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Messages - Ian

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The Flood / Re: (SIX DONE) Hey guys, I'll draw you something in 10 mins
« on: February 08, 2018, 12:06:26 AM »
The statue of Caesar Augustus. Just his head, chest, and extended arm will suffice.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:47:57 PM »
I work with her....

From my experience, cutting ALL contact is the best way to get over them. Pretend they no longer exist for a year or two. Do not check up on them on fb or irl.

It will be very hard for the first month, but then after you will feel relieved and able to focus on yourself again.
The absolute worst thing you can do now is try to get back what was never really there.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:33:25 PM »
I’ll think about it, but I’m still struggling to figure out what to do the next time I see her. She completely ignored a conversation I tried starting Sunday night and I’ve been praying not to see her since because just knowing I’ll have to see her gives me a pit in my stomach.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:23:04 PM »
I can’t believe you would make a thread on /r9k/ while I work. Look, I’m sorry for ignoring you, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:57:36 PM »
The level of dependency your putting on this one person is unhealthy. People come and go: such is life. When you finally get over it, you're going to wish you valued more time with people that actually matter, such as your sister.

I’m not one for ambiguity, I would have at least preferred to know where I went wrong so I don’t fuck it over next time.

@Jive: She even said that date was good and would go on a second. She canceled the second the day of and that’s when I noticed a shift.

@tblocks, khan, & flee: I know it’s damaging, but it’s better than bogging my other friends down and possibly losing them too over my problems.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:50:09 PM »
What, so that you can walk away with some satisfaction? I can read you like a book, because you're so simple minded and I take pleasure in that. That's a positive trait you have for me, but the negatives aren't worth it.

If I wanted cheap satisfaction I’d just jack off and I wouldn’t have to wade through an insult to get it. I wanted to see if you were genuinely capable of listing one and not just being Verb 2.0.

I can read myself too. The fact that I'm saying all this means I care for you, but I don't like you.

This makes no sense.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:41:07 PM »
to hear that man but there's really no other option than to just let it go. If she can just drop you without you even being worthy of an explanation, why are you allowing her to dictate your entire mental state? If you want closure, then just accept that she lost interest in you (something every girl does all the time) and she's not the girl you made her out to be.

I just don’t want to lose another friend, I’m tired of it happening and it makes me not want to even bother.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:35:09 PM »
Whatever you do, you're a piece of shit, Ian, and I want you to know that I dislike your inherent flaws.

Love is a very strong word, I don’t think I could use it in this situation. Especially someone who has never said anything nice to me before or is hurtful for no explanation. I may care for her, very much, and the last thing I would want is to hold any negative feelings towards her, but she isn’t making that easy.

And I don’t think anyone likes any bodies inherent flaws. Could you give me an inherent positive trait at least?

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 01:29:30 PM »
Fuck you dude. After all the time I spent trying to help you this is what you do?

I don’t blame your frustration, thank you for at least trying though.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:51:48 PM »
>kicks himself over not taking people's advice
>continues to question people's advice

how the fuck do you not understand what alcohol does to you

Well I was more so asking for advice on what alcohol to buy.

and you called yourself a "teetotaler"

Well that's the official term yes.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:48:10 PM »
What's the backstory on you and this girl?

I'm pretty sure I've brought it up ad nauseum on here before, but I'll TL;DR:

>Meet girl in late June last year
>Quickly become good friends
>Talk for hours either through text or in parking lot after work
>Hang out a few times outside of work
>Have a date in September (a successful one to boot)
>She immediately changes in October
>No longer continues text conversations unless its work related, doesn't talk after work
>Still talks to me at work but noticeably more distant than others
>Acts like we were never good friends around others
>Clearly treats others in a friendlier manner than me
>Any attempt at bringing up this change is shut down

I practically begged her on three different occasions that if dating wouldn't work out if she would be blunt with me and she said she would. This is the exact opposite of being blunt and I was afraid of this happening. I'm fine if she doesn't want anything more, I just want my friend back.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:39:26 PM »
If you going to use a vice regardless of the negative consequences, then at least pick one that isn't going to leave you worse off than before you started using it. Alcohol is literally one of the worst.
Turning to alcohol is only going to make things worse. Don't do it.

I don't really see how. I mean, it's not like it'll kill me like Krokodil or some opioid. And no one IRL has to know.

The Flood / Re: Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:29:11 PM »
Dude, alco is not a solution.

Come hang with us here instead.

That sounds nice, but if everyone else is having a good time I'd rather not sour it. My sister took me to Universal on Monday, it was my first time there in ten years, but half-way through it just got so bad I left early. I essentially wasted a park hopper ticket she gave me.

"but verb i already am killing myself haha lol!"

no i mean right this instant

I'm not going to kill myself, nor is that my intention by drinking, I just want something that'll help me feel better.

The Flood / Depression/Good starting alcohol
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:16:32 PM »

I would like to take this time to apologize to Chally and Co. for not taking their advice which could have easily prevented this.

So the reason I haven't responded to anyone is because I've been coming to the realization that the girl I've been struggling with has no interest in ending things on a good note (or providing closure at all for that matter), and it's been eating me alive for the past three months. I'll probably never know why she's changed, why she's clearly treating me differently, what I might have done to cause this, or whether or not our date or hanging out as friends meant anything to her at all, and it fucking hurts.

I'm a teetotaler and that's been something I've taken pride in but at this point I don't care about my ideals anymore and I just want the pain to go away. Will a liquor store still sell me alcohol even though my ID says "Under 21 until X date" even though I'm 23? Also, is Vodka a good starting alcohol? I was told it has no taste and I was just going to mix it in with Gatorade or something. I don't want anything that has a burning sensation, and I don't know what wine is like so I'm not sure if that's a good one to get hammered on.

The Flood / Re: Converted to Hellenism
« on: February 05, 2018, 08:40:27 AM »
What makes it a meme religion and not others?

If you chose something other than Christianity I would, of course, disagree but nonetheless I would respect your decision had you chosen anything but a fucking meme religion

The Flood / Re: Converted to Hellenism
« on: February 05, 2018, 08:32:35 AM »
Why do I get the feeling you would be saying that no matter what I chose?

I'm just baffled by the meme religion you chose.

The Flood / Re: Converted to Hellenism
« on: February 05, 2018, 08:31:18 AM »
1. I didn’t change on a whim.
2. Everything you said about living the best possible life is exactly what Hellenism teaches in conjunction with maintaining a good relation with the Gods.

It doesn’t teach about sin & redemption or the promise of something hereafter, it’s more about being happy now while also being a good person.

You basically are atheist at this point if you're able to just jump from one religion to another, especially one as random, absurd, and unrelated to your culture as Hellenism. Not that the big three current religions aren't completely absurd.

There's nothing depressing about it. If anything, it would be extremely depressing to me if I died and found out that yes indeed there is some asshole just above the clouds making everyone's existence is a misery. It would be just that more fucked up if all this was according to a plan and at not at the least random misery. And that we're a creation of such a despicable being. Apart from that I think it's very uplifting to know life isn't about death and what's going to happen afterwards. Enjoy your life and the things you want to do, don't follow a stupid book and old bitter men telling you how you should and should not be. Especially since most of them "sin" every day and are a bunch of pedophiles.

The Flood / Re: How do I boost my confidence
« on: February 05, 2018, 05:38:43 AM »
You also aren't going after a girl with tons of problems so that's a plus too.

I don't watch anime so I should be fine

The Flood / Re: Converted to Hellenism
« on: February 05, 2018, 05:37:11 AM »
Sorry Napalm, but years of living under Christianity hasn't done much to make me happy. I could never feel any sort of connection to the religion.


The Flood / Re: Converted to Hellenism
« on: February 04, 2018, 11:04:21 PM »
Isn't that what all religion is?

Hellenism is religious fanfiction.

The Flood / AMA Converted to Hellenism
« on: February 04, 2018, 11:00:53 PM »
My response to Das in another thread has got me thinking more and more about the fact that despite being raised Catholic, the idea of the Greek gods has spoken to me more than anything else.

And I'm not trying to be ironic or meme or anything. I have been very unsatisfied with Christian theology for a long time in my life, other religions seem completely alien to me, and atheism personally is just too....depressing. But as I looked more and more into Greek culture and more specifically their religion, it sparked an interest no other religion has, and got me looking into trying to understand it.

Serious / Re: what is your most radical belief
« on: February 04, 2018, 10:56:02 PM »
Ya know, for someone who goes on about a white ethno-state free of Jewish manipulation, I find it odd how you haven't seen the light of the one true European religion.

Sorry, meant the State.
As in the wholesome, white, Christian, ethnically homologous nation that we strive to build.

The Flood / Re: How do I boost my confidence
« on: February 04, 2018, 10:52:29 PM »
Oh I know that. I have another female friend whom I hang out with all the time as just friends. It's just that the QT at work worded it in our conversation over the matter that those situations could've been dates if I wasn't so chicken-shit.

Anyways Jono, the best advice anyone could possibly give you in this thread and one everyone else will agree with me on: DON'T DO WHAT IAN WOULD DO.

Not all male/female interactions are sexually or romantically charged my guy.

The Flood / Re: How do I boost my confidence
« on: February 02, 2018, 11:34:32 PM »
To add to this, females are fucking weird in regards to what they view as a date and not. The QT I work with went with me to the parks and we saw Spiderman in theaters and walked around for hours just talking and having fun. But her only reason for those not being dates was because I didn't use the word when asking her despite those two instances being literally no different from what we did when we actually had a legitimate date.

Jono, just talk to her. Don't make it weird, don't ask her on a date. Get to know her in an open setting with zero connotations. You might find that you are only attracted to her physically and there's no connection outside of that.

Serious / Re: what is your most radical belief
« on: February 02, 2018, 11:14:15 PM »
"that's not REEL capitalism!!!!!!!"

also no, it has not

capitalism has been a complete failure everywhere you turn, in all its forms, across the totality of human history, unless you so happened to fall out of the right vagina

I didn't say it was a success, I just said that it had better results than anything communism has shat out. You will never ever have a system that will be perfect and work for everybody, that's just life. And corporatism is definitely different from capitalism, just like how communism is different from socialism. They're radical extremes.

Serious / Re: what is your most radical belief
« on: February 02, 2018, 11:01:01 PM »
read this again but with capitalism in mind instead

Capitalism has consistently had far better results for a higher quality of life than any attempt at a communist system. Now we could discuss if that's more due to the blend of socialist programs that go with it, but I'm not arguing for or against that. It's corporatism that likes to fuck over the consumer on the same level of communism. Joe and Margaret running a hole in the wall competitive pizza joint aren't out to screw over the common man.

OT: Any individual has an absolute right to go off the grid and live off private property and fend for themselves without any sort of involvement or interference of the state. There is literally nothing wrong with an individual doing this.

The Flood / Re: >He doesn't main a Dark Magician deck
« on: February 02, 2018, 12:04:10 PM »
Well luckily I don't get too deep into the meta, I just play casually with friends. I've been thinking about visiting my local Colosseum of Comics and seeing if they have casual play days but I always feel awkward getting into those groups. My other brother runs a Dinosaur deck and I just have the three decks I got out of the dragon box so none of what we have is really a tier 1 set.

As for Yu-Gi-Oh the problems, they show up when you get to the actual meta tier stuff like True Draco, Zoodiac and Spyrals. Games have literally two outcomes anymore: Make unbreakable board first turn and win or get hand trapped to death and die. It's not even a game at that point.

The Flood / Re: >He doesn't main a Dark Magician deck
« on: February 02, 2018, 10:28:43 AM »
Yu-Gi-Oh is fucking unplayable from power creep nigga. The meta is literally a one turn game. Come play Vanguard.

My oldest brother plays Vanguard and I was immediately turned off when his deck had nothing but loli anime girls saying cutesy quotes.

As for Yugioh having power creep, I used to believe that too until I played a few games with my sister's BF. Games lasted a decent amount and didn't feel like they were ending too quickly. Now I do agree that Link summoning is bullshit though, and when we played we agreed not to follow the Extra Monster Zone field format since neither of us had Link cards anyways. But I also played with my Pendulum deck, and other than being able to laughably get out high level monsters easily, the matches still didn't end too fast.

Pegasus deck tho

"M-Muh Relinquished!"

The Flood / >He doesn't main a Dark Magician deck
« on: February 02, 2018, 12:00:39 AM »

Don't be a fucking pleb.

Anyways, I was walking around a shopping center on Monday while waiting for my car to get out of the shop for a simple oil change. Stopped off at a Gamestop and got the Legendary Dragons Decks box for ten bucks. Came with three structure decks, one Dark Magician/dragon deck, one Cyber Dragon deck, and one Odd Eyes Pendulum deck. Shit is pretty cool. Played against my sister's BF today and went back and forth in win/loss; he has a good Aqua deck.

Discuss Yugioh I guess.

The Flood / Re: Does somebody here escaped from their parents?
« on: January 31, 2018, 01:46:42 PM »
Make sure you get friends who aren't slobs. The two I'm with now are absolute pigs when it comes to cleanliness.

I would really want to do the same thing and hope there would be no issue over it, but I'm not sure that it would work out.

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