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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: rc
« on: July 18, 2017, 12:24:32 AM »

skaterloo wants to chill with you too

The Flood / Re: rc
« on: July 17, 2017, 09:25:53 PM »
Name a time and place nigga, please be mindful of my gas though please.

hang out with me

The Flood / Re: rc
« on: July 17, 2017, 09:23:54 PM »
RC Y u no hang out with me?!

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 17, 2017, 01:43:10 PM »
Here's the guide explaining the undead bridge in the Lhusu Mines.


Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 17, 2017, 01:41:13 PM »
The difficulty of XII is a stark contrast to XV isn't it? You're at the halfway point in the story, the next major dungeon you visit isn't going to have a map BTW.

Last time I was in the Lhusu Mines I was caught in a horrible spot full of t-rexes that killed me

I just beat Bergan.. somehow

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: July 17, 2017, 01:29:16 PM »
I recommend the daily leveling roulette and doing the most recent available 4-man dungeon over PoTD. It breaks up the monotony of PoTD and lets you get used to your new abilities without being overwhelmed by new ones.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 17, 2017, 01:04:41 PM »
There's a great place to grind if you're still a little low on levels. In the Lhusu Mines the second bridge right after there's a split in the road has respawning undead. If you have either the x2 or x4 speed function on, you can burn through them and quickly build up a chain. You get decent EXP for low level, LP, and bone fragments which sell for a hefty profit. If the slow down on respawning, simply FLEE two areas backwards and FLEE back to the bridge and they'll respawn like normal.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:56:17 AM »
Do you have Shell?

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:09:22 AM »
Was there not a store with Esuna beforehand? Make sure you get it if you don't already have it after your fight with Judge Bergan. Because the dungeon after him is filled with Morbols.

The Elder Wyrm without Esuna was... interesting.

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: July 17, 2017, 10:07:23 AM »
I'd say SMN more likely. Before Stormblood BLM had almost no utility save for Apocatastasis and maybe E4E if you cross-classed it which no one ever did except for myself. With DRG, they only had a piercing debuff and Battle Litany, but that wasn't mean to make DRG a utility role with less DPS, it was made to give them something other than strong raw-DPS to compete with MNK and NIN but it seems the dev team forgot about that.

Regardless, trying to make DRG a utility based job is just silly. They never were in any FF game before ever so why start now? It's just going to end horribly for the job, and I feel the FFXI-meme of "LolDRG" is on its way of being revived because of these decisions.

his in general seems like something youd give to a more stationary job like BLM

Gaming / Re: need help building a pc
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:16:40 PM »
Google "Console Crusher" and use that as a baseline. The case will vary as it reflects the builders personal taste and style. The prices should be lower actually as well since newer hardware has came out since. I would help more but I'm on my phone.

The Flood / Re: Halo 4's soundtrack is the best one.
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:13:26 PM »
>Not agreeing ODST is the best

50 lashings.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:10:59 PM »
Pretty good setup. Unfortunately I won't be able to do all 12 jobs because I made both Penelo and Ashe WHM. I made Penelo WHM first and when she left the party I had to rely entirely on potions and hi-potions until I got her back. When I got to the Dreadnaught Leviathan I was completely out of both items and Gil and I desperately needed a healer until I could get Penelo back so I was forced to give WHM to Ashe despite wanting her to go Ulahn.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 16, 2017, 03:07:04 PM »
Nope, the six you have is all you get save for guest members.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:05:04 PM »
I recommend giving Vaan Bushi, but other than that you can easily make the characters whatever jobs you want them without worrying about min-maxing. I've been told the game is easily platinumable with almost any setup. If you have a preferred three characters for a main party though, giving one of them access to Red Battlemage is mandatory though because a lot of green magick is necessary for endgame. And if you plan on giving Time Mage to anybody, couple that person with Vaan so they can cast Berserk on him for boss fights/hunts.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:56:53 PM »
Here's a video all of six characters and all three of each of their attacks.


Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:50:03 PM »
Quickenings are under the "Mist" command in combat. Performing one starts a short animated attack exclusive to that character and depletes your mist charge by whatever level attack it is. While your character is performing the Quickening, a minigame at the bottom of the screen starts where you can use the triangle, square, and circle button on your controller to have another party member use their Quickening as well creating a chain. If none of them are available you have a certain amount of time to shuffle the chances with the R2 button so you can perform more. Successfully doing a chain of three or more creates an additional animated attack that deals extra damage to the enemy.

Alright, sweet. I just found Dispel lying in a chest, coolstuff. How the fuck do you even use quickenings? I have them, I just have NO clue what to do.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:34:03 PM »
Holy shit did they ever nerf Judge Ghis. I literally OHK'ed him with a single Quickening Chain.

So Vaan is my white mage... Looking at stats, the Healing Rod only has 2 more in magick power than the Mythril Blade, should I keep the blade on so he can still defend himself?

Yes, whatever magick power he would have lacked you can make up for in magick potency licenses.

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: July 16, 2017, 10:02:23 AM »
It's going to take a lot more than that to get me to go back to maining it. What it needs is:

- LoTD to initiate IMMEDIATELY upon reaching THREE eyes
- Gierskogul reduced cooldown back to ten seconds like Nastrond
- Dragonfire Dive reduced cooldown and also gives Dive Ready status
- Remove Dragon Sight. It's way to clunky to weave into any kind of rotation

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:37:26 PM »
New Letter From The Producer LIVE:

In response to nerfing The Royal Menagerie:


Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 13, 2017, 07:31:33 PM »
"She mentioned sixty years old are you again Fran?"

OLD used trash

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 13, 2017, 02:16:18 PM »
I haven't had much time to play, having just escaped the Barheim Passage, but I still feel like I can chime in on the job system. I do think it's a pretty clever system that forces you to own up to your decisions but it could use some improvements.

The number one thing they could do is still give every character a set of basic abilities from every job on their license board and build the job specific board around that. I gave Penelo White Mage because IIRC she has the best overall magic potency and I don't want to double up on jobs so I gave Vaan Bushi, Balthier Red Battlemage, and Fran Foebreaker, and I'll be giving Basch Knight. However I now don't have access to cure, meaning I'm incredibly reliant on potions until I get Penelo back.

I know they're not expensive and I could farm plenty of gil to buy a stack of 99, but they're only good if the HP of a party member is around 300, once it starts to go higher they're more of a liability and I had to keep switching up my gambits in the Barheim Passage from "Pop a potion at 70%" to 60%, and now it's at 50%. And Hi-Potions are significantly more expensive than regular potions. Having some basic black and white magic shouldn't be too much of a demand, especially with all my characters having licenses for increased MP and magic potency but no spells to use them on. Just seems like a flawed waste really.

I mean I could give Vaan White Mage as his secondary but I want him to use Green Magic for buffs during endgame.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 13, 2017, 02:04:27 PM »

Vaan doesn't seem too interesting but I like the supporting cast

He was shoehorned in at the last second to appeal to the Japanese audience who don't mix well with characters like Basch, who was going to be the actual MC. Vaan is an example of XII's shaky development.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 12, 2017, 05:21:52 PM »
>This nigga listens to Ondore's lies



Jesus what an irritating level

The Flood / Re: maybe i'm the minority but
« on: July 11, 2017, 11:41:38 PM »
I may not post every day but I do check out the sire regularly at home, on breaks, etc. throughout the day. I was really struggling to find an "Internet home" before I came back here.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 11, 2017, 11:39:09 PM »
My copy came in!

Gaming / Re: Eternal /FFXIV/ Thread *STORMBLOOD EXPANSION*
« on: July 11, 2017, 12:59:46 PM »
Gif literally describes me.

The Flood / Re: Say something intelligent
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:22:29 PM »
I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-SEVENTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:13:18 PM »
Judge Ghis was the real casual filter.

Gaming / Re: Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac Age
« on: July 10, 2017, 04:01:56 PM »
It's literally the best. You can easily plunge 200 hours into the game and still not see everything there is to see in the game.

But I still want this game

I haven't played an FF in years though

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