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Topics - Ian

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The Flood / Is Powerade okay for a cold?
« on: January 19, 2017, 09:20:04 PM »
I'm a picky bitch with what I eat and drink so I always need something flavorful to drink, as such my fridge is never really stocked up on anything other than milk and Powerade. Now I have a cold and I've been too tired all day to go to the store to buy OJ and some bottles of water. So I've been guzzling down whatever Powerade I do have since a tip that's often passed around is to just drink a lot.

I know it's no substitute for OJ or plain water but will it do anything for me?

Serious / President Obama's Final Press Conference
« on: January 19, 2017, 10:48:43 AM »

Key points from the conference:

-Obama couldn't bring himself to fully admit that Russia was 100% involved in meddling with the election. Claims Sanctions were meant to punish for Crimea.

-Doesn't have a comment on Assange willing to come to the US.

-Spanish reporter tries to (subtly) criticize Obama for ending Wet Foot, Dry Foot. Obama claims that in normalizing relations with Cuba, immigrants from Cuba are treated equally as other immigrants from countries.

-More Israel/Palestine 2-state solution belief, nothing really important.

-Claims voter fraud does not exist in any form whatsoever. I agree with him that there's a problem of people who can vote but don't. But having no restriction on who comes to the booths is objectively bad.

-Literally every other reporter has tried to play identity politics and subtly insinuate that America is going to be destroyed when Obama leaves.

So in general: Obama and a very tiny few of the reporters were sensible about the new administration, everyone else was subtly being irrational.

Serious / Gambia HAPPENING
« on: January 18, 2017, 02:48:59 PM »

>Senegal has amassed troops on the border
>Given a midnight deadline for the Gambian President to step down
>Nigeria is sending troops as well

Serious / Razer's prototype triple-screen laptop stolen....
« on: January 14, 2017, 12:32:30 PM »
....Then found in a Chinese version of Ebay for $22,000.

TL;DR without reading: Razer showcased their new prototype laptop which featured three screens, codenamed Project Valerie. Two of their models were stolen at a booth in in the CES show, and less than a week after the CEO of Razer offered a reward for the whereabouts of the tech, it shows up on a Chinese pawn shop for $22k.

Serious / """"Clock"""" Boy's defamation lawsuit is canned
« on: January 11, 2017, 11:28:39 AM »

TL;DR: The dad of the boy who filed the defamation lawsuit loses the hearing as their lawyer couldn't provide any evidence of defamation.

REMINDER: He did NOT build the clock. He took it out of a casing and put it a pencil box and said he """"built"""" it.

Serious / Can we talk about TYT?
« on: January 09, 2017, 01:21:44 PM »

I don't really watch the news (or TV in general). And that's not because I like to humor myself as trying to stay away from the biased BS because we all have that regardless. It's because I spend almost all my time either working or vidya gamez. With that being said, I still know the game with reporters and how it's set up. Which is why I find the idea of TYT being around after the election to be an anomaly.

I can imagine that working with politics and keeping a straight face must really suck, the constant stress of always dealing with shit you not only disagree with but hate outright can really get to some people. Yet even with clear biased news sources like MSNBC and FOX, there's still a level of professionalism to some degree when approaching the topic. Yet I don't ever get that from TYT.

What's even half-professional about going "You're fucking dumb, I think you're garbage." in any way? The outright tantrums spewed from Cenk and Ana make me wonder who bothers with them if it's not for a quick laugh. Suprisingly though, Ana's comments on Trump's victory is more reasonable than Cenk's comments. "I can't believe Loser Donald won...." Even if he had lost the election, the idea of Cenk calling Trump a loser is just silly. The man is a fucking Millionaire who makes money on saying crazy bullshit, and he just won the Presidency. Trump is a lot of negative things, but a loser is not one of them.

Do any of you watch the TYT, or any news outlets that approach the subject of politics the same? Can anyone clue me on on what draws people to angry idiots shouting over the internet? How do they still get money to continue their show?

The Flood / LoK seasons 3 & 4
« on: January 09, 2017, 12:35:08 PM »
Are they any good? I finished season 2 back when it still aired on the Nickelodian channel but then they appeared to have hid seasons 3 and 4 from under my nose so for the longest time I had no idea it actually existed until both were out on DVD and BD. Now I have both seasons coming in the mail and I'm getting mixed reception of both of them.

For the record I liked season 2 and didn't really see the issues people had with Korra in it or the pacing of the story (although anything not involving Korra tended to drag on).

So does Sep7 have any views on Seasons 3 & 4?

The Flood / Having streams in the background?
« on: January 08, 2017, 11:42:24 AM »
I've developed a new habit of having some Youtuber stream play in the background of whatever I'm doing.

It used to be just having the Metocast play whenever one was uploaded while doing something brain dead in FFXIV. But now I like just having it play whenever I'm just browsing the internet and forums. Since it's fucking bat-shit cold right now the AC isn't on so I'm kind of using it as substitute background noise only there's an actual conversation going on instead of just purple noise.

Does anyone else do this in some form?

The Flood / Wendy's is /OurGuy/
« on: January 04, 2017, 11:25:10 PM »
Someone asked the Wendy's Twitter for a meme, only to have Wendy's respond by posting Pepe dressed up as their mascot. They of course removed it because of PR backlash, but not before salt mining the most butthurt new journalists.

You'll never guess what I picked up on the way home from work tonight to show appreciation.


Serious / Mein Kampf is Germany's best seller for 2016
« on: January 04, 2017, 12:04:12 PM »

BERLIN — A reprint of Adolf Hitler's book Mein Kampf, the first since the end of World War II, has become a surprise bestseller in Germany, its publisher said Tuesday.

The Institute of Contemporary History of Munich (IfZ) said around 85,000 copies of its annotated version of Hitler's manifesto have been sold since its release a year ago, when its copyright expired.

The IfZ initially printed only 4,000 copies. A sixth print run is scheduled for this month. Editions in English and French are planned.

Mein Kampf — the title means "My Struggle" in English — was published in two volumes in 1925-1926. Written while Hitler was in prison, it features autobiographical information about his youth and explains his antisemitic and extremist views.

Andreas Wirsching, the institute's director, said in a statement that concerns that the book's re-publication would promote or serve Hitler's far-right Nazi ideology have proven to be unfounded and that it instead has fostered mature debate about authoritarian ideologies.

The IfZ said its data showed that buyers of the book were "customers interested in politics and history as well as educators" and not "reactionaries or right-wing radicals."

Radical Thought Police BTFO

The Flood / Guys, I think I fucked up
« on: January 03, 2017, 02:28:49 PM »
Keyword: THINK, as in I MIGHT HAVE.

>Grocery shopping at Publix literally an hour ago
>Get to check out
>Girl bagging my items is a total qt
>She's wearing a Kitsune hair piece
>Mention I think it was cute
>She thanks me then starts asking me about Okami, sluggishly answering because I'm also trying to pay attention to the cashier and I haven't played Okami in almost eight years
>After paying she asks to walk to my car with me like all the bag workers do
>Instinctively say no, but give thanks for offering like I always do
>"Oh....okay, well thanks for coming!"
>Leave the parking lot, she's grabbing carts and waves to me as I'm driving off

I only noticed something was off because she asked another lady in front of me if she needed help to her car and when she said no she had a more optimistic "Okay, thank you!" whereas I got a quick "Oh...." first.

How badly did I fuck up?

Serious / 25th Anniversary of the Soviet collapse
« on: December 28, 2016, 09:54:44 AM »

Thoughts? I'm pretty sure it's unanimous that the Soviet system was nothing more than a ticking time bomb. Yet it's funny how there are people even today that think their system was superior.

The Flood / I can't enjoy anime anymore
« on: December 26, 2016, 08:49:10 PM »
I got Code Geass on Bluray for Christmas so I'm rewatching it and I don't know if it's just because I already know the plot so I'm nitpicky or I just didn't notice before when huge bullshit stuck out in anime. But half an episode I'll just spend cringing and pointing out the crap they try to pull.

>There is literally no reason for Kallen to not know who Zero is ahead of time.
>Suzaku is an irrational tool that would never disagree with Zero if he didn't only see half of any situation they're in.
>Zero and the Black Knights are legitimate terrorists that try to justify killing innocents.
>The Empire is supposed to be the bad guys but The Emperor is the only one saying shit that makes sense.

It's not just this show too, it's every anime I try to watch.

Fate series:
>Kerry just doesn't assassinate the other masters before the war officially starts, even when he knows who they are
>Why doesn't Kirei summon EMIYA?

>Literally everything that appears in this fucking shit pile

>Why didn't Kaworu at any point just yell at Shinji what the problem with the two spears was?
>Why does Asuka want Shinji to listen to her and then relentlessly attack him?
>Why didn't WILLE just smash the Wundar into New-NERV HQ and just fire their lasers at everything?

I just can't have a suspension of disbelief anymore with half this shit. It feels like the writers just don't take any time to think everything through and write it off as whatever title's version of space magic is.

Gaming / Does Gamestop still repair old consoles?
« on: December 26, 2016, 10:12:48 AM »
I have two PS2s in the house, one's my brother's and it's the original fat black model. The other is my own and it's the Silver Slim model. Both wont read any disc I put into it, they can read the memory card just fine though.

I really don't want to buy a third PS2 that's preowned and liable to suffer the same fate. So I want to repair the ones I have but there's no mom & pop stores in my local area that does console repairs so I was wondering if Gamestop would still repair a PS2 despite being such an old console.

The Flood / Twas The Night Before Christmas....
« on: December 25, 2016, 08:26:20 PM »
Twas The Night Before Christmas, when all through the house,
One asshole was stirring, Ol' Ricky The Louse.

Ricky broke in, and not for a snack....
But to steal presents, that he could then sell for crack.

The Smith family slept, all tucked in their bed.
Too cheap for alarms, that would alert them to dread.

Mommy and Daddy passed out from the 'nog,
And Timmy hotboxed his room, he's asleep in a fog.

So Ricky opened gifts, when what did he see?
A Tiffany ring, with a diamond....or three.

"Holy fuck" whispered Ricky, "What a hell of a score!"
Ricky pocketed the box, and kept looking for more.

When all of a sudden, a sound on the lawn!
"What the fuck was that?", Ricky said, his shiv was now drawn.

Carefully to the window, he snuck just a peek.
"A sleigh? And some deer? Fuck, I'm startin' to tweak!"

"No you're not, little Ricky, I can assure you of that!"
"Now return that gift or you'll wear you ass as a hat!"

Ricky spun and slashed, but hit nothing but air.
"You'll have to be faster to cut ol' St Nick's hair!"

Before him stood Santa, as fat as he's tall.
"Fuck you old man, you don't scare me at all!"

"You're just some guy in a suit, you think you're a hero?"
"I'll slice out your heart, you fat fucking queer'bo!"

Santa just laughed, and assumed a fighting stance.
"Come on motherfucker, you want some? Let's dance!"

Ricky dove with his shiv, but was caught by surprise,
Santa sidestepped and landed a fist to the eyes.

Ricky was mad, he jumped up in a hurry,
He swung and he swung, his blade just a flurry.

But Santa was calm, he waited for him to slash,
He grabbed Ricky's wrist, and broke his right arm in a flash.

"Jesus Christ!" Ricky cried as he dropped to one knee,
"What in the fuck do you want from me?!"

"I fucking hate thieves, and on Christmas, you prick?"
"Stealing presents is like taking direct from St Nick."

Santa leaned down to grab the ring from his coat,
And that's when Ricky swung for the throat.

Using his left, he'd recovered the blade,
And dug it in deep...Santa couldn't evade.

"Take that you old bitch, guess Christmas is canceled!"
"The legendary Santa Claus...fucking dismantled!"

But Ricky's gloating soon turned to shock,
As Santa removed the blade, laughed and said "Suck my cock."

"You can't kill me, I'm fucking immortal!"
"Now say goodnight Ricky, this B&E was your downfall!"

Santa grabbed Ricky, and like he was nothing,
And tossed his ass through the this next part's disgusting.

"Ricky, this is a situation I could have diffused,"
"But you had to stab Santa, and that wont be excused."

Into his sleigh for some rope he did reach,
And he tied Ricky's limbs to a reindeer each.

Ricky begged and he pleaded one last time not to die.
"I promise I'll change! No word of a lie!"

"This is one Naughty List that I will not revise!"
"Now pray to your'll be seeing him nigh!"

"On Dancer, On Dasher, On Prancer, On Cupid!"
"Let's Quarter this Fucker for being so stupid!"

The Reindeer, they ran in opposing directions,
Until Ricky was torn into four separate sections.

The ring was rewrapped and placed under the tree,
And Santa was off, but not before one last decree:

"This could all have been avoided if you'd just dropped the knife..."
"Merry Christmas you Cunt...I just ended your life!"


Gaming / The hottest vidya meme of 2016 has arrived!
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:07:38 PM »

>Playing FFXV
>On the Fulgarian quest dungeon
>Just killed the lvl 30 Naga
>Find an item and pick it up
>It's a Duscaen orange
>"What's an orange doing in a murky cave like thi-"




Serious / Sharia Law Police in Germany
« on: December 05, 2016, 01:33:27 PM »

A German court has ruled that Islamists who patrolled a city's streets as "Sharia police" did not break the law and will not be prosecuted.
Nine were arrested in September 2014 after patrolling streets in Wuppertal, western Germany. They wore bright orange jackets with the words "Sharia police". They told passers-by not to frequent discos, casinos or bars.
The court said they had not violated laws on uniforms and public gatherings.
Prosecutors have now lodged an appeal.
The group of Salafists - ultra-conservative Islamists - included Sven Lau, a preacher whose passport was seized this year after he visited Syria and a photo surfaced, showing him posing on a tank, with a Kalashnikov rifle slung around his neck.
He is suspected of trying to recruit Muslims to join jihadists fighting in Syria or Iraq and has spent some time in prison previously. He said he had gone to war-torn Syria in 2013 on a humanitarian mission.

Sharia, the revealed, sacred law of Islam, governs all aspects of a Muslim's life.
The group's appearance at night in Wuppertal, in the industrial Ruhr region, triggered sharp criticism in Germany. A film of their "patrol" appeared on YouTube - but the action was condemned by the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, who said it was "harmful to Muslims".
The group also carried notices proclaiming in English a "Sharia Controlled Zone". The notices spelled out prohibitions like those in force in some Gulf Arab countries, outlawing alcohol, drugs, gambling, music and concerts, pornography and prostitution.
Activists in the anti-Islam Pegida movement - campaigning to stop immigration to Germany - demonstrated in Wuppertal last year. They have staged regular marches against "the Islamisation of Germany" nationwide.

My ancestors are rolling in their graves. If this keeps up, I will only acknowledge my forebears of Scotland and Norway.

Gaming / FFXV UCE Unboxing
« on: November 29, 2016, 09:40:17 PM »

UPS finally got their shit together and delivered what I've been waiting TEN YEARS for.

Also, FFXV thread I guess.

The Flood / UPS can suck a dick
« on: November 29, 2016, 04:28:34 PM »
This is a rant.

I understand that UPS makes most of its revenue off business deliveries which require strict "Before X:00 AM/PM" deliveries, and in that regard residential deliveries aren't their major concern. But not giving paying customers access to an ETA during the day and making them sit by the door for up 14+ hours because signatures are required on some packages is not a reasonable request.

A few months ago, I had the window open but where I was sitting in the room was behind some bushes so I could see out well but the deliverer couldn't see me. The man had the audacity to come to my door with a "Missed You" slip and gave three really quiet knocks before I quickly opened the door and made him get my package. That is absolutely terrible service.

So, a friendly word of warning if you're given the option: Always go FedEx over UPS.

The Flood / Fucking Black Friday
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:36:25 PM »
>Black Friday weekend
>Work for Target
>Electronics area
>Fat white autistic manchild comes up to me and asks for a white ps4 controller
>Scan the shelf label
>Out of stock
>"Can you please go check in the back?"
>Tell him we have nothing located in the back, everything's out
>"Ok but can you just double check in the back?"
>Show him my scanner, says out of stock
>"Okay can you please go check?"
>Tell him again in a louder voice we are out of fucking stock
>"Dont lie to me mann can you please check, I wanna speak to your manager"

>2 hours later he returns
>Rings up a PS4
>Asks why he isn't getting a gift card
>Tell him there is only a gift card deal for Xbox
>Tells me to look at the sign
>Walk over to Ps4 display
>Gift card sign there most likely placed by someone else mistakenly
>"I want my gift card, I wanna speak to your manager"
>Manager comes over, told him he can't get a gift card because it's only for the Xbox
>"Then you shouldn't have put the sign there, I want you to give me the gift card deal the Xbox got"
>AP manager finally comes over, tells him no and to stop harassing our staff and fuck off or get kicked out
>Kid waddles his fat ass out the store and never returned

I swear it was one of you, he was incredibly autistic

Serious / Detroit children don't have the right to literacy
« on: November 24, 2016, 11:13:06 AM »

The state of Michigan is being sued because several schools in Detroit are failing to teach children how to read, and Gov. Rick Snyder’s team of lawyers has come up with a novel defense.

According to local news station CBS Detroit, Gov. Snyder’s attorneys are claiming that children who are taught within the state’s school systems have no fundamental right to literacy, which means that the state isn’t liable if its schools fail to educate them.

The lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of Detroit students’ families by a California public interest firm, argues that children in Detroit have been fundamentally deprived of their rightful education thanks to neglect by Michigan’s state government.

“Decades of State disinvestment in and deliberate indifference to Detroit schools have denied Plaintiff schoolchildren access to the most basic building block of education: literacy,” the suit alleges, while also claiming that the schools’ “slum-like conditions” render them “functionally incapable of delivering access to literacy.”

CBS Detroit notes that a report from five years ago found that nearly half of all students in Detroit schools were functionally illiterate.

So don't blame the Dindus for murdering in Detroit, they can't read the law so they didn't know!

Serious / Ford's Pardon, justified?
« on: November 22, 2016, 05:01:41 PM »
One of the more controversial aspects of the political 70s, there is still a lot of arguing over whether Ford was right in his decision.

A lot of people like to claim that Ford did so as a quid pro quo for the presidency. I say, if that were the case, why would Ford carry around in his wallet, a clipping from Burdict vs. The United States as his own source of comfort that he did the right thing? Senator Ted Kennedy initially opposed Ford's pardon but later went on to say history has showed that Ford was correct in his decision.

Do you believe Ford was wrong to do so? Keep in mind no president so far has been convicted yet, and a lot of scholars looks to Ford's pardon claiming that a conviction of a president (at the time) would seriously not only taint the office, but the country as a whole.

The Flood / Apple shitting the usual
« on: November 17, 2016, 03:42:03 PM »

I've argued before on here about why no one should ever bother buying an Apple product that isn't a tablet, phone, or small media player of some variety (and even then I always argued they are not the best at these types either), and there have been some that always gave comments against what I've been preaching. Comments such as "Non-Apple notebooks don't have what I need" or that "PCs don't offer that much more of an improvement for what I'm doing." however if at any point you find yourself doing more than just writing essays/papers on a computer, indeed a PC objectively WILL perform better in every regard and at a much lower price point too.

This video goes on to explain more problems with Apple as of late. For those too lazy to watch, the point is that Apple refuses to add more than 16GB of RAM to their new Notebook series, stating that it would draw too much power and that the audience they're advertising for "Doesn't need any more". Some takeaway points from this video is:

-If you are doing anything that would require 16GB of RAM (Video editing, image manipulating, etc.), than having more would only be a benefit to the consumer as it allows them to tackle bigger projects for the same price.
-Every test on other notebooks which allows for switching out different RAMs showed the difference in power usage is insignificant to non-existent.

The biggest issue in the third point which I drew out from the other two because of how major it is and shows how bad of a company Apple is.

-Apple literally GLUES their battery and hardware onto the Notebook board, preventing replacement hardware for a failing Notebook.

The tester in this video along with colleagues developed a few theories as to why this was the case, but the last theory is the only logical choice, to force obsolescence and require consumers to purchase a new notebook when their current one fails in any regard. This is hardly news coming from Apple, not being able to get the new OS on an older product has always been an issue that has stuck with them, only now it's going to both software side AND hardware side. Even with the vehement responses against MS with Windows 10, you could always swap out your older OS on an older computer for the new one provided its hardware could handle it, which the previous generation almost always could (Vista was an issue where people were trying to install on computers that were released back in the W95 days).

This entire problem Apple has created all of course boils down to another issue altogether: Who the fuck doesn't take their charger with them just in case?

TL;DR: Apple limits their hardware and intentionally manipulates it so that consumers are left with an overpriced limited computer that requires them to buy a brand new one as soon as it fails.

Serious / Johnson, The 2016 Scapegoat
« on: November 09, 2016, 10:53:54 AM »
A while back, someone on here posted a video of Ralph Nader talking about how all the Gore voters were pissed off because Nader's votes didn't go to Gore and that gave Bush the edge. It looks like 2016 also has the "Blame The Greens" excuse:

There's a lot of things wrong with this (the primary one being an attitude problem). First off, voting is not a privilege, it's a right, and no one gets to decide to how I vote but me, so get off that "Check you privilege" high horse. Second, it's laughable to think that if John or Stein wasn't on the list, everyone would've just jumped for Clinton. There's a write-in option for a reason and if John wasn't on the list I would've just stuck with my original plan and wrote in Rand Paul; so don't look at me as a second-choice Hillary supporter***. Third, this is not a two-party system. Lincoln was a third party candidate that won the presidency, regardless of how different the times were back then, the notion now that I have to choose between the primary two comes off as bitter.

In summary, it's ignorant to assume I would've voted Hillary if only her and Trump were on the list, and it's a temper tantrum to say my vote choices are an "Unchecked privilege".

***Now if I had the power to decide the outcome and I was only given the option between Trump and Clinton I would've given it to Clinton easily and that's what I said in another thread when I said Clinton would've been a better second choice after Johnson.

The Flood / Wish Me Luck
« on: November 08, 2016, 08:44:25 PM »
Disney just put up a six month internship to be an Animal Keeper Trainee. It's entry level and no previous experience required. Current Cast Members get first dibs and I've been refreshing the careers page every four hours waiting for the position to open.

I'm desperate for even just this six months because working with animals would be a dream but I just can't stomach college anymore.

I already applied, please pray for me ;-;

The Flood / Don't get Arby's chicken fajita flatbread
« on: October 27, 2016, 04:34:06 PM »
Youtube's famous Running On Empty, Food Review! says it's shit.


This guy's been doing this for years with hundreds of videos, all with that hilariously stupid intro.

The Flood / You should be able to solve this
« on: October 27, 2016, 01:51:33 PM »

Gaming / It's actually happening!
« on: October 27, 2016, 09:32:23 AM »



Also, new trailer, get hype.


Gaming / Would anyone be interested in a H5 game night Thursday?
« on: October 25, 2016, 12:25:10 PM »
Despite the obvious flaws I mentioned in the other thread, I still am enjoying Halo 5 when I'm not getting royally fucked by way better players. If anyone is available/interested just post in the thread, if I can get at least five other people I'll make it a thing.

It would be around 6pm-8pm but depending on people's schedules I have the whole night to play since I don't have to be at work the next day till 2pm.

Serious / Sweden plz
« on: October 19, 2016, 12:35:55 PM »
Sweden rules that flying the ISIS flag is NOT a hate crime because the terror group shows contempt for everyone rather than specific groups.

Now you might either be against this or think it's somewhat sensible (I however feel it's just downright fucking stupid). However, Sweden feels they aren't cucked enough yet:

The Swedish flag has now been banned at a primary school in Sweden. The reason is that the flag may be offensive to certain groups and breaking the law "offensive against ethnic groups."

Sweden, please hurry up and either wake up to the red pill or implode on yourselves so that the rest of Europe can have the Great Nationalist Awakening it needs in order to save itself.

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