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kidding aside, introvert

extroverts don't listen to swans tbh

The Flood / Re: attn: verb
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:23:41 PM »
i should try to make a similar chart for NIN

The Flood / Re: you know what would be neat
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:12:24 PM »
now you're always gonna be confused

Gaming / Re: PS+ prices rising in UK/EU/AU
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:11:07 PM »
That's so shitty.

Well, congratulations, Microsoft—as of August, you will finally have a slightly better online service than the PS4's in the UK.

Nintendo still wins overall.
Yeah but then you have to play Nintendo in this century.

The Flood / Re: you know what would be neat
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:10:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: you know what would be neat
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:06:18 PM »
what a wonderful non-thread this ended up being
you're welcome

The Flood / Re: attn: verb
« on: July 28, 2017, 06:00:36 PM »
mouth of infinity*

The Flood / Re: attn
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:57:54 PM »

The Flood / Re: attn
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:56:30 PM »

The Flood / Re: attn
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:52:45 PM »

The Flood / Re: attn: verb
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:52:21 PM »
a little bit of context:

to be kind is actually the third in a series of four albums released after michael gira broke up the band in the late 90s, their final album being called Soundtracks for the Blind, which is a pretty great album and a fan-favorite (even if jim thinks it's their worst record)

when they got back together, their comeback album was called My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky, which was a dark folk oeuvre which happens to contain my favorite Swans song: "You Fucking People Make Me Sick," which pretty much sums up everything i feel about humanity in one beautifully disturbing song

the second album is called the Seer

the third is To Be Kind, my favorite all-around swans record

the fourth and latest is called The Glowing Man, which is also very good, and not located on that chart because it just came out less than two years ago

The Flood / Re: you know what would be neat
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:46:02 PM »
what a wonderful non-thread this ended up being

The Flood / Re: attn: verb
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:44:44 PM »
hm, that's a really loaded question

you could try following this chart

or you could start with To Be Kind, which is my personal favorite

just beware—swans requires a lot of patience to get into, and you gotta be in the right mood

have fun

cash sings it like his epitaph, reznor sings it like his mantra
actually not a bad way to put it

The Flood / Re: Do you ship Snaria
« on: July 28, 2017, 05:05:33 PM »
it's not a good ship if there's only one party showing any remote interest

The Flood / Re: you know what would be neat
« on: July 28, 2017, 04:48:08 PM »
i for one thought it was pretty solid
solidly not good
i could concede that there's room for improvement

The Flood / Re: you know what would be neat
« on: July 28, 2017, 04:44:40 PM »
i for one thought it was pretty solid

Gaming / Re: List of games I need to play:
« on: July 28, 2017, 04:04:56 PM »
of spyro games, i've only tried the first three on PS1 as well as season of flame for GBA

they weren't great, even though i wanted to like them

>second paged

lol get fucked

The Flood / Re: attn: snake
« on: July 28, 2017, 03:48:05 PM »

After about five or six listens, I've decided that this is actually my least favorite NIN release, ever. I went into it not expecting a whole lot, mostly because I wasn't particularly into NTAE either—and I still found myself disappointed.

I didn't absolutely HATE it, but I would be lying if I said I enjoyed it to any substantial degree. I've never come so close to outright disliking a NIN release before—yet here I am, I guess.

Trent has this habit of naming his songs after things that I don't want to feel about the record, and "Less Than" definitely fits the bill. In my opinion, this is easily NIN's worst single since "Only." To me, it essentially sounds like a more toothless, Diet Coke version of "Came Back Haunted" and "Copy of A"—which are great singles on their own—but they're watered down to a point where all the flavor is lost, and it just reeks of mediocrity.

It's cool that your friends seem to like it—but man, that track just gets worse every single time I listen to it. I'm sorry.

Seriously, though. Try to find a single you like less than... it. I wish I could've avoided that pun somehow, but Trent's kinda forcing my hand here.

That all being said... it's actually my favorite song on the EP.

The rest of the tracks are passable from a quality standpoint—certainly better than the lead single in terms of structure and composition, but the "experimental" elements are either too experimental, or not experimental enough, and I still haven't really figured out which one it is for me. The songs aren't really as impenetrable as they were described to be—I could pretty much tell where every track was headed within the first verse, which made a monotony out of most of the tracks, especially "Not Anymore" and the closer.

"This Isn't the Place" is FINE, I guess, but I really can't stand it when Trent tries to sing in his upper register like that. It just doesn't sound good, and the lyrics certainly didn't make up for it either—in fact, I'm so familiar with Trent's lyrical patterns at this point that, when I listened to the song for the first time, I was able to predict almost every single rhyme before it was sung. But other than that, it's not a bad tune on this EP.

My ears did also perk up when I heard "everyone seems to be asleep" on your favorite track, though. I caught that reference from the first EP, so while I'm glad I'm able to see the vague connections between the two records, it's just a shame that I don't really like the music that much. It makes it all the more difficult for me to even care to see the connections, and that's a pretty upsetting thing for me to type out.

The closing track, "The Background World," is my least favorite song. My first time listening through, I was eyeballing it in the tracklist the whole time, excited to listen to this assuredly challenging and dynamic 11-minute song to close the record off. So, after listening to four relatively mediocre songs that didn't offer me much, imagine my disappointment upon discovering that the 11-minute closing track is just another painfully average song that was fluffed up in length by an industrial loop that runs on for several minutes before the record ends.

I have no doubt in my mind that Trent knew exactly what he was doing with this EP, but whatever it was, it just did not go over well with me at all. This isn't the first time this has happened, though—I needed to give Year Zero about ten or twelve shots before I started to really appreciate the record, but even then, Year Zero has always been one of my least favorite NIN albums, and this EP is easily worse right now. It could change, but like I said before—no other NIN record has tested my patience more than this one has, so that's a major disappointment.

I said it before, but it feels like a record that's simultaneously trying too hard yet not hard enough at being experimental, and that's so weird, and it doesn't make any sense, but that's the best way to sum up the EP in my mind. I wasn't into the direction, wasn't really into the instrumentals, and I wasn't into the lyrics either.

If I had to give it a number, I'd probably give it something like a 4/10 or a 5/10. Nothing else has gone under a 6/10.

I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it more than I did, though. I don't want to change that. If anything, I want to like it as much as you do, but there just wasn't a whole lot for me here. But you know, oh well. Can't win them all—I was bound to dislike something NIN-related at some point, so this barely affects my opinion on NIN as a whole. He could've put out a record that's 10x shittier, and I'd still be a loyal fan. But above all, I'm just glad Trent's still touring making music.

Here's hoping the final piece of the trilogy blows the other two out of the water, or at least completes the picture.

And send me my Fragile Deviations already, goddamn. You're killing me, Trent.

The Flood / Re: Unfun facts
« on: July 28, 2017, 02:29:09 PM »
Mario is fully intangible during frames 3-6 of his up-special.
At E3 2006, a new Super Smash Bros. game was announced for the then-upcoming Wii.

No title was given, and Sakurai wasn't involved with the announcement at all.

After the conference, Iwata personally contacted Sakurai and asked him if he would be interested in directing another Smash game. Sakurai said yes, and then Brawl happened.

Had he said no, they would've simply ported Melee over to the Wii, with added netplay.

The Flood / Re: Unfun facts
« on: July 28, 2017, 02:13:50 PM »
Life is misery, and we're all suffering together.
i'm the type of person who finds that comforting

The Flood / Re: archaic sep7agon memories
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:48:54 PM »
I'm not taking sides here but it is really shitty when someone else takes something you've spent time doing and steals the credit
it's your prerogative if you want to feel that way about it

i just don't

i have no attachments to anything that i create
So then you should be in favor of mods

just because i don't have attachments to my creations doesn't mean i can't disapprove of how people choose to enjoy them
That's what having attachments is. You're attached enough to care what happens.
not really but okay

so no attachments except for the attachment that allows me to disapprove of mods

in terms of taking credit for my work, i don't care at all, go right ahead

what's most important is that the work gets out—i don't need my name to be on it

The Flood / Re: archaic sep7agon memories
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:46:57 PM »
I'm not taking sides here but it is really shitty when someone else takes something you've spent time doing and steals the credit
it's your prerogative if you want to feel that way about it

i just don't

i have no attachments to anything that i create
So then you should be in favor of mods

just because i don't have attachments to my creations doesn't mean i can't disapprove of how people choose to enjoy them

The Flood / Re: archaic sep7agon memories
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:38:31 PM »
I'm not taking sides here but it is really shitty when someone else takes something you've spent time doing and steals the credit
it's your prerogative if you want to feel that way about it

i just don't

i have no attachments to anything that i create

The Flood / Re: Cheat exposed 2k17
« on: July 28, 2017, 01:15:51 PM »
WOW who cares

Regardless of what anyone else thinks, Reznor likes Cash's better.
common knowledge, but trent's opinion of his own music is honestly no more or less important than anyone else's

what can be said for certain is that cash made it his own, and that's the best you can ask for

The Flood / Re: Unfun facts
« on: July 28, 2017, 12:45:53 PM »
The Sun at any moment can shoot out some type of ray(forgot the name) that would take 8 minutes to get to Earth and vaporize everything
a gamma-ray burst?

but that's fucking awesome

The Flood / Re: archaic sep7agon memories
« on: July 28, 2017, 12:37:09 PM »
It is, you fucktard. I even edit my recordings. The video editing process took 20 minutes, but the recording took 15 minutes itself along with some editing, cutting a lot of blanks where I didn't say anything, and as far as images go, yes I downloaded a few but a lot of them are mine own like the ones from Halo Reach and the shots from Bungie.old are mine, as in I took them. Even the photoshop of the Bungie being red with Mr. Burns appearing on the corner. I fucking did that! I don't even think no one noticed that easter egg!
yeah, none of that is effort
How would you feel if you made something that took this long, and some jackass uploaded what you made and takes all the credit for it after the fact that you decided to deleted it later not knowing he had it?
i would not care

not even a little bit

even if i spent a year's worth of effort making something, and someone else got the credit for it, i wouldn't care either

humans are petty losers who put too much stock in things like "credit" and i think it's a little sad

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