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Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 3
« on: July 16, 2017, 03:42:00 PM »

>that voice

that's pretty crazy though

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 03:39:17 PM »
No. Eating shit is still bad no matter the outcome. Killing somebody is bad, but the outcome is good if it's one less bad person in the world.
then that means killing them was good

If a developer is smart enough to make loading screens fun that would obviously make it ok if the loading times longer. He still had to go out of his to develop a fun loading screen to deal with the negative that is a loading screen.

maybe the length of the loading screens is tied into the lore somehow

what about that

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 03:01:02 PM »
I wouldn't. I would never sacrifice my dignity for money. My friend shouldn't have been slippin if we have people after us like that, and the world can burn for all I care.
good for you, i happen to feel the exact same way

so you're basically saying that you're the arbiter of objectivity, then

you decide what's objective because you personally would never eat shit in any circumstance whatsoever

The loading screen is always part of the game.
you know what i mean by part of the game

fucking lol when
pick any post you made in this thread

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:44:10 PM »
Yeah,  too bad you started talking about eating poop.
actually you did

Eating poop has no modifiers, it's the act of eating poop. You're modifying it by saying it's a good thing to do if you're at gunpoint. It isn't. It's still gross and unhealthy, and tastes terrible. You would only consider doing it if you're at gunpoint, which further proves how much of an objective negative it is.
if it was OBJETIVELY negative, then you would NEVER under ANY circumstances eat shit

not for a million dollars, not to save your friend, not to save the world

you wouldn't do it, because it is OBJECTIVELY bad

that's what that means
I play games to play games. Not watch loading screens.
maybe the loading screen is part of the game

I said this several times and it was heavily implied. Not to mention it's a given, that isn't something I should have had to write. I felt like I was explaining something to a child by writing that.

I know it to be true, so I assumed you did too. Either you were purposefully being obtuse, or you're just dumb.
actually, you never said or implied it, and you've repeatedly made the exact opposite statement

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:39:04 PM »
hard cringe

Let's dance.
I hate people like you
I always knew it was a homophobic thing between you and RC
No he's a furry and I hate furries, so we're natural enemies.
says the guy with the animal profile picture. Your the furry here
Birds have feathers, not fur.
Still counts.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 3
« on: July 16, 2017, 01:21:13 PM »
Tekken finals will be streaming shortly.

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: July 16, 2017, 10:38:32 AM »
"more hype" in what sense? in that you, personally, are more hyped for it?

it is intrinsically more hype

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:44:49 AM »
You're the one that took this to the philosophical level for no reason.
in my experience, most people seem to enjoy thinking about stuff in ways that they haven't before

i certainly do, and i think it's healthy to challenge paradigms of what video games should and shouldn't have, or should and shouldn't be, just like i'd do with any other art form

I didn't add anything. You did. You created a hypothetical where being forced to do something unpleasant (eating poop) could be considered good in an abstract sort of way because the outcome is good (hypothetically).
i just don't understand why you're allowed to add modifiers when i'm not

it's like you know you're wrong, so you back yourself into a tight corner, putting yourself at an intellectual dead-end, and then you try to say that's what I'M doing to make yourself look right

I didn't, though. I said nobody likes longer loading times.
what if the loading screen has a justifiable reason for it to be longer

i can come up with a bunch of extreme examples where you'd want a loading screen to last an hour if you want

you call it an extreme example, i call it being creative
I'm sure you can find some contrarian out there who enjoys longer loading times, but again, it doesn't change the fact that the average and majority opinion is that longer loading times means less time playing which means less enjoyment. That's a bad thing.
wonderful, i absolutely agree

you realize this is all you needed to say right

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:35:28 AM »
sorry for fucking up your thread snake
Nobody likes longer loading times.

you mean to tell me this entire discussion only happened because you think i said something different

what i SAID was, some people don't care about long loading times

like me

i just don't care

i don't LIKE when games take too long to load, but i think most people in general are overly impatient and they consider anything more than ten seconds absolutely unacceptable—personally, i can wait up to twenty seconds before i start bellyaching

fast loading times are nice, and no loading times at all are even nicer, but it's not that big of a deal to me, and that's all i was trying to say

The Flood / Re: Is Karma real?
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:21:43 AM »
is it a stretch to say that there have been loads of virtuous people who have given a raw deal throughout their entire lives

i think not

some people die minutes after they're born

and what about animals? where is their karmic retribution?

they don't matter, right

The Flood / Re: Is Karma real?
« on: July 16, 2017, 09:15:56 AM »
You can't look at a person's current existence and draw a conclusion about the state of their karma. Karma encompasses all of their past and future existences. A homeless beggar living in squalor may be in that state because he was a morally repugnant billionaire previously.
then let's say he wasn't, because face it

most aren't

you may have taken my intentionally vague and tenuous example a little bit more seriously than i had intended it to be taken, but i don't think it would've taken much imagination to fill in the necessary blanks

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:32:05 AM »
sorry for fucking up your thread snake

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 3
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:25:28 AM »
Honestly, that was kind of a lackluster top 8 for Melee.

Sloppy performances all around, and pretty disappointing results that had me really sad in bed.

It had some great sets (Mew2King vs. Armada being the best by far), but it also had some of the worst sets I've ever seen at a tournament (Hungrybox vs. Plup) and the amount of phantom hits, missed ledge dashes, and other jank really made this one brutal to watch.

That said, Armada really is the one true god. All I wanted was for him to lose, but he's just way too goddamn good. Props to him, and his stupid frustrating-ass character.

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:15:22 AM »
Really? Or was it you going for extreme examples and even bringing up animals that live off feces?
if you started using extreme examples i wouldn't give a fuck, why does it matter

they're logically cogent arguments despite being impractical so who cares

i would argue that extreme examples have MORE utility than regular ones, because they test the limits of what you believe
The base act of eating shit isn't pleasant. You bringing up some random hypothetical doesn't change that, if anything it further proves my point that you would only possibly consider eating shit if your best friend was at gunpoint.
you mean "the base act of HUMANS eating shit without a gun to their head"

we're adding two modifiers here, so we're actually talking about a more specific base act, you just seem to think everything is implied

once you add those two modifiers, i would have to concede that i'd have to stretch my imagination beyond what i'd consider reasonable (or necessary for this discussion) in order to argue that eating shit is anything but a bad thing

there are plenty of scenarios i can come up with where eating shit might not be a bad thing, but i'll just pretend for a moment that we've covered everything, because they all involve modifying the "base act" as you put it (just like you've done when trying to prove the opposite point, because such a thing is unavoidable)

without those two modifiers, it makes perfect sense for me to bring up animals, because you didn't bar them from discussion, even though i technically knew what you were talking about—i just think specificity is important, especially when you're talking about the philosophy and the metaphysical properties of actions and shit

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 07:04:12 AM »
pretty much nothing in the universe is objectively good or bad, and disagreeing shows extreme philosophical immaturity

those who only care to think about what's practically true tend to be some really ignorant motherfuckers, and you are the prime example of an ignorant motherfucker

things are only ever good or bad when you add a reference point or modifier

it is impossible for anything to be intrinsically good or bad

you've demonstrated this yourself by being unable to prove why eating shit is always a bad thing, because it's very easy to come up with situations where it would actually be good—you argue these are "modifiers," but when trying to prove the opposite point, you simply can't avoid using modifiers either

Gaming / Re: Anyone else playing the N. Sane trilogy?
« on: July 16, 2017, 06:53:05 AM »
i wish you were the type of user that's actually difficult and challenging to argue with, but you're just not

everything you say is just so easy to smack down with no effort

my responses are almost automatic, because you're just that easy
I wish you were actually intelligent and didn't resort to personal attacks the second your ego the size of a zeppelin is attacked.
you already know i'm intelligent

more importantly, you already know i'm more intelligent than you
You seemed intelligent at one point, but you let your emotions and ridiculous set of ideals take over any rational thinking you may have.
and you were never intelligent at all so i guess i'm still ahead of you

especially considering you're one of the most irrationally emotional people on the website

You're really grasping for straws here.
not an argument

you were grasping for straws as soon as you started this retarded "modifier" shit
Lmao just admit you're wrong.
why would i when i'm obviously right

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 16, 2017, 12:24:02 AM »
Armada's gonna win.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 16, 2017, 12:23:11 AM »
Grand finals:

Mango vs. Armada

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:53:18 PM »
i'm just gonna shut my fucking mouth from now on

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:41:50 PM »
mango i need you to win this

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:38:43 PM »
Plup didn't try.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:31:29 PM »
Okay, I thought Lucky's sloppiness was kinda cute at first, but now it's starting to piss me off.

We could've had SFAT, or Wizzrobe.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:23:26 PM »
Who won?

he can have this one

hbox is gonna come back and you'll be able to see the salt out your window

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:19:16 PM »
>thread is only active for nintoddler shit

kill yourselves
Sunday is where most of the finals take place, you silly cunt.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:13:31 PM »
I never get tired of watching these two play.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 11:05:28 PM »
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh i'm so heartbroken

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 10:51:44 PM »
Please please please let me be wrong on this one.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 10:38:22 PM »
Not being on the big stage is kind of okay, because stream monsters at home can hear the crowd reactions.

Gaming / Re: Evolution 2017 - Day 2 - Melee Top 8 commencing
« on: July 15, 2017, 10:29:11 PM »
Audio's fine for me.

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