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The Flood / Re: Guys I really need costume suggestions
« on: October 05, 2017, 09:54:07 AM »
what the fuck are you people referencing

oh gross

though i'm curious as to how a non-sexual hug could be construed as a rape scene

The Flood / Re: Guys I really need costume suggestions
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:55:28 AM »
what the fuck are you people referencing

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Amazon lists a new "Arcade Edition"
« on: October 05, 2017, 07:22:46 AM »
Also, it seems that SFV is the only game you need, which is nice.

A convenient way to skirt around what they promised in the past, too.

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Menat Released
« on: October 05, 2017, 06:39:29 AM »

- Arcade mode - choose from six different paths themed after classic Street Fighter games
- Gallery - unlock hundreds of illustrations as you play through arcade mode
- Extra battle - complete timed challenges to obtain exclusive costumes throughout 2018
- New v-triggers - each character will have two v-triggers, adding even more depth to the combat system
- New visuals - the user interface is being redesigned with new Color schemes, revised menus and exciting pre-and-post-fight effects

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (NLDS and ALDS set)
« on: October 05, 2017, 06:36:25 AM »


Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 04, 2017, 03:48:14 PM »
Verb. It's not too late to redeem yourself. You can still catch a Dratini at Dragon's Den. 40% chance of a Dratini / Dragonair when fishing with a super rod.
That's true, though the Super Rod is only available in Kanto. But that's around the corner at this point anyway.

I'm super excited about Kanto, since my memories of it are limited.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 04, 2017, 03:00:59 PM »
I haven't made a ton of progress lately; I've mostly just been training, but I still have some shit to talk about.

The original plan was to train at the Whirl Islands, but... oops. I forgot that I can't right now. Even though I have the HM for Whirlpool, I forgot that you need the Glacier Badge first in order to use it. Even though Lance was kind enough to remind me, it still went through one ear and out the other. That's okay, though—Pryce is exactly who I'm training for anyway, so it doesn't really matter where I train.

I think I discussed earlier how I wanted to give the best of my boxed Pokémon a "tryout" session. I'm woefully ill-prepared to fight Pryce with my current team. He runs an Ice-type gym, and his strongest Pokémon, Piloswine, is a level 31 Ice/Ground-type beast who probably knows some scary shit like Magnitude and Aurora Beam, which pretty much puts Sheila, Peckham, December, and Rocky totally out of commission.

As for Montague, he still needs to evolve, and though I thought Rosalie would be ready to fight by level 31, recent developments (which I'll go over later) have shown me that she unfortunately won't be battle-ready until she's level 41.

So, I looked over my box carefully, considering each of my options. I needed at least THREE usable Pokémon to feel safe.
- Alkali might actually have some use, since I recall seeing Jynx in that gym, and she doesn't get hit by anything too hard. That said, once the Jynx trainer is taken care of, she'll have limited use against Pryce himself.
- I love Tentacruel, but she'll probably get destroyed by Piloswine's Ground-type moves.
- Seaking is absolutely useless beyond its utility as an HM buddy.
- Shuckle is Shuckle.
- Madam Girafarig is interesting, and I might just use her later, but she won't help much for this gym.
- Verbette the Magikarp could evolve right away into Gyarados, who might actually be helpful. Trouble is, Gyarados is gonna be difficult to train without teaching it a bunch of shitty HMs like Strength and Surf, which I wanted to avoid.

Pretty much everyone else is too weak or won't help.

Well, except for one more option, and I can't believe I'm saying it:


Miltank with Rollout might just be exactly what the doctor has ordered for this gym. Not only is she extremely bulky, she's fast and hits relatively hard. She's packing Defense Curl to give Rollout that extra punch it needs, and since it's a Rock-type move, it hits Pyrce's Ice-types super-effectively. Knowing that, I can let her borrow Rocky's Hard Stone to boost that move's power even further. Barring that, she also has a decent STAB move in Stomp that can induce flinching. And perhaps best of all, she can use Milk Drink for a solid recovery option (once she learns the move).

However, because of my scorn towards her species, I never even bothered to give her a nickname. I'm not forgetting the Whitney massacre. BUT, if she actually performs well in this fight, you know what? I'll have no qualms whatsoever with giving her a name. But she'll have to prove herself.

Funnily enough, she's already looking quite promising. I brought her from level 13 to level 22 before I decided to take a break. At level 19, she learned Milk Drink, completing her solid moveset.

I learned something really cool about Milk Drink that day—I discovered that it can actually be used outside of battle to help heal your team to a minor extent. In all my years of playing this game, I never knew this. It doesn't even cost any PP. But Miltank can't use it to heal herself outside of battle; she only serves as a cleric for others, and when she heals someone, it take a cut from her own HP in exchange. I actually really like this mechanic from a nuzlocking perspective, and it'll be fun to see how I'll be able to apply it during the rest of this challenge.

So not only is Miltank fun and easy to train, she's even teaching me new and interesting things about my favorite game. What the fuck, I love Miltank now.

I almost lost her, though.

As I've talked about, one of my favorite methods of training is to rematch the ones I have in my phone book. The more you fight them, the stronger their team gets. This is great for training, but it can lead to some pretty scary situations if you're not prepared.

Hiker Anthony called me up, asking for a battle. The last time I fought him, he had a relatively weak Geodude and Machop. I wouldn't be surprised if the Machop is a Machoke now; either way, even though Miltank is weak against Fighting-types, I still figured she'd be strong enough to take Anthony on. He sounds out his Geodude, and I don't even care. Miltank's Rollout is able to take it out in three turns, and now that Machop/Machoke is gonna eat a level 4 Rollout.

But what he sends out is neither Machop nor Machoke. Instead, he sends out a level 18 Machamp.

First of all, that's cheating on a number of levels. Second, FUCK. Is Miltank gonna be able to handle the strongest Fighting-type in the game? The scary thing about Rollout is that, while it doubles in power every turn, it locks you in to the move, and you literally can't do anything else. Not even use items or run (not that I'd be able to run from a trainer battle anyway, but yeah). Once you use the move, you have to make sure it's the right one so you can commit up to 5 turns to it. Machamp also resists Rock-type moves, so this could very well have been a huge mistake.

But it wasn't. Miltank flattened it with one well-placed level 4 Rollout for a one-hit KO. I couldn't believe it, but it happened, and I'm so happy for it. Miltank is gonna DESTROY Pryce when she's strong enough.

But you know what else I can't believe?

How difficult it's gonna be for me to teach Smeargle Transform.

Don't get me wrong. I'm still gonna do it no matter what—because for whatever reason, I am DEAD SET on accomplishing this—but I've been reading about Sketch's mechanics, and it seems that there are several caveats that I had previously failed to account for that made me realize just how crazy this rabbit hole I leaped into was. You guys are gonna think I'm insane.

Basicaly, Sketching Transform is not as easy as it sounds. At least, not in this generation (and I'm gonna be saying that a lot, because it's a point that needs to be belabored). You may think that all you need to do is find a Ditto, let it Transform into your Smeargle, and then use Sketch, right? Nope. Not quite. That would be far too easy. Sketch will actually do nothing at all ("fail") if you try to do that.

Indeed, the only way for you to Sketch Transform is if Transform "fails." In this generation, there are precisely TWO situations in which Transform will fail—1.) when you attempt to Transform into an already-Transformed Pokémon, and 2.) when you attempt to Transform during the semi-invulnerable turn of the moves Dig or Fly.

Both of these scenarios will result in Transform failing. Immediately after it fails, you'll be able to use Sketch, provided nothing tragic happens to the Ditto (like knocking it out with the two aforementioned moves).

Trust me, I've wracked my brain over this. In this game, these are the only ways. There are no other ways to do it.

You might be thinking about Substitute. "Doesn't Substitute block Transform?" Well, yeah, it does—but only since Generation V. Prior to that, Transform will work almost no matter what, regardless of whether you're behind a Substitute. It even bypasses all accuracy and evasion checks. There's very little you can do to stop it.

What this means for me is the following: Rosalie, my Smeargle, is now gonna have to learn an extra move if I want her to be able to use Transform. At level 31, her moves are False Swipe and Sketch. Once I Sketch either Dig or Fly, I have to relearn Sketch to use Transform, so she'll have to wait until level 41. It's rough, but that's my only option. Had I caught her at level 20 (which is possible), she would've been able to do all of this 10 levels early, since she learns her second Sketch at level 21. But alas, I caught her at level 22.

Still determined, I now had to make the decision to use Dig or Fly. I cannot accidentally knock out the Ditto, so the answer may seem obvious: I should choose Dig over Fly, since it's the weaker of the two. But Ditto can only be found in two areas of the game, and at level 10. Smeargle may be weak, but a level 41 Smeargle is practically guaranteed to one-shot every wild Ditto it comes across. There's absolutely no chance. So is this a lost cause?

Not exactly, which is why I'm choosing Fly over Dig.

Even though, sure, it's technically a stronger move than Dig in terms of raw damage, which wouldn't help matters if I were worried about Ditto being able to tank the hit. But I'm not. Here's the thing: Fly does have a VERY small distinction that makes
 it more viable for this situation—it's not 100% accurate. It misses 5% of the time.

That means, 5% of the time, it doesn't matter if it's too strong of a move.

It will miss, the Ditto will survive, and then I'll be free to use Sketch right after.

But then, you might ask, how in the world am I going to Sketch Fly of all things? It's not a move that any Pokémon learns naturally (at least in this game), and no NPCs ever use the move in battle. So how do I plan on using it?

Well, it's actually pretty simple. All I have to do is take a weak Pokémon like River (my Pidgey) out from the box, teach him Fly, and then head back to the Ruins of Alph, where wild Smeargle can be found. I'll send River out, use Fly, and the wild Smeargle will Sketch the move. From there, I'll switch to Rosalie, who will then use re-Sketch the wild Smeargle's Fly that was sketched from River. This can be done with almost any other move, too, as long as someone on your team already knows it.

And yes, this does also mean I'll get to Fly around on a Smeargle. It even uses Smeargle's menu sprite (represented by a generic Rhydon-looking thing) instead of the generic bird.

River wound up being a little too weak, so I trained him up just a little bit so that he can outspeed those wild Smeargle. He wound up evolving into a Pidgeotto, and that was enough to do the trick. I now have a FLYING SMEARGLE. Fantastic. The way I picture it, she's using her tail as a propeller and carrying me with her feet or something.

With step 1 complete, step 2 is training her up to 41 so I can finally get this job done. Yes, at this point, there's absolutely no way a Ditto will survive a hit anymore. No getting around that. But the minor 5% chance of missing might actually be my ONE AND ONLY shot at getting to use a Transforming Smeargle in this nuzlocke run.

No—a Flying, Transforming Smeargle in a Generation II nuzlocke.

Truly a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

That said, the odds of me finding a Ditto and missing with Fly are 1 in 400, so this is gonna be something I'll be trying in the background. It may well never even happen, but I'm gonna try my best. It's for the memes.

Also, Miltank slaughtered Pryce. She landed all of her Rollouts, and Piloswine was smote with a critical hit when Rollout reached its fifth stage. She's earned her nickname: Prithvi (Hindu goddess of earth who takes the form of a cow).





WOAH i wonder if they're gonna hit the ball with the bat really hard!!

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 03, 2017, 01:48:36 PM »
hockey is pretty fucking dumb actually
Being angry on the Internet is way better
like, a million times better, yeah

The Flood / Re: Can someone send me $2-$3 on paypal
« on: October 03, 2017, 12:05:00 PM »
no one takes this character seriously anymore

might be time to start fresh
if I start fresh will you send me money so I can get nicotine
what do you think my answer is

The Flood / Re: Can someone send me $2-$3 on paypal
« on: October 03, 2017, 10:42:30 AM »
no one takes this character seriously anymore

might be time to start fresh

Gaming / Re: Nioh PC version announced
« on: October 03, 2017, 09:06:40 AM »
yeah but why would you

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 02, 2017, 10:57:12 PM »
hockey is pretty fucking dumb actually

The Flood / Re: Let's see them homescreens
« on: October 02, 2017, 03:28:45 PM »
if i used my phone, i'd have it set to whatever default it is
seems pointless

The Flood / Re: RIP Tom Petty
« on: October 02, 2017, 03:13:19 PM »
couldn't stand his music, but whatever


The Flood / Re: Let's see them homescreens
« on: October 02, 2017, 03:12:57 PM »
if i used my phone, i'd have it set to whatever default it is

Serious / Re: Shooting at Vegas, more than 50 dead.
« on: October 02, 2017, 07:10:40 AM »
It doesn't seem like he had any political motives. The shooter is a white guy in his mid-60s.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: October 02, 2017, 02:02:20 AM »
There is literally nothing hypocritical or asinine about it.

You don't need video games, so you shouldn't get them for free.

You need food, so you should get it for free. Not complicated.
Self actualization is the apex of Mazlow's hierarchy of needs, though.
the idea behind the hierarchy of needs is that you can only achieve self-actualization once all the other needs have been fulfilled, starting with basic physiological needs (food clothing shelter) at the very bottom, not because they're the least important, but because they're the most important

but i'm sure you understand that, which makes your response confusing

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 02, 2017, 12:32:54 AM »
Hey, can you speed up battles in the re-release?
No, unfortunately.

Fun fact: When using Pokémon Stadium to play the games, there was actually a feature that allowed you to speed up the gameplay by up to 4x. You had to unlock it, but it was there.

I think it exists in Stadium 2 as well, but I'm not sure. I think it's the only time there's ever been an "official" way to increase game speed on a legal copy.

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 02, 2017, 12:24:47 AM »
My team is in shambles.

Here's my situation: I have five badges, and I need three more. After beating Chuck, the sixth gym leader is technically Jasmine, but due to my level cap rule, I'm actually going to be fighting Pryce first. Even though he's the seventh leader, the level of his strongest Pokémon (31) is actually three levels weaker than Jasmine's strongest Pokémon (34). So, not only am I having to fight the gyms out of sequential order, my level cap has risen by a mere ONE level, from 30 to 31.

On top of that, G's death has actually shaken the balance of my team a lot more than I accounted for—not that things weren't tenuous before, but shit's even worse now.

The most reliable members of my team right now are Sheila, December, and Peckham.

Montague is caught in pre-evolution limbo right now. I need him to evolve precisely at level 30 so that he can learn both Bite and Confuse Ray, but I can't just evolve him whenever I want. He needs to be happy enough, and it's just taking a lot longer than I bargained for. I taught him Shadow Ball to tide him over, but he's still kind of a lame duck on the team at the moment.

Rocky, despite his weak attacks, still has some utility for his typing, extremely high Defense, and access to Strength now that G's dead. He also still has Headbutt in case I want to use that for an encounter. But besides that, he's still relatively underwhelming, and feels more like a load that I'm constantly switching into and out of my team. He's not consistently reliable, and I can't evolve him.

Alkali, besides the fact that she knows Cut, is really starting to become a liability. Her extremely weak and underwhelming attacks aren't doing her any favors, and her niche of being able to hit Psychic-types super-effectively is starting to fall by the wayside a bit—especially considering that any Psychic-type that's fast enough can hit her super-effectively, too. I got her this far, and she's had a pretty good run as far as Beedrill are concerned, but I honestly think it's time to retire her. I'll probably only be using her if I need to Cut something down.

I don't exactly have a rainbow of options in my box, either: I have a Zubat, Spearow, several Rattata/Raticate, another Beedrill, Poliwag, Pidgey, Magikarp, Miltank, Shuckle, Seaking, Tentacruel, and Smeargle.

Zubat, Spearow, and Raticate are all out. I'm sick of trying with Raticate, Zubat is too difficult to train for so little reward, and I already have a pretty reliable Fearow, so I don't need another. Obviously, I don't need Beedrill either.

Poliwag isn't bad, but I'd rather use a Politoed than a Poliwrath, and I can't. It's also redundant with Lanturn. Pidgey has the same problem—it's a solid choice, but it's just too redundant for my team.

Shuckle is Shuckle.

I'm racist against Miltank.

Seaking kinda sucks, and even though Tentacruel is awesome, again—I already have Lanturn. Tentacruel will be my last resort choice, along with Magikarp, who's on the verge of evolving into a Gyarados. Whether or not I catch the Red Gyarados will play a factor in whether I use Verbette—and yeah, I am planning to catch the Red Gyarados. There's nothing else worth catching in the Lake of Rage anyway, except for another Pineco attempt.

And then there's Smeargle. That's right.

As of right now, my top 3 picks are Magikarp, Tentacruel, and Smeargle. Given that my new level limit is 31 now, that gives Smeargle just enough leverage to relearn Sketch, so I can try to teach her some move other than False Swipe. Which move is that, you may wonder?

Well, I gave it some thought, and I think the best move for her to Sketch right now is Transform.

In this generation, Transform is simple—you copy the defending Pokémon's appearance, type, attacks, stats, and stat changes. The only thing it doesn't copy is HP, making the strategy somewhat risky, but it's an incredibly fun gimmick exclusive only to Ditto, and that's where I'm gonna have to Sketch it from. Also, in this generation only, the color palette of the transforming Pokémon stays the same, which is kind of interesting. Another downside, though, is that you only have five power points for every one of the moves you copy.

It's kind of bizarre, and it might just be the silliest idea ever, but honestly, this might just be the only way for Rosalie to reliably battle anything. Otherwise, I'm basically teaching it one attack every ten levels. At least with Transform, she'll be able to have virtually unlimited options, so long as she's not pitted against something too dangerous. If I want this to work out, though, she does need to reach level 31, and she's gonna need a lot of help with that. So I'm taking her along.

Hopefully some day, she'll be more than a mascot.

Here's something I actually forgot about—back in Ecruteak City, the second of the two towers, the Tin Tower, is blocked off until you beat Morty, which I've already done by now. This is where I can get Ho-Oh, but I'm not interested in catching legendaries. I'm interested in having a second chance at Gastly. At night, there's an 80% chance for them to appear, so I'm definitely gonna be going for that once I have the opportunity. For now, the tower is being blocked by a person looking for one of Ho-Oh's feathers, so that'll have to wait.

Since I already burned Route 42 searching for a Heracross, that's out of the cards for now, too.

Other areas I still need to find Pokémon in:
- Cherrygrove City. Staryu can be fished here, but I'm waiting to get the Super Rod to increase my chances.
- Mt. Mortar. Still need to get the HM for Waterfall before I go for Tyrogue, and it looks like I'll need Flash as well. Ugh.
- Route 45. This is a route I gained access to awhile ago after traversing Dark Cave for a bit. You're supposed to use Flash for this cave, too, but I'm not gonna lie—I cheated a little. There's nothing much for you to get anyway, so it's not a big deal. Anyway, from where I was able to access this route, there were no grass patches available, but there will be later on.
- Whirl Islands. I need the HM for Whirlpool to go inside, but honestly, there's not a whole lot of interesting shit here, either. Can't get Lugia. The best I can hope for is a Krabby or maybe a Seel. Neither are exciting options, but I can trade the Krabby.

You see why I'm so desperate now. I really, really wish I hadn't lost G.

As I Surfed over to Mahogany Town, one of the game's more obvious flaws really started to shine through a little bit: the levels are SO all over the place. I just got done getting my fifth badge, and my entire team is approaching level 30. But now I'm on my way to Mahogany Town—a LATE GAME town, home of the seventh gym leader, yet all the trainers are carrying Pokémon in their teens. I understand that the game probably expects you to visit this area much earlier, but come on. These guys are criminally weak.

Anyway, when I eventually made it to Mahogany, my first encounter was...

Nothing, because there are no Pokémon available here whatsoever. There are a couple of headbutt trees, but they're hardcoded not to have anything drop out of them for some reason. Oh well. The route to the east is blocked off by a dude who sells Rage Candy Bars, the gym is blocked off by a fat guy who wants you to visit the Lake of Rage, and there's no Poké Mart. Just a shady shop that sells weak items and creepy shit like Slowpoke Tails. Oh, and the radio is playing some creepy-ass noise on the far right frequency. Obviously, Team Rocket is afoot.

This noise is enraging the Magikarp in the Lake of Rage, causing them to evolve prematurely into Gyarados, and causing the Red Gyarados to appear, and it's up to me to calm them all down.

I went north, reaching Route 43, and decided to wait until night to catch something here. This eliminates the chance of me finding a Pidgeotto, which I absolutely don't need, and introduces a chance to catch a Noctowl or even a Venonat. I can also catch Girafarig and Flaaffy here. All of these are welcome additions, though Girafarig would be most appreciated.

And I found one, thankfully. It's a 30% encounter all day, and since its name is palindromic, I decided I should give it a name that's spelled the same forwards and backwards. I thought about naming her Reviver, because she'll be the one to revive my broken team from the sorry state that it's in, but I decided to just name her Madam instead. That'll work fine.

Fighting the Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage is one of my favorite childhood moments with this game, so it was awesome to relive it. Though, sadly, I failed to catch it this time around. I chose Peckham to deal with it, mostly because he has Thunder Wave and can easily paralyze it. After bringing it down to red health, I wasted all of my Ultra Balls, all of my Great Balls, and even my Heavy Ball on the thing. Rarely would it even shake more than twice.

A stubborn bastard, it kept using Dragon Rage, which is a very scary move for me, because it always does exactly 40 damage no matter what. I wasted a lot of Lemonade for this. It also kept using Thrash, which is a scary move on its own, but it's really bad when trying to catch something, because when the Gyarados stops thrashing about, it tuckers itself out and becomes confused. At this point, it's at risk of knocking itself out and preventing me from catching it entirely.

Which it did. No Red Gyarados for me, guys. At least I still obtained the Red Scale, which I can use this to get an Exp. Share from Mr. Pokémon later.

That's definitely a huge shame, but there's not much I can really do about that.

Later, I helped Lance fight Team Rocket in their secret hideout. Another really cool sequence that's tons of fun, even if the rockets are all very easy to fight. Rocky wound up carving a niche as the perfect shield against random exploding Pokémon like Koffing and Electrode. Normally, moves like that are an immediate death sentence for any Pokémon, but Rock-types don't give a fuck.

That said, for this area, I actually wanted to catch one of the Electrode that's powering up the machine that's creating that bad radio frequency, but sadly, the first one immediately blew up on me. Once again, no encounters for me. All I was able to salvage from this entire area was a Girafarig, and I'm not entirely sure if I'm even gonna use it.

After giving me the HM for Whirlpool, I bid farewell to Lance and flew over to Mr. Pokémon's house and obtained the Exp. Share. I immediately gave it to Rosalie and flew back to Cianwood, since I can now access the Whirl Islands. It's time for some serious training.





The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 01, 2017, 11:13:21 PM »
you're actually asking me to pick one sport from that list

Since you hate all of them, yours would probably be pretty fair tbh
oh, i didn't realize we were voting for the worst

handegg easily

The Flood / Re: fuck sports
« on: October 01, 2017, 11:01:38 PM »
you're actually asking me to pick one sport from that list


Septagon / Re: can accounts be deleted and posts unlinked/deleted too
« on: October 01, 2017, 06:53:46 PM »
Too much effort on Cheat's end.
he did it with that latsu fag
I totally forgot about that dude
Oh yeah...

Why's he leave again?
Because he didn't want people to find out he was gay?
he was just a dumb little normie kid who was terrified at the thought of people finding his posts here

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 01, 2017, 03:03:03 PM »

These games are the best
i'm normally not okay with using legendaries in nuzlockes, but i'm lowkey wishing i get an opportunity to catch a suicune

The Flood / Re: Some say me and Challenger are still holding hands
« on: October 01, 2017, 02:50:25 PM »
It wasn't loading on 3G fucking lol I saw it now I'm on wifi

Yeah that is funny
yeah now lick my feet while you say sorry bitch

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 01, 2017, 02:46:56 PM »
I didn't do much yesterday (in terms of progress) except revisit a bunch of areas that have bodies of water so I can Surf over them. I acquired a lot of interesting stuff, lots of Rare Candies, a couple TMs, and battled a bunch of Cooltrainers. By the time I beat Chuck, the fifth gym leader, I had lost two Pokémon—one of them due to surprise, one of them due to stupidity.

One of the things I chose to do early on was visit Kanto, since I'm technically able to now. I can't do much there, but I can get two encounters from Route 27 and Tohjo Falls—the waterfall you need to climb up before you head to the Pokémon League. Obviously, I can't do that just yet, so I just focused on getting my encounters.

Route 27 gives me one of my last opportunities to catch an Arbok in the grass, but I can't access any of the grass yet, so I just headbutted a couple trees instead. Even though I found a low-encounter tree (the only type of tree that Pineco can be found in), a Beedrill popped out instead. Pineco is 30%, Beedrill is 5%. Go figure. I caught the thing and named it Magnum, despite the fact that I have utterly no use for a second Beedrill.

I'm sad to say it, but I may not need my first Beedrill all that much, either. She's lagging behind the team in terms of stats, and I only ever use her because she knows Cut. Her Twineedle attack is nice, but given that it's a Bug-type move, it's only situationally useful against the rare Psychic-type. If I give her up, though, I'm not sure who to replace her with just yet. Rocky is kind of falling off in terms of usefulness as well, accounting for his low attack power.

In Tohjo Falls, I decided to Surf near the waterfall instead of fish. That way, I can guarantee that I won't catch another Magikarp. What I found was a Seaking, which is kind of interesting I guess. I named it Peking (after Beijing, because I believe koi fish derive from China), but whether or not I use it will depend on how desperate I am for a Water-type (and given how many water routes I still have, that seems unlikely).

Also in Tohjo Falls, I found a Moon Stone, which I can use to evolve G into a Nidoqueen. I decided to wait to do that, however—perhaps Nidorina still learns a couple useful moves that Nidoqueen doesn't. To prepare, though, I bought all the elemental punches from the Goldenrod Department Store, since I know she can learn them all.

Route 34 has an interesting spot where a bunch of female Cooltrainers jump you, and they're situated in such a way that you have to fight two of them one after the other, without being able to escape, and the third one is considered the toughest. The first one had a Goldeen and a Seaking. The second one had a Staryu and a Starmie. At this point, I'm noticing a pattern. The third girl had a Shellder, and if you see the pattern too, she also has a Cloyster. This was a pretty scary fight all around, but everyone made it out okay, and I got a Soft Sand for my trouble. Alkali had a rare moment where Twineedle saved the day, since Starmie is weak to it, and G was able to smash that Cloyster with Double Kick.

That night, one of the last things I did was head over to the Ruins of Alph to get my encounter there. I was looking for a Smeargle, even though it's a very weak Pokémon that's extraordinarily difficult to train in this generation. It's just really cool. In order to reach the patch of grass within the ruins, however, I had to come here from a secret entrance in Union Cave.

Within this deeper section of Union Cave, there were a lot of elite trainers using some pretty scary Pokémon and higher-level techniques. This is where another party member died.

This one is relatively simple: Hiker Leonard sent out a level 26 Geodude. It unleashed a Magnitude 7 on Gnash that resulted in a critical hit, but Gnash managed to survive it. At this point, I'm not sure what to do. Since it knows Magnitude, it may very well use the move again, so I can't switch to Rocky, Peckham, or G, who would otherwise have no problem dispatching a Geodude. I also can't switch to Sheila or December, because they could get fucked up by a Rock Throw. The correct option, I felt, was to heal Gnash and hope he tanks the next hit a little bit harder.

And then it uses Self-Destruct.

Rocky would've been able to tank that hit, but honestly, I don't feel all that bad. I have enough Rattata and Raticate to represent the entire fucking Rat Pack, so losing another one isn't the worst thing in the world, especially to some random bullshit that I had little control over. It still kinda sucks, though. RIP Gnash—he was starting to become a fairly good leader.

Since I didn't originally take Montague with me, I used him to take Gnash's place.

Oddly enough, even though I fought a shit ton of Cooltrainers, none of them were able to take down any of my Pokémon.

I made it back into the ruins and, wouldn't you know it—I caught myself a Smeargle. I'm pretty delighted about that, since it's a 10% encounter, and I had a 90% chance of catching Natu instead, which would've been much lamer. That said, I have NO fucking idea how I'm gonna train this thing. I named her Rosalie, after a famous French painter more commonly known as Bonheur (but I didn't go with that, because the pronunciation is a little too close to "boner").

If you're unfamiliar with how Smeargle works, it doesn't learn any moves whatsoever except for Sketch every ten levels. Sketch is used to copy the last move used by your opponent, and it can copy literally any other move in the entire game. Once Smeargle Sketches a move, it stays on its moveset for good—so, for example, I used Sheila's False Swipe against her to help me safely catch it. She Sketched that move, and now False Swipe is part of her moveset until I can get rid of it. That kinda sucks, in retrospect, and I probably should've just tossed an Ultra Ball at it right away, but oh well.

She's level 22 at the moment, and the next level that she'll be able to Sketch something else is 31. She'll have a full moveset by 51, and I'll be able to get rid of False Swipe at 61. That's not exactly the best news, but it's fine. For now, she'll just serve as the team mascot, I guess.

Since I was pretty much finished Surfing around, I went ahead and solved all the puzzles in the Ruins of Alph to unlock every Unown letter for no reason, and took a break for the night.

I started playing against this morning, and this is where my STUPID death happened. I'm still mad about it.

I Surfed my way down to Cianwood City to pick up some medicine for that sick Ampharos that Jasmine is taking care of, and also to take on the next gym. On the water route leading to the city, I caught a Tentacruel and named it Cthluha (though, if I use her, I'm planning on changing that name as I am not 100% happy with it). I can't quite access the Whirl Islands just yet, since I need the Whirlpool HM, but I can skirt around them and fight against all the Swimmers there, at least. This is where Peckham evolved into a Lanturn after slaying a couple Gyarados, which is pretty awesome. Not to jinx anything, but he's really turning out to be an excellent member of the team.

At Cianwood, I went ahead and took the Shuckle from the boy who lends you one. I'm considering it my encounter here, just because he lets you keep it as long as you actually take care of it. That is, if I ever happen to find myself using a goddamn Shuckle.

I picked up the Secret Potion and started training for the gym. Level cap: 30.

I decided I'd be good enough at level 29, especially since I need Montague to evolve at level 30 anyway, so I need to make sure he's super happy tonight. I also decided to cave in and use the Moon Stone on G, turning her into a Nidoqueen. The only moves she would've learned are Bite and Fury Swipes, both of which I would've replaced with an elemental punch anyway, so evolving her earlier than expected didn't seem like such a bad idea after all. I even taught her Thunder Punch, in case I decided to use her against Chuck, since I know he uses a Poliwhirl.

Nidoqueen is a very versatile Pokémon—it can even learn Surf! As you could imagine, I was very stoked to be able to use it.

And this is where tragedy struck—or, I would say tragedy, but honestly, I'm just a HUGE fucking idiot. You will be angry.

Against Chuck, I led with Sheila, since she has a 4x resistance to Fighting-type attacks. His Primeape was very easy, and she was able to take it out with three Quick Attacks. As for his second and final Pokémon, it was Poliwrath, just like I remembered. Since I know it won't go for Dynamic Punch, I launched another Quick Attack just to see how much I'd be able to hurt it, and it only did about 10%. And that's with a Pink Bow boost, AND from the strongest physical attacker on my team. This thing needs to be hit HARD.

However, the Poliwrath used Mind Reader on me. This was... interesting, and confusing. Chuck's signature move, Dynamic Punch, is a 50% accurate move with 150 power (accounting for STAB) and a 100% chance to confuse on hit. Mind Reader is obviously on his moveset to boost that move's accuracy to 100%, but... why would he want to use Dynamic Punch on a Scyther? Does he know how resistant she is?

I struck him with another Quick Attack, this time nailing it with a crit. His next move: Hypnosis. Okay, now Mind Reader makes sense, but my mind still isn't at ease, because now my Scyther has been put to sleep. I thought, I should probably switch out before it starts wreaking havoc with some crazy Water-type move. It wouldn't know Hydro Pump, though, so maybe it only knows Water Gun? It surely wouldn't know Surf, since Gym Leaders never use HMs on their Pokémon!

Still, I had to make a snap decision. What I should've done was obvious and right before my eyes, but I didn't do it. I should have just switched to Peckham, my Lanturn. Not only will it resist any Water-type move this stupid thing has, he'll easily be able to two-shot it with Spark. This Pokémon was practically meant for this sort of thing.

But, for whatever silly fucking reason, I decided to switch to G, my fucking Nidoqueen, instead. Yes, fully aware of the fact that Nidoqueen is part Ground-type and suffers super-effective damage to Water-type moves—one of the most BASIC and WELL-KNOWN type matchups in the entire fucking game.

But do you know why I wasn't worried? Two reasons—Nidoqueen is pretty tanky. She has the highest Special Defense on my team, and the second highest HP. Even if this Poliwrath uses Surf, Poliwrath itself has a relatively low Special Attack stat, so theoretically, Nidoqueen should be able to tank the hit. Secondly, I taught Thunder Punch to G shortly before the fight, just for this occasion. I just wanted her to have another cool little moment where she takes out another gym leader. It would've been fun, whereas Peckham was too "obvious" and would've made the fight too easy and less exciting. That's sort of where my mind was going.

So, I sent G out.

Big, big mistake.

The Poliwrath used Surf, and G took the blow full force—a critical hit, too.

You know what's funny, though? The crit mattered.

Had it not been a crit, she would've survived. She actually would've tanked the hit.

I went down to Pokémon Showdown's damage calculator, plugged in a bunch of numbers, and as it turns out, a Surf from a level 30 Poliwrath would've only been able to 2HKO a level 29 Nidoqueen, 15 out of 16 times—even if you assume the Poliwrath had the best possible stats, and gave Nidoqueen the worst possible stats. Absolutely unbelievable, but you can try it yourself—the numbers don't lie.

Basically, I made a REALLY fucking dumb decision that even 5-year-old me wouldn't have made, but the chance of that decision actually mattering in the end came down to a 1 in 16 critical hit. Do I deserve that? Maybe. Should I be all that upset? Probably not. It's a nuzlocke—shit like this happens. It's just starting to feel like the game is actively fighting against me using the Pokémon that I want. I know that's nonsense, but I don't know. It's frustrating.

I finished the Poliwrath with the Pokémon I should've used from the start and got my badge.

I can use Fly to get the hell out of here now, but honestly, after a loss like that, I'm not even in the mood to play right now. Most of my losses, though tragic, were easy enough to replace—even when I lost my entire team to Whitney. But this time, I'm not sure who to replace G with. No one else can really match up to her versatility, and if I happen to catch another Nido in Kanto, I'll be sure not to use it like a fucking moron.

There's a sixth slot empty on my team right now, and I have no idea who to fill it with. I'll think about it later.





The Flood / Re: Some say me and Challenger are still holding hands
« on: October 01, 2017, 01:18:03 PM »

I don't get it
that's okay, you tried your best
Why do you always make terrible jokes lmao
i like how my jokes are only terrible when they're about you lmao
Your jokes are almost always bad. I don't think I've ever seen you actually say something funny that wasn't sarcastic or out of scorn like a woman.
nah, i'm pretty sure i'm one of the funniest users here, that post is already starting to pile up likes

and every time i make a joke, you're always one of the first people to like it too lmao
piling up likes nigga you have 4 likes lmao
doesn't change the fact that you're always liking my shit

you've probably liked more of my posts than you've ever received
HHAHAHAAHA why are you mad tho

I have 913 pages of likes received 8)
so you have 914 pages of likes given to me

The Flood / Re: Some say me and Challenger are still holding hands
« on: October 01, 2017, 01:05:03 PM »

I don't get it
that's okay, you tried your best
Why do you always make terrible jokes lmao
i like how my jokes are only terrible when they're about you lmao
Your jokes are almost always bad. I don't think I've ever seen you actually say something funny that wasn't sarcastic or out of scorn like a woman.
nah, i'm pretty sure i'm one of the funniest users here, that post is already starting to pile up likes

and every time i make a joke, you're always one of the first people to like it too lmao
piling up likes nigga you have 4 likes lmao
doesn't change the fact that you're always liking my shit

you've probably liked more of my posts than you've ever received

The Flood / Re: Some say me and Challenger are still holding hands
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:57:00 AM »

I don't get it
that's okay, you tried your best
Why do you always make terrible jokes lmao
i like how my jokes are only terrible when they're about you lmao
Your jokes are almost always bad. I don't think I've ever seen you actually say something funny that wasn't sarcastic or out of scorn like a woman.
nah, i'm pretty sure i'm one of the funniest users here, that post is already starting to pile up likes

and every time i make a joke, you're always one of the first people to like it too lmao

The Flood / Re: Some say me and Challenger are still holding hands
« on: October 01, 2017, 10:45:00 AM »

I don't get it
that's okay, you tried your best
Why do you always make terrible jokes lmao
i like how my jokes are only terrible when they're about you lmao

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