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The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 02:22:00 AM »
don't kids die if you blow up megaton though
then i can simply move the goalpost

"kids don't die unless you blow up megaton"

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 02:19:33 AM »
If you're going to be a hyper baby casul and play offline, I don't see why you shouldn't also have a pause feature.

I still don't understand why it's needed but to each their own.
i'm fighting a tough enemy who i can't run from

if i die, i lose the 50K souls i've been saving up, because i was in the middle of recovering them

the phone rings, and it's a call i absolutely have to take

sure would be nice to have a pause button huh

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 02:16:55 AM »
If I can kill a an adult, a bear, a big mutant that used to be a human, that means I can also kill any children or dogs I see.
Within the game's universe, not necessarily.

If I see one and drop a mini nuke on it, and it doesn't die, that means no children or dogs died in the end of the world 200 years ago. But wait! Here we have in-game lore saying they did! And so we get just blatant plot holes and objectively bad writing.
No, because gameplay is not canon. Obviously.

You have such an anti-thought, consumerist point of view.
On the contrary, no point-of-view promotes creative thought more than mine. I'm anti-consumer as fuck. That's why I hate mods so much.
Every game is supposed to be a simulation of the logic of its universe.
and every game is

being able to kill everything except for children is part of the game's internal logic, and as far as i know, that logic is never blatantly contradicted

Logical consistency is the most important part of any serious work, and is more important than tone by about seventy levels.
it actually isn't but okay

you consistently cannot kill children in fallout 3

"Unnecessary?" lmao, it's unnecessary that if you kill the old overseer, a new one takes his place. It's unnecessary that if you're nice to Butch, he's more receptive to you later. Lol things making sense is super unnecessary my man
i don't even understand what you're on about right now
haha what a deep thinker
not wanting to bother with that heap of vomit on my screen means i'm not a deep thinker

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:43:50 AM »
don't want that, don't have kids in the game
this logic is bad

the point of fallout 3 is not to be a perfect simulation of real world physics, where if you shoot a kid, he's gonna die

that's not the game's purpose, so it doesn't hurt the game if it doesn't allow you to do something that it wasn't designed to do in the first place

it's not pertinent to the game's purpose to decapitate dogs, so you could make the case that they're unnecessary and should be removed, while all the other violence stays in, because it better suits the tone
yeah man, let your misanthropic bias cloud basic logic (actually this is more common sense): a human isn't here for any other reason than a dog. Every human is pressured by society into all sorts of different things, does what they can to cope with that / accept it, and then does that to others as part of the society. Again, all through no fault of their own, just of their programming. That's a lesser extent of evil than what a wild animal does in reality, but again, neither can be blamed or seen as evil because of it. If you hold one as being more sacred than the other, you're an idiot. If you see a mass murderer dying as being different than a dog dying, you'd be right. That's because the murderer's gratifying death is a consequence of their actions, not their birth.

If it's just an inherent, biased thing (dogs care unconditionally for their family, there has never been a dog mass murderer), then fine. But if you go beyond that and try to say an innocent dog's death is more tragic than an innocent human's that's very untrue

zero gore is the ideal irl

you could have a show like Breaking Bad be just as amazing and legendary if you took out all the violence, every drop of blood, and replaced it with implications and discretion shots
did not read LOL

The Flood / Re: Anyone here deal with anxiety?
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:35:14 AM »
the weird thing is that i actually function fine in social situations

i just constantly feel like i'm under attack no matter what

i don't have a keyboard and a moment's time to formulate my responses to people, so i'm often quiet, reserved, and defensive in conversation

but when i do have a little bit more to say, everyone listens and people tend to appreciate my thoughts

that doesn't seem to help much though, and i can't figure out why

The Flood / Re: Anyone here deal with anxiety?
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:31:56 AM »
to the shock and awe of absolutely nobody, i have pretty intense and borderline crippling social anxiety

still trying to figure out how to deal with it, but i'm fortunate enough to have a small circle of old friends to support me

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:28:28 AM »
THEY didn't censor shit, the publisher did
bethesda would not have allowed you to kill children, and they would've been retarded to

do you understand how big of a shitstorm that would create, especially in today's social climate
if you get disturbed by violence to animals and aren't equally disturbed by violence to humans, I don't know what the fuck kind of mentality you have
fuck humans tbh

your limit in gore in games should be zero gore
No since that's retarded

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:23:02 AM »
tbh they shouldve kept the Bloodborne levels of blood splattering

it really jingles my bells
it just looks way too tryhard
from what i can tell there's a lot of macabre imagery that focuses around pregnancy and abortion

which is cool and all, i like that, but

i have to wonder whether there's a good artistic reason for that, or if it's just self-indulgent gratuitousness for the sake of it

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:13:33 AM »
tbh they shouldve kept the Bloodborne levels of blood splattering

it really jingles my bells
of all the soulsbourne games, i'm looking forward to this one the least (even though i've heard the best things about it)

it just looks way too tryhard

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 01:12:41 AM »
Literally only because of censorship standards.
right, and they could've "censored" (read: not have) dog decaps as well, and no one would've minded except for sick fucks

i respect that the game has them, my point was just that i found it disturbing and that even i have my limits when it comes to gore in games

damn dude

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:59:03 AM »
Well it wouldn't make any sense for you not to be able to? You can decapitate people, the same rules of logic would have to apply for everything.
i mean

not necessarily

you can't decapitate children

there's a lot of things you can't do
The better solution would be no decapitations/amputations (or an in-menu option), but even if someone is disturbed by a small amount of blood, dark souls or GTA IV level, you treat that as an bad thing
I'M not treating it as a BAD thing

i'm treating it as a thing of bewilderment

like, what dark souls player is that sensitive? it's astonishing to me

either way, i think it's GREAT that the developers give sensitive people like that the option to turn off blood, and that was kinda my whole point

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:54:24 AM »
That's why I'm not against a pause button, it would just have to be implemented in a way that isn't literally "same game in every way, except you can pause whenever". I'd liken it to being the modern equivalent of "save points vs quicksave". There's no problem with quicksave so long as it can't be abused (ie savescumming) or detract from the experience. Same here; there's no problem with being able to pause so long as it doesn't detract from the experience.
that's the thing, though—i just don't think it would detract from the experience

if you believe it would, my solution allows you to disable the feature, no questions asked

chances are, if you're the kind of person who likes to be able to pause, and considers it a basic preliminary feature that every good video game MUST have, then you're not gonna be bothered too much by whatever it is you're missing out on

i've discussed this with a lot of people lately (because i've been playing a lot—i have a couple videos + updates coming soon, btw), and the most interesting solution i've heard so far is that there could be a spell that allows you to pause, but there would be a big downside—like, you get one pause per bonfire or something

i think it's a silly idea, but perhaps something like that would be more to your liking if you can think of a good enough downside

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:48:21 AM »
Blood is gore. The amount doesn't matter.

p much why Fallout/Dishonored can be too much sometimes
My understanding of "gore" has always been "body tissue," which includes blood, but it's a rectangle-is-not-a-square type relationship.

Otherwise, the common pairing of "blood and gore" is a redundancy.
I guess that makes sense

I still don't know why it's apparently some bad thing to be sensitive to violence though

you're sensitive to sex, which might be gross, but is straight up beautiful compared to pain and multilation and bodily harm
did you forget that i was quite disturbed by the fact that you can decapitate dogs in fallout 3, and the game treats it as this silly fun thing

i have my limits too, but dark souls is incredibly tame with the violence

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:38:59 AM »
Blood is gore. The amount doesn't matter.

p much why Fallout/Dishonored can be too much sometimes
My understanding of "gore" has always been "body tissue," which includes blood, but it's a rectangle-is-not-a-square type relationship.

Otherwise, the common pairing of "blood and gore" is a redundancy.

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:37:27 AM »
the average dark souls fan is against enabling pause because that affects the gameplay
With my solution, the average Dark Souls fan would have the option to disable pause if that's how they want to play (it's the objectively incorrect way to play, but that's on them).

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:35:48 AM »
Just look at options menu right now—there's an option to turn off blood. I always thought that was hilarious. The game barely even has any blood, yet there's still an option to turn it off if you're that squeamish.
is gore a gameplay element

yes or no please

It's not even gore—just a little blood.

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:34:14 AM »
Tbh the basic plot of Dark Souls is the best description of the franchise. Demon's Souls was the first flame, and each subsequent game burned shorter and less bright. Not to say they are bad, but it's a good thing the series is "over" (as much as a franchise can be nowadays).
what do you think of my pause solution
I'm not against being able to pause, I just think it would have to be done in a way that keeps the tension. One thing that being unable to pause really helps do is reduce the helpfulness of walkthroughs, since someone can't just alternate pauses between the youtube video and the game. Niche example, I know, but being unable to pause is nice in some aspects.

I think if some baby casual wants to do something like that, they should be able to. It only makes it all the more satisfying for those of us who didn't need guides to beat the game without one. I'm here for the casuals.

Just look at options menu right now—there's an option to turn off blood. I always thought that was hilarious. The game barely even has any blood, yet there's still an option to turn it off if you're that squeamish.

If the game didn't have that option, and some player was like, "This game should have an option to remove the blood," how do you think the average Dark Souls fan would react to that? And yet, we have the option, and the game hasn't been ruined by people who don't want to see blood.

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:29:19 AM »
adergjklönagoeir okay i agree that a pause feature wouldnt hurt the game

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:24:16 AM »
theres no reason to include a pause feature in offline i agree, quitting to menu is practically the same
no, it should, because there's plenty of situations where it would be so nice to be able to pause

like, if you have to answer to the door in the middle of a boss fight or something—quitting out doesn't help in this situation, because you could easily get killed before you're even able to

pausing removes that problem, and for anyone who still wants their precious "sense of danger," i posted a solution to that above
forgot to add outside of bosses to quitting to menu <.<
so you shouldn't be able to quit out of boss fights at all?

why, that's just dumb

either way, bosses aren't the only thing—maybe i'm fighting a strong enemy, and the phone rings, and i don't have time to quit out—why shouldn't i be able to pause here

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:22:17 AM »
Tbh the basic plot of Dark Souls is the best description of the franchise. Demon's Souls was the first flame, and each subsequent game burned shorter and less bright. Not to say they are bad, but it's a good thing the series is "over" (as much as a franchise can be nowadays).
what do you think of my pause solution

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:21:16 AM »
theres no reason to include a pause feature in offline i agree, quitting to menu is practically the same
i disagree, there are plenty of situations where it would be so nice to be able to pause

like, if you have to answer to the door in the middle of a boss fight or something—quitting out doesn't help in this situation, because you could easily get killed before you're even able to

pausing removes that problem, and for anyone who still wants their precious "sense of danger," i posted a solution to that above

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:08:07 AM »
Thats a weird issue. But i guess if you view games like that then eh
he's not being serious he's just mocking me

The game really should have a pause feature, though, or at least take up my solution

The Flood / Re: attn: history fags
« on: June 16, 2017, 12:01:40 AM »
I'm 11-hours in to a WWI podcast, and also planning to buy a dozen or so books on the subject. After that I'll probably jump into Napoleonic Wars stuff, even if that seems a bit backwards.

It's all about finding something that you're interested in.
maybe, but if i want to have a well-rounded base of knowledge on world history, i'm gonna have to dip my toes into some boring shit, and i'm sure you have too

i just don't know how to deal with that

the only thing i'm super interested in is the holocaust, which i feel like i already know a great deal about, minus a few important spots, like "why did people listen to hitler's BS about the 'master race' when he himself was not even part of it," among other things

questions like that are impossible to google because nobody can just give you a straight answer, it's always a short novella about irrelevant stuff you don't care about, but is somehow connected to the answer in some lowkey important way

idk, it's really tedious

We got our first official gameplay! And the best part? NO DOGFIGHT MODE HELL YES

what is dogfight mode and why is it bad

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:50:22 PM »
I don't like pure action games

From what I've played, it has a good atmosphere, but that doesn't really forgive the hack-and-slash stuff for me (yes, there's more strategy, but the basis is combat)
hack-and-slash isn't really what dark souls is about

it's a game that promotes being slow, cautious, defensive, and methodical, whereas hack-and-slash games are more mindless, flashy, and they reward you for button mashing—the sort of thing that'll get you killed in dark souls
I knew you'd take issue with that phrasing, I know it's not like Diablo or anything

I'm just saying it's a pure action game, there's nothing else to do. Just not for me

even in JC, I try to take over bases and such totally spies style where I use wit and cleverness and try not to kill anyone
i'd classify it as an adventure game, like zelda, but with an in-depth combat system and RPG elements

but all right, it's k that you're not interested—like i said, i figured you wouldn't be anyway

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:39:43 PM »
once you get parrying and rolling down it's pretty easy though
anything is easy when you master the game's mechanics

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:35:58 PM »
I don't like pure action games

From what I've played, it has a good atmosphere, but that doesn't really forgive the hack-and-slash stuff for me (yes, there's more strategy, but the basis is combat)
hack-and-slash isn't really what dark souls is about

it's a game that promotes being slow, cautious, defensive, and methodical, whereas hack-and-slash games are more mindless, flashy, and they reward you for button mashing—the sort of thing that'll get you killed in dark souls

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:25:47 PM »
Oh I thought this would be about invasions
oh shit it should have been

I know nothing about this game except for complaints about it lol
you should play it, it's great

maybe not your kind of game, but still

The Flood / Re: dark souls raped me
« on: June 15, 2017, 11:21:22 PM »
Oh I thought this would be about invasions
oh invasions are still bad too, but there's no fixing them

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