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The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 05:13:42 PM »
lol wtf
Just because both sexes have them they’re neutral? There’s still a big difference between male and female lips, male and female nipples, male and female hips, male and female everything
compared to the differences between penises and vaginas, these are quite negligible

So now it’s the sex organs that convey sexuality? I thought as long as you don’t care whoever is fucking you, you can claim anything you want that you’re straight gay whatever
it's not about "not caring," it's about being able to imagine your partner as the opposite sex when they aren't, or ignoring things that make them less attractive to you

so if you're a straight man, it's gonna be hard to ignore a penis when it's inside of you

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:48:31 PM »
eating ass is quickly becoming normie tier, if it isn't already

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:28:52 PM »
original thread topic was boring anyway

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:28:08 PM »
the idea of an act (or anything other than a person) being "gay" is a very tricky thing for my brain to conceptualize
yeah, and if you can't tell, i'm having a bit of trouble putting these things into words, although it makes perfect sense in my head

Also why

This seems pretty contradictory
because both men and women have tongues, and both men and women have anuses

to my brain, that makes it neutral, like kissing

a ciswoman wouldn't be able to penetrate you with a penis because she doesn't have one—so, for a guy to enjoy being on the receiving end of a dick, he would have to be at least a little bit gay i think

none of this shit is black and white, let's keep in mind

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:20:37 PM »
so by that logic it's gay to get pegged by your gf?
kind of depends on how/why you're getting off to it, i suppose

if it's straight, the pleasure would have to come solely from knowing that your gf is into it

but if a man finds getting pegged enjoyable in and of itself, then i'd struggle to call that straight

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 03:11:12 PM »
It's still not gay to fuck traps tho
But is it gay to get fucked by traps?
also no
unless the point is that you wouldn't necessarily enjoy getting fucking by a trap, i think this is where we diverge
if fucking a trap in the ass isn't gay on the basis that i can just pretend he's a girl, that's one thing—because it's not like real women don't have assholes, so it's easy to simulate a heterosexual experience

but i think taking a dick (specifically) in the ass is, if not gay, then it's certainly gayer because the entire point of a traditional "straight" relationship is that the man gives and the woman receives

how am i supposed to pretend that the person whose dick is in my ass is a girl? i couldn't possibly do that myself, but i guess i don't speak for other people

i don't think it's incontrovertibly gay for a male to derive pleasure from anal stimulation, but i think there's a difference between something like a rimjob and full-on penetration

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:47:55 PM »
It's still not gay to fuck traps tho
But is it gay to get fucked by traps?
also no
unless the point is that you wouldn't necessarily enjoy getting fucking by a trap, i think this is where we diverge

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:40:34 AM »
also, it's worth noting that this debate is traditionally about whether liking traps makes you gay, not whether the act itself is gay

so by taking this road, you've essentially taken my side of the debate—you just don't like my language and/or attitude, i guess
it is gay, and you are gay
nope, and maybe
like yeah, i'm definitely gay but liking traps has nothing to do with that

The Flood / Re: Liking traps are gay and always will be
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:35:52 AM »

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:35:01 AM »
also, it's worth noting that this debate is traditionally about whether liking traps makes you gay, not whether the act itself is gay

so by taking this road, you've essentially taken my side of the debate—you just don't like my language and/or attitude, i guess
it is gay, and you are gay
nope, and maybe

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 11:30:13 PM »
also, it's worth noting that this debate is traditionally about whether liking traps makes you gay, not whether the act itself is gay

so by taking this road, you've essentially taken my side of the debate—you just don't like my language and/or attitude, i guess

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 10:43:17 PM »
I'm not vain about my sexual partners. I'd say that I find fit men in their late 20s to be the most attractive, but lately I've been sleeping with a 41yo guy with a beer belly. Because I like him for who he is. Even though I don't find him sexy, I enjoy spending time with him and having sex with him.
well, you're a better person than me, at least in this regard

i admire your ability to look past the physical—however, it remains a big deal for me, and i don't need to tell you that it remains a big deal for the rest of the majority of humanity

so if you're going to indict me, indict everyone else while you're at it, that's all i ask
in spite of that, I'm not chastising you for being picky, I'm trying to get you to see that if you decide to sleep with a trap you're having sex with a man, which is gay, and that doesn't make you gay, it just makes what you did gay, regardless of the realities of the situation (any masculine features) you choose to ignore, and there's no reason that your sexuality or sexual identity should be threatened just because you've done something gay, so there's no point in denying it
that's actually a much more reasonable way of putting it, and i'm halfway towards agreeing with you

the problem i have with your perspective at this point has less to do with it "threatening" my sexuality in any way, because it doesn't—it's because it opens up a pandora's box of unanswerable questions that my perspective tends to resolve instantaneously, because the definitions are ready-made and clear-cut

the idea of an act (or anything other than a person) being "gay" is a very tricky thing for my brain to conceptualize

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 10:29:40 PM »
Verbatim you claim it's the feminine aspect of traps that makes straight men attracted to them

But an asexual amoeba like you won't understand that the trap fetish (or any fetish) isn't about liking women that just happened to turn out to be men

For example, if you had a robot and a real woman that were identical in every aspect, why would someone be more attracted to the real woman when both can do the exact same thing physically?

You forget to account the mental aspect of sexuality which is a weirdly two dimensional position for you to take and a weak foundation to your (wrong) argument that traps are not gay
13,713 posts later, and you actually make a solid point for once, congratulations

i admit that my views on this topic are very clinical, robotic, and perhaps over-logical in the sense that they don't really account for the emotional side of sexuality whatsoever

and while i don't think that means i'm wrong, there's certainly a case to be made that it makes me less persuasive

that really just comes down to my own thought process and argumentative style, more than anything—so i'll probably just have to do some pondering on that, although i may never come to a conclusion that i find personally satisfying

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 10:17:25 PM »
tbh this whole argument revolves around the idea that it's okay to be afraid of admitting to being gay or that something you've done is gay
do you REALLY think i'd care if i was gay

come on now

i wish that i was, so that this wouldn't be such a go-to point

in fact, let's just say that i'm gay from now on, because that's how little i give a fuck—hi, i'm verb, i'm gay

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 10:12:00 PM »
so your excuse for the bigotry and deprecation of having sex with a trap and then telling them "that wasn't gay because I don't see you as a man and refuse to recognize the fact that you identify as one" is that all sex is bigoted so why not double down?
because there will always be a part of me that wishes i could be different—and as long as that part of me still exists, i'll know that i'm not as big of a piece of trash as i could be

take a step back and think about what you're chewing me out over anyway:
being just a little picky about what i'd put my penis in

having known many traps who are hurt by people telling them stuff like "no homo" (not literally that phrase) after sex, and many trans women who are hurt by gay men calling them gay, I can assure you that it's a destructive attitude
well first of all, it's not about "refusing to recognize" that they identify as one

it's just, for the time being, in order for me to get my rocks off, i have to focus on the trap's feminine features—because those are the only features that i am attracted to

this is all hypothetical anyway—i certainly wouldn't want to hurt someone's feelings, or make them feel bad/less of a man just because i don't find them manly, or however they want to be perceived that doesn't match with what i'm attracted to them for; i'm very much speaking in a vacuum here, which is why i'm speaking very clinically

like, i probably wouldn't have sex with a girl that i consider ugly, too, for basically the same reasons

is that super shitty? fuck yes it is, and i'm not proud of it, but i'm willing to bet that you wouldn't have sex with somebody that you consider ugly, either

so what exactly is the real difference between you and me on this topic again?

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:47:55 PM »
it's not gay to watch tranny porn, it is gay to watch trap porn, and if it's hentai then it's not either, you're just masturbating to a cartoon
actually, i've only ever masturbated to pixels, so by your logic, i guess i'm only attracted to pixels

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:47:06 PM »
oh, and obviously, if you disregard someone's identity to impose your own version of what that identity should be on them, you're a bigot
i never denied this—as much as i'd like to destroy it, bigotry is one of those inescapable parts of being human

if i could shut my sexuality off entirely and just live as an ace instead, i would—because i recognize that having a sexuality in the first place kind of makes me a giant piece of shit, because it's intrinsically shallow and bigoted and discriminatory—but there's nothing i can do, barring what i already advocate for (anti-natalism)

it's like you're starting to get it now, or something

the next step is for you to realize that you're no better

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:30:59 PM »
If a statue of a woman makes you sexually aroused, are you a statue-sexual? What is it that the person finds sexually attractive?
yeah, i thought about going there, too, but i held off

everyone on this board is pixel-sexual

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:29:51 PM »
wow what a load of bullshit

tons of gay guys explicitly show interest in feminine guys or have no masculine attraction
then they're probably not gay, or if they are, then we probably have different definitions of "feminine/masculine," which admittedly, are pretty shitty and subjective terms anyway

at the end of the day, people like what they like

i'm EXCLUSIVELY attracted to things that look like pretty girls, even if they're actually guys—the only reason i don't use the word "gay" to describe this attraction is because i think it's a very simplistic term, and would suggest that i'm also attracted to handsome and traditionally masculine-looking men, which i'm most certainly not
if you elect to disregard that and say it's not gay then you're saying that a person's gender identity doesn't matter.  all that matters is what you think about them, and how you perceive a person.
i didn't make the rules

if i could alter them, you already know that i would

even if she's had srs and there's no dick involved, do her broad chest and muscled arms make it gay to have sex with her?
i mean, not if those features don't bother you

they would bother me, personally, because those are things i wouldn't be able to look past, but if you're capable of ignoring those things, then sure, it's not gay

but if you like her FOR her broad chest, then that's kinda gay

i kind of already addressed that, so you either didn't see my edits, or you're not fully grasping what i'm trying to say

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:14:47 PM »

okay, i'm actually super gay

i just love men, and all i wanna do is suck on their giant fucking cocks, all day every day

traps are still straight

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 09:13:24 PM »
this is also why i'm not attracted to "reverse-traps," because even though they're women

they still look like men, and my penis doesn't like that

like, if you're a guy, and you're attracted to hyper-masculine women, i would definitely (and with all due respect) call you gay

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 08:58:24 PM »
found the faggot

it's OP

If you’re calling me a faggot just because I like traps then you’re 1OO% right
But liking traps is straight you fucking idiot
liking girls with dicks isn't gay

but traps aren't girls
sexuality isn't as concrete as guy = gay; it's all in the physical features, and what you associate with masculinity/femininity

knowing that a trap isn't actually female won't necessarily make me any less attracted to one, because no man who shares my sexuality actually likes women, per se—they just like the feminine form, which all traps categorically exhibit

the moment i start noticing masculine features is where i start losing my attraction, because i don't like masculine features—which is what being gay is

but even then, you can literally ignore those any features that turn you off, as long as you're imaginative enough—although, that will often depend on how desperate you are to get your nut

The Flood / Re: Post Trash Fetishes
« on: May 01, 2020, 08:35:02 PM »
found the faggot

it's OP

If you’re calling me a faggot just because I like traps then you’re 1OO% right
But liking traps is straight you fucking idiot
liking girls with dicks isn't gay

but traps aren't girls

Gaming / Re: Picked up Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:49:12 PM »
I remember watching my brother play through Re: Chain Of Memories on the PS2 and he hated every fucking second of it. But he also praises KH2 as one of the greatest games ever made, his tastes are very....unique.
Yeah, every KH fan I know praises KH2 to high heavens, and though I'm keeping my expectations low, it's the only reason I'm continuing with the series.

I've also been told that if I don't like it, I officially don't have to bother with the rest of the series, so there's that.

Gaming / Re: Picked up Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
« on: April 30, 2020, 07:44:22 PM »
Didn't really have the energy to write that Kingdom Hearts review, but having finished it, it's a 4/10 game. I like the spirit behind it, and it was clearly made with a lot of heart and soul, but the gameplay was extremely clunky and the story was very dumb and juvenile. I know it's a kind of an ancient game at this point, but I'm inclined to be less forgiving when I consider that the original Ratchet & Clank was released in the same year, which completely blows KH1 out of the water.

Playing through Chain of Memories right now, and it's looking like it might be even worse.

The Flood / Re: Is Metacognition dead?
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:40:33 PM »
"I don't want anything I've written here in jest biting me in the ass."

given that this was his reasoning, i wonder why he wasn't actually perma'd

The Flood / Re: Is Metacognition dead?
« on: April 30, 2020, 06:06:16 PM »
requested to be permabanned like the dumb plonker that he was

The Flood / Re: I have a harem
« on: April 30, 2020, 05:32:43 PM »
Luciana last been online more than year ago.
WHAT THE FUCK i feel like i just saw that guy like six months ago

The Flood / Re: I have a harem
« on: April 30, 2020, 03:33:23 PM »
they were all fuckheads anyway

The Flood / Re: I have a harem
« on: April 29, 2020, 12:10:06 PM »
you have posted 2676 threads, and this is easily among the top 10 most embarrassing ones
what the fuck is your avatar
closeup of box jellyfish eye

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