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Messages - SecondClass

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The Flood / Re: Is it possible for a fanbase/fandom to ruin a franchise?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:07:53 PM »
The Gravity Falls fandom is fucking horrible, but I still consider myself a Faller. Great show.

Serious / Re: Are you afraid of dying and what does/does not come after?
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:03:50 PM »
I'm much more afraid of the concept of static nothingness than actually dying.

The Flood / Re: Favorite kind of rock?
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:57:57 PM »
Jesus Christ, Dustin.

The Flood / Re: Favorite theme song?
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:56:31 PM »


News / Re: Nominate Nameplates for Deletion
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:50:49 PM »
Guys, swage is actually popular.
I see no reason to get rid of it.
Being popular doesn't justify its existence.

The Flood / Re: 69th Post picks my username
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:47:55 PM »
class pls tell him to make it deej is a bk
lolno that's lame

The Flood / Re: 69th Post picks my username
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:46:35 PM »

The Flood / Re: 69th Post picks my username
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:44:40 PM »

EDIT: Got it, bitches.

The Flood / Re: >joined
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:42:29 PM »
The results you're searching for may be, but are not limited to:
On 8/29/14 a user known as Blackbox (which was an alt of Blackbox Rob) sends a horrific picture of a German shepherd being tortured and raped. It's penis is burnt via lighter, anal beads inserted into it's anus, tied down with duck tape and being raped by a male. It's unknown if the male in the picture is Blackbox. The flood was completely disgusted, perhaps one of the worse things ever posted on
What a cool guy

News / Re: Nominate Nameplates for Deletion
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:40:52 PM »

As long as we keep elemental, I'm not concerned.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:33:11 PM »
Tobacco's smoke isn't bad it's all the BS that is added to cigarettes that are a cause for alarm. Smoke Pot if it is legal where you are, it's a lot more "Healthy" than current cigarettes.
Oh, I smoke weed all the time. Way more often than cigarettes. I just moved, though, so I don't have a reliable dealer yet.

The Flood / Re: Member rating thread
« on: September 16, 2014, 10:01:07 AM »
Once you post I put in the rating.

The Flood / Re: Member rating thread
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:54:37 AM »
Damn, this is a lot better organized than most honest opinion threads.
I try to be as organized as possible.
Seems like it. What's my rating?

The Flood / Re: Leaked footage of robot
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:53:35 AM »

The Flood / Re: Member rating thread
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:50:14 AM »
Damn, this is a lot better organized than most honest opinion threads.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:46:57 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?
That joke was never funny. We've already had this conversation. I know you like to be all edgy and shit, but shut the fuck up.

It's not right to mess with people like that.
Uh, we actually haven't. Or maybe we have, you're not that memorable of a person. And yeah, of course I'm edgy by this forum's standards. But how the hell is thinking that mods should be able to joke around edgy in the slightest?

Please tell me that you don't actually believe anyone has ever fallen for the "delete system 32" trick. No one's messing with anyone, you seriously need to sit down and take a fucking chill pill.
We've already had this conversation. LOL Trying to insult me by saying I'm not memorable. inb4 I wasn't trying to insult you

People have fallen for that trick. Why the hell do you think people did it in the first place?

I'm calm. You're the one arguing and telling me I need to laugh at what you laugh at. Put down that mirror.
No, I was definitely insulting you. And yeah, maybe the first person that it was done to fell for it. Anyone with even the slightest understand of how a computer works would know not to delete system 32. People dumb enough to actually fall for that shit deserve the outcome.

Calm? You're the one that's getting pissy over a simple joke and telling people to shut the fuck up. And I'm not telling you that you need to find it funny, quite the opposite. You're the one that started all this bullshit by spouting "that's not funny" as if your sense of humor was the universal gauge on what jokes are acceptable to be posted here.

The Flood / Re: Tell me what to draw
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:40:57 AM »
Draw a cute loli


The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:35:59 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?
That joke was never funny. We've already had this conversation. I know you like to be all edgy and shit, but shut the fuck up.

It's not right to mess with people like that.
Uh, we actually haven't. Or maybe we have, you're not that memorable of a person. And yeah, of course I'm edgy by this forum's standards. But how the hell is thinking that mods should be able to joke around edgy in the slightest?

Please tell me that you don't actually believe anyone has ever fallen for the "delete system 32" trick. No one's messing with anyone, you seriously need to sit down and take a fucking chill pill.

The Flood / Re: Help Flood
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:09:04 AM »
Press the "Windows button + R"

Type "cmd' and hit enter

Then type "delete system32"
This isn't funny man. Especially as a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to have a sense of humor now?

The Flood / Re: If the world were to end tomorrow...
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:08:11 AM »
A plate of Asian food from this place in my local mall, with a pot brownie as desert.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:06:01 AM »
And if you think I'm being over-dramatic, you just told me you're a hedonist, so I can only imagine you do a whole fuckton of other stupid fucking shit.
I can't imagine I make more "smart choices" than you, Verb. Kinda makes me wonder why I'm almost certainly happier than you. The worth of any life is only measured by how happy you were for it.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:03:23 AM »
I feel like how very wrong you are about something is a demonstrable, quantifiable measure. In other words, a fact.
A lifestyle choice is never objectively wrong. I'm a hedonist. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not meant to have every last year squeezed out of it.
And I'm practically an ascetic. So, shit. I mean, I really don't ever indulge myself in anything I want to do; I'm always doing what I have to in order to achieve a position where I can afford to indulge myself. I don't even play video games anymore, hardly. The only indulgence I truly partake in is meat-eating, but still, only then, I aim to stop that, and I still only ever eat when I have to.

So from my perspective, looking down, I really have to wonder how shitty your life must be—and granted, those who are addicted obviously have it a lot worse—but even those who are so passé and cavalier about their shit life choices are really fucking pitiful to me. As if it's all that hard to do the smart thing instead of the thing you really want to do. I feel sorry for you.

But you don't wanna live past forty anyway. Well, shit, if you're gonna smoke, I hope you do become addicted, I hope you do manage to live past forty, and when you finally do die, I hope it's excruciating. I actually don't know. But the sooner people like you die, the less hair I'll have to pull out. Because it's people like you who are so stuck in their ways that they really just are pathetic and ought to get exactly what they claim to want.
And I feel as equally bad for you. It's like you have some inner guilt that disallows you from experiencing life in the way that makes you happy. You condemn my actions as "shit life choices", but they're really not. Any choice that brings you more happiness than long-term pain isn't a shit choice. Do I honestly think that smoking a homemade cigarette every two or so weeks will lead to me getting cancer? No, but I really wouldn't be too concerned if it did.

Every day is a gift, Verbatim. Every day is your day, to do the things that make you happy. Is there a base level of work that you need to do in order to supply the material necessities for these things? Of course. But that doesn't mean that work and "smart choices" should dominate your life. Do you enjoy the "indulgence" of eating meat? Then eat it. Do you enjoy playing video games? Then play them. Life has no higher meaning. The whole point is to find enjoyment in it.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:52:32 AM »
Not anymore, I don't see a point. It doesn't help me relieve stress nor does it feel good anymore.
Then I don't blame you for stopping. If it ever reaches that point for me, I'd certainly stop, as well.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:51:30 AM »
Why would you want that shit in your lungs?
It's fun and relieves stress. And I don't find it disgusting at all.
It isn't fun at all. Like, at all.
Different people find different things fun.
Retards find banging their heads against the wall fun. Does that make them any less retarded?
No, but the fact that they're banging their heads against the wall isn't what makes them retarded.
>implying that you were stupid before smoking
lel gj
What? I'm not stupid now. I've never been stupid. Doing self-destructive things for vain enjoyment isn't equatable to an actual lower intelligence.
You're stupid for not understanding then. I wasn't implying that you were stupid.
I don't understand half the shit you post here.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:47:36 AM »
Why would you want that shit in your lungs?
It's fun and relieves stress. And I don't find it disgusting at all.
It isn't fun at all. Like, at all.
Different people find different things fun.
Retards find banging their heads against the wall fun. Does that make them any less retarded?
No, but the fact that they're banging their heads against the wall isn't what makes them retarded.
>implying that you were stupid before smoking
lel gj
What? I'm not stupid now. I've never been stupid. Doing self-destructive things for vain enjoyment isn't equatable to an actual lower intelligence.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:33:36 AM »
Why would you want that shit in your lungs?
It's fun and relieves stress. And I don't find it disgusting at all.
It isn't fun at all. Like, at all.
Different people find different things fun.
Retards find banging their heads against the wall fun. Does that make them any less retarded?
No, but the fact that they're banging their heads against the wall isn't what makes them retarded.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:32:21 AM »
I feel like how very wrong you are about something is a demonstrable, quantifiable measure. In other words, a fact.
A lifestyle choice is never objectively wrong. I'm a hedonist. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not meant to have every last year squeezed out of it.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:27:47 AM »
This is probably the stupidest thing you've ever said, by the way.
I can't overstate how little I care about your opinions.

The Flood / Re: *stretches* ... *prances* ... *strikes a pose*
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:30:19 AM »

The best fictitious fox, hands down.

The Flood / Re: Smoking cigarettes
« on: September 16, 2014, 07:27:42 AM »
Pleasure is just a torture put in place to tease human beings with delicacies just to punish them and make them miserable when they inevitably fail and become sad or depressed later on. There's really no point in letting the cycle continue.


Human race needs to end. There's no compromise to make.
Okay, Verbatim.

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