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kill la kill was the only anime i've ever watched in full lmao

space dandy is kinda fun, it kinda feels more like a western cartoon with all the wacky shit and lack of continuity between episodes
space dandy looks GOD AWFUL but i'll have to add it because it's popular

Spice and Wolf was still great. Idk what trope you're on about. I assume you saw Holo naked and immediately cringed and thought "UGH FANSERVICE" or something
that's certainly a big part of it, there's virtually no way to make that sort of thing tolerable, especially when it's always a young attractive female and never anything else, because that wouldn't be pleasing to the assumed male audience

most of my problems with the show revolve almost entirely around holo who is one of my least favorite female characters ever

but also

>shitty, generic, unadventurous artsyle

>draw an underage girl for sex appeal
>call it a several hundred year old god so it's perfectly acceptable to jerk off and sexually exploit her

>trite "will they or won't they" type romance story with two "opposites attract" type characters

>female character does annoying shit that's supposed to be cute but it's actually just really annoying

fucking garbage

if you're giving Spirited Away a meager 5, then yeah
what do you mean

i wonder what rating verb would give hunter x hunter 2011
i'll get to this, but i can tell you right now that i hate the character designs

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great
most sarcasm neither seeks nor warrants response

so yeah
i realize you're being sarcastic, but i'm saying that the underlying point you're making is tenuous and lackadaisical
I did not refute that.
so are you just done or what
I've run out of serious things to say.

I maintain that Zelda is mired with imperfections, and that some of the imperfections jested over in this video are reasons the series lost my interest.
ur enditled to that o🅱️inion sir :DDD

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great
most sarcasm neither seeks nor warrants response

so yeah
i realize you're being sarcastic, but i'm saying that the underlying point you're making is tenuous and lackadaisical
I did not refute that.
so are you just done or what

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great
most sarcasm neither seeks nor warrants response

so yeah
i realize you're being sarcastic, but i'm saying that the underlying point you're making is tenuous and lackadaisical

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless
holy shit i'd never thought of that
I need this explained to me because I'm a simpleton.
is zelda, at its core, a flawed franchise?

can you think of anything that zelda, as a franchise or collective, does wrong? something that goes beyond what you personally dislike?

you can point out flaws in individual games, sure, but as a collective, what flaws does the franchise have as a whole?

to test it, try to see if you can do the same with other franchises

personally, as much as i love pokémon, the franchise has a lot of (what i'd consider to be) objective flaws that are rife throughout the entire series

Gaming / Re: ANTHEM
« on: July 21, 2017, 08:09:37 PM »
i think it looks generic and uninspired

But a dog is a dope animal, and a really good family member.

A dog is flawless.

It achieves everything it sets out to do.

Nevermind the fact that they have the glaring flaw of being able to die and that they're a little dumb, which fuels the first one.

But it doesn't set out to live forever so that isn't a flaw.
i think you realize how tenuous and lackadaisical this argument is, so i won't entertain it

also dying is great

•Because if entertainment doesn't entertain someone who pays money to be entertained, it's an abject failure.
you say that as though i'm disputing it

are you familiar with the philosophical concept of pluralism

it refers to when things have multiple states of being—like, dogs can be thought of as animals and/or as family

most people become familiar with this concept at age 2

video games can be both an entertainment medium and an art form
•If flaws had to be based in objectivity, there would be no such thing as subjectivity.
first of all, i said "some level" of objectivity, in concession with the idea that we'll never know true objectivity


•They're also definitively entertainment, and therefore not purely, and solely, art, like you're trying to pitch games as.
i never stated otherwise

snake may disagree, i personally make the concession that video games are both

i WISH video games were purely an art form, but they're not

When you market a piece of art as entertainment, you forfeit immunity to the "it's boring" argument.
but why

Being boring, or failing to grasp interest, is a flaw in all entertainment.
flaws have to be rooted in some level of objectivity

just because we can never fully grasp objectivity doesn't mean we can't have an idea

i don't understand how your personal taste means anything
They're interactive blockbuster movies more often than not just out to make a buck.
blockbuster movies are art too

your disinterest in the franchise comes down to your personal taste, but your personal taste does not dictate whether something is "flawless" or not when you're trying to be objective

there are movies out there that i don't enjoy, but i'd have to concede that they are technically flawless regardless of my personal distaste

that doesn't mean they're perfect; it means that the director succeeded in everything that he attempted to do, and i can't argue with that—and i can tell you one thing: "pleasing everybody" is one thing that is NOT on any artist's agenda (or at least, any artist with an ounce of wisdom)

Oh, sorry.

I forgot being boring isn't a fundamental flaw in entertainment.
i'm looking at zelda as an artistic oeuvre, not a piece of entertainment

sometimes art is boring, and not everyone is gonna like certain pieces of art

personally i find most zelda titles exhilarating and beautiful

legend of zelda is perfect on a conceptual level in the same way as tetris. this is life changing.
Tetris isn't perfect either.

name a single flaw.
If a game isn't universally appealing to everyone, it isn't perfect.
I have always found Tetris boring.
"perfect" is a really, really loaded word, and i bet even you realize that

personally, i draw a distinction between perfection and flawlessness

a director intends to make a movie where he just films a soup bowl for ten seconds—and he does it

flawless movie? yes
does it appeal to everybody? no
perfect movie? define "perfect"

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless
No. Not at all.
it does and succeeds at everything that it sets out to do
No it doesn't.

you convinced me

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless
No. Not at all.
it manages to do and succeed at everything it sets out to do

does it succeed at keeping you interested as a fan? no, but it's not trying to

"but I love it, what are you gonna do?"
i don't say shit like this though because it's stupid

i don't love zelda unconditionally—if a game does something really dumb, i'll be first in line to point it out

but honestly, call me a fanboy, but the franchise (when taken as a whole) is technically flawless

the biggest flaws reside primarily in individual games that don't represent the whole of the franchise

the creator of this video is quite obviously a big zelda fan, too—you kind of HAVE to be to make a video like this

it's clearly just a dude poking some fun at one of his favorite game franchises in a very lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek way—it's not meant to be an exposé or turn anyone away from the franchise, and if anything, it's a tribute

so you're using what's essentially a joke video to justify your loss of interest with a franchise

what a solonoid thing to do

you stopped playing zelda five years ago because of a video that contains no reasons why you would stop playing zelda?
Oh yeah, because vaguity, shit character motivation, a bunch of xxxtra flat characters, annoying mechanics, and a truly awful overarching narrative (all things mentioned in this video) are just the type of shit that keep you wanting to come back!
especially when few of those things actually matter, or make a huge difference with regards to the overall experience or the developers' intent

ganon's motivations are pretty clear in almost every game—they may not be good or interesting motivations, but like a darth sidious, the point of his character isn't to have good or interesting motivations

he is simply the embodiment of evil, period—it doesn't have to be more than that

every character in star wars is flat as fuck and has shit motivation, but no one cares

like a star wars, it's literally just hero's journey: the game

that's all it's ever tried to be and that's all it ever should be

The Flood / Re: Any major wars since this site's creation?
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:37:47 PM »
I'm hearing that there are no mods to be seen on this site anymore. And is an influx of new members still a problem?
nah, things have slowed down

the mods have been posting mostly in gaming lately

you stopped playing zelda five years ago because of a video that contains no reasons why you would stop playing zelda?

The Flood / Re: Look around, look around
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:30:45 PM »
i prefer not to make my references too obvious, if i reference anything at all

The Flood / Re: Any major wars since this site's creation?
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:30:02 PM »
your last post was only two years ago, actually—this site isn't THAT old

actually, the site just had its 3-year anniversary a couple days ago (we always forget)

Gaming / Re: Would anyone watch me stream?
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:27:20 PM »
You can, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to catch the streams.

The Flood / Re: Look around, look around
« on: July 21, 2017, 05:26:11 PM »
now i know where you got "schuyler" from

it's so awkward to find these things out

oh FUCK, when did you watch Ergo Proxy? It tickles me that you didnt completely despise it.
finished it last week actually

it was quite refreshing

Gaming / Re: If you're not buying Destiny 2, check in here
« on: July 21, 2017, 01:33:49 PM »
Who's your favorite member in Bungie?
if i went to bungie right now, would i even be able to recognize anyone

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 01:07:48 PM »
i mean, i grind in pokémon and RPGs and shit, and i still enjoy those kind of games quite heavily

Gaming / Re: How much time have YOU wasted on Destiny?
« on: July 21, 2017, 01:05:51 PM »
i've actually thought about making a playthrough thread for destiny, but i wouldn't want it to just turn into a circlejerk of everyone just hating it, because that would probably happen
I feel like there's little you could comment on, its very run of the mill just shoot through hordes of enemies, then hold out for three to four waves of more enemies, then press a button or two. Then go back to the tower.

I feel like you just wouldn't get much to comment on by the time you beat the third mission on the moon.
yeah, it doesn't seem all that great

i still want to give it a shot though—i've said it before, but i honestly just don't trust anyone here to be unbiased

the game seems well-liked in other communities, and whenever i talk about how much halo fans seem to hate it, they always seem really surprised

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