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Messages - SecondClass

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bump for best game ever

Serious / Re: Do you tip servers?
« on: September 06, 2014, 11:08:02 AM »
I would agree with tipping were it not so inconsistent. As the scene amiably points out, why do we feel the need to tip waiters, but not fast food workers, or anyone else in the minimum wage service industry? Also, if tipping is SO essential to the well being of these workers, how are businesses getting away with paying their workers below minimum wage? Especially seeing how strict and rigorous wage laws are in contemporary society.
Restaurant servers are particular in that, because of tips, employers are allowed to pay them much less than the minimum wage. You'll frequently see postings for waiter jobs that advertise things like "$3 an hour, plus tips." It's pretty messed up that the government allows that, sure. But it doesn't make your server any less screwed if you decide not to tip him.

The Flood / Re: Wait so...
« on: September 06, 2014, 11:04:23 AM »
That's so gay. Any post-Dark Knight Batman movies aren't worth watching.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:41:30 AM »
Holy shit, this is still going?
Not nearly as long as the our other UN threads. These things tend to go on for a long time.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:32:56 AM »
The navy is assembled at the coast of point lookout. Firing its mortars. The outcasts ask for support from the BoS 50,000 Gauss rifle t51-b troops surround stand on the wall of point lookout. 60,000 gauss rifle t51-b troops are on the wall of the outcast hq. Pulse grenades are thrown at the androids. Wiping thousands of them out. Again, the outcasts ask for support from the BoS.
EDIT:Class,are you attacking or defending me? If you're defending then ignore all of the casualties on your army.
Attacking. Another 80,000 elite soldiers are sent to take Point Lookout, and all 90,000 soldiers move in, all throwing a pulse grenade each at the power armored outcasts, frying their circuitry. 1,000 troops with pulse rifles lead the charge.

At the HQ, the androids return fire with pulse grenades of their own, killing the outcasts guards defending the main gate. The rest of the massive android army floods into the base.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Christ, Marie..
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:38:25 AM »

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:32:57 AM »
40,000 android soldiers finished. 40,000 more being produced (560,000 total).

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:31:59 AM »
—Talon Company Update—

Military: 120,000 elite soldiers equipped with combat armor and helmets, wielding 5.56 assault rifles. 560,000 android soldiers equipped with metal armor, wielding 5.56 assault rifles. 1,000 soldiers stationed on top of southern border wall, equipped with combat armor and wielding anti-material rifles. Twelve vertibirds. (681,000 soldiers total)

Auto-doc, hydroponics, Great Khan chem recipes, wind energy, solar energy, android manufacturing.

Fort Bannister (DC), Underworld (DC), Hubris Comics (DC), The Institute (MA), Bitter Springs (NV), Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Ohio, Indiana, southern Florida, Quebec, eastern Ontario.

Energy sources:
Maple Ridge Wind Farm (NY), Marble River Wind Farm (NY), Locust Ridge Wind Farm (PA), Blue Creek Wind Farm (OH), Long Island Solar Farm (NY), Fowler Ridge Wind Farm (IN), Meadow Lake Wind Farm (IN), oil extraction (Canada).

Economy/Internal affairs:
Controlled Capitalism, with higher pay for government jobs, especially the military. Due to the vast amount of land and work that needs doing, unemployment is low. Territory is extremely safe and controlled, due to idle military forces being assigned to constantly patrol the streets, shooting ghouls, mutants, and raiders on sight. Quality of life is extremely high, with most residents having access to basic luxuries such as hot showers, electricity, and clean water. Because of this, taxes are able to be moderately high with little complaint. Official currency is the Talon Company Dollar (TCD) which has a value of 1:1 to caps.

Other assets: The espionage agency Talon Intelligence Sect (TIS); 50-foot tall steel wall along Talon's southern border; water purification plant in New Jersey; hydroponically grown marijuana which is sold to the general populace; production of chems which are sold to non-Talon wastelanders; swath of steel factories across Pennsylvania that produce weaponry, ammunition, armor, vertibirds, and various other products.

The Flood / Re: The last food/drink you ate is the only thing you can eat.
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:21:49 AM »
Fried chicken wings and coke?

*sigh* Goodbye, beautiful figure...

The Flood / Re: I'm making onion rings.
« on: September 06, 2014, 01:11:44 AM »



You ever been caught?
No, but there was a bus I used to catch into a bad area to pick up that has a police escort, and I'd be off the bus and then back on it again as it came back within five or ten minutes. And I'd smell of weed at least half the time. They basically knew, but there was nothing they could do.
Isn't the smell probable cause for a search like it is in America?

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:59:33 AM »
10,000 Talon Company mercs surround Point Lookout. 100,000 android soldiers are sent to the outcasts' HQ.

Serious / Re: Do you tip servers?
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:36:18 AM »
I always tip 20%, unless the server is a complete asshole. Even then, I tip 10%. I don't get pissy if other people don't, though.

The Flood / Re: *sips coffee*
« on: September 06, 2014, 12:28:39 AM »
You tend to be kinda full of yourself.
Well, of course I am. That's not a flaw, though.

The Flood / Re: *sips coffee*
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:42:13 PM »
Doncha know? I'm just your friendly neighborhood prude.
You're the one who told me, after all.
That's not something to be proud of. You shouldn't revel in a serious character flaw.
Heh, you're one to talk.

The Flood / Re: *sips coffee*
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:33:41 PM »
Doncha know? I'm just your friendly neighborhood prude.
You're the one who told me, after all.
That's not something to be proud of. You shouldn't revel in a serious character flaw.

The Flood / Re: *sips coffee*
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:27:23 PM »
I regret it for you.

You're always high anyway so how can anyone take you seriously?
I post on here while intoxicated about 12% of the time. I'm just whacky, man. If you all got together and beat me over the head with the fact that you want more serious threads or posts then I'd consider a change of style.
Whether or not the 12% is correct, you still act like you're completely drugged up 90% of the time.
That posting style makes you look unintelligent and unable to be taken seriously by anyone. If that's the way you want to keep going though, then so be it. It's your own decision to make.
What the fuck, man? This forum isn't supposed to be a bastion for serious discussion, it's supposed to be a place to chill out, be yourself, and have fun. Were you born with a telephone pole up your ass?

The Flood / Re: Movies no one should see
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:23:01 PM »
--Iron Man
--Iron Man 2
--Iron Man 3
--Anything with Robert Downsy Jr in it

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 05, 2014, 06:27:45 PM »
40,000 android soldiers finished. 40,000 more being produced (520,000 total).

Oil drilling equipment set up in Canada. Talon Company begins drilling for oil.

Project Owari -- 40%

The Flood / Re: Remember that Battletoads thing?
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:46:38 PM »
Weren't you the person that first posted about it on
Yep, lol. That same image you posted. Those prank calls are godly.

The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:45:56 PM »

Bro you forgot Bob left the Republic ages ago, pages before.

The Republic may have died, but the Empire lives on!
Damn...Talon Company sends scouts out to track and kill this "Bob".

Talon glue factory -- 50%

The Flood / Re: Remember that Battletoads thing?
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:44:53 PM »
I wish it was still a thing.

Serious / Re: lol trade unions
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:17:32 PM »
Unions are the backbone of America, bro. You think the big corporation you work for gives a shit about you? No, the only one on your side is your local union.

The Flood / Re: Favorite TV show you are currently watching?
« on: September 05, 2014, 02:59:13 PM »
Such a brilliant show.
Too bad it has a black guy in it

The Flood / Re: I'm making onion rings.
« on: September 05, 2014, 02:54:47 PM »
are you high

The Flood / Re: Favorite TV show you are currently watching?
« on: September 05, 2014, 02:51:37 PM »
--Rewatching Twin Peaks for the third time
--30 Rock
--Bojack Horseman
--Gravity Falls

The Flood / Re: Ketchup is for people who like eating shit.
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:57:53 PM »
Ketchup is literally tomatoes (the shit of the cooking world) and vinegar (the piss of the cooking world).
Take your incorrect opinions elsewhere.


The Flood / Re: UN Game: Fallout Edition
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:35:51 PM »
Bob returns to the Republic of Dave after the defense of the West Coast, and returns to realize that The Rep. Of Dave is no longer there (and instead there is a warehouse with a Talon symbol, with a conveyor belt moving tons of brahmin hooves...Bob doesn't wanna know)

Assuming total destruction of his Republic and President Dave, Bob decides to scavenge & wander, moving in the direction to Old Olney.

The democratic Republic of Dave faction has become the autocratic Empire of Bob faction.
Bob improved combat skills and training from his defense of the West Coast with Enclave forces.
Bob has improved armour and weaponry, mostly acquired by scavenging and looting the dead Asian forces. [Combat Armour + Laser Rifle]

Scavenges for supplies and shelter [Takes 1 page's worth]
Bro Talon Company already burned your Republic to the ground. Check the last few pages.

The Flood / Re: *sips coffee*
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:49:30 PM »
Coffee is literally life.

The Flood / Re: Get in here, fgts
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:08:28 PM »
I got banned for an hour, lol.
lol why?

The Flood / Get in here, fgts
« on: September 04, 2014, 11:05:29 PM »

Join for fun and hot BBWs

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