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Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:32:26 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:29:24 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.

Gaming / Re: Remember this
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:29:07 PM »
It looks like you photoshopped your name in
all the names were photoshopped in you dumb fuck

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:26:43 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:21:37 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?

Your perspective on eliminating those who harm others from society undermines your own perspective, that we should try to minimize pain.
False—killing a serial killer before he's able to murder the 20 people he's holding hostage saves 20 people and kills one. That is a minimization of suffering, even if he was bluffing the entire time.

"Minimize" does not mean "completely get rid of" because that's not feasible. Sometimes you have to pick between two poisons, but the obvious choice EVERY SINGLE TIME will be the vial that contains the least poison, because that's the vial that will induce the least amount of suffering. It's the least worst option, AKA the only correct one.

Those who don't fit into the system that we've devised feel pain too.
Right, and killing them will surely put them out of that misery. No one sane wants bad people to suffer either. We just need them out of our society, because we're better off without them and they're better off without us.

The fact is, that because morality is just opinion, you will never be able to convince all the people who don't share the same point of view
That's not even true of regular opinions, like with music. I can convince someone that a song is good or has good qualities, and with a little bit of reasoning and explanation, I might even be able to turn them on to it. Same with movies and video games. It's not always easy, but it's possible. People do change their minds, and sometimes we can change each other's minds.

Same goes with morality, and that doesn't mean it's subjective. I thought veganism was fucking stupid and a waste of time ten years ago—now I'm a vegan and I've influenced nearly 20 other people to become vegans as well.

There is too much grey area and nuance to the human condition to possibly fit all of morality into a nice little box that we can call morality.
Says you. This just sounds like you're saying "it's too hard, we're too stupid."

Maybe you're too stupid, so it's too hard for you. But that's a personal problem. I find moral questions very easy to answer with nuance. For example, most of the time, murder isn't okay. Sometimes murder is okay because it's better than letting a serial rapist live.
You're saying that morality is objective, but if it were then we would not have so many political ideologies, and human beings would live together peacefully.
Not true—again, scientists have debates on shit all the time because they disagree with each other all the time. There are all kinds of conflicting hypotheses on all sorts of things. That doesn't mean science is subjective.

The Flood / Re: what should I ask for my birthday
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:51:04 AM »
a nintendo switch with breath of the wild
And Metroid Samus Returns
do you think that's a good game to play if you've never played metroid before

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:49:36 AM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:43:17 AM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.

The Flood / Re: what should I ask for my birthday
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:36:41 AM »
a nintendo switch with breath of the wild

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:35:43 AM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:31:24 AM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:27:16 AM »
steam's refund system basically negates any need to pirate a game to "try it out"
but i'm a poor NEET who's not getting his parents' allowance until next friday so that entitles me to steal shit

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:23:19 AM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:22:31 AM »
Still a shitty thing to do.
i never cared what's considered a "crime" as much as i care about what's a bad or stupid thing to do
How is it a bad thing to do? This study proves otherwise.
The study proves that it doesn't have an impact on sales.

It says nothing about disproving pirates being entitled pieces of shit.
lmao is that all it says

challenger you don't even need a link for this, everybody knows that

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:21:08 AM »
Still a shitty thing to do.
i never cared what's considered a "crime" as much as i care about what's a bad or stupid thing to do
How is it a bad thing to do? This study proves otherwise.
you don't pay for thing

you don't get thing


i don't care if it boosts sales in the long run by making the product more accessible or whatever bullshit justification there is

i'm sure if we broke every law in existence, there are specific circumstances that it might end up being good in the long term

but they're still not okay

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:14:56 AM »
i never cared what's considered a "crime" as much as i care about what's a bad or stupid thing to do

No, if we have the ability to stop pain, then it proves that you want to stop pain. It doesn't prove that there's an objective "reason" for that.
Pain is bad.

Nobody sane says pain is good. If they think pain is good, we should probably either talk them out of it or kill them (painlessly, of course).

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: September 23, 2017, 08:18:17 AM »
Just like I planned, I woke up early to catch myself a Ledyba on Route 31... except I found a Bellsprout instead. Meh. That's fine—but it's kind of the last Pokémon I wanted to see on this route. Not only will this thing not help at all against Falkner, I've already used one in my Blue nuzlocke, and it also puts me in this weird dilemma.

There's a boy in Violet City who offers you a trade—his Onix (named Rocky) for your Bellsprout. The Onix he gives you will be at the same level that your Bellsprout is when you trade it, and it's a fantastic Pokémon to have for the first two gyms. So, from a strategical point of view, it makes the most sense to make this trade—but I don't know. I'm still kind of iffy on taking advantage of in-game trades in nuzlockes, even though I already legalized them in my ruleset.

Not to mention, I like to think in the long-term as well. Onix will be useful for the first few gyms, sure—but it's not like I can ever evolve it. I have to trade it with a Metal Coat to get Steelix, and that requires a human player, which is definitely illegal according to my rules. At least I can fully evolve this Bellsprout, and it might actually come in handy later on, especially since it should be able to learn Cut.

So, yeah, I think I'll just keep him. I named it Patches—one, because that's a clown's name, and Bellsprout's entire evolution line always reminded me of clowns, and two, because it's a pitcher plant. Patches. Pitcher plant. You get it.

Dark Cave was another slight dilemma. I could've waited until I reached Blackthorn City to get something like a Wobbuffet on the north side of the cave, but I just said "fuck it" and got myself a Zubat. Getting a Geodude probably would've been better, or maybe even a Dunsparce for the memes, but I'm happy with what I got. I named him Bram.

Zubat and Bellsprout start out notoriously weak, only having access to weak shit like Leech Life and Vine Whip, so grinding them up to a satisfactory level was a bit slow, but at the same time, the grinding process really let me take in the game's splendid atmosphere. I'm a junkie for getting a sense of adventure out of my games, and I think only Wind Waker has ever given me a stronger feel for that. It's just such an exciting game to play, even during downtime—because all you can think about is the next exciting battle that's gonna happen, or which party member is gonna have an awesome little moment where they survive a super effective hit with 1 HP or something.

I stopped at Violet City after bringing everyone up to level 7. I'm not going into Sprout Tower yet—I'm gonna wait for Gastly to appear, and they only show up at night. I won't be able to get a Gengar, but Haunter is still cool enough for me to use, and Ghost-types are just awesome in nuzlockes in general, since they're immune to so many annoying attacks.

Obviously, Route 36 is blocked off by Sudowoodo. In Crystal, they actually placed an extra patch of grass that's accessible before the Sudowoodo, making it so you can catch a Nidoran or Stantler early. No such luck in Gold/Silver, though—so in a challenge run like this, that Sudowoodo is a guaranteed encounter. That's okay, though—I actually like that Pokémon anyway.

I could catch an Unown in the Ruins of Alph, but since I actually want something useful, I'll just wait until I have a bunch of Repels. You can catch Natu or maybe even a Smeargle in this area, but it requires you to traipse through the ruins, and I cannot run into a single Unown if I want anything better.

I could probably fight Falkner right now, but I don't know—I kinda want to do Sprout Tower first. As a kid, I always viewed Sprout Tower as like a "pre-gym," so it doesn't feel right to do them out of order. I should have them both beaten by tonight, though.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: September 23, 2017, 06:15:52 AM »
This is just an emulation of the originals on the DS, right?
Yeah, and just like Red/Blue/Yellow, they didn't even fix any glitches or anything (for better or for worse).

Back then, glitches were literally the only thing allowing you to catch Pokémon like Mew—and especially Celebi, which was never even given a distribution event outside of Japan, so they're actually kind of nice to have in the game.

The only things they changed are very minor, like changing Jynx's old black-skinned sprites purple and stuff.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: September 23, 2017, 06:11:27 AM »
Decided to get Gold Version. Here is my planned team so far:

-Golem (because fuck Whitney)

Trade evos aren't really an issue for me since I have someone in the house with Silver and we agreed to help each other out.
Good luck finding a Heracross. Even without nuzlocke rules in place, it's a bitch to find.

The Flood / Re: I've got a confession to make.
« on: September 22, 2017, 09:52:26 PM »
the holocaust was underexaggerated

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: September 22, 2017, 08:38:28 PM »
So like, how are you enjoying teh game?
this is probably top 5 games of all time for me, so being able to play it again for the first time in six years is delightful

The Flood / Re: I've got a confession to make.
« on: September 22, 2017, 08:31:32 PM »
makes sense

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: September 22, 2017, 07:25:33 PM »
I wish they would just add skippable tutorials by now. I don't need to be told how to catch a Pokemon
I was delighted to be reminded that the Pokémon catching tutorial is completely optional in this game.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: September 22, 2017, 05:19:08 PM »
My rules:

- Standard vanilla nuzlocke while playing on Set.
- Duplicates clause is NOT in effect—if I encounter a Pokémon I already have, then that's just what I get.
- Gift clause is NOT in effect. Gift Pokémon will count as my one encounter for the area they're found in.
- Shiny clause IS in effect. If I happen to find a shiny, I'm just gonna catch it regardless of whether I've already seen something on the route. They're just too rare to pass up, especially in this generation. I may or may not decide to use it.
- In-game trades are allowed, but I cannot trade with human players, especially for evolution.
- The challenge begins immediately, not after I get my Poké Balls. If I encounter something before I even obtain my first Poké Balls, tough luck for me—that route is lost.

Naturally, I chose Cyndaqul as my starter and named him Quill.

I may have over-trained him just slightly so I could take out the rival (who I named ???, because that's how he introduces himself to you). The last nuzlocke I attempted with this game resulted in me losing the first rival fight due to lack of preparation and an unlucky critical hit, so I needed to make sure that I'd win. I may or may not impose a level cap for certain segments of the game, but I don't know if I'm gonna worry about it too much.

I unfortunately lost both Route 29 and Route 30 due to my strict adherence to the original nuzlocke rules. I found a Sentret and a Weedle, but I couldn't catch either, because I didn't have any Poké Balls yet. I know that's not how most people do nuzlockes, but that's how I prefer to play them, because it feels more adherent to the original two rules.

That said, I expected to lose at least one of the two routes, but losing both of them kinda sucks—especially Route 30, because one of my favorites (Ledyba) starts appearing on that route in the morning. At least I have one more shot in the next route.

On Route 46, I caught a Rattata.

In my Blue nuzlocke, something incredible happened—I actually didn't lose Route 1, even though I ran back and forth between it, like, five times total. Not only does that never happen, the Pokémon that I caught on that route—a Rattata—ended up being a real MVP on my team. My naming theme at the time was based on the NATO Phonetic Alphabet, so I named him Bravo. I made it all the way to the Elite 4 with him.

So, to honor Bravo, I wanted to name this new Rattata something synonymous with the word "Bravo," which basically just means "nice job," so coming up with something good took a bit of thought. It eventually hit me when I thought of the phrase "atta boy," but that wasn't quite punny enough—so I went with Rattaboy.

I'm gonna do a little bit of training, but then I have to stop playing until tomorrow morning. The next route has a chance of Ledyba appearing, but only between 4 to 10 AM, so I'll have to wake up for that. Alternatively, I may end up with a Spearow or maybe even a Bellsprout, which would be fine and dandy with me.

I'm already getting the feeling that this is gonna be one of the best nuzlockes ever.

The fact that pain is real, is just a declarative statement, which doesn't prove that morality is objective.
If we have the ability to stop the pain, and the pain isn't necessary to experience, then yes, that does basically prove that morality is objective. It establishes a very simple rules—don't hurt people, because it creates a negative sensation in the universe.

Nobody wants to feel pain for no reason, not even masochists. It is immoral to cause that which no reasonable person would want to experience.

If you agree, then there's no point in saying morality is subjective, because you're undermining your entire philosophy. If morality is subjective, then there wouldn't be a point in discussing morality at all, because everybody is apparently free to have their own interpretations. This is obviously bullshit. We debate morality because some people's interpretations are better than others, objectively, and those are the ones that have to triumph over the shit interpretations. That's our goal.

There is no other sensible or functional goal, in terms of having a suffering-free existence on earth.

without proving using evidence why that's true.
But I did.

I stated axiomatic facts of reality—facts that would make you either stupid or evil if you disagreed with them.

So you either think suffering is good, or there isn't a way to stop it/there's no point in trying, all of which are incorrect beliefs.
Well, the word "good" is also subjective, so you're just using subjective words to support a faux-objective argument.
Wrong. If I cut your arm off, it is an objective fact that it will be a negative experience for you. You will experience a negative sensation or a bad feeling. This is not an opinion.
What laws of the universe prove that this is what morality is?
The fact that we exist and the fact that pain is painful.
You say that morality is basically to limit suffering, a lot of societies don't agree on what this entails. Take Saudi Arabia or the united states, for instance.
That makes them objectively shit societies.

Two physicists may disagree on a controversial subject regarding the nature of the universe.

That doesn't make science subjective.

without proving using evidence why that's true.
But I did.

I stated axiomatic facts of reality—facts that would make you either stupid or evil if you disagreed with them.

So you either think suffering is good, or there isn't a way to stop it/there's no point in trying, all of which are incorrect beliefs.
Well, the word "good" is also subjective, so you're just using subjective words to support a faux-objective argument.
Wrong. If I cut your arm off, it is an objective fact that it will be a negative experience for you. You will experience a negative sensation or a bad feeling. This is not an opinion.

without proving using evidence why that's true.
But I did.

I stated axiomatic facts of reality—facts that would make you either stupid or evil if you disagreed with them.

So you either think suffering is good, or there isn't a way to stop it/there's no point in trying, all of which are incorrect beliefs.

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