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The Flood / Re: Name something we can all agree on?
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:54:20 PM »
some music is good

The Flood / Re: Name something we can all agree on?
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:53:18 PM »
steve harvey is a piece of shit

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:50:57 PM »
On top of all that, emulating games means I have to play it on a PC.

And playing games on a PC is just the worst shit in the world.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:46:04 PM »
There's nothing wrong with emulating old games
Yes there is, especially if they were just rereleased (like Pokémon Gold/Silver).
Why should you buy the remaster (or whatever this is I don't care about Pokémon) instead of emulating it?
Because then you'd be a thief and a bad person. You're not supporting the company that produced the game, and you no longer have the excuse of "it's an old game that they're not profiting from anymore."
But they're just rehashing an old game. I don't really see how they deserve the money that badly.
They're not just rehashing an old game. They're putting it on a modern device with newer and more reliable technology that's less likely to fail on you. The games I'm talking about are so old, they were on these big cartridges that had little batteries inside of them that are only designed to last a few years before they burn out. Once it burns out, you can no longer save your game anymore and it's basically just worthless.

Replacing these batteries is expensive and dangerous, because it requires you to know how to use a soldering iron if you want to do the job right, and even if you still have a working battery, it's gonna die again eventually and there's no way to transfer your Pokémon to newer generations like you can with every subsequent game. Gold/Silver were the only generation of Pokémon games up until now that didn't let you do that, because there wasn't a way to connect a Game Boy to a Game Boy Advance.

Re-releasing the games on 3DS solves all of these problems.

They're also only $10 and if you can't spare that much for such an excellent game, you're really just a pathetic waste of skin.
So after paying for the game and being boned by substandard technology, you're gonna buy it again? Why not emulate it?
Not "substandard" technology, outdated technology.

And can you fucking read? Technology is BETTER now, and it's a fucking amazing game that Game Freak deserves billions of dollars for making.

I'd buy both versions 30 more times.

I don't emulate games ever because I'm not a piece of shit.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:41:45 PM »
No, he's just sharing the game with you/letting you borrow it.
why is that okay

Money is what changes hands during a sale.
but money spent to support a company doesn't necessarily have to come as a sale

it could be a donation

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:33:18 PM »
No, because Bungie added split screen to Halo on purpose. It's playing a game with friends, not charging people to use a section of your TV to play Halo.
single player game, then

is it wrong to play a single player game at a friend's house

You did, but whatever.
i said they're owed money


there is a difference

The Flood / Re: what should I ask for my birthday
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:16:46 PM »
a nintendo switch with breath of the wild
I have a Wii U with Breath of the Wild that I haven't touched yet.
all the more reason
So you want me to buy the follow up to a console that I never touched to buy another copy of the same game I've yet to play? Seems a bit strange.
ask for 10 copies of botw for 10 nintendo switches

nintendo needs them sales

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:15:01 PM »
I believe the artist should get 100% of the money, but the world just doesn't work that way. Game rentals are absolutely immoral, the developer is definitely being cheated out of sales.
is it also immoral to head over to a friend's house and play split-screen halo with them if only one person owns the game

Also you can't say you don't care about sales and then say the developer is owed sales.
which is why i didn't

i never said they were owed sales

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:11:44 PM »
There's nothing wrong with emulating old games
Yes there is, especially if they were just rereleased (like Pokémon Gold/Silver).
Why should you buy the remaster (or whatever this is I don't care about Pokémon) instead of emulating it?
Because then you'd be a thief and a bad person. You're not supporting the company that produced the game, and you no longer have the excuse of "it's an old game that they're not profiting from anymore."
But they're just rehashing an old game. I don't really see how they deserve the money that badly.
They're not just rehashing an old game. They're putting it on a modern device with newer and more reliable technology that's less likely to fail on you. The games I'm talking about are so old, they were on these big cartridges that had little batteries inside of them that are only designed to last a few years before they burn out. Once it burns out, you can no longer save your game anymore and it's basically just worthless.

Replacing these batteries is expensive and dangerous, because it requires you to know how to use a soldering iron if you want to do the job right, and even if you still have a working battery, it's gonna die again eventually and there's no way to transfer your Pokémon to newer generations like you can with every subsequent game. Gold/Silver were the only generation of Pokémon games up until now that didn't let you do that, because there wasn't a way to connect a Game Boy to a Game Boy Advance.

Re-releasing the games on 3DS solves all of these problems.

They're also only $10 and if you can't spare that much for such an excellent game, you're really just a pathetic waste of skin.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:05:09 PM »
But the developer still isn't getting money and if anything game rentals do affect sales. Plenty of people used to rent short games instead of buying them. Pretty sure the developer never sees a dime from the multiple rentals.
i don't give a single fuck about what affects sales, at all

i don't care if it negatively affects sales or positively affects sales

i have no interest in that whatsoever, i just don't give a shit

what i care about is giving artists compensation for their work, and if you want to argue that renting games is immoral, then that's an idea that i'm open to

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 01:00:59 PM »
There's nothing wrong with emulating old games
Yes there is, especially if they were just rereleased (like Pokémon Gold/Silver).
Why should you buy the remaster (or whatever this is I don't care about Pokémon) instead of emulating it?
Because then you'd be a thief and a bad person. You're not supporting the company that produced the game, and you no longer have the excuse of "it's an old game that they're not profiting from anymore."

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:59:09 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
Taking something that costs money without paying is still theft whether it affects sales or not.
It doesn't cost money.
So it's free?

So why the fuck would you pirate it?
It's not physical. It wasn't sold to gamestop for it to then be sold there etc.

This is the point. Piracy isn't destroying game sales like everybody (especially you) acts like it is.
It's either free or it isn't.

I've never once acted like piracy destroys sales and I've conceded several times over the past five years that it doesn't affect sales at all.

Because it doesn't fucking MATTER.
That's all that matters.
Nope. People should be directly compensated for their art if that's what they're asking for. You're a bad person.
I'm more than happy to pay the artist directly for their work, as well as producers and distributors.

If people want to download a game or a movie however, it's not the end of the world. Not even close.
Am I saying it's the end of the world, or am I saying it's wrong?

Did you just admit that it's wrong?
How is it wrong? The developer is still making fat stacks
Because they're still owed money regardless of how many fat stacks they're making.

If a developer doesn't give a shit, then that's big of them. But they're still owed money.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:57:31 PM »
You might as well say game rental places engage in daily theft.
Except that's completely different because game rental places are providing a legitimate service. They're a legal business. Pirates are not legal business owners.
Sounds like a racket to me. They buy a game once and then make profit off of that one copy multiple times?
If you think renting games should be illegal, that's fine—I don't see a problem with them, because someone bought one copy of a game to share with others for a limited time and fee. But someone paid for the one game.

Whereas pirates illegally produce more copies of the game and that's what makes them pieces of shit.

The Flood / Re: what should I ask for my birthday
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:55:37 PM »
a nintendo switch with breath of the wild
I have a Wii U with Breath of the Wild that I haven't touched yet.
all the more reason

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:54:52 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
Taking something that costs money without paying is still theft whether it affects sales or not.
It doesn't cost money.
So it's free?

So why the fuck would you pirate it?
It's not physical. It wasn't sold to gamestop for it to then be sold there etc.

This is the point. Piracy isn't destroying game sales like everybody (especially you) acts like it is.
It's either free or it isn't.

I've never once acted like piracy destroys sales and I've conceded several times over the past five years that it doesn't affect sales at all.

Because it doesn't fucking MATTER.
That's all that matters.
Nope. People should be directly compensated for their art if that's what they're asking for. You're a bad person.
I'm more than happy to pay the artist directly for their work, as well as producers and distributors.

If people want to download a game or a movie however, it's not the end of the world. Not even close.
Am I saying it's the end of the world, or am I saying it's wrong?

Did you just admit that it's wrong?

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:54:14 PM »
You might as well say game rental places engage in daily theft.
Except that's completely different because game rental places are providing a legitimate service. They're a legal business. Pirates are not legal business owners.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:52:43 PM »
I'm gonna head off to the store and just shoplift a little bit. I wouldn't have paid for any of those goods anyway so it's not theft because it didn't affect their sales.
It's theft because the store paid for those goods from the producers of those goods and a lot of money has swapped hands.

This is digital.
But it doesn't affect their sales so it's okay.
It does in a myriad of ways.
I wouldn't have paid for it anyway!
The shampoo was produced, distributed, but not sold. You're fucking many people over, the store gets a bad reputation because thievery is common, and so on and so on.
But who cares? LOL

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:52:02 PM »
"Who cares" is not an argument and if you keep saying it I'm just gonna use it against you too.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:51:10 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
Taking something that costs money without paying is still theft whether it affects sales or not.
It doesn't cost money.
So it's free?

So why the fuck would you pirate it?
It's not physical. It wasn't sold to gamestop for it to then be sold there etc.

This is the point. Piracy isn't destroying game sales like everybody (especially you) acts like it is.
It's either free or it isn't.

I've never once acted like piracy destroys sales and I've conceded several times over the past five years that it doesn't affect sales at all.

Because it doesn't fucking MATTER.
That's all that matters.
Nope. People should be directly compensated for their art if that's what they're asking for. You're a bad person.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:49:36 PM »
There's nothing wrong with emulating old games
Yes there is, especially if they were just rereleased (like Pokémon Gold/Silver).

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:49:01 PM »
I'm gonna head off to the store and just shoplift a little bit. I wouldn't have paid for any of those goods anyway so it's not theft because it didn't affect their sales.
It's theft because the store paid for those goods from the producers of those goods and a lot of money has swapped hands.

This is digital.
But it doesn't affect their sales so it's okay.
It does in a myriad of ways.
I wouldn't have paid for it anyway!

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:48:28 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
Taking something that costs money without paying is still theft whether it affects sales or not.
It doesn't cost money.
So it's free?

So why the fuck would you pirate it?
It's not physical. It wasn't sold to gamestop for it to then be sold there etc.

This is the point. Piracy isn't destroying game sales like everybody (especially you) acts like it is.
It's either free or it isn't.

I've never once acted like piracy destroys sales and I've conceded several times over the past five years that it doesn't affect sales at all.

Because it doesn't fucking MATTER.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:47:22 PM »
I'm gonna head off to the store and just shoplift a little bit. I wouldn't have paid for any of those goods anyway so it's not theft because it didn't affect their sales.
It's theft because the store paid for those goods from the producers of those goods and a lot of money has swapped hands.

This is digital.
But it doesn't affect their sales so it's okay.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:45:53 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
Taking something that costs money without paying is still theft whether it affects sales or not.
It doesn't cost money.
So it's free?

So why the fuck would you pirate it?

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:41:30 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
That 300 page study is wrong.
I win.
So why did the EU suppress the study of it was wrong? And how did 300,000€ go towards just being wrong because some guy on the Internet said so?
Because you're literally misinterpreting facts and saying things that the study isn't.
Wait I thought the study was wrong? Now it isn't?
Learn how to read.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:40:57 PM »
I'm gonna head off to the store and just shoplift a little bit. I wouldn't have paid for any of those goods anyway so it's not theft because it didn't affect their sales.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:39:22 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
That 300 page study is wrong.
I win.
So why did the EU suppress the study of it was wrong? And how did 300,000€ go towards just being wrong because some guy on the Internet said so?
Because you're literally misinterpreting facts and saying things that the study isn't.

Because you're a dumb fat piece of shit, you think the study is saying "theft is okay just be a thief it's fine."

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:35:10 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
That 300 page study is wrong.
I win.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:33:54 PM »
like anyone pirates games with the intent of spreading the good word about it anyway

get the FUCK out of here
game pirates are literal saints
it's okay to admit you're wrong
But it's you guys who are wrong.

Piracy isn't a bad thing.
is what what it looks like when challengerX completely gives up
That's all piracy is about. Sales. If it doesn't impact sales, where's the harm? It doesn't sit well with you morally? Who cares lmao
Intelligent people.
Don't you get tired of saying the same dumb shit every time you back yourself into a corner?
what corner am i backed into

your corner is "i don't care about morality because i'm a worthless nihilistic cunt"

my "corner" is "i care about morality because i actually consider myself slightly intelligent and i try to be a good person"

who wins
How is it immoral if it isn't harming anyone?
What gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for?
I asked first
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
Answer my question. What's immoral about pirating if no one is being harmed?
Because nothing gives you the moral right to use products that you haven't paid for.
But you aren't doing anything wrong to anyone. It isn't theft. This is hilarious. As always you know you're wrong.
It's theft.
That 300 page study says otherwise.
That 300 page study is wrong.

Whether it affects sales literally doesn't matter at all. It's still theft.

Gaming / Re: Remember this
« on: September 23, 2017, 12:33:34 PM »
It looks like you photoshopped your name in
all the names were photoshopped in you dumb fuck
boy you mad as hell 😂

His name looks different from all the others. Upgrade your reading comprehension, get hooked on phonics etc.
i comprehended your retarded post just as well as you articulated it

graduate from the 2nd grade, etc.

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