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The Flood / Re: Report July
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:32:01 AM »
how could i have POSSIBLY forgotten you
What makes it different from any other month though?
>he thinks he's exempt from the list simply because he's 12x the offender


The Flood / Re: Report July
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:29:47 AM »
whoa I was celebrating furry July this whole time and didn't even realise

please give me the ban I deserve
i don't take requests from {{{participants}}}, but i'll gladly write you up anyway

The Flood / Re: Report July
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:24:49 AM »
how could i have POSSIBLY forgotten you

The Flood / Re: Report July
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:18:47 AM »
Protip: Anyone who's worried about being reported, I might suggest using a highly abstract or artistic avatar.

That way, it makes it extremely difficult to interpret your avatar as report-worthy without stretching your imagination.

Furfags and the like tend to think that they're smart or clever, so they'll go through any and all efforts to claim that you are also a furry by some wild stretch. If your avatar is abstract enough, and they're grasping at straws, you're winning.

For example, I'm switching my anti-Trump avatar for the moment, just in case some wisecunt tries to argue that I'm participating in Furry July because "Drumpf is a groundhog" or something. Sorry fags, I'm too smart for your bullshit.

The Flood / Report July 2K17
« on: July 03, 2017, 04:14:38 AM »
Report all Furry July avatars here to celebrate the 5th (maybe 6th) annual Report July.


1. Does the avatar or titlebar contain an animal other than a human?
2. If it's a human, does it exhibit any animal-like traits (or is the animal anthro or semi-anthropomorphized)?

if so, notify them of their wrongdoing, and then report it here—that's it

Why? Because it's a tradition—and that's the best reason to do anything!!!!!

happy reporting, and remember—be as discriminate and unreasonable as possible

Me (chief administrator)

Detected faggots:
{{{Nick McIntyre}}}
{{{Big Boss}}}
{{{Iberien Husky}}}

Sympathizers (AKA people who do not deserve love):
{{{Doctor Doom}}}

The Flood / Re: I declare this year's festivities open
« on: July 03, 2017, 03:14:43 AM »
for anyone unfamiliar with this holiday:

any time you see some dumb faggot with an animal-based avatar, no matter how innocuous, you must report it—even if it's just a little gnat in the lower right corner—the key is to be obnoxious and unreasonable yet morally superior at the same time

you also must let them know about it in the most smug possible way

bonus points if it actually ends up getting removed

The Flood / Re: I declare this year's festivities open
« on: July 03, 2017, 03:12:55 AM »
who else is officially participating in report july

The Flood / Re: I declare this year's festivities open
« on: July 03, 2017, 03:06:54 AM »
nipponese dragon
not even that bad but i'm reporting you on principle

>he thinks people don't take his insults as compliments

The Flood / Re: A comic
« on: July 02, 2017, 08:19:49 PM »
i actually did have a girl in high school who wanted me to write her a short story, though

i wonder if she actually thought that i was gonna do it, but she loved it either way
things that totally happened
it did lol

my only regret is we never talked much beyond high school

The Flood / Re: A comic
« on: July 02, 2017, 05:08:03 PM »
i actually did have a girl in high school who wanted me to write her a short story, though

i wonder if she actually thought that i was gonna do it, but she loved it either way

The Flood / Re: A comic
« on: July 02, 2017, 04:56:00 PM »
why did he have to be named jacob

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Ninja Run (with voice)
« on: July 02, 2017, 04:54:58 PM »
It's kind of awkward how characters like Havel can still be backstabbed even when their back is covered by their greatshield.

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 03:23:35 PM »
we're like, literally one degree off-topic

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 02:47:19 PM »
At this point you know you're wrong but you're too much of a narcissistic ego obsessed person to admit it. The worst part is now you will look dumb because you were aggressive and acted like you were right, when you could've just humbly admitted your mistake.
it's not a version of death note though

that's a really flimsy and weak use of the word version
Personally I'd have a lot more respect for you if you'd just admit you were wrong, but whatever.
how am i wrong

you literally tried to use the dictionary as an argument, as if dictionaries are law

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 02:39:54 PM »
At this point you know you're wrong but you're too much of a narcissistic ego obsessed person to admit it. The worst part is now you will look dumb because you were aggressive and acted like you were right, when you could've just humbly admitted your mistake.
it's not a version of death note though

that's a really flimsy and weak use of the word version

and your point about mods made literally zero sense

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 02:35:12 PM »
Is it called Deathnote and based on the same story? Then it's a version of
And congratulations you just proved my point about mods.

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 02:30:48 PM »
Just like an updated game with an official patch from the developer is a different version. That's why it'll say version 3.17.2 at the bottom.
but that actually IS a different version

a completely different non-canon movie made by people who had nothing to do with the original product is not a new version of anything, it's its own separate thing
You're wrong.
if i am, then you're doing a really shitty job explaining how or why

as usual

The Flood / Re: how do I get popular on bungle
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:20:41 PM »
Does that place actually have more than ten active users?
it's slightly more active than sep7agon actually

pretty much the same amount of users though

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:14:10 PM »
watch someone try to say i'm a hypocrite, because i hate mods

as though creating an adaptation of source material is the same thing as physically altering the source material
one could argue a mod is an adaptation of the original game especially games like ARMA 3 where you can choose to launch the game with no mods thus allowing you to have two versions of the game
Two versions aren't separate enough.

This Death Note movie is not a "version" of Death Note—it's a completely separated thing.

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 01:12:37 PM »
Wait, if that's the case then why is there no hope of this possibly being alright?


The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 12:59:55 PM »
watch someone try to say i'm a hypocrite, because i hate mods

as though creating an adaptation of source material is the same thing as physically altering the source material
one could argue a mod is an adaptation of the original game especially games like ARMA 3 where you can choose to launch the game with no mods thus allowing you to have two versions of the game
Two versions aren't separate enough.

This Death Note movie is not a "version" of Death Note—it's a completely separated thing.

maybe that's a little semantic, but the point is, i don't agree with you

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 12:30:55 PM »
watch someone try to say i'm a hypocrite, because i hate mods

as though creating an adaptation of source material is the same thing as physically altering the source material

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 12:29:44 PM »
when adapting something, you can absolutely fuck and piss all over the source material for all i care

it's possible to do that while creating a new derivative piece of art that is loosely based on the general story, and still capture the essence, messages, and themes of that story

those are the only important things to retain

character races and names? maybe i'd care if i were autistic

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 12:02:50 PM »
and it shouldn't matter to you either

"respect for source material" is a dumb bad meme

there are reasons the show looks terrible; this isn't one of them

if you want a completely faithful and unchanged death note, then just read the manga—different interpretations of the source material should be welcomed and embraced, because it's 10x shittier when things are completely the same (or when things try to be completely the same; it's obviously not possible and you won't please everybody)

The Flood / Re: Netflix's Death Note, new trailer
« on: July 02, 2017, 12:01:30 PM »
Why is L black ?
is his race an integral part of his character?

if the answer is no, then it shouldn't matter to you at all

Gaming / Re: Trophies/Achievements
« on: July 02, 2017, 11:59:54 AM »
I appreciate their existence as a way to encourage experiencing a game in its entirety, but too often are there trophies that are just too grindy/tedious to obtain for me to care all that much about platinuming a game.

I've all but platinumed the first Ratchet & Clank on the HD Collection, because the game wants me to collect a million bolts without any bolt multipliers (because they weren't a thing in that game). There's actually a glitch that allows you to collect bolts indefinitely while remaining idle, but in order to collect a million, I'm gonna have to let it sit there for an uncomfortably long amount of time. It's just dumb.

Not to mention, sometimes there are trophies that you can only achieve through netplay. These ones are stupid, because game communities dwindle over time, and eventually, no one is ever going to reliably be able to do them all—especially if you don't have any friends. Or if you have friends, but you don't want to bother them with this stupid meaningless task.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Impressions - Update #22: A Scent and a Sound
« on: July 02, 2017, 02:26:05 AM »
Fucking A guys

I don't know if I just have good gaming instinct, or if I just got lucky, but it was SO inspired that I chose to fight Sif before coming here.

that said, i'm probably gonna be at this for awhile, so sit tight

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