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Messages - Verbatim

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The Flood / AMA Thank you, my research is complete.
« on: August 12, 2017, 11:47:42 PM »
After about eight years, my research is finally complete—but before I go, I think I owe you all an explanation.

For the past eight or so years, you've no doubt come to know me as "Verbatim" (aka "Jacob Potila") on either of the websites,,, or At this point in time, however, it is within my good conscience that I must reveal something to you all.

Hello, my name is Paul Jacob Andersen. I'm a 27 year old law student from Chicago. I've been heavily studying psychology on the side, however, and you were all part of a long-standing social experiment (call it an ARG), conducted by myself, wherein I examined the semiotic behavioral traits of persons within small Internet communities. This is not a joke, but worry not, for the information and data gathered over the course of this experiment will strictly be used for academic purposes only.

Nonetheless, I'm sure a lot of you have many questions. I will preemptively answer a few, and then I'll open discussion on any further questions later.

Q: Is this a joke?


Q: So "Verbatim" was just a character this whole time?

Yes, "Verbatim" (or "V1," as we refer to him during lab reports) was a character/personality/avatar I assumed the role of for eight years to gather information and examine how people behave on the Internet. His "real name" was "Jacob," which was derived from my middle name, and "Potila," which is a name of Finnish etymology to give his character a foreign air.

Q: Does this mean you're not actually an anti-natalist/feminist/vegan/etc.?

The beliefs that Verbatim expressed were that of his own, constructed meticulously by myself, but I do not necessarily share those beliefs. His personality traits were entirely constructed as well, with the explicit purpose of eliciting a desired response out of his subject(s).

Q: But why would you keep this up for eight years? Why make it so complex?

This is an experiment that's been planned and put together for the better part of my life—it is, indeed, my life's work up
to this point—and if there's one personality trait that I share with Verbatim, it's that we're both highly stubborn and determined individuals. At the end of this experiment, I wanted nothing but the most conclusive results. This required me to fully immersed in this Verbatim persona, to a point where bits of his personality started to leak out into my true self, especially towards the latter half.

In short, I needed an extreme personality, so I developed one. But he's only imaginary now.

Q: Does this mean you're not actually an asshole?

I like to think of myself as a relatively calm and level-headed person, which may not be your perception of Verbatim. When conducting this experiment, I tried to formulate a personality that was near-antithetical to that of my own, and I think I succeeded in that regard.

However, I'm starkly aware of the fact that a number of things I've said, as Verbatim, have caused some of you a great deal of emotional harm. For this, I deeply apologize, but I assure you that it was for a good and scientific cause—though, if you cannot find it within your heart to forgive me, that's completely understandable. I don't have a lot of time on my hands to give you anything more. There's nothing I can really say or do to make things better for you, and I plan to leave this site within a few days of this thread, so you'll have to make due with my terse apology.

Q: So what was your experiment for? What was the point? What were your results?

Sorry, I'm afraid I cannot discuss, divulge, or go into further details about the experiment, its purpose, or my results at this point in time. I would love to discuss these things, in detail, but they'll have to come at a later point, and I might be gone by then.

Q: But I saw your picture/heard your voice, so who was that?

Merely an actor I paid a hefty sum to play the part. His name was Matthew.

That person died in what was reported as a "fatal car accident" about three days ago, which influenced the cessation of this long experiment.

I may have revealed a bit too much there, but I thought you all deserved to know.

Q: But what about Dark Souls?

I don't know what that is. Is it a movie?

Whatever it is, I haven't seen any movies since 2013, and I don't play video games. Sorry to disappoint, I guess.

Q: This breaks my heart. I loved you!

No you didn't.

Anyway, I think that's all the big ones.

One last thing before I take more questions: I'd like to personally and deeply thank you all for being part of this experiment, despite none of you ever having known about it (except for one person, who may identify himself if he wishes). It has been an incredible and exhilarating journey for me, and the results I've gathered are pretty staggering.

So, as long as the questions do not pertain too heavily to my personal life or the experiment, I'm willing to take anything you'll throw at me before I shove off.

Once again, I can't thank you all enough for being part of this. To those of you who considered me a bothersome burden, I ask your forgiveness, but feel free to rejoice, for "Verbatim" (in his current form, as you've known him) is officially dead.

If you had me added on Steam, PSN, or other gaming/social networking services, expect to be removed—it's nothing personal; I just don't think I've ever actually gotten to know you (nor you me).


The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 12, 2017, 10:03:57 PM »
Something that looks nice is not art.
Something that requires creativity is not art.
TF you on about?  Is the Pietà not art? The Ghent Altarpiece?  The One-Way Color Tunnel?  Those aren't art?
i think what he meant was that you don't NEED those things for something to be art

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: August 12, 2017, 05:28:20 PM »
Can I get a /quickrundown/ of what we currently know about US/UM?
- dusk form lycanroc
- new cap for pikachu

that's pretty much it

the lycanroc is a distribution exclusive and you'll only be able to get it by january 10 (same way munchlax worked, i guess)
Ah. Do we know if Dusk Lycanroc has any special abilities compared to its day and night counterparts?
It has Tough Claws and is described as a hybrid between the midday and midnight forms, movepool-wise.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 12, 2017, 04:11:11 PM »
If automotive designers didn't think of their creation as art we would be all driving around in the exact same car shapes.
That's kinda what I see though. All the cars you posted look barely different to me.

Gaming / Re: EA has made a breakthrough.
« on: August 12, 2017, 03:35:48 PM »

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 12, 2017, 03:01:42 PM »
that's it because they're mass produced?
I'd say that's part of it, but it's also because there's very limited creative potential for mass-produced vehicles. A functional brand name car MUST be designed a certain way in order to meet certain clearance standards, because trying to get creative not only costs more money, it could also be hazardous to whoever drives in or around it.

If something has to be designed a very meticulously specific way in order to function without any safety or efficiency hazards, then it can't be art in my opinion, because you've restricted creative potential to things like "color," and that to me is not what art is about—it's about personal expression, and Ford doesn't care about personal expression.

That's not to say they can't be art—an individual, not a major manufacturer, could design their own vehicle and add their own creative flourishes to it, and that would certainly be artistic. If you want the car to work and be safe, then your options are still limited, but you have more freedom in terms of design than those who are legally obligated to manufacture safe, undangerous, and uncreative products.

So, I guess a more accurate/honest thing for me to say would be that I consider the "art value" of cars to be very close to zero, similar to a video game where it's just a baseball simulator or something.

I'm normally not one to make such hard-and-fast statements about what is or isn't art, but I think mass-produced cars are ubiquitous enough for me to generalize a bit.

The Flood / Re: Art
« on: August 12, 2017, 02:43:58 PM »
I think I have a pretty conventional, if broad, definition of art.

That said, I don't consider cars art at all.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 12, 2017, 02:42:06 PM »
Grinding FM for Abigail while I wait 'til I can renew PS+ for good.

Maybe Survival would be a less insufferable mode if you could just buy continues, or something that lets me start over from a safe haven level that I choose. Make it 200000 points if you have to, but throw me a goddamn bone.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Central
« on: August 12, 2017, 02:03:44 PM »
Can I get a /quickrundown/ of what we currently know about US/UM?
- dusk form lycanroc
- new cap for pikachu

that's pretty much it

the lycanroc is a distribution exclusive and you'll only be able to get it by january 10 (same way munchlax worked, i guess)

i forgot power rangers originated in japan

Tiger & Bunny from what I recall are basically superheroes that are sponsored by companies
so they have capeshit in japan too

So, the worst entertainment medium of all time is now 100 years old, and according to Japan, Tiger & Wolf is the best anime ever, despite the fact that I've never even heard of it. I guess I'll have to add that.
You are the ONE person here that post links to these fucking Anime channels like Anime Man and Digibro you closet fucking weeb.
this is the first anime man video i've clicked on cause it was in my recommended

luci has posted some digibro videos as well

i'm only subbed to him because i like a guy who can actually explain his thoughts on shit in-depth regardless of whether i agree, instead of just saying "i like it because i like it"

that's not an anime i've heard of

So, the worst entertainment medium of all time is now 100 years old, and according to Japan, Tiger & Bunny is the best anime ever, despite the fact that I've never even heard of it. I guess I'll have to add that.

The Flood / Re: 🤘
« on: August 12, 2017, 12:23:34 PM »
Awful garbage

Yu-Gi-Oh! (Gallop, 2000, scattered episodes throughout childhood) In my effort to recall every single anime I've ever seen prior to starting my plunge, I somehow forgot this magical masterpiece. I'm not one to judge a show by its premise alone, not anymore—Swiss Army Man taught me that lesson, and that was my favorite film of 2016. That's a film where you take a mind-numbingly stupid premise and execute it perfectly to create something genuine, funny, beautiful, and emotionally poignant. Yu-Gi-Oh! is a show with a bad premise, too—a bunch of kids try to save the world from evil by playing a children's card game. Very dumb premise. Completely asinine. I didn't even enjoy it as a stupid kid (and I liked EVERYTHING when I was a stupid kid). That said, as an adult, I'm able to find plenty of things about it that I enjoy—especially the dub, which has a lot of hilarious localizations that are highlighted by LittleKuriboh's Abridged Series. The problem with the show is that it doesn't do anything to justify its stupid premise—it's just a dumb, dumb show, and you feel dumb watching it, because the show takes everything so fucking seriously—and the more seriously it takes itself, the less you, as a viewer, are ABLE to take it seriously. And that's where all the unintentional humor comes in. I laugh at it now, but when I was still within the show's target demographic, it bored the ever-loving shit out of me, and I'd rather have watched Pokémon, because at least that show had some levity and self-awareness. That's the last thing you want, but in retrospect, I actually consider this one of the best worst shows of all time, and it might be worth it to watch a few early episodes along with the Abridged Series, if you haven't already. 3/10

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Card Game
« on: August 12, 2017, 11:23:54 AM »
Do people really still play card games like this? Poker is one thing, but this seems really juvenile.
shove it up your ass

trading card games are dope, and if they weren't expensive as fuck to play i'd still be playing them

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 12, 2017, 01:42:04 AM »
8 Kolin trials (vol.2)
2 Ed trials

1 Ibuki trial (vol.2)

and then Abigail's trials, once i unlock him

then i'm finished

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 11, 2017, 03:16:18 PM »
Unlocked Kolin; all I need is Abigail now.


ah yes, those darn capitalist dystopias are far inferior to the glory of Juche.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 10, 2017, 09:04:46 PM »
Fun Juri set:


Game 1 is just typical me being a beast. I think you'll get a kick out of game 2 (5:20), though. I get sloppy during game 3.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 10, 2017, 07:18:48 PM »
Goal reached: 6000 LP.

My style is impetuous.

I'm really glad fighter profiles actually show shit now.

The Flood / Re: I want to buy an AR-15 for 450 dollars.
« on: August 10, 2017, 06:19:28 PM »
Depends on the brand and condition, but yeah not a bad deal.
welcome to sep7agon

Gaming / Re: Switch users report in
« on: August 10, 2017, 05:05:34 PM »
Don't have one. No plans on getting it either. I have a Wii U I haven't even touched though.
how does it feel knowing you'll never play a good video game in your life

Gaming / Switch users report in
« on: August 10, 2017, 04:28:07 PM »
who here actually owns/plans to own a nintendo switch

what games do you own or want to get

I only have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe at the moment, but I'm looking to get Breath of the Wild for it (despite already owning it on Wii U), and I'm interested in picking up Splatoon 2 and Ultra Street Fighter II, if I can find a good price for them.

I'm also looking forward to:

Sonic Mania
Super Mario Odyssey

The Flood / Re: I want to buy an AR-15 for 450 dollars.
« on: August 10, 2017, 01:46:40 PM »
what for

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 10, 2017, 01:44:43 PM »
If you think Zangief AI is bad, wait until you play a Zangief online.

Holy motherfucking Christ I hate this piece of shit.

The Flood / Re: post duos
« on: August 10, 2017, 01:13:45 PM »

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Abigail released
« on: August 10, 2017, 05:32:38 AM »
It just hit me—that was only the second time we've ever played anything online together. Can you believe that?

Gaming / Re: Super Smash Brothers
« on: August 09, 2017, 11:08:24 PM »

First video Zero uploads to YouTube since Evo.

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