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lmao can you ride your bike with no hands too? Like I said they treat you like a freak show.
and even if they did, that would still mean that you're wrong

i'll take being a freak show any day over someone who nobody gives a shit about, which is what you said originally

so you're either wrong or wrong, those are your options
Nobody cares about a freak show they just throw stuff and look at him because he's weird. And that's even more so now because nobody knows what to talk about here anymore.
so they care

personally I recommend you stop using the Internet to socialize with so much
personally i recommend that you get over the fact that someone on the internet is more popular than you and more people give a fuck about him than they give a fuck about you

if you're that concerned about e-popularity, i suggest YOU go outside a little bit and quit projecting your psychological issues on me, because it's kind of weird and obnoxious

i will allow you to eat my shit if it will help you stop crying
>caring about how "popular" you are on this horrible website

yeah, why would you do that

damn, this guy doesn't give a fuck about what i think

he's just throwing tomatoes at my cage, because i'm such a freak show

The Flood / Re: what do you think is my most incorrect belief
« on: September 09, 2017, 06:16:15 PM »
Are you gonna play Titanfall 2 at some point? It's a real short campaign so you could probably beat it in 5 hours, tops.
there was that time when my friend brought over his xbox one, and i tried it out

seems fun, but like i said before, i wanna start playing games in release order from now on

even if the first game sucks

or maybe i'll just cave in and play it, idk, anything's possible

The Flood / Re: Do we need something like this.
« on: September 09, 2017, 06:00:41 PM »
Fuck no. We need less globalist governmental bullshit, not a secret UN org that can kill me for suspicion of maybe being a terrorist.
das like my post

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:52:55 PM »
it's not a matter of thinskin, it's a matter of respect. i don't really care that you brought up the metal gear thing, all it does it make me think less of you because you're not really showing what i would consider common decency. maybe the mom thing wouldn't affect you, whatever -- but i don't do it out of consideration. personal shit like that doesn't really have any basis when discussing anything we do on this site.
i felt that it did in this particular conversation, and that's why i brought it up

feel however you want to feel about it, i really don't care

and don't worry, there's absolutely nothing you could say that would "affect" me, which is part of the reason why i choose to be so open

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:50:11 PM »
so you know how i've felt about almost everyone here, including chakas
trust me, i've known how you felt before you were cognizant

still try to recognize that few people share your views on that kind of stuff here, least of all someone who's just getting into the show

maybe react the way you do once flee becomes a full-fledged narutard and he's on episode 123 and he's very excited to see what happens next, maybe react that way then

or continue reacting the way you do, and come off like a zealous shithead—your choice, my friend

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:34:12 PM »
yeah, it's a cheap shot. i don't bring up your mommy issues when discussing substance use, it's uncalled for.
and do you think i'd give one solitary fuck if you did

fucking grow a pair, mr. thick-skin
i mean you act irrationally all the time but i'd overall call you a rational person even if you have irrational tendencies.
thanks, and i would say the same thing to you, buddy

but this time i don't think you're behaving rationally, so i called you on it—that's what i do here, that's what i've been doing for eight years

maybe i flew off the handle a little more than necessary, but to perfectly honest, i've had it up to here with you over the past few weeks

lmao can you ride your bike with no hands too? Like I said they treat you like a freak show.
and even if they did, that would still mean that you're wrong

i'll take being a freak show any day over someone who nobody gives a shit about, which is what you said originally

so you're either wrong or wrong, those are your options
Nobody cares about a freak show they just throw stuff and look at him because he's weird. And that's even more so now because nobody knows what to talk about here anymore.
so they care

personally I recommend you stop using the Internet to socialize with so much
personally i recommend that you get over the fact that someone on the internet is more popular than you and more people give a fuck about him than they give a fuck about you

if you're that concerned about e-popularity, i suggest YOU go outside a little bit and quit projecting your psychological issues on me, because it's kind of weird and obnoxious

i will allow you to eat my shit if it will help you stop crying

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:25:32 PM »
so nice cheap shot man, really respectable
is it a cheap shot, or is it a real example of why you're maybe not the best example of how to react when someone posts anything even remotely spoilery (and what chakas posted isn't even remotely spoilery, yet you lashed out at him as if he punched flee in the face)

i'm not terribly interested in "why" you weren't at your most rational

just that you weren't, and it was a real thing that happened, and that it takes so much from your credibility regardless

The Flood / Re: Do we need something like this.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:16:59 PM »
well, why would they be controlled by the UN if they're supposed to be able to bypass "political BS"

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:14:16 PM »
i don't have a "stance"

i'm stating the FACT that most people don't care if you talk about future events in a show that you're watching as long as you don't reveal anything, which he didn't, not by the average person's standards

flee doesn't even like anime and isn't even that well-invested in the show, so there's literally no obligation for you to say anything

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:10:47 PM »
take a look at my reactions when people spoil shit for me in that thread and tell me i reacted irrationally

banjo ruined obito for me, i didn't react
LC ruined the hokage's return for me
you've also threatened to kill yourself over having MGSV spoiled for you, so there's that

AND it's affecting someone else, not me, so i have more of an obligation to """freak out"""

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 05:01:10 PM »
it fucking irks me that people nonchalantly talk about future events in a series when it's common knowledge that person has no idea what's going to happen

let's not pretend you haven't fucking done this before either

which i mean, good job, you made the right choice here

pick a lane
the difference is that i know you're an autistic shitkid who flips out over faggoty dumb shit like this

flee isn't, so there's no need to be considerate about his lack of autism

because nobody is as flaming an autist as you about spoilers


The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 04:58:38 PM »
i'm gonna make a boruto thread once i start watching it and i literally encourage everybody to spoil everything about it for me

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 04:56:41 PM »
"i'm going to get offended that someone alluded to a future event that doesn't actually spoil anything in a show that i've already seen in its entirety for this one person who could not give less of a fuck"

please think for just one second about how autistic that is

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 04:53:51 PM »
you're literally done with the show

The Flood / Re: I've finished Shippuden and am caught up on Boruto.
« on: September 09, 2017, 04:44:03 PM »
tbf i don't think flee cares as much

lmao can you ride your bike with no hands too? Like I said they treat you like a freak show.
and even if they did, that would still mean that you're wrong

i'll take being a freak show any day over someone who nobody gives a shit about, which is what you said originally

so you're either wrong or wrong, those are your options
Nobody cares about a freak show they just throw stuff and look at him because he's weird. And that's even more so now because nobody knows what to talk about here anymore.
so they care


lmao can you ride your bike with no hands too? Like I said they treat you like a freak show.
and even if they did, that would still mean that you're wrong

i'll take being a freak show any day over someone who nobody gives a shit about, which is what you said originally

so you're either wrong or wrong, those are your options

who asks you about your opinions on anything lmao
like fucking everybody

literally half my posts here nowadays are just me responding to people's questions about my thoughts on random shit, and i'm including bungle as well

did not read the rest of your post because it doesn't matter
You're gonna act like you didn't read the rest of my post because you know it's true and it's hurtful.
what could even be considered hurtful about it

do you still think you're clever or something
You just live in constant state of frustration man it's really toxic. I don't really have any interest in "conversing" with you about yourself. You need therapy and medication.
okay shithead

i have several PMs from people choosing to consult me specifically about various philosophical subjects, i get recommended things to play and watch nonstop in discord/plug/PMs/etc, i have several people following my dark souls thread and videos almost two years after i started the thread, and i'm the only member on this entire fucking website who is still capable of making 100+ reply threads anymore

no one cares what i think about anything though, you're right

who asks you about your opinions on anything lmao
like fucking everybody

literally half my posts here nowadays are just me responding to people's questions about my thoughts on random shit, and i'm including bungle as well

did not read the rest of your post because it doesn't matter
You're gonna act like you didn't read the rest of my post because you know it's true and it's hurtful.
what could even be considered hurtful about it

do you still think you're clever or something

who asks you about your opinions on anything lmao
like fucking everybody

literally half my posts here nowadays are just me responding to people's questions about my thoughts on random shit, and i'm including bungle and plug and discord as well, especially fucking discord

people are interested in my thoughts on shit, it's not a big deal, why does this fact offend you so much

did not read the rest of your post because it doesn't matter

how many people ask you for your opinions on anything

like, randomly

i can't wait to shit on mass effect
Nobody cares about your childish opinions.
that's why so many people ask me about them right

i'm gonna shit on mass effect and i'm gonna love me3's ending

i can't wait to shit on mass effect

The Flood / Re:
« on: September 09, 2017, 03:34:09 PM »
please continue quoting me

Obamacare would be in the toilet.
Things like CP would be legal. No civil asset forfeiture(eggsalad). No Obamacare(Genghis Khan). No sex offender registry(eggsalad)
There wouldn't be a publicly available sex offender registry.
There wouldn't be civil forfeiture.
You guys are going to have explain these.
civil forfeiture and sex offender registries could be argued to violate the fourth amendment

obamacare is not unconstitutional at all

The Flood / Re: what do you think is my most incorrect belief
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:58:35 PM »
What do you think of the transgender population?

they're human beings, and a lot of them are my friends

a lot of them are crazy cunts, too, but then so are the rest of us

if you're asking me if i believe they're mentally ill or something, then i'd say yes by definition, but i've found that the best cure is acceptance rather than forcing them to feel a certain way about themselves, which is why their suicide rates are so high—because so many of them just don't get the love and support that they need as human beings

The Flood / Re: i made a meme
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:41:02 PM »
name one good thing trump has done so far
Fulfilled his destiny as the one Dark Lord of the Sith.
at least you acknowledge he's evil

The Flood / Re: what do you think is my most incorrect belief
« on: September 09, 2017, 01:39:33 PM »
But do you believe that a larger portion of the poulation are pedophilic than is known?
guaranteed, though the same could be said of almost anything

Do you think AIDS is artificial?
i wasn't aware it was a question

but no

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