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Topics - SecondClass

Pages: 123 45 ... 77
The Flood / Spoiler Okay so the penguin is the real antangonist
« on: September 14, 2020, 01:49:53 PM »
this series is getting incredible honestly

sometimes i dont know whats going on but by the end of the episode i usually do

I love the  random "that's an angel" though, pretty sure they used that line like 3 times

and then theres this totally spies shit happening with Kaji where he's a double agent or something

But really I would appreciate someone telling me the story up until episode 20

The Flood / I hate Asuka
« on: September 06, 2020, 10:02:42 PM »

She is an annoying character

I like her presence in the plot to stir things up a bit

but no this character feels very halfheareted

The Flood / Verbatim said he’s writing a book about me
« on: September 04, 2020, 09:24:09 PM »

When does this happen?

The Flood / Ad free Youtube
« on: September 04, 2020, 06:33:12 PM »
I get my bf to pay $12 a month for youtube premium so I can watch videos ad free while still following verbatim’s life tenets

IMO this is the best compromise because you’re not using adblock but still removing ads

I love subscriptions

The Flood / Good Sep7agon Memories Thread
« on: September 03, 2020, 10:41:43 AM »

my favorite one that i just found

Sep7 has been around for a long time. Search + your username, and you'll see what you're most known for on this site

I think it's cool that all of these posts are saved, it's like we're writing a diary that we can look back on years later

The Flood / Just watched the first episode of Evangelion (1995)
« on: September 03, 2020, 04:08:16 AM »
It's on netflix, I needed something to put on, and found this while scrolling through netflix

after my bf confirmed that this was the original version (I was very concerned about that) we watched two episodes. He went to bed after two and I cuddled with him, but I couldn't sleep and I wanted to watch more tv anyway, so I put on episode 3

Let me just say, phenomenal anime. Most anime has a initial "hard to watch"-ness for me, but with this show it's just so easy. The only bad thing is that the english dub's subtitles don't line up with what the people are actually saying, so I have to watch it without subtitles. I read a plot summary on Wikia for every episode as I watched.

But yeah, this one is so good. The characters are awesome. I like the timid main character boy who is implied to have this super dark past, I love Misato and her blonde friend, and yeah everything is in place here. Journalist kid, bully kid, I mean I don't have anything fancy or analytical to say but so far I am wholly invested in these characters.

My only question is, really?

Really, there was a world-class cataclysm, a fucking meteor hit us - OUR AXIS SHIFTED - and then in 15 years we come back with mecha technology? Like that's the part I don't buy. The Dark Ages lasted like 200 years; I think it would take longer than 15 for humanity to bounce back, and bounce back with that much advancement of technology at that.

What do you think? Post below! When does Asuka come on, and does she interact with Misato? Because I think the two would get along

The Flood / Post your list of warnings / bans on Sep7
« on: August 28, 2020, 05:08:34 PM »

this is indicative of your moral character

also how fast does warning level go down? I want my nameplate back

The Flood / Can we ban notCarmen?
« on: August 26, 2020, 05:14:21 PM »
Impersonation isn't a joke friend

it happened on Bnext dont let it happen here

The Flood / What's the strongest type of bigotry?
« on: August 18, 2020, 12:32:15 PM »
Weird title I know, but I've been wondering this for a while and can't find any articles on it. What I'm asking is, what type of bigotry is generally more persistent, aggressive, and widespread out of these? Like, which do you think will last the longest?

The Flood / Add me to your Sep7agon buddy list please
« on: August 13, 2020, 07:22:47 AM »
remember that Pass It On commercial where that punk kid steals the black old lady's purse, and he's running away and the cops are following him, but then it just turns out the old lady left her purse behind on accident and the kid was following her bus to give it back to her? and the cop calls the kid over and is like "nice move, kid" and gives him a donut?

why can't the whole world be like that? for every sep7agon buddy I get I am donating $1 to The Foundation For A Better Life

The Flood / How is everyone doing? Jobs, homes, relationships?
« on: August 03, 2020, 02:44:31 PM »
Just realized I don't know many of you all that well outside of your posting style.

We all know Joe Biden is ultimately going to win over Donald Trump, but isn’t it sad that those are the two options we have? Wouldn’t it be better, truly, if Barack Obama were to be elected President for a 3rd term? I think it would and I think everyone else here also knows that it would be the preferable option.

The Flood / A letter to the FBI agent reading this
« on: July 30, 2020, 11:55:15 AM »
Thank you for being so reasonable, amicable, and understanding even though it took you four hours to find me. Again, I regret my actions immensely and this experience has been a wake-up call teaching me that you're always accountable for what you say on the Internet. Also, that everyone on this website is a whiny loser who will actually report posts to you guys, but only the posts of people who they don't like.

Many, many worse things have been said on this website, but because they were made by popular users, nothing becomes of them. In the future, you better believe I'm reading up on federal law and reporting ANYTHING that even slightly violates it. My takeaway from this day is that strict adherence to federal law while using the Internet is key, and any deviations from it will be swiftly sought out and punished.

I apologize for wasting your time and I hope you have a stress-free, calm drive back. Also I'm sorry for trying to shake your hand, forgot that we live in an era of fear.

The Flood / No joke an FBI agent literally showed up at my door
« on: July 30, 2020, 11:22:41 AM »
Wow, I feel stupid. Goddamn Ian, you know I wasn't being serious. Talk about a wake-up call, guess I'm not allowed to shitpost here anymore.

The Flood / Listen guys I would like to announce my plans
« on: July 29, 2020, 06:48:34 PM »

fucking psychos have to take everything I say like gospel, I mean one second I'm an irredeemable liar, next I have enough credence where a blatant joke post is taken seriously enough to be reported to the FBI? Make up your minds people

The Flood / Verbatim, have you watched Rick and Morty?
« on: July 26, 2020, 09:34:40 PM »
remember when Rick broke the fourth wall

The Flood / Getting $231 a week for doing nothing
« on: July 26, 2020, 09:22:29 PM »
God I love our government

The Flood / This sub is such a fucking chore
« on: July 26, 2020, 12:24:27 AM »
So dig this, okay? I’m living with my boyfriend and as you know I’m open to polygamy and such, so he pays for this discord trans girl Hazey to come over here. He paid this girl’s plane ticket to come here lmao. And he lets me do DXM for this spectacular event - wonderful, right?

Yeah, the airport experience was great. We went there to pick her up, and I was so light and breezy. It was great because I got to have this big epic airport adventure without actually having to get on a plane or go through security. It was a whole thing to find her, but eventually we found a meeting place. As she said she would, she was wearing a collar, and as he said he would, he attached a leash to said collar and held it while we walked away from the disney store. Yeah, get that quote button ready folks, I know that will be the takeaway here.

They only did that for like twenty seconds though. While she was on the leash, I sulked way back behind them, acted like I didn’t even know them.

So anyway the whole point of this was to have a little pet over so my boyfriend and I could both dom her (definitely my boyfriend’s idea, though - he’s the one who even knew this girl) but she gets in the car and we’re driving back to our place from Orlando, and she’s SO awkward and weird. Like on discord she was so bubbly and shit, get to real life and try to have a convo with her and it’s impossible

My boyfriend did some awkward dom stuff to her when we got back, like no fucking joke this bitch brought a ball gag and everything. But it got to a point where it was clear that no one was enjoying it, and now I’m stuck with her while there’s this big elephant in the room. That elephant is named “No One Is Enjoying This And The Whole Thing Was A Waste”.

Now usually, I like to call out elephants when I see them - I bring them up and everyone is generally appreciative for it. But this one I’m not calling out because they’ll just both deny it.

Other tidbits from the night include:

• Hazey brought over these hydroxyzine tablets and said they were “just like xanax” so I assumed benzos, she gives me a bunch and I’m excited, we take them and everyone but me falls asleep for like three hours. Turns out hydroxyzine is an antihistamine and the effect is akin to benadryl

• My boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend overdrew his account to buy some shit (she still had his card info somehow) and put him into overdraft, and so everything we bought to prep for this got slapped with an overdraft fee. The ex paid him back but the damage was done

• My CLICK button on my computer stopped working so even though we have wifi now, we literally cannot use the wifi to watch shows. We can’t even watch the good stuff I’ve downloaded to my laptop. All of this would be fixed with a mouse, but we can’t get that until tomorrow

• Due to the above bullet, the only entertainment has been my DVD set of Avatar TLA, and actually this was kinda cool. That was the one cool thing.

But yeah, she’s an awkward introvert and my boyfriend is already a pretty quiet, introverted person himself, so it falls on me to be the entertainer pretty much. And that would be okay, but idk this would go a lot better with some alcohol.

I’m dating a guy and we used to live in a house his sister is trying to flip for a profit, so we had to be super careful and it was this precarious situation, but now he and I live in a place all our own! It has three rooms and two bathrooms and a kitchen. It’s amazing. Finally, no more living with my mom. Finally, someone who sees my appeal. Like yo guys! The polycule may be broken, maybe I’ll never be rich after all, but I’m dating a dude who sincerely thinks I’m hot and is providing for me while he works for his sister. It’s amazing and I’m loving every second of it.

Enough about the blog post, how has everyone around here been?

The Flood / AMA I am no longer drunk but the AMA continues
« on: July 18, 2020, 03:01:52 AM »
different font because why not

as always this is a completely honest AMA; if you ask for my social I will give it to you

mama shark! do do do do do, mama shark!

The Flood / buy me a pizza (please)
« on: July 13, 2020, 07:21:12 PM »
times are tough and I literally only have lettuce and canned tomatoes in the kitchen

well also these boxed mashed potato flakes things but you need milk and butter to make them

Yikes! Maybe learn to realize that some people actually LIKE me? I know you don’t, but yeah I have my supporters. Either wise up and accept this new Carmen era or get left in the past.

Trans topic: fuck dresses am I right? learn to dress like Britta Perry and you will be a happy girl

Oh yeah this thread is partially in response to this one that I made last night while wasted as hell, maybe learn that alcohol and drugs are the solution to your problems while you’re taking my lessons

4chan blocked my IP range so I’m posting the thread that I was going to post there here

It’s now been proven that roughly 87% of those who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election have enlarged brain stems. The Chicago Institute of Medicine tested 1,203 volunteers, all of whom voted for the President. The Institute gave these participants CAT scans and found that 87% had brain stem sizes disproportional to the size of their entire brain - a phenomenon some are calling “Trump Brained”. The noticeable results of this condition, according to the Institute, include a higher level of concentration and focus, better reading comprehension, and a more acute sense of phonics.

this is fucking insane, he’s 1000% going to get reelected now

The Flood / Is corona virus just a way to sell more Tangled DVDs?
« on: July 04, 2020, 04:11:33 AM »
Wouldn’t be surprised if Big Mouse was behind this

Digital Zesty knows exactly what he's doing. He's undergoing a systematic effort to change this website and make Sep7agon more like the rest of the world.

The Flood / Well hello little boy!
« on: June 26, 2020, 04:28:55 PM »
Now, don't be shy!
Step right up, I'm a reasonable guy.
Don't be frightened by the look in my eye-
I'm just your average evil meteor from outta the sky!

Well, I'm just shy and scared in this place
I'm just a fish outta water from outer space
You can see that the trip has left me tired and drained
So why don't you be a pal...
And bring me some brains?!

Go down to your neighbor's place,
See the dull expression on his face!
You’d be doing him a favor if you brought him to me
He aint using his brain - he's just watching TV!

Go down to Mr. McGee's
He hasn't had a thought since '43.
His brain is the portrait of atrophy!
He ain't using it, why not give it to me?

Brains, brains, I won't lie!
I'll eat their brains 'til they're zombified
Sure they might think it's deranged
But they won't give it a thought,
After I've eaten their brain!

Brains, brains, it’s okay!
It's not a matter if it isn't gray,
And if at first they it's strange,
they won't think twice
If they don't have a brain!

Go down to the Wonton shop,
My fortune cookie says that I just can't stop
I'll suck the noodle right out of their heads
And half an hour later, I'm hungry again!

Creep into the donut stop
Sneak in, tip-toe past the cop.
Pick me up a cruller and a cupful of tea.
And any other sweetbreads you happen to see.

Brains, BRAINS! I won't lie!
I'll eat their brains 'til they're zombified!
Sure they might think it's deranged
But they won't give it a thought
After I've eaten they're brain.

Brains, brains, it’s okay!
It's not a matter if it isn't gray,
And if at first they thinks it's strange,
they won't think twice
If they don't have a brain!

Brains, brains, I love em, I need em!
My stomach jumps for joy when I eat em!
Big ones, fat ones, short ones, tall ones,
They're so delectable, especially the small ones.
No time to cook em in a skillet.
My belly's rumblin', I got a need to fill it.
I don't fry em, the heat will only shrink em,
I just grab myself a straw and I drink em!(ohhhhhhh...)

You've been swell to go around,
And bring me every single brain in town
But with all these brains, I can't help but think
That there isn't one left out there to drink?

Now fess up boy, come on, heck!
Is there someone that you're trying to protect?
Bring her down here to meet her end
And I promise I'll be your bestest friend!

Brains, brains, I can’t lie!
I'll eat her brains 'til she's zombified.
Sure she might think it's deranged
But she won't give it a thought
After I've eaten her brain

Brains, brains, it’s okay!
It's not a matter if it isn't gray,
And if at first she thinks it's strange,
she won't think twice.....

If she don't have a brain!

Bring me her brain.....

The Flood / Top 3 best users, top 3 worst users, top forgettable user
« on: June 22, 2020, 10:28:20 PM »
Popularity contests are lame, but I need to make at least four threads every day or Christopher Walken reclaims my soul, and I can’t think of anything else

So list seven users ITT or give me thread ideas / ideas on how to beat this curse. FYI, never watch Click while high or this will happen to you too

My opinion
Top 3 Best:
• Myself
• Verbatim
• FatherlyNick

Top 3 Worst:
• Challenger
• Desty
• Ingy

Most Forgettable:
• Mmmm Napalm

The Flood / New pictures where I look fly as hell
« on: June 20, 2020, 01:10:46 AM »
Don’t even need to shoot from the top up to hide my features either

The only makeup I’m wearing is mascara


Not as good as a certain noid for sure but hey, do you at least appreciate my modesty? I don’t think I’ve ever posted ass pics on a public forum and bragged about it before.

No wifi but we have unlimited data on his phone and he even leaves it for me while he’s at work. He’s a self admitted chaser who continually hits on me and thinks I’m really hot but he’s just delusional w/e

So question! Should I:

A) Watch more Totally Spies (episodes I have saved on my computer so I can hook up the HDMI and watch them on the TV)
B) Watch Better Call Saul on the phone (may be hard to follow in my state but still a fantastic piece of art)
C) Listen to sad songs like Teen Idle and lament over my failed 50/50 die roll at birth that would’ve changed everything
D) Listen to empowering songs like Without Me, continue to believe that my dick and my male brain are actually assets that have served me well in life, represent assertiveness and power, and something I should be proud of?

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