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make sure you watch fullmetal alc brotherhood, and not 2003
Will do, though it's sort of confusing why.

The Flood / Re: Wait...what was that Anon?
« on: August 05, 2017, 02:16:18 AM »
what is the appeal of facesitting

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon 3.0 Wishlist
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:50:24 PM »
Bump. Still happening and I have proof of progress.

looks good, i wish we could see what multiple posts look like on a page though

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:28:25 PM »

Lead writer: Camnator

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 10:50:50 PM »

sorry, "critical art"

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 10:48:34 PM »
>Nash - Bison fight

I love how it's just the only fight in story mode that's even remotely challenging

hard mode fixes that problem real good
I tried to cheese him to death with sonics, but the match ran out of time. I had to get off because my wrist was cramping too hard.
yeah, nash is kind of a shitty zoner in my experience

the trick is to hold the fuck out of down-back until he burns all of his meter, and then just try to cross him up repeatedly, because without super, bison doesn't have a reliable answer for that (except c.hp but that's if your spacing is bad) x l. or m. scythe x super should be an easy finisher that can be followed up from a cross-up

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 10:21:27 PM »
>Nash - Bison fight

I love how it's just the only fight in story mode that's even remotely challenging

hard mode fixes that problem real good

The Flood / Re: Who technically owns the land you are on?
« on: August 04, 2017, 09:11:53 PM »
United States of America President of the Republic Donald Trump
Name one good thing he's done so far.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:58:56 PM »
Overall the artstyle is an improvement over IV, but some characters just look odd (like Kolin's face in story mode).
Kolin's face was actually altered from her original model.

It was an improvement, imo, but it may have created some awkward inconsistencies.

She's not the only character to get a facelift, either—I don't know why they couldn't have gotten it right the first time.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:48:28 PM »
Just got Kolin. I love her LMH pokes.
If I had to guess, she's the character I assumed you would like the most.

That or Mika, because that's just my luck.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:46:15 PM »
I wish you could buy nostalgia alts with FM. I don't really want to shell out $12 for the Juri, Alex, and Ibuki outfits.
Akuma, too.

It sucks, a lot, but I actually prefer this method to how SF4 did it. Back then, you paid a lot of money for a whole bunch of costumes at once, even if there's only one costume that you're interested in. SFV has more of an à la carte system, where you're not paying extra for stuff that you won't ever use.

But yeah, honestly, all the DLC should be obtainable with FM. That's how I thought it was going to work from the beginning.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:23:07 PM »
Not yet, I'm doing the character stories to acquaint myself with everyone.

A bit disappointed that Ibuki's Necksnapper isn't in the game. Well, in the game by technicality, but not as an actual move.
I miss her tsumuji (spin kick), too, but she's actually one of the stronger characters right now, albeit one of the more technical ones. Wasn't like that before. And she's still quite flashy.

Karin has always been strong, but I could never play her well because my fingers just don't agree with her motions.

I still play Balrog, who (unfortunately) is the best character in the game right now. He's kind of OP.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:11:23 PM »
The art for the character stories looks downright lazy btw, but that's probably an old complaint all things considered. Laura looks nothing like herself, and they managed to fuck up Ryu's jaw line.
Yeahhhhh, it's really not great at all. The NPCs don't even put up a fight—it's kind of a joke.

Have you done the actual story mode, A Shadow Falls? Beating it on both difficulties nets you a lot of FM.

For the love of GOD, though—don't do anything that awards you FM if you're not connected to PSN. You won't get it.

I found a copy for $20, so I went ahead and bought it + Season 1. Playing through right now, tied between Karin and Ibuki for my favorite fighter.

Never played Karin before, 'cause I'm unlocking characters the hard, slow, yet financially non-committal way. She does look fun.

Nooo, my b, I got her mixed up with Kolin. Karin is available at the start. She's pretty tricky.

I wasn't ragging on you by saying that just a little joke. 99% of anime is hot garbage, .7% is just good or different enough to be worth a watch, and the last .3% is so beyond the standards of the industry that calling it "anime" is a bit of an insult. The only reason I enjoy an anime of any sort nowadays is for spectacle (Jojo is just odd, but reasonably so) or the occasional SoL that I can relax to. It's not high-brow media by any means, but sometimes something comes along that's worth watching once.
when you watched hxh, which one was it
any particular reason, or is it just supposed to be better

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 04, 2017, 11:03:33 AM »

god i love hbox

It definitely extends to all media, but I've never been more hard-pressed to find a single thing that I even remotely enjoy than I have been with Japanese animation. It's kind of fucking ridiculous.

I wasn't ragging on you by saying that just a little joke. 99% of anime is hot garbage, .7% is just good or different enough to be worth a watch, and the last .3% is so beyond the standards of the industry that calling it "anime" is a bit of an insult. The only reason I enjoy an anime of any sort nowadays is for spectacle (Jojo is just odd, but reasonably so) or the occasional SoL that I can relax to. It's not high-brow media by any means, but sometimes something comes along that's worth watching once.
when you watched hxh, which one was it

Just wondering, if you were to watch an anime that in one episode contains all the things that you hate, would you immediately drop the show or continue on to see if it gets better or not?
imo he'd probably continue just to see if he can find new things to hate about anime
Well, if there's one thing I do like about anime, it's the wide diversity of genre that it offers.

Western cartoons, despite boasting a rainbowed menagerie of different artstyles, are fairly limited in terms of genre—you have children's comedy, and you have adult comedy. Every once in awhile, we're blessed with a show like Avatar, Teen Titans, or Gargoyles that breaks that mold a little bit. Disney is the sole bastion of diversity in all of Western animation, and despite being the greatest animation studio of all time, having more than one (because Dreamworks and Blue Sky kinda suck) would be stellar, because Disney films—especially lately—can be very hit-or-miss.

Meanwhile, Japanese animation has nothing to worry about when it comes to that. That's the best thing about anime.

Just wondering, if you were to watch an anime that in one episode contains all the things that you hate, would you immediately drop the show or continue on to see if it gets better or not?
I've dropped several shows in less than three for that, yeah.

There's virtually no chance of a show like that getting "better," because the first few episodes are typically there to establish what the show is all about. And if the show is all about nothing but the things I hate the most, there's pretty much no point in wasting my time.

There are rare cases, like in TTGL, where I'm actually more likely to complete the show—not because I think it's gonna get better, but because it's such a mind-bending spectacle of sadness, that I simply can't look away. One day I'll write up a big long rant on why I hate that particular show so much.

To my understanding, that's how most anime fans do it anyway—they go by the three episode rule, or something. If they aren't interested in three episodes, they just drop the show. That's considered normal, apparently.

That's another thing I don't like about anime. It's so fucking disposable, you're ENCOURAGED to drop shows that you dislike instead of powering through it. If you told me that you stopped watching a movie twenty minutes into it, or a Western television show a few episodes in, and you told me it "sucked," I would tell you that you're an idiot who's not allowed to have an opinion, because you didn't watch the entire thing.

But in the anime world, it's perfectly acceptable to do shit like that. I don't understand why, but if it gives me a viable excuse not to sit through hours and hours of anime just to find something I despise, I guess I'll take it.

Think of the ugliest artstyle you've ever seen. Ugly in a bad way.

Now think of a culture that makes cartoons primarily based around that artstyle, with minor alterations here and there.

Now make all the characters insufferable. Make it so every show recycles the same tropes over and over again, and makes an effort to insult you as a human being every step of the way (fans of this medium call it "fanservice").

Make it so sometimes, the show attempts to go all "deep" and explore some mature, philosophical themes (while still doing all of the above), but make sure it's just a facade. It's not actually deep at all, and only barely scratches the surface—nonetheless, people still claim it to be highly intelligent, and anyone who doesn't like it just "doesn't get it," despite the fact that there's absolutely nothing to get, and it's all just a circlejerk of nothing and bullshit.

Does that sound like a medium you want to dive into?

That's what anime is to me.

Not entirely sure if this was asked before, but what do you feel is a specific reason you dislike anime in general?
I don't think I could give you just one specific reason, but perhaps I could try to give you one relatively broad reason instead.

I think it comes down to the fact that I have a severe, visceral contempt for Japanese culture—or at least, the exaggerated elements that seem to pervade all of their media.

I hate everything from the way characters interact with each other, to how they're illustrated, to how every scene is animated and played out, all the way down to the tropes, themes, and common threads that every single show seems to share, and there's just something about it all that gives me a horrid taste in my mouth and leaves me utterly repulsed, no matter how innocent or bubbly it is (in fact, the innocence and bubbliness often makes it worse)—to the point where I almost have a kneejerk reaction of sheer disgust whenever I see anything remotely anime-esque.

To get a little more specific, by far one of my least favorite aspects of anime is just the male chauvinism and all the insulting portrayals of women that are SO ever-present in almost every single series that I try. And I've heard all the explanations for it already. I still find it unacceptable, and I think anime fans should be fucking embarrassed that one of their favorite mediums has such a lax view of what's an acceptable and fair representation of a human female.

There honestly shouldn't be any female anime fans, because if I were a woman watching your average anime, I don't think I'd be able to handle it. And I don't understand how they do. Objectifying and making a complete mockery of the female form solely for the masturbatory pleasure of the hormonal teenage boys in your audience is an affront to anything I'd consider intelligent or worthy of praise.

It also pisses me off how nearly every single show uses the same cookie-cutter artstyle, with some very minor alterations in between. It takes away whatever individuality or personality the show may have had before, and makes every show look like they were all made carelessly in a factory (oh wait, they pretty much are).

There's also a sense of me having a distaste for TV shows as a concept in general. I prefer movies, because you can watch the entire thing in one go, and you get all the information you need in about two hours. No cliffhangers, no filler. Maybe you noticed that I tend to rate films higher than I do shows—that's not on purpose; it just so happens that film is much better suited for storytelling than a series of episodes is. In my opinion, at least. TV shows tend to promote a lot of toxic and cancerous industry practices, and I'm sure even anime fans are well aware of those.

But yeah, I think the bottom line is culture. I hate Japanese culture, and I hate any of the tropes related to it.

it's not about them caring what i think

it's about getting them to say "okay verb, fine, i was wrong, it's perfectly possible to hate anime"

that's all i want to see

but if they say it's "fine" to hate anime, i'm just gonna sperg out

because it's not """fine""" and it's not """okay"""—it's wonderful

it is the correct viewpoint

Who cares if they're condescending? They're not worth the time, any other normal person will just say "ok" if you tell them you don't like anime.
in all my years on the internet, this has honestly never happened once

this just isn't how anime fans behave—they can't accept that someone hates anime
Why do you care?
why shouldn't i
I'm asking you why you care.
because i really hate it when people don't listen to me and take what i say seriously

there's also no reason why i shouldn't care

not caring hasn't gotten me anywhere good in life

not caring is for retards
Why should those people care what you think?
because i'm the fucking master

Yo Deci, stop trying to validate yourself to people who unironicly thing SAO and Eromanga Sensei are quality entertainment.
i've never met anyone who likes SAO

Have you watched Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood?
it's on the watchlist

Who cares if they're condescending? They're not worth the time, any other normal person will just say "ok" if you tell them you don't like anime.
in all my years on the internet, this has honestly never happened once

this just isn't how anime fans behave—they can't accept that someone hates anime
Why do you care?
why shouldn't i
I'm asking you why you care.
because i really hate it when people don't listen to me and take what i say seriously

there's also no reason why i shouldn't care

not caring hasn't gotten me anywhere good in life

not caring is for retards

Who cares if they're condescending? They're not worth the time, any other normal person will just say "ok" if you tell them you don't like anime.
in all my years on the internet, this has honestly never happened once

this just isn't how anime fans behave—they can't accept that someone hates anime
Why do you care?
why shouldn't i

So I want to get Jojo out of the way next.

Problem is, it's split into two series—there's a 1993 version and a 2012 version.

Normally I'd just watch the 1993 version first, but this time, things are a little fucky—apparently, the 1993 version is based on a later part of the manga, but the 2012 version is based on the very beginning of the manga.

So what the hell do I watch first?

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