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Topics - SecondClass

Pages: 1 ... 717273 7475 ... 77
The Flood / How do you feel about this image?
« on: October 01, 2014, 01:33:02 PM »

« on: September 29, 2014, 06:43:18 PM »
Four more days!!

Get your loli ready

The Flood / My dad works for Yomura
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:08:33 AM »
Where do your parents work?

The Flood / I still don't understand this ZQ thing
« on: September 28, 2014, 01:06:19 PM »
From a recap of events, it just seems like she slept with a journalist and everyone lost their minds. Can anyone elaborate?

Serious / Police officer kills Walmart shopper for holding a BB gun
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:42:34 PM »
Police said they responded to a 911 call of an armed man in the store outside of Dayton on Aug. 5, and that they shot Crawford after he didn’t listen to commands to drop the gun. It turns out it was an air rifle that can shoot BBs or fire pellets.

The video shows Crawford, while talking on a cellphone, picking up a pellet gun, which was out of its package and sitting on a shelf. His family said he was talking to the mother of his two children. Crawford continues to walk through Wal-Mart aisles and passes by other customers, who do not appear to react to his presence. The Xenia Gazette reports that Crawford passed by Ronald Ritchie, the man who called 911 and told a dispatcher that there “was a gentleman walking around with a gun in the store,” that “he’s like pointing it at people” and the man appeared to loading what looked like a rifle and “waving it back and forth.” (A month later, Ritchie told the Guardian that Crawford never pointed the gun at anybody).

Fucking ridiculous. This murderer didn't even get indicted. Your tax dollars at work!

The Flood / Eat out the user behind you
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:41:44 PM »

« on: September 26, 2014, 03:57:19 AM »

Will the Avatar shitposting ever stop??

The Flood / Best Avatar character?
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:45:09 PM »
Pick your favorite two!

The Flood / I need a new plate
« on: September 24, 2014, 10:49:42 PM »
my old one's getting all gross. Can anyone recommend a quality piece for under like $5?

Serious / Sexism against women is still extremely widespread
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:15:59 PM »
But not in the institutionalized way most of the SJWs go on about. It exists almost exclusively in the form of slut shaming. A man sleeps around with three women a week, he's looked up upon. A women sleeps around with three men a week, she's a slut and isn't trusted. It's truly the last prevalent form of sexism in our society. Who agrees?

The Flood / UN Game VI
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:26:08 AM »
Going back to the basics. Everyone starts out as a small nation, just learning the basics of iron weaponry. There's no set year, and unlike the last "primitive" UN game, no restrictions are placed on how fast you can advance, so long as you advance in a logical and realistic way. Time progresses at a speed of a year per 25 posts.

I call China, but the rest of the countries are up for grabs. You can choose your government type, economy, religion, etc. We'll start when we have an adequate amount of players. If you want to be a GM, just let me know!

Country List:
SecondClass — China
Korra — USA
Vien — Switzerland
IcyWind — Australia
DAS B00T — Germany
kush mcgush — Madagascar
Septy — New Zealand
Mr. Psychologist — United Kingdom
TBlocks — Canada
Neo — Japan

GM List:

The Flood / What did Bumi say when he stepped in mud?
« on: September 24, 2014, 04:46:40 AM »

The Flood / See flat images in 3D
« on: September 23, 2014, 01:06:15 AM »

Just discovered how to do it. Trippy as hell, but it's fucking mind-blowing.

Took me a while to get the hang of it, though. Anyone else have this lifehack down? Here's a super brief guide that explains it.

The Flood / Best combinations ever
« on: September 23, 2014, 12:03:11 AM »
ITT: post pics/videos of things that are exceptional together.


The Flood / Favorite Shrek?
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:55:10 PM »

Shrek 2 is obviously the best.

Gaming / New Clementine is fucking badass
« on: September 22, 2014, 08:31:52 AM »

ITT: discuss the awesomeness of WD Season 2, in particular the vast improvement of Clem 2.0 to the original version.

The Flood / What the hell?
« on: September 22, 2014, 12:14:53 AM »

Who is this guy, why is he a "pro newbie", and why does he have my fabulous nameplate?

The Flood / Get in here, yo
« on: September 21, 2014, 11:33:58 PM »

Let's get this party started!

The Flood / How do you pronounce apple?
« on: September 21, 2014, 09:05:54 PM »

The Flood / Emails from an asshole
« on: September 21, 2014, 02:43:13 PM »
Have you guys ever been to this guy's site? He goes on Craigslist and just fucks with people. Here's a great one:


Original ad:
**** Disguisable weapons wanted ****
Wanted: hidden blades, belt buckle knives, cane swords, etc.....
Offering: cash, items for barter
From Me to **********@***********.org:


I saw your ad looking for concealable/disguised weapons. I have several fine-crafted items you may be interested in. Respond if you are interested and I will send you pictures and prices.



From Jeff ****** to Me:

I am. lets see what you got.

From Me to Jeff ******:


Here you go:

Looks like a normal spoon, right?

Wrong. It is actually a deadly 2.5" half-smooth, half-serrated knife with tactical grip. One minute you are enjoying a bowl of cereal, and the next you are fighting off attackers with this deadly and disguised weapon.

I am asking $50 for the blade. Let me know if you want to stop by and take a look at it.


From Jeff ****** to Me:

that is stupid as hell and looks like crap. unless you have anything better to offer, dont waste my time.

From Me to Jeff ******:


I am sorry you feel that way about the spoon blade. I do have some other weapons that I think you will feel differently about.


From Jeff ****** to Me:

fine. but if it is another knife duct taped to a spoon then you can fuck off.

From Me to Jeff ******:


Thank you for re-considering. Here are three quality disguised weapons that I think you will love:

At first glance, this looks like a normal party cup. However, if you look close enough, you will see that it is really a fully automatic Glock 18C. You will be able to pour your enemies a nice warm cup of lead with this fine purchase. Asking $900 for the gun/cup combo.

Still thirsty for justice? Try this badass M16A2 disguised as a 24-pack of soda. The box has two finely crafted holes on each side to allow for any kind of optics (not included) that you wish to attach. This weapon is only for sale if you have a Class III permit.

This cleverly disguised weapon may look like a tissue box, but is actually a Benelli M3 12 gauge shotgun disguised as a tissue box. The ultra-soft quilted tissues serve as a comfortable grip on the pump-action shotgun. Also, if you find yourself sneezing during the heat of combat, you will have a handy tissue box ready for action. Asking $1500 for the weapon. Additional tissue boxes are an extra $5 per box.

Let me know if you want any of these items.



From Jeff ****** to Me:

youre a fucking dumbass, shitbrained, asswipe, retarded dipshit. you prob walk around with that shit too you dumb mother fucker. I hope you get hit by a car. fuck off, eat shit, and die.

News / Vintage Review — Twin Peaks
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:59:21 AM »

The 90's introduced many things to the world, including most of the users on this site. But the most adventurous and strange creation was brought to fruition in the first year of the decade, with the TV show Twin Peaks. The brainchild of Hollywood's iconic weirdo David Lynch, Twin Peaks blazed the trail that countless other shows have since trekked. The show is part drama, part comedy, part mystery, and part horror. This masterful combination of genres allows Twin Peaks to succeed on nearly every level, and gives everyone, regardless of narrative taste, ample reason to watch it.

Twin Peaks is set in a small Washington town that gives the show its name. It's quaint and quiet, until a local fisherman finds the corpse of a teenage girl wrapped in plastic one autumn morning. The girl is recognized as Laura Palmer, a prom queen who nearly everyone in the town knew and loved. The murder stirs the town, causing the community to wonder who, among its ranks, killed the young girl. The following morning, a second girl is found crossing the border into Oregon, appearing to be an escaped victim of the same person that killed Laura. She slips into a coma before anyone can question her, but because the girl crossed state lines, FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is sent in to investigate. Agent Cooper is weird and eccentric, and his overly-friendly attitude makes some of the townspeople uneasy. As he investigates the murder, however, he soon finds that his eccentricity is outmatched by the strangeness of the town itself.

The show makes excellent use of paranormal themes and suspense, and the demons that Cooper eventually has to face are more than just internal. A terrifying enemy quickly takes notice of Cooper's investigations, who aptly personifies why the scariest dreams are those that don't make any sense. The supernatural aspects are more downplayed, however, and don't take precedence until the final few episodes. While half of the average episode involves the murder investigation, the other half focuses on the many, many sideplots of Twin Peaks. Along with "who killed Laura Palmer", a multitude of lesser questions arise. "Why's Catherine Martell trying to burn down the mill? Why's Ben Horne working with a drug dealer? Will Shelly get away from her abusive husband?" Most of these subplots tie together or relate to the main story in some way, but a good amount are dull or lead nowhere. This is especially prevalent in season 2, when the subplots begin to overshadow the main plot for a time and do nothing but serve as pointless filler. This is why season 2 is a much weaker season than the first, as the main excitement of Twin Peaks has always been about the main plot.

Most of the side characters in Twin Peaks are highly memorable. Every one of them is entertaining, while still feeling like a real person. One of the main strengths of the show is realism outside the paranormal, and the side characters are no exception. The news that Laura died, for example, is handled in such a gritty and raw way that it honestly gave me chills. The downside, however, is that the cast of side characters is so large that there's little room for showing how they relate to any other character outside the main plot or their respective arcs.

The true triumph of the series, however, is its protagonist, Agent Cooper. Cooper is everything you want in a hero: quirky, curious, interesting, adventurous, and a bit bizarre. His deep obsession with coffee and cherry pie, along with his bright interest in everything around him, are hallmarks of his character. Never outright mean, though subject to ridicule; a cheery demeanor, though running from a dark past; a classy man, but not afraid to get dirty. Agent Cooper is what gives charm and intrigue to the show, and is one of the best protagonists of all time.

Twin Peaks' style is essentially a parody of the soap operas that were prevalent in Lynch's youth. The intentional low-budget film grain, many overly melodramatic scenes, and the aforementioned swath of subplots all contribute to a feel of watching a self-aware General Hospital. Luckily, unlike most soaps that take themselves seriously, Twin Peaks uses its format to make fun of the genre. Building up big emotional moments at times when they're wholly unwarranted is a recurring gag, as is using over the top camp to drive up the laughs. Take a look at this clip for an example of this mechanism at its best.

Other than using campy melodrama for laughs, though, Twin Peaks knows how to ratchet up real drama and emotional tension when its needed. There are scenes throughout the show that can be real tearjerkers, or keep you on the edge of your seat. I'm consistently amazed that the show's two vastly different tones never seem to collide with each other.

Twin Peaks has an amazing soundtrack. To find a prime example of this, one has to look no farther than the opening theme:

Besides that, there are countless other pieces of background music produced by the famed composer Angelo Badalamenti. There's a song for every mood, every scene. The soundtrack pulls you into the world of the show, and it goes all the farther into making Twin Peaks feel like a real place. Some other fantastic examples:

Audrey's Dance perfectly encapsulates the personality of Audrey, and is a great companion piece to whenever there's general mischief in the air.

Dance of the Dream Man is a surreal jazz track that not only befits Cooper's first appearance, but also serves as a fitting unofficial anthem for The Man From Another Place.

Twin Peaks is a mesmerizing show. It never fails to perfectly set up an atmosphere, to make you want to watch more. The most outstanding aspect of it is the way that music, characters, and plot combine to synthesize a truly memorable experience. There are times when the multitude of characters and subplots slows it down, though, especially for a stretch in the midst of season 2. In that season particularly, the show seemed unsure of itself, not knowing where to go. Luckily, the last few episodes of the season are some of the best in the entire show, and more than make up for the subpar middle part of the season. The subplots can be a bit jarring, but the main plot is one of the best in all of TV show history. All in all, it's an enchanting, gripping show that's not without its flaws. 9/10.

The Flood / If you could choose...
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:23:09 AM »
Which would it be?

The Flood / WHAT
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:10:57 PM »

Who did this?

The Flood / Can we get a light theme for this site?
« on: September 20, 2014, 05:14:42 PM »
Some of us actually prefer it, you know.

The Flood / Anyone who drinks diet pop is an idiot.
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:29:00 PM »

There's this new thing called aspartame, you know. Instead of that all so awful sugar that will make you fat (god forbid), diet pop replaces that with aspartame which will just kill you instead. Or, at the very least, give you massive brain damage. Seriously, if you think that Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi is actually better for you than the real stuff, you've been brainwashed by this fucked up capitalist system.

The Flood / Grocery stores FEAR him
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:02:44 PM »

Click this link to cut your grocery bill by 90%!

Gaming / Who are the real heroes of Skyrim?
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:46:21 PM »
We all know that the Aldmeri Dominion are the true villains of The Elder Scrolls V, but which joinable faction is better for the land, and in the moral right?

I say Stormcloaks. The Empire failed to protect its people, and the entire Great War was retroactively pointless when they just ceded to the Thalmor's original demands anyway. If the Empire would've just continued to fight the Dominion with the help of Hammerfell, they probably would've won. Instead, they were too cowardly to fight for their independence. They don't have the right to be an empire. The Stormcloaks, at least, are willing go fight and die for what they believe in.

What do you think?

The Flood / School of Rock
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:46:22 PM »
They finally put it on Netflix, I love this movie so much. I'm usually not a fan of Jack Black, but he kicks ass in School of Rock. I used to watch it constantly as a kid.

Anyone else seen it?

The Flood / Tea
« on: September 18, 2014, 02:41:08 AM »
I love a nice cup of black tea, particularly Earl Grey. Anyone here drink tea?

The Flood / Badass quotes
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:03:00 PM »
That cliche, classic thread. Frank Underwood quotes are the best.

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