger the magnets and the faster you move them by the copper, the stronger the opposing magnetic field generated by the copper, which is nature's subtle poke telling you to fuck off and stop trying to create unequilibrium with energy. It just means I'll need stronger things to push against that field if I want to increase the power output.
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:12:47 PM »
I just came out of a three day power outage when I had all year to build a generator, so I'm fucking pissed. If I can get some small scale electrical grid and introduce backup systems to my place in the form of electric heat, a wood stove, and a gasifier that creates methane to run a gas stove, then that's the plan.
Ideally, get some big wins and boosts on the stock market, but honestly, the canadian stock market is fucking abysmal to work on unless you already have step 1: Be rich already solved.
Other than that, it's the usual. Work and monitor my health so that I don't have another cardiac event, which I'm failing at since I had one last week.
I'm also writing a novel that logs the next ten years of my life and the projects I'm working on, so if in the next ten years I'm alive, I can publish it and maybe make a couple bucks.
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:07:01 PM »
Can I add an inverse perspective here? I've been a rural grunt for the past fifteen years or so. I walked a portion of my province on foot. Since Covid I've been a declining wreck. I shoveled somebody's driveway a couple days ago as I got wheezy, then when finished collapsed into 48 hours of sleep. I went from average healthy and active to crippled but too stubborn to quit.
All I can say is this. When having to do something as basic as walking up the stairs challenge's your body's ability to intake enough oxygen, and you used to be able to lift your own body weight but now become light headed after carrying a grocery bag for too long, it just ever so slightly sucks.
And I fucking hate exercise too. But logically, being able to do stuff in your condition is fuck tons better than having to do it when you're not in the condition for it. It'll only improve your mental health if it's something you look forward to. Otherwise it's just a time filler.
Look at it this way. You don't need to be a fucking adonis or be happy with it. But at least you're in the condition to do things when they show up on your doorstep and demand that you do them. It's that much more miserable when you're not.
So good on you for getting ripped. Imagine being able to flex on people in street fighter while having the physique to flex on them irl.
« on: November 24, 2024, 12:46:09 AM »
« on: November 19, 2024, 01:35:03 PM »
Am I missing some positives about him?
genuinely, no.
anyone who supports trump at this point in time is simply an anti-american cultist in support of an increasingly demented 34-time convicted felon, seditious traitor, rapist, and hateful bigot
his followers will tell you things like - "he's going to fix the economy" (even though tariffs are his only economic policy) - "he's anti-woke / he's not politically correct" - "he's going to solve the immigrant crisis" but these are just distractions built on falsehoods. the fact of the matter is that anyone who supports this man is in a cult. it's either that, or they're an ontologically evil person. the former could be (charitably) described as victims of their lack of education and susceptibility to propaganda. the latter should be considered enemies of the state.
it cannot be overstated that Trump has literally zero redeeming qualities to discussβand even if he did have any, there is simply no overcoming the mountain of things that damn him. i do not recommend attempting to reason with any of his supporters; most of them are too far gone. all we can do is hope he loses and fucks off forever.
Look at it this way, we're at least one step closer of your goal of putting all life out of it's misery.
Do they gotta make it so fucking miserable though? It's not enough that the default experience is debt enslavement and dying in a gutter somewhere since it's cheaper than going to the hospital. Can't they go for a more balanced approach? "Hey, we made society cool and semi balanced with no long term danger of total industrial or population collapse, or major conflicts, and by the way, if it still sucks for you here's the opt out button free of charge no strings attached." At the rate we're going we rolled a crude version of the goddam Fallout timeline.
« on: November 13, 2024, 10:08:24 AM »
My xbone died and you need to be a motherfucking surgeon to open them up without destroying a cable tied to the frames interior.
I've been playing my old 360 and that's cool, except for the part where microshit nuked the store page and added a final fuck you update to everything that makes it so that you can't play downloaded games without internet connection, your DLCs won't load without internet connection, and there's currently a global outage with downloading xbox profiles on the 360 that microsoft is pretending doesn't exist.
At least my xbone lived up to its name. Now it really is xboned.
« on: November 06, 2024, 09:23:10 PM »
There was no winning move to make anyway considering we're about 12 years out from the beginning of mass resource collapse and nobody anywhere wants to acknowledge that. But I don't imagine trump'll make things any easier.
I find it hard to believe such a conman ever could have a voter base to begin with, but that's only because I'm forgetting the rule. People are stupid, and you can't underestimate that or foolproof anything against it.
I guess the only upside here is that the US will probably get an acceleration to chaos, which means the faster shit burns down the sooner the cycle will start all over again.
« on: October 17, 2024, 12:47:45 PM »
Big Halo news. Moving to Unreal Engine 5 343 industries are done. Its now Halo Studios.
Not sure why people are getting their hopes up so high about that. That studio rebrand is like cutting off somebody's face, putting another over it, and calling them a different person. I don't think it's got good chances of panning out.
Pure hopium at this point. Though they did do a 180 with MCC so they are capable of making something good. The switch to UE is positively received because new hires won't need to spend a lot of time understanding the legacy engine.
the switch to unreal to attract graphics coomers
Graphics aside, there is an important positive - new hires will not have to spend a lot of time learning some proprietary engine and instead be ready to begin productive work much sooner. This should help speed up development. Easier to experiment with, quicker to prototype features. This combined with changes in management gives me some hope.
All we can do is flip the coin and see I guess. I mean it'd be nice if there was a real win for once.
« on: October 17, 2024, 12:45:45 PM »
Big Halo news. Moving to Unreal Engine 5 343 industries are done. Its now Halo Studios.
Not sure why people are getting their hopes up so high about that. That studio rebrand is like cutting off somebody's face, putting another over it, and calling them a different person. I don't think it's got good chances of panning out.
Pure hopium at this point. Though they did do a 180 with MCC so they are capable of making something good. The switch to UE is positively received because new hires won't need to spend a lot of time understanding the legacy engine.
I am betting you the MCC is going to get shut down at some point. Maybe not on PC, but I feel like as time goes on, the likelyhood of servers getting canned on consoles goes up. That only makes more sense if we take a muh profit approach. So you've got the rebrand of the studio conning some people, you've got the switch to unreal to attract graphics coomers, and I'd be willing to bet in order to make a couple extra bucks, pull the plug on the MCC to shove what's left of the Halo fanbase onto the new launch because there won't be anywhere else to go unless they divert over to PC.
Or, god help us, they remaster MCC for unreal engine and sell it again as MCC:R, simultaneously chopping the legs off the old games with the plug pull and leaving them to the dustbin while funnelling everybody into the new games, which can now be as bad as a port/remaster as they want. (Which to be fair at the beginning MCC had all those issues and still has some)
Killing console servers is an inevitability, that's part of the push that made me get into PC gaming. I think a lot of console producers (except Nintendo) have realised this since publishing and re-releasing games out on Steam or on their own PC Launch Platforms.
MCC on PC kicked up because of the Halo Online ms23 piracy that was going on that released Halo 3 MP for PC before MCC was even out. I wouldn't put it past Microsoft to re-release MCC in UE eventually, but not for another few years, possibly a decade. Maybe by then they'll add a microtransaction thing to buy all the Spartan Points you need to unlock all the MCC Catalog content.
No more microtransactions man. I know it wasn't the most balanced system, but I really miss the halo 3 era where armor was tied to achievments. You actually had to put some work into doing something that might've actually taken a bit skill or just dumb luck instead of grinding an endless xp mountain. Once you got it, you got it and that was it. Didn't mind spartan points, but it still felt like a monotonous grind after a while. We really need a reversal on the corporate tactics in games. Kinda funny if you think about it, isn't it? Remember when everybody was bananas for recon before it was unlockable? And now all these years later it's just on some dude's console or account that's no longer active.
« on: October 14, 2024, 06:43:55 PM »
Big Halo news. Moving to Unreal Engine 5 343 industries are done. Its now Halo Studios.
Not sure why people are getting their hopes up so high about that. That studio rebrand is like cutting off somebody's face, putting another over it, and calling them a different person. I don't think it's got good chances of panning out.
Pure hopium at this point. Though they did do a 180 with MCC so they are capable of making something good. The switch to UE is positively received because new hires won't need to spend a lot of time understanding the legacy engine.
I am betting you the MCC is going to get shut down at some point. Maybe not on PC, but I feel like as time goes on, the likelyhood of servers getting canned on consoles goes up. That only makes more sense if we take a muh profit approach. So you've got the rebrand of the studio conning some people, you've got the switch to unreal to attract graphics coomers, and I'd be willing to bet in order to make a couple extra bucks, pull the plug on the MCC to shove what's left of the Halo fanbase onto the new launch because there won't be anywhere else to go unless they divert over to PC. Or, god help us, they remaster MCC for unreal engine and sell it again as MCC:R, simultaneously chopping the legs off the old games with the plug pull and leaving them to the dustbin while funnelling everybody into the new games, which can now be as bad as a port/remaster as they want. (Which to be fair at the beginning MCC had all those issues and still has some) Want to go double or nothing on this? They're gonna shove identity politics and diversity into the remastered content.
« on: October 13, 2024, 08:45:32 PM »
Big Halo news. Moving to Unreal Engine 5 343 industries are done. Its now Halo Studios.
Not sure why people are getting their hopes up so high about that. That studio rebrand is like cutting off somebody's face, putting another over it, and calling them a different person. I don't think it's got good chances of panning out.
« on: October 01, 2024, 07:02:59 PM »
 I did some tinkering in order to refine the brush stroke process and I took a challenge. There's a scene in the book The Cole Protocol where a spartan with no ammo left is facing thousands of grunts and she uses a mongoose as bludgeon until it falls apart. Always wanted to make a scene, gave it a shot now that I've got the skill for it.
« on: September 29, 2024, 08:32:40 PM »
I went back and started the Halo 4 Campaign.
I can't quite place exactly what it is, but the feeling of it is so radically departed from earlier games. Playing roughly in-game chronological order made a jump from 3/ODST to 4 so massive, and it lost the goofiness to some over the top seriousness in a lot of aspects.
I don't think the massive art style shift helped the gap either. I didn't mind the story so much, as if you read up on it the lead writers where basing the story of Cort's descent into rampancy on their own life experiences with family who had dementia. So at least there, the story had heart behind it even if there was flaws. Halo is a pretty dark series if you look at it, and the novels aren't afraid to go there for sure, at least some of the earlier ones. You know what I think was missing about 4? Three key things. Mystery, wonder, and scale. Look at the og trilogy, odst, and even Reach. In these stories and environments there's a lot of room for exploration, and the gameplay gives you room to do that with environmental storytelling. It gives you room to ask questions you won't have or get all the answers for. By contrast, 4 has three fucking novels behind it so that you even know who or what the Didact is. Didact as a character only existed in terminals in Halo 3 that you had a maximum of 30 seconds to read. We only got to know that he was Forerunner, and that he was the one who fired the rings at the end. Huge amounts of room for interpretation and questions never answered, which gives off a feel of depth that's always hidden. 343 has this lame tendency to fill in every single nook and cranny with information, and it shows in the art style and everywhere. You start off Halo 4 with a question. What happened to Chief's armor? Nanomachines son. What was Halo multiplayer before 343 showed up? Nobody knew why a bunch of spartans were killing each other on maps all over the place. That was fine, because multiplayer's purpose was fun. You didn't need to know. And that always gave Halo multiplayer maps in the bungie era a unique quality. Even if they weren't all fun to play on, they were interesting to look at thematically because it was a glimpse of something and not the entire picture. And scale matters here. CE had scale by introducing you to this big fucking ring that's ancient. 2 and 3 had scale because they were thematically built around a concept while uncovering some of the mystery of Halo. In Halo's world, Chief may as well be jesus. Especially in 3, they dialed this theme up. Chief's a walking legend they'd tell stories about for thousands of years afterwards. You as the player get to play his feats. ODST had scale by throwing you into the middle of a city being decimated while looking for your squadmates. Reach had scale by showing what happens to a planet when the covenant pull up. What did 4 have that could thematically 1 up the trilogy? Honestly, it didn't have anything. Chief's story at the end of 3 was the end. 4 cracks the coffin open, removes the scale and basically re-introduces you to this thematically legendary person by putting him in a walking simulator, and his first contact with any other human beings isn't "Holy shit it's the chief," it's "I thought you'd be taller" and a ship captain treating chief as an old man even though he was in cryo. The didact, with 3 books of lore buildup and retcon canon, is blown up in qte and never heard from again in the games even though he keeps resurrecting elsewhere in the media. Get what I mean? Bungie's development mindset with Halo was action, biblical themes to further add to the mystery, a dark tone, and an aura of a legend happening in progress. 4's tone strips the mystery down, dials the dark up but not the stakes, and just leaves you hanging around afterwards with a restarted story that was already previously finished. And that just got worse as the games moved on. The three games that 343 made could be considered an anti-trilogy because they had no themes in mind that linked everything. Just the name of the series and whatever they could try to throw at the board that they thought might stick. Which sucks because I don't mind 4's story, and although the graphics don't match Halo, they still made some beautiful 3d assets and dumped a lot of effort into detail even if it was misplaced. It just wasn't a fit for Halo. And maybe, that wouldn't have been the case if they'd gone with a different story not involving Chief. But we can probably thank microsoft for that.
« on: September 10, 2024, 04:18:02 AM »
I frequently tell family who ask how I'm doing that I don't really wanna be here anymore (in a joking tone but still). I can't really relate except that I used to be somewhat nervous about death and now I'm more or less ready for it (I was going to use the word stoked, but that seems like the kind of thing you get worried about someone writing).
What happened was that I took a large dose of weed, plugged in headphones and listened to those gateway experience tapes that are supposed to take you out of body, and I experienced some weird out of body shit that I couldn't explain. And along the way I had what I later learned was an "ego death", which I had no idea could happen on just weed, but ... yeah. It was temporary, of course, but I still have the memories and TBH it really helped.
It's possible to experience ego death simply through meditation without the use of any substance. Though, if the brain does produce DMT on its own, then I wonder if that has something to do with some people's experience.
There's a gland somewhere near the base of your brain in the lower regions. It's one of the most protected parts. Anybody who's dying or who has died will have had this gland fire at maximum and release all of its contents in one shot. It's potent shit. We're talking about the longest drug trip anybody could ever have because the type of chemical dilates the perception of time. The manmade version of the stuff is super illegal just about everywhere.
I think this is the only major time this gland does anything, other than possibly releasing very tiny doses of what it produces during sleep.
Yes, that's dimethyltryptamine. Very similar in structure to other psychedelic hallucinogens like psilocybin, 4-aco-DMT, 5-meo-DMT etc. Supposedly produced naturally by the brains of mammals. Which makes you wonder what the evolutionary purpose of such a thing is.
The closest theory I know of is that it would be tied as part of the mechanisms in the body that know it's dying. It's documented well enough that the human body undergoes changes when some threshold is hit. If you're not in a situation of stress like getting crushed by a car or something, there's measurable patterns in how the heart changes, and certain hormone productions spike and fall. Sleep is reduced, and usually a few days before dying people are more energetic, but relaxed. If I had to guess, that gland is one of the final sequences. The why's still there though. You don't need a lifelong drugtrip in the final minutes of activity. But I guess everybody gets one anyway. There could be a purpose, and there might not be. Evolution's more akin to some drunk throwing darts at a board and working with what sticks for a while, even if what sticks doesn't make much conceivable sense.
« on: September 09, 2024, 04:51:08 PM »
I frequently tell family who ask how I'm doing that I don't really wanna be here anymore (in a joking tone but still). I can't really relate except that I used to be somewhat nervous about death and now I'm more or less ready for it (I was going to use the word stoked, but that seems like the kind of thing you get worried about someone writing).
What happened was that I took a large dose of weed, plugged in headphones and listened to those gateway experience tapes that are supposed to take you out of body, and I experienced some weird out of body shit that I couldn't explain. And along the way I had what I later learned was an "ego death", which I had no idea could happen on just weed, but ... yeah. It was temporary, of course, but I still have the memories and TBH it really helped.
It's possible to experience ego death simply through meditation without the use of any substance. Though, if the brain does produce DMT on its own, then I wonder if that has something to do with some people's experience.
There's a gland somewhere near the base of your brain in the lower regions. It's one of the most protected parts. Anybody who's dying or who has died will have had this gland fire at maximum and release all of its contents in one shot. It's potent shit. We're talking about the longest drug trip anybody could ever have because the type of chemical dilates the perception of time. The manmade version of the stuff is super illegal just about everywhere. I think this is the only major time this gland does anything, other than possibly releasing very tiny doses of what it produces during sleep.
« on: September 09, 2024, 05:07:36 AM »
Just tacking on another bit. If you find the idea of altering what you believe too implausible, which is fair because death and near death experiences leave a mark that's hard to scrub, you can always focus on one other thing. Fear.
Fear serves a purpose for the things it was built for, but when we let it get out of control, it causes problems. I'm not entirely sure it's possible to erase fear from a person entirely, just to disconnect a person from it. You don't want that anyway. You'd be looking for the psychological means to break fear apart into its base components and understand where they're coming from.
When you really grasp that, fear can't gain control over you, even though it may always be there. I can spell it out for you here. You're mainly afraid of the unknowable. Finding yourself inside of it. The possibility of infinite horror exists inside of that. But since everything in existence is dual and comes with a counterpart, the possibility of infinite non-horror existing within the unknowable is equally likely. Your mind's focused on the horror part of the black.
Fear's there to let you know some things, but it's also in your way. You cannot do your job if fear gets the best of you. What you can do is focus on what you can manipulate and change, try your best, and when it comes time to be afraid, it's when you're at the close and you've tried everything you can think of first. Essentially? Let yourself be afraid of death only when it's actually time. In the meantime, while it hasn't arrived yet, it's pointless to fear an enemy who isn't there in person. Are you going to let that enemy control you while you're still here, or is it going to seep into your mind and become a self fulfilling prophecy? Are you going to let it? Your job's more important than it is.
« on: September 09, 2024, 04:28:56 AM »
Well, here goes. I'm no stranger to near death. Two suicide attempts a very long time ago. I wasn't knocked close to being dead, but the closest I ever have been was heart troubles during a clot. I went out on the table for a bit and they had to use a defib. You know what I was when I came back? Disappointed and tired to be back here.
I am your inverse. It's not neccessarily that I can't see things worth hanging on to. It's the gnawing dread to me that life, specifically human life, is an unbreakable cycle of patterns that are non-negotiable. Those patterns are a prison. Everything we do is built around them, and therefore any attempt to free ourselves from them is just in homage to those same patterns. It means that no matter what I do, I am not free.
But, I can understand your view. What keeps me tethered to life are two promises. I promised my significant other, and I promised a friend I'd watch out for his family. So while I want my peace of mind, to finally be free of all this, I have a duty to fulfill. I can't do this if I'm dead. The possibility that I could die would mean that I cannot fulfill my promises, and the people I try to watch out for would be left in trouble without me.
That does concern me. And I know what life is capable of. People don't see it. I think only people who've come close to death or clinical death and revival do. Your life is a razor thin wire that can be cut at any moment, by anything. Stepping out of your bed in the morning has a chance of killing you if you fall and land wrong.
The harsh reality of death is that when you are gone, the people in your life will continue. They'll have to, as they have no choice in the matter. What you're really afraid of is the black. Where you are, and where you're going. Death as a concept defies the human mind because we can't imagine what lies beyond. We can't imagine non-existence. It's like childbirth. You don't remember how you were born. One day you just appeared from nowhere with your memories, and everybody told you the story that you had to imagine, that you where born.
That doesn't solve your problem. What will? Challenging your belief structure. You're afraid of the black because you don't what's beyond it. You don't know if anything is beyond it. It's the ultimate fuck you to anybody with an ego. Some poor fuck on the street, or some wallstreet baller who owns half a country, death renders all of their accomplishments null.
I'll tell you something buddy. I think it would help you if you thought of death as a shadow. Like real shadows, they can be so dark that you can't see anything. But that doesn't mean nothing is there. It doesn't mean something lies beyond them. There's a lot of shit in this world we can't explain and we probably won't ever have the answers for. I believe we're more than the sum of our parts.
Want to hear something funny? If you're a private investigator, or an undercover cop, part of training comes with a well established rule. When you're tailing somebody, you do not watch them directly with your eyes, even if their back is to you. You keep your peripherals on them. Why is this? It's documented somewhat loosely. People know when they are being watched, without knowing they're being watched. They may not even have a feeling. They'll just turn and make eye contact with you.
This can tie back to the oldest theories about vision. Early thoughts about eyes theorized that we produced a force that was projected outwards that allowed us to see. We learned that our eyes take in light in order to see. But the grey area and the unexplained phenomenon behind why people know they're being watched still exists.
That's not going to help you with death. I'm just saying everything around us is a web that defies comprehension. If you're afraid of the black, the only way to beat it is to believe that something exists past it. That, or make your peace with it. It's part of the unbreakable cycle. When time is up, that's it. You'll take the longest nap you've ever had, and then maybe one day, you'll wake up and everybody will once again tell you a story you'll have to imagine because you can't remember it, that you were born. Either way, there is an answer at the end. For me it's whether or not I find peace from this shit. For you, it's whether or not you're still you, and if there's anything at all.
We all end up in that same state though. When it's really time to go, time may not work there as you perceive it in life. You could end up there and find all your friends and loved ones too. A second in there could be lifetimes out here. If you want to take a very hardline, clinical stance on it? It'll be exactly like being born. You won't remember it. You won't know that you don't exist.
Belief changes reality. You need to find something strong enough that you believe with certainty. I don't mean religion either. They'll sell you lies at best, and at worst, when you die and get the wheel of fortune of religons wrong, it'll have meant you were a slave for somebody else's bullshit. You need to find something intrinsic to you that seems to resonate with you. Death's always resonated with me because I see it as a color I cannot describe.
I'll leave it at that for now.
« on: August 28, 2024, 06:51:35 PM »
Hey boss, dropping an update here. Honestly, I've made zero progress on anything since it's a busy month, but I do have some good news. I found a reconstruction of blood gulch using CE textures AI upscaled. Mostly faithful.
But here's what I've got as an idea. I've got access to Valve's Hammer editor which is their map making program. I have no idea idea how Hammer works other than pushing the button the open the program. But what I could do for the hell of it is load the blood gulch port into Hammer and then retexture the map with Halo 3 textures by giving myself a crash course in basic Hammer etiquette.
I may actually have time for either that or building it from scratch in a bit, since winter's moving in and my only plans for winter are sitting my ass on the computer and day trading into oblivion. I'll have eight months of free time. Pretty sure I can get you something in that time frame.
« on: August 19, 2024, 07:33:57 PM »
 I built this fucker today. All I need is to make a water pump with a crank that attaches to the wheel so it sends some water back up as it works, and some shower curtains so I don't get fucking water everywhere. I did today what's taken months for other things all because I found way to put a wheel on something that had no latch point for a wheel. If I'm lucky I can get this up and running soon.
« on: August 08, 2024, 10:45:28 PM »
 I made these cells up today finally after getting the steel I needed. 10 volts of power. I know they should be much higher but forgot to take into account that cells like these have very high internal impedance which dunks their possible voltage, and I'm only using water as an electrolyte. But I'm willing to settle for ten volts. These were easy to make, and they activate with so much as just a spray bottle. The only thing I'm worried about is if their internal resistance will throttle the output of my dirt cells once they're joined.
« on: August 08, 2024, 10:43:42 PM »
I'll give it a shot then. I'll drop updates as I go.
I'll probably make it a wide spanning overhead shot, sort of like the preview images if you were loading the map up, but there will probably be room for detail, so do you want anything happening in the pic? Make it look as close as I can to a Halo 3 multiplayer match going on?
I'll get started on the base and then we can iron out the details.
Nowbthat you mention it, if you were able to also provide some "multiplayer shots (like what we would see on the back of a Halo case cover)
That would be awesome.
I may start on those smaller shots first to see how good my pitching arm is. Easier to build than the entire map. One more thing. I can probably dig up old ports of CE blood gulch and try to retexture them with Halo 3 graphics, but it'll all still look a little flat. You want any kind of theme going on? Like space elevator in the background on earth kind of deal as if it were blood gulch moved to Earth or something? Or just give it a nice sky with the good old halo ring?
« on: August 08, 2024, 03:16:10 AM »
What I could do is take a reference shot and then build something 1 to 1. The only question is how long you're willing to wait. I'd be doing this for fun but I'm a busy person. I could drop updates in here for you if you want. Take as long as you need: quality > quantity
I'll give it a shot then. I'll drop updates as I go. I'll probably make it a wide spanning overhead shot, sort of like the preview images if you were loading the map up, but there will probably be room for detail, so do you want anything happening in the pic? Make it look as close as I can to a Halo 3 multiplayer match going on? I'll get started on the base and then we can iron out the details.
« on: August 07, 2024, 03:43:00 AM »
Bing image generator took my prompt and decided to turn the master chief into a pelican

Master Chief? You mind telling what you're doing being a pelican? *engine noises*
Imagine the brohammer fanfics you could write.
« on: August 07, 2024, 03:39:00 AM »
Want to take a gamble?
I've got a pretty large chunk of halo 3/reach models in my files. I could take Halo 3 textures and swap them onto some of reach's structures since bungie used identical pngs for most of their textures in their games, which makes overlapping pretty easy.
If you wanted me to, I could probably build it from scratch and then screenshot it. For fun I'd be willing to do it as a challenge, all I'd want to know is how precise you wanted me to be. Like a 1 to 1 ratio with the same hills and paths, or a bit of wiggle room?
What I could do is take a reference shot and then build something 1 to 1. The only question is how long you're willing to wait. I'd be doing this for fun but I'm a busy person. I could drop updates in here for you if you want.
« on: August 02, 2024, 09:57:56 PM »
 There you go lads. Proof of concept. This cell generates power through moisture in the air. It's not fully functional yet as I should clamp it together, and I probably should use sponges as the separators to help with picking up moisture. Right now it's 5 volts. I'd like to build it to around 20, or just for the hell of it, stack it as high as possible to use as an accelerator for the dirt cells I built.
« on: July 26, 2024, 05:17:45 AM »
It looks like you're definitely getting there. I say this without a trace of irony: thank you for taking the time to update us with this thread. I can't say I've read all the posts, but I've read this one, and I'll make the effort to catch up when Sam goes to sleep tonight. I hope you have a fantastic Friday morning <3
Don't worry about reading. If I was going to tell you to read anything, I'd say to wait until I have concrete results. The condensed version of what I've learned so far is that 90% of electric motors can be used as generators if they are spun rather than having power put into them. All electric motors are generators, and all electric generators are motors. Two pieces of metal can be used in a lot of different ways to make basic batteries strong enough to light small electrical things. The simplest is water based, but if you want something more stable, throw the metal into dirt and water it like a houseplant every now and again. If you want to get fancy, you can align the electrodes with the Earth's telluric magnetic currents and they'll pick up on it, giving a boost. I drop it all off here just in case anybody's interested, but my long term goal is learning enough about this shit to start building something quality enough to sell. I'm pretty sure if I can make anything with a reasonable output gravity powered that can run for a day on a windup, it would kill as a salespiece. But I don't have to just sell something. This shit could help somebody out one day if we end up in a shit situation like downed power grids long term and cut off gas pumps.
« on: July 25, 2024, 08:08:15 PM »
 Here's today's fuckery. I had the idea of using clothesline as a cable for pulleys since it can't be broken by hand and it's built to work with a little tension. It's got the benefit of being industrial strength but stupid cheap. The cable works, but not exactly as I intended. I failed to take into account how the clips holding it together act under pressure when rolling. They flexed slightly. So I can't spin those two roller bars without adding tension. The plan is bolt a piece of wood where the stick is, fit a small wheel into it, and tie a weight to it to act as a tensioner for the cable. After that, all I need to do is find a way to rig the bike wheel to the upper roller bar, and fit another pulley to make the falling weight do its thing. Spinning this by hand with the cable, I can get 40 volts DC or AC, and somewhere above 500 milliamps since my meter can't read that high. As is, if I stuck a falling weight to it now, I could charge batteries and run small appliances and tools, and light up a few LED strings. Getting there.
« on: July 20, 2024, 10:58:58 PM »
 Today's hackjob on trying to make a latch point on the generator. I removed the fat ass wheel. I spun it up to around 100 rpm and the wobble and the weight wanted to move the table the genny was bolted to, so it's unsafe as fuck. This new attempt doesn't have a wobble from side to side, but my pulley segment is fucked since all I had to cut a circle was a sawzall. But I'll give this a test and see in a day or so if I can get some rope.
« on: July 17, 2024, 09:01:20 PM »
I don't sleep well anymore, so I usually spend nights awake working on stuff. My body's physically dunked but my head's alert. Tool's usually got good long jams I can just fade into and work without focusing on pains as I go.