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Messages - Ian

Pages: 1 ... 484950 5152 ... 309
Gaming / Re: Biggest flaws in your favorite games.
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:57:26 PM »
Okami lacks proper voice acting.

Getting useful items in FFXII is a nothing short of a pain in the ass.

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:34:08 PM »
Suicide Squad was Oscar-worthy!

[$00.01 has been deposited into this account by: Warner Bros. Pictures.]

Shut up DC movie shill

Serious / Re: Global climate change (WAKA: Global warming)
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:08:14 PM »
Here in central FL the weather is always all kinds of WTF but summer last year was nothing short of fucking brutal and now winter is fluctuating like crazy. Three nights ago we were as low as 31 and now we're back up to high 60s. Winter has always been more consistent but this is anything but predictable.

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 09, 2018, 03:04:12 PM »
Bruh shill jokes are literally the "Your mom" of movie arguments, it's not that big of a deal.

waaah anyone who likes this thing i dont like must be a paid shill

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 09, 2018, 02:44:02 PM »
Jokes on you, I find that picture hilarious.

EU was full of dumb shit, but everything that was really really bad was at least leveled out by stuff that was really really good. Everything Disney has churned out so far has been mediocre at best. And that's pretty sad considering with all the hindsight Disney has on the EU over what people thought was good and what they thought was trash, you would think it wouldn't be that hard to write a good story for something as basic as Star Wars, but I guess the mouse proved me wrong on that regard. At least there was levels of canon in legends where another author could come in and write over something. While I don't recall that ever happening because everyone had too much respect for each other, the possibility was still there.

And to answer Snake's post: Yes, it IS just a sci-fi movie, but it's also a movie that's apart of a franchise I love and that I grew up with and now I'm watching it get driven into the ground by my own employer. It's really really frustrating to see this happen, but I guess I should thank my lucky stars I'm not a Marvel fanboy to boot or thankful that Disney isn't eyeballing Square Enix for an acquisition.

Like the anime fan-fiction bulshit from legends wasn't a billion times worse. People bitch about Starkiller base when there was a new bigger Death Star clone every 3 pages in the fucking legends stories.

Picture just to piss you off

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 09, 2018, 12:33:35 PM »
No because it's one of the best Star Wars films. :)

[$00.02 has been deposited into your account by: The Walt Disney Company.]

Everything made after Disney bought the rights needs to be removed from the canon. "Lol bleeding crystals!"

The Flood / Re: Things u hate about ou computer
« on: January 07, 2018, 04:35:27 PM »
My old PSU that I had for two years started giving me coil whine last summer so I bought a new one, it’s only been half a year and now I’m getting that same coil whine. Next time I’m buying Corsair instead of EVGA.

« on: January 05, 2018, 06:23:54 AM »
To be fair, your chances of getting a good card from a pack solely depends on how you go about buying the packs. You're guaranteed at least one card from the new set if you buy a whole booster box, including the monster used to promote the set so the odds are never as low as loot boxes are.

What unworly level of cognitive dissonance does it take for people to see TCG booster packs as anything different from loot boxes....Hell Loot Boxes and MTX are less intrusive all things considered seeing as you are still capable of playing without them, even if it is at a disadvantage.

The Flood / Re: RIP Intel
« on: January 03, 2018, 03:00:01 PM »
As much of a massive Intel shill as I am, these fucking memes are great and watching Intel's stock rise and drop like the Tower of Terror is truly hilarious.

The Flood / Re: RIP Intel
« on: January 03, 2018, 11:05:53 AM »
Lol stock went down 4.13%.

The Flood / Re: RIP Intel
« on: January 02, 2018, 11:55:48 PM »
Intel's stock is still up, news probably hasn't gone mainstream yet.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing for new years?
« on: January 01, 2018, 11:10:45 AM »
Getting lunch with my brother and then going to work.

The Flood / Re: So 2017 sucked worse than 2016
« on: December 31, 2017, 07:05:41 PM »
”2016 was shit!!!!1!!! :(((((((“

Go back to Reddit.

The Flood / Re: SEP7ABOWL 2017 3: ULTIMATE EDITION - DAY 5
« on: December 27, 2017, 09:26:52 AM »
That's what you get for not following my orders.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 10:49:49 PM »

*Blocks your hyperspace path*

i'd say hyperspace being an instant jail-free card is probably the bigger contrivance,

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 10:03:31 PM »
Let's be honest, JJ Abrams was too much of a hack in VII to not write Snoke as the discount faux-Sheev.

Where was it said Snoke was the most powerful. Everything in TFA and TLJ points to him just being some old, force-sensitive, rich, bully.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 10:01:41 PM »
i would suggest that you read that entire article

Maybe I missed it before they mentioned the technical process of making RoTJ, but everything after is just about a possible symbolic explanation for the change in color that has nothing to do with Luke grey situation.

The explanation in that article is also bullshit because Vader never tried to severe the connection between him and Luke and was still calling for his son both at the end of ESB and during RoTJ.

no, i said that he's admirable

i'm just saying that he's not perfect

by "paragon of virtue," i'm talking about a guy who never does any wrong, and always does the rightest possible thing, no matter what, which is what you seem to think luke either is or should be

that's what i'm disagreeing with

I never said he was perfect either, that was the whole point of getting shocked to death by Sheev. But just because he had two small moments of weakness (that he overcame) doesn't mean he's not virtuous or an ideal role model.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 09:42:21 PM »
by the time ANH and Empire were out, it had been firmly established that the good guys, jedi, used BLUE lightsabers, and the bad guys used RED lightsabers

then comes rotj and introduces GREEN, and what else could that mean other than moral ambivalence?

they don't just make these design choices for no reason, you know

as for the black outfit, darth vader's suit is black, which in itself is a symbolic parallel

that doesn't mean he's a straight-up grey jedi in rotj, or anything, but he very often shows signs that he's torn, and isn't afraid to use the force in perhaps less-than-scrupulous ways to get his ends meet

do not accuse me of looking "too deep" into this, because these are fairly surface level observations if you understand anything about how symbolism works

The black outfit might have been a good parallel, but the only reason he had a green lightsaber in RoTJ is because a blue lightsaber would've looked bad during during the fight in the Tatooine desert with the clear blue sky in the background.

"Remember - Luke had a green one because the effects sequence had it against a blue sky. That's as deep as these things tend to go." — Pablobot Hidalgonk (@pablohidalgo) October 18, 2016

it shows that he's a morally-upstanding dude who ultimately saved the universe, yes

but that does NOT make him space jesus

he's still not a paragon of virtue, and was never stated or shown to be

EDIT: I see the response was in relation to my comment on his character. If what he did wasn't morally admirable then what is to you? Willing to die to redeem your father and not turn to the dark side seems like a paragon of virtue to me. He was written with these traits because he was written to be a role model.

i just disagree

and even if you're right, i would still argue that this led to a FAR more interesting story

i think that sort of fleeting heat-of-the-moment type thinking is a very honest portrayal of how people tend to function when presented with some extremely scary and potentially threatening shit

If episode VII and VIII existed in a vacuum like the OT did at the time they were written I would agree (and I would also agree with everything on Snoke), but these movies exist after the OT was released and everything was established. Why have a build up to Luke's character in RoTJ if you're just going to get rid of that? It was a build up that now leads to nothing and completely throws away everything Luke did throughout the OT that changed him.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 09:19:52 PM »
He could've have been everything you just mentioned, but that doesn't change the fact that he was established as the main leader of the bad guys and they killed him off half way through it all. So who's the main villain now? Don't say Kylo, as much as I love Kylo in this movie, he's still conflicted about being dark.

maybe having such boring OP villains in movies is really fucking lame and stupid and your opinion is bad

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 09:14:55 PM »
luke never became a jedi master in the OT, just a very skilled knight imo

Fair enough, but he gets pretty close.

also his morals and ideals were shown to be questionable at best in rotj, which is symbolized by his black outfit, green lightsaber, and the fact that he speaks almost like vader does at jabba the hutt: "you can either profit by this, or be destroyed. i warn you not to underestimate my powers," etc.

What does the black outfit or green light saber have to do with anything? Also he bargained with Jabba, several times. Vader would have never done that.

not to mention, he's visibly conflicted with darth sidious is goading him to join the dark side

It's not a blight on his morality for showing care in his friends and family, nor is it a blight when he sticks by his ideals through it all. Why do you think he threw away his lightsaber in front of the emperor? To show off? In the end he overcame that weakness. That was crucial moment that established two things, that Luke IS a morally-upstanding character, allowing himself to be defenseless in front of the most powerful force user in the galaxy to stand by his ideals; and that he wasn't all powerful, as shown when Sheev begins to go Mike Pence on him.

so what was poorly-written about it

"i didn't want it to happen that way" is not a reason

What about it was believable for him as a character? As I mentioned several times, he had always attempted to diffuse/talk out a situation first. Going straight to "Better fucking kill my nephew" first is something Luke would have never done, especially after his success in bringing his father back to the light. Yes, he did ultimately not go through with it and realize it was a terrible thought process, but it was one that post-RoTJ/pre-TLJ Luke would have never done.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 08:40:40 PM »
It's exactly what it is. Luke changed from simple farm boy to a Jedi Master with morals and ideals, and he throws them the fuck away over a hilariously poorly written mistake.

i mean, you can describe it that way if you want to, but that doesn't mean that's what it is

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 08:39:34 PM »
If he's so powerful in the force, he should've been able to sense that he was in danger.

there are two dark force users left in this galaxy that we're aware of

framing it as though that somehow makes him omnipotent seems silly and presumptuous

why do you want characters to be boring, i don't get it

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 08:35:12 PM »
>A character devolving from the Hero's Journey is somehow better story telling


and the movie was made 10x better for it

also yeah he's definitely luke

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 08:34:15 PM »
>Supposedly the most powerful dark force user in the galaxy
>Can't tell with dark side that your apprentice is about to kill you

If Snoke is that inept than Kylo isn't so beneath him in power that he would've put up with his shit.

he dies, but he doesn't die "like a nobody"; it all happens during a very plot-heavy scene where the only reason he died at all is because of his failure to account for his apprentice's true allegiances, which makes for an excellent establishing character moment for kylo

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 25, 2017, 07:59:47 PM »
Yes it fucking does. Tell me, where is Snoke at the end of the movie? Fucking dead and we had no idea who the fuck he was or what he was doing there. Why should we care about him? Because he was some super powerful force user the somehow flew under Sheev's radar the entire time during both the Clone Wars and GCW? A story is supposed to tell you something, and we could've learned more about him while keeping him a mystery.

this never happened

Accidentally posted in Charlie's thread:

Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary t-shirt
Okami HD for Xbox
Game of Thrones seasons 4-6 on DVD (plan on getting the blurays)
Some other clothes

I have a friend from work who did a painting of Stitch with some ducklings, she even framed it for me too.

The Flood / Re: What did you get others for Christmas?
« on: December 25, 2017, 03:24:27 PM »
EDIT: Wrong thread, meant to post in the loot thread.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 24, 2017, 04:59:22 AM »
I didn't say I wanted flawless EU Luke, I wanted OT Luke. Luke sure as shit wasn't flawless in the OT.

He's 30 years older, and had failed as a jedi, leading to disaster; it's almost exactly the same character arc as Obi Wan. Why would you want to see a flawless character with nothing to overcome? That's all he ever was in the EU, and it's good TLJ changed that.

The Flood / Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
« on: December 24, 2017, 04:12:11 AM »
Luke Skywalker does not appear in this movie, instead we get a grumpy old nut that just looks like an old Luke.

It's not that I wanted some badass EU Luke with a hot Jedi wife and lots of Jedi buddies, I just wanted the same Luke that I saw in the OT. A Luke that developed more, not regressed and threw away everything he learned. He was a role model in the OT; he never gave up, never abandoned his friends, always brought out the best in people and always had a solution to a problem. Even after everyone else had given up on his father, Luke was able to bring him back. He threw away his lightsaber, his only weapon in front of the most powerful Sith Lord in the galaxy because he still thought he could turn Vader back to the light.

In here he immediately goes straight to thinking about killing Ben because he had a premonition that he MIGHT become evil. This leads to a hilariously bad awkward situation where what Kylo does is completely justifiable in self defense, and instead of trying to mend his mistakes he becomes a grumpy old man who completely gives up without even trying. "You think I came to the most hidden planet in the galaxy to be found?" well yeah, you kinda left a map you asshole.

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