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Messages - Ian

Pages: 1 ... 279280281 282283 ... 309
The Flood / Re: Have you lost anyone close to you so far in life?
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:15:19 PM »
Father died back in February of 2014, pancreatic cancer.

The Flood / Re: certain member trying to get dates
« on: March 12, 2016, 02:12:57 PM »
That was so painful to read I couldn't finish it. I hope I'll never come across that way to Senpai....

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:12:27 AM »
A quick Amazon search shows they're actually incredibly cheap. The most recent booster pack series Breakers of Shadow is going for only $2.95 a pack. You can get older packs (including first generation series packs) for only two-three dollars more.

$10 is an exaggeration--i actually don't remember how much they go for these days, but i know they're very expensive

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:07:45 AM »
$10? I distinctly remember booster packs being $6.95 whenever I bought them, starter/structure decks were about $14 for me. I don't remember anything else though, I only got one Collectible tin box and that was a gift.

nah, cards are expensive as fuck

$10 for one booster pack is fucking extortion

when i was still a kid, i began to realize how much it was costing my parents to buy me packs, so i did them a favor and just drew them myself on sheets of paper--i would've printed them, but ink is probably even more expensive

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:00:32 AM »
Looking back on it now, trading cards like Yugioh and Pokemon are dirt ass cheap, it's just that back then I had no income so I couldn't even afford a two dollar "rare" card.

The Flood / Re: holy shit get out BR'd son
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:25:51 PM »
You're the Cancer that killed casual playlists in Halo 3.

if AR and melee weren't your top two ToD's you're not even a pro.

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon yearly meet up.
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:05:40 PM »
Ugh fine, FIVE people.

smh and to think i engaged in romantic roleplay entirely in chinese with you

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon yearly meet up.
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:03:10 PM »
No, and the people that are already know who they are.

1. Ember
2. Niedopałek
3. A Wild Scrafty
4. xaxa funni meme?

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon yearly meet up.
« on: March 11, 2016, 07:58:49 PM »
There are only like four people here I'd like to see tbh fam.

The Flood / Re: Team Cap or Team Ironman?
« on: March 11, 2016, 01:31:10 PM »
Cap because I don't like RDJ.

There is nothing Chad about this. This is pretty sad of the guy tbh fam.

The thing with Chad is that he has TONS of sex, like every single day, sometimes twice a day, a lot of times with different girls. At the very least 1 new girl per week

The Flood / Re: Mods are corrupt
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:15:02 AM »

Fucking mods, always abusing their power n shit, the whole lot of them!
where do you work 12 hours a day

The Flood / Re: Mods are corrupt
« on: March 11, 2016, 10:57:01 AM »
Fucking mods, always abusing their power n shit, the whole lot of them!

The Flood / Re: Dentist help
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:26:28 AM »
Years ago no, now I try to despite not always getting to.

Wait Nigga have you seriously not been brushing daily? That's fucking gross dog

The Flood / Re: Dentist help
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:42:29 AM »
I hate chewing gum. But my main point is: Can I still eat something before the dentist?

You could always just eat a lot of sugar free chewing gum, it's not as good as brushing obviously but it gets the worst of the food bits out of your teeth and I think there are a few brands designed to reinforce teeth too, xylitol or something.

Sugared chewing gum is literally satan for your teeth though, make sure you avoid that <.<

1v1 me scrub.

There's going to be a cavity in your head if you don't stop using button quotes.

The Flood / Re: Dentist help
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:21:46 AM »
I started going back because I worried about metal fillings and cavities which my dentist surprisingly said I didn't have (despite not going to the dentist in about eight years and doing fuck all as far as teeth brushing). The only other thing he commented on was my wisdom teeth needing to be pulled, so with my worry of having metal permanently lodged in my mouth finally being gone, I will admit I have become lax in my brushing behavior. I do try to brush regularly, but it's not an important thought on my mind when I come home from working 10-12 hours and only having 1.5 meals a day anyway.

Brush your teeth regularly so that you don't feel as if you have to make up before an appointment.

The Flood / Dentist help
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:11:26 AM »
I have to go to the dentist soon, I already brushed my teeth but now I'm starving. I have some left over Chipolte from last night that I didn't finish because I lost my appetite when I got home. I'm really fucking hungry now though but I'm worried about looking worse than I already do for my appointment.

Also, are there any good excuses to the whole "Have you been brushing daily?" that I clearly haven't been doing?

The Flood / Re: life has been going great
« on: March 11, 2016, 06:47:11 AM »

The Flood / Re: This Individual Is Pretty Brave.
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:41:31 PM »
This fucker wants to get stung by bullet ants, he has a death wish.

The Flood / Re: This will make you feel emotions
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:29:23 PM »
I'm feeling something, I don't think it's positive though.

The Flood / Re: Sapphire went offsite
« on: March 10, 2016, 08:57:25 PM »
I like how I was actually in Sapphire but I never posted or even visited the group back when all the supposed drama was going on. Chances are, if I was more active in the group they would've kicked me. After a while I guess they kind of forgot I was actually in the group because I know Harlow hated the Hell out of me.

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:48:40 PM »
Girls Und Panzer a trash.

Rei a shit

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:45:34 PM »
And Rei Ayanami belongs to Eva fans everywhere but Anno still took her away in Eva Q.

Threads belong to the people

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 10, 2016, 07:41:54 PM »
I would like to request this thread be locked now.

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 09, 2016, 07:44:10 PM »
I definitely do not know them.

Wop who is deluded into believing he's white despite being Mediterranean.

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 09, 2016, 06:19:35 PM »
I don't know them either.

Tru ignores me too.

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 09, 2016, 04:57:04 PM »
I don't think I know who that is.

Is it slash? Cuz he's a FAGGET and won't answer my messages

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 09, 2016, 01:49:01 PM »
It wouldn't be so painful if I didn't felt left in the dark over it.

As much as I'd like to joke with you, I'm too down for it.

I think I'm the friend that's ignoring Gaara444
I went through the same thing, but the way I see it is people move on and friendships end.

Unfortunately that's just how things are. It's rough, but being sad doesn't help with anything.

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 09, 2016, 11:57:04 AM »
I never saw a problem with us before, I don't see why there would be conflict now.

I don't replace friends like defective hardware. What good is a new friendship if I can't save an old one?

Make new friends
New friendships aren't inherently bad simply because you can't repair old ones. If you look at it logically, your experience is more so the result of certain types of character, rather than the mechanics of the nature of friendships which is a much more static system subject to much less change. If you input different variables into that system (IE: different people with different personalities) then the system will produce different results, however the nature of the system is still the same throughout this process.

Obviously no two people are exactly alike, ergo you can never objectively expect the same thing to happen over again if you try to make friends. Regardless if it's already happened five, ten, or a thousand times before.

The Flood / Re: I feel my friend is ignoring me
« on: March 09, 2016, 11:43:46 AM »
You're simply overtly active on here. That isn't a bad thing.

Wait what is that supposed to mean

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