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Messages - Elai

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The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:26:04 PM »

Quite cool, actually. Could you imgur the file to me in full resolution so that I can have it as a wallpaper?

I don't particularly like the game but it is visually attractive.


The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:23:18 PM »

I know. I saw your thread the other day. Not to mention it's your avatar.

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:22:55 PM »

I've noticed you always have sweet Superman wallpapers.

Can you send me this one?

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:22:18 PM »

Quite cool, actually. Could you imgur the file to me in full resolution so that I can have it as a wallpaper?

I don't particularly like the game but it is visually attractive.

The Flood / Re: Girl Problem
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:20:34 PM »
So, I guess if we're sharing stories, I can share one of mine.

First, there are a few things you should know about me.
1) I'm a hard-core romantic. I've been criticised by many for having "unrealistic expectations of love", which basically equates to me very rarely falling in love or even into an infatuation.
2) I'm an all-or-nothing kind of guy. I either give it my best and go all-in, or I just don't even try. In everything I do, be it school, work, video games, etc. This connects with my previous statement of rarely falling in love because, well, I only want to fall in love with those who I truly love. Don't want to waste mine and someone else's time.

So, now that we've covered that, allow me to begin.

I will try to summarise my first (and last prior to the one I'm about to share with you) romantic experience shortly. I fell in love with her, she had a boyfriend. Using my "charm" and "wit" (I hesitate to use her words, because I don't agree with them), she ended up falling in love with me. For a few glorious months, we were purely, fantastically, irrevocably in love with each other. I can't remember the last time I was so happy. But it didn't last. She ended up moving away at the height of our relationship (sadly, it hadn't evolved to the point of physical relations, due to us both being religious at the time.) This was 5 years ago. I hadn't even thought about another woman. That was, until this next one.

About a year ago, I was forced to relocate cities (don't want to get into it). This pissed me off for many reasons, the main one being my friends that I would have to leave behind. Because just like my romantic philosophy, I carry my "all-or-nothing" mentality into pretty much everything I do, including those who I deem my friends. This means I had very few friends, but the ones I did have were extremely close to me.

But what are you going to do? I reluctantly sucked it up and moved. I would be continuing my education elsewhere, and wasn't happy about it. Or, I wasn't initially happy with it. But on the first day of classes, I met her.

She was this exotic beauty from Australia, packed with the accent and everything. She read comics to the point where she knew more than I did (which isn't anything substantial, but certainly quite a bit above average). She was an avid fan of A Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Metal Gear, Halo, etc. She. Was. Perfect. On top of that, she had a guy's name (which is sort of my fetish - girls with guy names.) So for the first time in years, I had begun to venture out of my shell. And I must say, I was rusty. I don't even know why she gave me the time of day, to be honest. But for some reason, she would still talk to me.

Being the freak I am, I didn't ask her out. Months went by, and the two of us were talking on a regular basis for that entire time. Finally, the Holiday Season comes around. I want to get her something nice, so I start looking online for some sort of gift. I came across this sweet Clone Trooper Lamp that I just knew she'd love (don't worry, she likes the originals more than the prequels. But we both agreed Clone Troopers were BA.) Me, being me, orders it online just in time for Christmas.

So, it arrives, I've finished wrapping it, etc. I invite her over to my house a few days prior to Christmas when my parents aren't home. This would help me accomplish 2 things.
1) I could give her the gift.
2) It could potentially lead to something a bit more physical.

Alright, so she arrives at my door, I invite her in. We get to chit-chatting (at this point in time, I think a new Metal Gear V trailer was released, so I show her that), and I ask her what her plans are for the break (we hadn't got off school yet, 3 or 4 more days to go, IIRC). Conversation went something like this.

>me, sitting at my desk, trying to find article about something
>casually ask, "so, what are your plans for the break?"
>not sure how this hasn't come up before, we talk everday
>she answers, "Oh, not much. I'm flying back to Australia tomorrow to spend Christmas with my girlfriend."


She had a girlfriend. The second girl I've ever even considered starting a romantic relationship with in my life, and she has a girlfriend.

Trying not to look too broken, I continue, business as usual.

She must've noticed something was wrong and took it as a hint, because she left rather abruptly after "getting a text from her sister".

That was the last time I saw her. Right when she left, I started to bawl. She was the one good thing going on in my life. And now that was gone. I fell into a pit of depression. My grades plummeted. I believe I failed 2 courses and managed to get 50's in the others. My social life (which was basically non-existent anyway) completely disintegrated. My body, which was pretty well-maintained, began to lose any form of muscle it had. I found myself not getting out of bed for weeks straight because I didn't have a reason to. It was the worst time of my life.

It's a bit better now, but I still can't shake this feeling of "what's the point?" I feel like I have no purpose in life, and it's not getting any better.

And that's my story. I hope you enjoyed. The best thing to come out of it was this sweet lamp that I still have.


Thanks. Wrote it myself.

The Flood / Re: Girl Problem
« on: January 30, 2015, 11:13:23 PM »
So, I guess if we're sharing stories, I can share one of mine.

First, there are a few things you should know about me.
1) I'm a hard-core romantic. I've been criticised by many for having "unrealistic expectations of love", which basically equates to me very rarely falling in love or even into an infatuation.
2) I'm an all-or-nothing kind of guy. I either give it my best and go all-in, or I just don't even try. In everything I do, be it school, work, video games, etc. This connects with my previous statement of rarely falling in love because, well, I only want to fall in love with those who I truly love. Don't want to waste mine and someone else's time.

So, now that we've covered that, allow me to begin.

I will try to summarise my first (and last prior to the one I'm about to share with you) romantic experience shortly. I fell in love with her, she had a boyfriend. Using my "charm" and "wit" (I hesitate to use her words, because I don't agree with them), she ended up falling in love with me. For a few glorious months, we were purely, fantastically, irrevocably in love with each other. I can't remember the last time I was so happy. But it didn't last. She ended up moving away at the height of our relationship (sadly, it hadn't evolved to the point of physical relations, due to us both being religious at the time.) This was 5 years ago. I hadn't even thought about another woman. That was, until this next one.

About a year ago, I was forced to relocate cities (don't want to get into it). This pissed me off for many reasons, the main one being my friends that I would have to leave behind. Because just like my romantic philosophy, I carry my "all-or-nothing" mentality into pretty much everything I do, including those who I deem my friends. This means I had very few friends, but the ones I did have were extremely close to me.

But what are you going to do? I reluctantly sucked it up and moved. I would be continuing my education elsewhere, and wasn't happy about it. Or, I wasn't initially happy with it. But on the first day of classes, I met her.

She was this exotic beauty from Australia, packed with the accent and everything. She read comics to the point where she knew more than I did (which isn't anything substantial, but certainly quite a bit above average). She was an avid fan of A Song of Ice and Fire, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Metal Gear, Halo, etc. She. Was. Perfect. On top of that, she had a guy's name (which is sort of my fetish - girls with guy names.) So for the first time in years, I had begun to venture out of my shell. And I must say, I was rusty. I don't even know why she gave me the time of day, to be honest. But for some reason, she would still talk to me.

Being the freak I am, I didn't ask her out. Months went by, and the two of us were talking on a regular basis for that entire time. Finally, the Holiday Season comes around. I want to get her something nice, so I start looking online for some sort of gift. I came across this sweet Clone Trooper Lamp that I just knew she'd love (don't worry, she likes the originals more than the prequels. But we both agreed Clone Troopers were BA.) Me, being me, orders it online just in time for Christmas.

So, it arrives, I've finished wrapping it, etc. I invite her over to my house a few days prior to Christmas when my parents aren't home. This would help me accomplish 2 things.
1) I could give her the gift.
2) It could potentially lead to something a bit more physical.

Alright, so she arrives at my door, I invite her in. We get to chit-chatting (at this point in time, I think a new Metal Gear V trailer was released, so I show her that), and I ask her what her plans are for the break (we hadn't got off school yet, 3 or 4 more days to go, IIRC). Conversation went something like this.

>me, sitting at my desk, trying to find article about something
>casually ask, "so, what are your plans for the break?"
>not sure how this hasn't come up before, we talk everday
>she answers, "Oh, not much. I'm flying back to Australia tomorrow to spend Christmas with my girlfriend."


She had a girlfriend. The second girl I've ever even considered starting a romantic relationship with in my life, and she has a girlfriend.

Trying not to look too broken, I continue, business as usual.

She must've noticed something was wrong and took it as a hint, because she left rather abruptly after "getting a text from her sister".

That was the last time I saw her. Right when she left, I started to bawl. She was the one good thing going on in my life. And now that was gone. I fell into a pit of depression. My grades plummeted. I believe I failed 2 courses and managed to get 50's in the others. My social life (which was basically non-existent anyway) completely disintegrated. My body, which was pretty well-maintained, began to lose any form of muscle it had. I found myself not getting out of bed for weeks straight because I didn't have a reason to. It was the worst time of my life.

It's a bit better now, but I still can't shake this feeling of "what's the point?" I feel like I have no purpose in life, and it's not getting any better.

And that's my story. I hope you enjoyed. The best thing to come out of it was this sweet lamp that I still have.

Too long, didn't read:

Only loved two women in my life, one of them moved away from me five years ago, haven't seen her since. Haven't loved another woman since.

Except for the one I fell in love with last year, who after 4 months of flirting, told me she was going back home for Christmas to be with her Girlfriend.

I had bought her a Clone trooper lamp as a gift, but gave it to myself instead.

The Flood / Re: Girl Problem
« on: January 30, 2015, 10:24:42 PM »
Does it have to be recent girl issues or are we just sharing stories?
Sharing stories

Ho, boy.

The Flood / Re: Girl Problem
« on: January 30, 2015, 10:18:58 PM »
Does it have to be recent girl issues or are we just sharing stories?

Gaming / Taipei Game Show 2015 Sony Livestream?
« on: January 30, 2015, 08:41:41 PM »
Does anyone know where I can find this stream? Having a bit of difficulty finding this, as I really want to watch what Kojima has to say live.


Gaming / Re: Am I the only one who laughed?
« on: January 30, 2015, 06:00:39 PM »
I see the gaming industry is doing something recognizable.

What's that?

Oh you know.

I'm seriously having trouble figuring out what you're trying to say here.

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 05:52:13 PM »

I brought out my two folders with "stuff" inside them, for the lulz. Back into the abyss they go...

I actually have this background as well.

Steel was exactly what I was hoping for.
Congrats on bascially winning...

Considering I'm not the best trainer, I doubt it.

do we have a room or something on showdown?
we do not

we use the lobby and ctrl+f to find people's usernames
if you're ready to battle, it's up to you to set up meetings with people

usually just posting here and asking if anyone wants to battle works
Aye can I still get in on this?
sure, bud


Steel was exactly what I was hoping for.

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:38:33 PM »

Tyger, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't wanna know you or what you do. I don't want to see you on the forums, I don't wanna see you on my friends list. When you join a party, I wanna know a day in advance so I won't be there. You understand?

You believed that story? You believed that?

The Flood / Re: When the hell did I hit legendary?
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:34:01 PM »
Give me a sec! I've prepare a nameplate specifically for this occasion.
u srs m8

Nevermind. I must've lost it, but it was basically a nameplat that had frieza on one end and goku on the other from Dragons balls Pee, and it said "super sand lesbian" inbetween.

It was really cool so I wanted to use it, but it suited you better. Unfortunately I can't find it on my harddrive and I just tried to recreate it but the pixels are all blurry. Sorry babe.

The Flood / Re: When the hell did I hit legendary?
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:25:40 PM »
Give me a sec! I've prepare a nameplate specifically for this occasion.

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:24:04 PM »

Tyger, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't wanna know you or what you do. I don't want to see you on the forums, I don't wanna see you on my friends list. When you join a party, I wanna know a day in advance so I won't be there. You understand?

The Flood / Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:18:40 PM »

I'll show you mine.

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:39:35 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?
Eh, I've been good. Catzilla keeps giving me away with teh Keyu  ;)

The thing is we don't run advertising on Anarchy because most advertisers won't support that kind of content. Flood usually slows to a crawl during anarchy weekend. Plus it'd kinda lose some of the appeal if it was a constant thing. Not to mention all the trouble and extra work it'd cause for the mods.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose it's a good thing, though. Anarchy is The Flood 10x and I don't know how much of that I could take before I lose it lol.
hey you should join the monotype Pokemon tournament. We have a couple spots left

Is it on ORAS, or Showdown?

Link me.

When is it?
All is explained here
It's a month long play at your leisure type thing

We'll see if I get in.

Crossing my fingers for steel-type.
you get 1 reroll as well so you have a pretty good chance. Steel normal and water are all pretty good

Those would be my top 3 choices.

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:35:05 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?
Eh, I've been good. Catzilla keeps giving me away with teh Keyu  ;)

The thing is we don't run advertising on Anarchy because most advertisers won't support that kind of content. Flood usually slows to a crawl during anarchy weekend. Plus it'd kinda lose some of the appeal if it was a constant thing. Not to mention all the trouble and extra work it'd cause for the mods.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose it's a good thing, though. Anarchy is The Flood 10x and I don't know how much of that I could take before I lose it lol.
hey you should join the monotype Pokemon tournament. We have a couple spots left

Is it on ORAS, or Showdown?

Link me.

When is it?
All is explained here
It's a month long play at your leisure type thing

We'll see if I get in.

Crossing my fingers for steel-type.

Aye can I still get in on this?

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:30:06 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?
Eh, I've been good. Catzilla keeps giving me away with teh Keyu  ;)

The thing is we don't run advertising on Anarchy because most advertisers won't support that kind of content. Flood usually slows to a crawl during anarchy weekend. Plus it'd kinda lose some of the appeal if it was a constant thing. Not to mention all the trouble and extra work it'd cause for the mods.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose it's a good thing, though. Anarchy is The Flood 10x and I don't know how much of that I could take before I lose it lol.
hey you should join the monotype Pokemon tournament. We have a couple spots left

Is it on ORAS, or Showdown?

Link me.

When is it?

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:28:46 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?
Eh, I've been good. Catzilla keeps giving me away with teh Keyu  ;)

The thing is we don't run advertising on Anarchy because most advertisers won't support that kind of content. Flood usually slows to a crawl during anarchy weekend. Plus it'd kinda lose some of the appeal if it was a constant thing. Not to mention all the trouble and extra work it'd cause for the mods.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose it's a good thing, though. Anarchy is The Flood 10x and I don't know how much of that I could take before I lose it lol.
hey you should join the monotype Pokemon tournament. We have a couple spots left

Is it on ORAS, or Showdown?

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:17:06 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?
Eh, I've been good. Catzilla keeps giving me away with teh Keyu  ;)

The thing is we don't run advertising on Anarchy because most advertisers won't support that kind of content. Flood usually slows to a crawl during anarchy weekend. Plus it'd kinda lose some of the appeal if it was a constant thing. Not to mention all the trouble and extra work it'd cause for the mods.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose it's a good thing, though. Anarchy is The Flood 10x and I don't know how much of that I could take before I lose it lol.

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:07:19 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?

I wanted to compose music but then I realised I wouldn't make it lol

Sadly not everyone will come to this realisation

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:41:02 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?

The Flood / Re: ITT: shit books
« on: January 30, 2015, 02:40:01 PM »
The Dark Knight Returns
All-Star Batman and Robin
Sin City
Holy Terror

So basically anything Miller writes.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones Season 5 trailer
« on: January 30, 2015, 12:11:09 AM »
Let's hope it rights the wrongs of last season and D&D don't go overboard with the appealing to the masses bs that Season 4 was full of.
Hard to tell. Looks likes the story's going to be condensed a ton starting this season.

If they can just replicate episodes 3, 6 and 8's awesomeness then I'll be okay.

The Flood / Re: Game of Thrones Season 5 trailer
« on: January 30, 2015, 12:03:59 AM »
Let's hope it rights the wrongs of last season and D&D don't go overboard with the appealing to the masses bs that Season 4 was full of.

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