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Topics - Ian

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The Flood / For all the nay-Sayers against the new Godzilla
« on: October 13, 2016, 06:29:27 PM »

You're welcome.

EDIT: Sorry for the bad link guys.

The Flood / AMA Saw Shin Godzilla
« on: October 12, 2016, 03:42:04 PM »
10/10, another masterpiece by the master Mr. Anno! Some Eva music was also in there!

The Flood / I'm in NJ/NY
« on: October 10, 2016, 11:16:02 AM »
Give me some things to do, we're seeing Godzilla tomorrow but I have until Thursday to do whatever.

And which one of you pestilent northerners turned on the cold up here?!

Gaming / Fucking DEATH Magic
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:53:17 AM »


The Flood / Anno on Gundam
« on: October 03, 2016, 12:14:09 AM »
Source is Volume 1 of The Origin.

"I'm afraid the legacy of Gundam dwindled down to the mobile suits, in the form of plastic models as a business and military hobbyism. Even these mobile suits were summarized down to protagonist mecha, Gundam, so that friend and foe alike were all uniformly Gundams. One could say this was inevitable: the pivotal creation that made Gundam a classic and drives the franchise expansion to this day is, of course, the mobile suit, represented by the RX-78 Gundam, weapon bearing the elements of a character; and the way of the world is that characters are what ultimately remain with the audience. It's not a bad thing. I simply find it unfortunate that the Tale that enveloped the worldview and ideas on war presented in First Gundam ceased to function as anything more than device for the mobile suit fantasy."

TL;DR: Anno comments on Gundam stating that the series has lost its way from the origional 1979 show and the anime shows for it that come out now focus too much on the mechs to sell plastic model kits and toy sets.

The Flood / AMA My dentist will love me
« on: September 21, 2016, 04:15:36 PM »

As stated in a previous thread, I went to the Halloween party at the Magic Kingdom last night. Now the bag looks small, but that's roughly five pounds of candy. There's a surprising amount hiding in the bag and it's a lot bigger looking in person. AMA I guess.

Serious / Hillary canceling public appearances
« on: September 21, 2016, 03:13:04 PM »

Hillary has canceled all her public appearances, except for the debates, and one fundraiser where you can get your picture taken with her for only $25,000.

At all the other speeches, she's having Chelsea and Pocahontas appear in her place.

I think this is good, it gives her time to fight the evil Nazi frog.

The Flood / Danny Phantom 10 years later
« on: September 13, 2016, 06:37:29 PM »

The creator of DP goes back and draws the main cast if they were ten years older. Pretty neat if you ask me, I watched the show originally back when it first aired and the movies were pretty good. It definitely should have completely replaced TFOP.

Gaming / Random FPS drops in games
« on: September 13, 2016, 02:04:14 PM »
Lately I've run into some trouble keeping a stable frame rate in both FFXIV and WoW. Before I had my settings set to Maximum in XIV but had a framerate limit set at 60, and I'd get consistent 60 pretty much everywhere except Idyllshire. However, ever since I had to reinstall the game, I'll get horrendous drops below 60 fps but according to the in-game settings, it still says I'm getting stable 60 fps, the funny thing is the frame rate issues automatically fixes itself as soon as I remove the FPS limit, but my video card sounds like a jet engine.

At first I chocked it up to just XIV giving me issues since I had to reinstall it, but now WoW is giving me drops too, getting hiccups on lust level 7 settings, and the framerate issues in XIV are getting worse, seven people in The Pillars drops it down to 30 which is just fucking ridiculous.

Anyone have any ideas as to what's causing this? I have an I5-4690 @ 3.50GHz, a GTX 980, and 8GB of RAM. This was never an issue until recently.

The Flood / Foolish Tok'ra
« on: September 12, 2016, 09:34:44 AM »

Tell me, if the ancients are so powerful against the Goa'uld, why are there good forms of Stargate media now?

The Flood / Aaddvveennttuurree Ttiimmee!!!!
« on: September 09, 2016, 04:28:02 PM »

Screw you J.A. vomit is funny!

The Flood / There's that Insomnia again
« on: September 08, 2016, 09:13:37 PM »
They scheduled me to work mornings this weekend, however I put down on my preferences to work nights because it works better with my biological clock. Now I need to go to bed since I gotta be up at 6am but I'm in no ways tired. Tomorrow is not going to be a bad day at all since it's only six hours and it's at the store, but it wont be good if I go in cranky and tired.

I don't like taking sleep medication though, how do I burn off energy fast?

Gaming / Behold the joke that is modern media and gaming
« on: September 08, 2016, 06:23:06 PM »
>iPhone 7 doesn't have a headphone jack and requires expensive wireless headphones or a adapter
>Consumers get upset and call out apple
>PS4 Pro doesn't support BD and controller comes with a second light bar that gobbles up battery life
>Consumers make up excuses and journalists call skeptics entitled for expecting better of a console

This is why no one takes video games seriously. It's all shills and those with the wrong opinion find themselves without a voice.

The Flood / Why did the hero flush the toilet?
« on: September 08, 2016, 05:06:32 PM »
Because it was his duty!

Gaming / Anyone playing Legion?
« on: September 01, 2016, 11:17:03 PM »
Still trying to get into the hang of things on WoW, but I was wondering if it would be worth it to go ahead and buy Legion now since I know I'm having fun even if I'm not at that content yet.

I already used my lvl 90 character boost on my frost death knight, but I wasn't sure if a character boost to 100 was worth it or not.

The Flood / AMA My boss wants to talk to me tomorrow
« on: September 01, 2016, 07:20:01 AM »
I emailed one of my leaders that is in charge of the store that I was looking for a review of my skills and told him I was interested in moving up and continuing my development with the company. He emailed me back and asked for my resume and wanted to talk to me either tomorrow or next week when I work the store next. Problem is I don't know what to expect or say that I didn't already mention in the email.

What do. And AMA I guess fam.

Serious / University of Chicago has had enough
« on: August 29, 2016, 07:39:28 PM »
And they are telling SJW-students not to expect "Safe places" and "Trigger warnings".

As the letter to the Class of 2020 began to circulate on discussion forums and social media, some students and alumni praised the University’s message on its commitment to free expression.

Other students criticized the letter, saying that the University disguises hate speech as “discourse.”

Lol butthurt warped social Marxists BTFO.

Real talk from an anonymous moderator from a completely different forum:

A content warning might be appropriate, but not an alternate text. If you aren't reading and discussing the same material as the rest of the class then you aren't really in the same class at all anymore. If you can't handle the material for any reason then you simply are not performing at the same caliber as your peers and should be graded accordingly.

[Second paragraph reply is in response to a previous post on Charles Murray and his book The Bell Curve.]

Murray has portrayed that way certainly, but he has evidence to back his claims and clarifies that it isn't certain how much of these measured differences stem from genetics and/or upbringing. A fact doesn't stop being a fact just because it's unpopular though. Further, one aim in bringing controversial speakers to the campus might be in fostering debate rather than expecting people to accept was is said at face value. But don't take my word for it, take Murray's.

These imaginary sit-ins the author of that article is alluding to are in fact a real symptom of the SJW disease. Today's college kids are all too willing to throw a hissy fit and/or start a social media blitz at the first sign of anything that doesn't fit their preferred world narrative. It may still be relatively rare, just a few incidents of note per year, but the more media attention these actions generate over time the more likely this behavior is to continue.

The Flood / A friendly PSA: Don't drive over roadkill
« on: August 29, 2016, 10:33:50 AM »
Driving home from work last night, I saw something dark in the middle of the road. It was roughly 7:45 so nearing the end of twilight and getting dark. Anyone who's been down Osceola Parkway near Disney knows that there's two cubic fucktons of dead possums, squirrels, and other small mammals on the road, and we usually just drive over them in between our tires.

Unfortunately for me what I drove over was not a dead animal, and I didn't notice until afterword that it was a very large piece of wood, that banged my car upwards a good several inches. Enough to fling my phone out of its holder and knock the windshield wipers active. Transmission is now completely shot and the local repair shop is estimating around $3000 in repair. Luckily we have insurance, but this could all have been avoided if I simply drove around it.

I remember there's a thread on Verb learning to drive. I'd hope he see this thread and not make the same shitty mistake I made. But knowing how Verb is, he wouldn't have done something like us Floridians do anyways. However the message is all the same to everyone: In any situation, think what Ian would do...and then DON'T do it.

Gaming / Whoo! Won the Cindymobile DLC skin!
« on: August 24, 2016, 02:17:52 PM »
You know, the good Cindy.


Gaming / What was wrong with MGSV again?
« on: August 23, 2016, 10:03:27 PM »
What was it that really made people foam at the mouth? Gameplay wise I'm enjoying every second of it, and it's hard for me to be truly involved with the story since I've never played a MG game before. Why was it so bad to some people?

The Flood / Sony keeps emailing me
« on: August 21, 2016, 08:54:50 AM »
They keep sending me emails asking me to change my password and I just keep deleting them. Like WTF.

The Flood / AMA Waiting in line to see Kingsglaive
« on: August 19, 2016, 07:00:47 PM »
Got off of work and drove straight to Disney Springs, AMA.

The Flood / Willy Wonka be cray cray
« on: August 18, 2016, 09:59:00 PM »

Who would win in a fight, Willy Wonka or Fast Wheels?

The Flood / The Flood Social Disorder
« on: August 18, 2016, 10:51:33 AM »

Next week I'm going out with some friends. Due to the nature of the event we'll be out and about with lots of other people, and I have decided to have some fun with some random strangers, with my friends being there to act as proof for you guys, I'll try and have one of them record everything.

It will be a Social Disorder-type scenario, however due to budgeting and being on the go most of the day, the scenario will be limited to a form of questionnaires or research-like "study". Similar to the first half of the Social Disorder episode above only we'll be walking around a lot.

First person to guess which date our event is gets to choose the first topic-area. First person correctly guess how many of my friends will be there (number between 1-10) gets to choose the second topic. First person to guess which number I'm thinking of between 1-30 gets to choose the survey questions for both the other topics (five each). You can attempt all three in one post but if you only get one right (or two) I'll only take those. If you win #3 before #1 and #2 have been won yet you'll have to wait until both are won before you can start making up questions (obviously).

EDIT: LC has already won #3 and gets to make up the questions for whatever the two topics are when they're chosen. ねこ has won #2, he gets to choose the second topic.

I'd like to ask the future winners to go all out in their imagination regarding the topics and questions. However also attempt to stay classy, attempt to go for something that won't just have people walk away from me angry.

The Flood / Star Trek objective truths
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:52:44 PM »

TNG > DS9 > Enterprise > TOS > Voyager

The Flood / Friggin Tinder
« on: August 16, 2016, 07:44:26 PM »
>on Tinder
>swiping through various grills
>come across very qt intern grill
>her profile says she's a serious gamer and anime fanatic
>oh cool
>swipe right
>message her
>contact established
>"So what kind of video games do you like?"
>"Oh you know just the good stuff like CoD and Minecraft haha"
>" Anime?"
>"omg I fuhreaking loooove DBZ and Naruto"
>immediately unmatch her
>report her


Serious / Milwaukee: The Fight Against Global Warming
« on: August 14, 2016, 06:14:34 AM »

LOL at the "They're not giving us any of their money!"

As if money has anything to do with what they keep bitching about when it comes to evil racist cops.

Gaming / Been playing WoW
« on: August 11, 2016, 04:08:41 PM »
I'm incredibly burned out on FFXIV right now so I picked up WoW the last couple of days. Noticed some thing in comparison to FFXIV since XIV is literally just a FF themed WoW clone:

>Leveling is boring as fuck. Started as a human mage, got to level 8 before the game started to lose my attention. Questing is kind of clunky in comparison to XIV so everything in that regard seems like a chore. Friend suggested a start as a Death Knight since it will instantly get me to lvl 50 and upon finishing the tutorial (which was very hands on and interactive) I entered the main world at lvl 58.

>Game kind of throws away old content. I'm lvl 59 right now and I wanted to started doing the classic and Burning Crusade dungeons and raids, however I have no way of "queueing" for these in the dungeon finder. Dungeon Finder only lets me queue for dungeons in my lvl range which at the moment is only Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace for BC and for classic I just get Sunken Temple, Upper City - Blackrock Depths, and Lower Blackrock Spire.

Since I'm playing catch up with 11+ years on content I'm very overwhelmed on what to do or where to go. And because there's so much to do I start to lose interest if I spend too much time in one spot. The game suggested I go to Hellfire Peninsula in the Outlands for leveling but since questing is boring I'm left to do dungeons to keep interest which wouldn't be bad if I simply knew what I was doing or what would be beneficial to the group as to what my contribution as a DPS is.

If anyone can give me insight into these things that would be much appreciated. WoWpedia doesn't really answer my questions and r/WoW just tells me to keep questing....

The Flood / ITT: Factions and people that did nothing wrong
« on: August 10, 2016, 04:31:55 PM »
Post here factions and people from media that did nothing wrong and were unjustly condemned to the role of "villain" in their respective stories.


The Flood / Communication disruption? Only one possibility
« on: August 09, 2016, 07:27:55 PM »
Congratulations! You have been selected by the Queen of Naboo to be her must trusted advisor. You have just been informed that there has been a communications disruption. What does this mean and how to you advise her?

Submit your answer and click below for the correct response.


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