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holy fuck

i have never done anything stupid under the pretense of "it's mine, so why not"


It's my damn phone, why the fuck not?

Besides, it was tasteful nudity.
1. because that's fucking stupid
2. there is no such thing

The Flood / Re: Sony buys FUNimation
« on: August 01, 2017, 10:02:35 PM »
The story also takes a massive nose dive half way through book four and never recovers in the books after.
disagree for the most part, but at least the movies were pretty consistent in terms of quality

In order of necessity


Characters  (design is minor, but needs good writing and voice acting if the game has it.)
Gameplay (a game can look horrible, but if it plays great as seen its very forgivable)
Framerate (ties into gameplay in a sense, a game can look beautiful, but if it chugs and jumps itll ruin the experience)
Design (theme, artstyle, setting and OST)
Graphical fidelity

Dont care if a game looks dated, if it has a greay story and plays great then Ill like it.
I can only imagine that people who favor story over gameplay tend to get disappointed a whole lot.
In this day and age, yeah.

I get enjoyment out of a game with good gameplay. But a good story keeps me coming back wanting more, makes it satisfying to get attached to a world. But its becoming harder to find with the increasing amount of shovelware being released.
have you played botw

In order of necessity


Characters  (design is minor, but needs good writing and voice acting if the game has it.)
Gameplay (a game can look horrible, but if it plays great as seen its very forgivable)
Framerate (ties into gameplay in a sense, a game can look beautiful, but if it chugs and jumps itll ruin the experience)
Design (theme, artstyle, setting and OST)
Graphical fidelity

Dont care if a game looks dated, if it has a greay story and plays great then Ill like it.
I can only imagine that people who favor story over gameplay tend to get disappointed a whole lot.

The Flood / Re: Sony buys FUNimation
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:18:18 PM »

Season 5 was shit
Why do you think so?
They took a show that was originally meant for kids and made it WAY too adult, exactly as I feared they would.

I wouldn't have had an issue if they had done it smoothly and tastefully, but they didn't.
Samurai Jack was always more mature with deeper messages than most kids shows. I wouldn't say it was solely intended for kids. I think making it even more mature was cool because we grew up with the show watching it as kids, and now we're watching it as adults.
that's what i love about shit like harry potter

the difference is, the maturation in HP is gradual

in SJ, it's very blunt and sudden, and as a result, off-putting

>even caring about graphics at all
good point

i changed my bottom tier to the following:

Setting/world = Customization = Graphics = Frame rate = Boring technical aspects = Historical accuracy = Premise

because i equally don't care about any of these things in re: a game's overall quality

The Flood / Re: Pizza Hut and Dominos are not pizza
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:39:09 PM »
then again i'm in the northeast so ayyy

The Flood / Re: Pizza Hut and Dominos are not pizza
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:38:29 PM »
I never understood the liking of chain pizza anyway... little ceasars might be an exception though.
But like, do people just really not have decent pizza joints near them that a Hut is able to flourish?
nah, the crown jewel of my town is our local pizza joint, which is generally the first place we take any visitors to

but we still got a couple chains around—three, in fact

we love our pizza

The Flood / Re: Sony buys FUNimation
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:27:28 PM »

Season 5 was shit
Why do you think so?
They took a show that was originally meant for kids and made it WAY too adult, exactly as I feared they would.

I wouldn't have had an issue if they had done it smoothly and tastefully, but they didn't.

The Flood / Re: Pizza Hut and Dominos are not pizza
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:21:48 PM »
calm down verb

The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:18:13 PM »
Look man, either she'll say yes or she won't. You don't have anything to lose.
this is such a bad thing to say to people

If it's not awkward they can still be friends. Either way he can at least move on instead of being stuck in limbo.
dignity, confidence, time, and the will to continue looking for other girls can all be lost by getting rejected

it's just not that easy for some people to "move on"

and then you have people like me, who get told things like that, and then actively search for reasons to get emotionally destroyed, because it's more satisfying to be right
verbatim = people

I'll write that down in my notes
you need to meet more people apparently

The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:09:32 PM »
Look man, either she'll say yes or she won't. You don't have anything to lose.
this is such a bad thing to say to people

If it's not awkward they can still be friends. Either way he can at least move on instead of being stuck in limbo.
dignity, confidence, time, and the will to continue looking for other girls can all be lost by getting rejected

it's just not that easy for some people to "move on"

and then you have people like me, who get told things like that, and then actively search for reasons to get emotionally destroyed, because it's more satisfying to be right

The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:05:05 PM »
Look man, either she'll say yes or she won't. You don't have anything to lose.
this is such a bad thing to say to people

The Flood / Re: Sony buys FUNimation
« on: August 01, 2017, 07:31:12 PM »

Gaming / Re: Lead Designer of ANTHEM dead.
« on: August 01, 2017, 06:28:32 PM »
Who is that and what the heck is Anthem?

Not really that much of le gamer any more so if it keeps me entertained for longer than a couple weeks then I've got my money's worth.

Movies are another story because I enjoy them for a variety of different reasons. I enjoy meticulously crafted films just as I enjoy movies designed for pure entertainment purposes if done with a modicum of thought put behind them. A lot of people seem to put themes above enjoyment value but if the movie is just becomes one giant pedestal for the director's opinions then the actual film making takes a backseat and detracts from the overall experience. To me, a good film knows when to equipoise it's material with entertainment value.
do you have a favorite director

was it scorsese

The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 05:02:07 PM »
what if negativity makes me happier than positivity
scorn isn't happiness
what if scorn is better than happiness

The Flood / Re: Positive vibes thread
« on: August 01, 2017, 04:57:34 PM »
what if negativity makes me happier than positivity

hey guys wanna argue even more? Can good gameplay make up for shit story and characters?
It almost always does for me, yeah.

If you know all the parts of something intimately, you can't love it.
This is the opposite of the truth.

The more intimately I know every detail of any work of art that I enjoy, I just love it even more.
You are autistic.

That's not a slight.
You're actually autistic.
i'm not, though, so i guess you lose

enjoy being unable to appreciate art

If you know all the parts of something intimately, you can't love it.
This is the opposite of the truth.

The more intimately I know every detail of any work of art that I enjoy, I just love it even more.

This is why things like acting became extremely unimportant, because they're surface level.

And the specific thing that makes an experience work shouldn't be defined, because part of the appreciation is just knowing, internally, that something speaks to you.

Finding it's mouth degrades that feeling.
Maybe for you. I guess I'm just smart enough to not allow that to happen.
There's a reason an artist can never appreciate their own work.
That has nothing to do with anything.

And the specific thing that makes an experience work shouldn't be defined, because part of the appreciation is just knowing, internally, that something speaks to you.

Finding it's mouth degrades that feeling.
Maybe for you. I guess I'm just smart enough to not allow that to happen.

I would rather watch an interesting character do something boring, than a boring character do something interesting
They're about equal for me.

This is a fucking stupid thread.

You should appreciate things as a whole.
And you're both retards if you think that having a list of priorities means that you can't appreciate the whole.
Media is not the sum of its parts, and just because a piece checks all the boxes you want checked doesn't mean its what you were looking for.

So no, when you look for things certain things in soomething, you're not experiencing something, you're just dissecting it.
And that is the correct way to analyze and appreciate art.
It's an atrocity against art.

Poets have waged war against such practices for decades.
And radical Muslims have waged war against Western values for decades. What is your point.

This is a fucking stupid thread.

You should appreciate things as a whole.
And you're both retards if you think that having a list of priorities means that you can't appreciate the whole.
Media is not the sum of its parts, and just because a piece checks all the boxes you want checked doesn't mean its what you were looking for.

So no, when you look for things certain things in soomething, you're not experiencing something, you're just dissecting it.
And that is the correct way to analyze and appreciate art.

And you're actually doing both, but the important part is the dissection of what made the experience work.

This is a fucking stupid thread.

You should appreciate things as a whole.
And you're both retards if you think that having a list of priorities means that you can't appreciate the whole.

Kill yourselves! :D

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