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The Flood / Re: so i just saw blade runner (1982)
« on: October 07, 2017, 09:06:28 PM »
So I just got back from it, and I'm not sure what to think.
>back from it

so you're talking about 2049, before i read this post?

The Flood / so i just saw blade runner (1982)
« on: October 07, 2017, 07:06:51 PM »

i'm gonna need someone to explain why this film gained such a big cult following

i thought it was mostly boring with a few cool moments, namely rutger hauer's monologue at the end, but that performance was the only thing that really stood out to me about the film

i think i'm just kind of sick of all these pseudo-philosophical romps that try to question what it means to be human, but barely go beyond a surface level understanding of the question—though perhaps i can forgive this one slightly, given that the story was written in the late 60s—but still, how many times has this story been written and how many more times does it NEED to be written

i don't like harrison ford that much in general, and the stupid expression he has throughout the entire movie where he stares blankly at shit with his mouth agape constantly was starting to make me crack up

at least until that weird, borderline rapey scene with sean young happened? did that need to be in the movie? was the movie trying to make me like harrison ford's character less, or can harrison "womanizer" ford get away with any kind of romance scene he wants, no matter how uncomfortable it is

i also found it visually displeasing, but not in a cool way

i tend to enjoy slow-paced cyberpunk movies, but when it comes to the one everyone points to, i wasn't impressed

that said, i do feel prepared now to see blade runner 2049, which was the only reason i watched this

hopefully that's much better

The Flood / Re: Good Day
« on: October 07, 2017, 04:47:37 PM »
thoughts on LCD soundsystem

i'm just getting into them

i'm going insane

post suicide methods

I still need to watch the Blade Runner anime episodes they put out.
no you don't
Why not?
you don't NEED to

I still need to watch the Blade Runner anime episodes they put out.
no you don't

The Flood / Re: Good Day
« on: October 07, 2017, 02:04:28 PM »
what is the worst color
lime green
you're close

it's actually yellow

You should add Tiger & Bunny to the list. I'm rewatching it rn, and I can't believe that I forgot how good it was.
#1 highest ranking anime according to japan, apparently

i'm sure it's just great

The Flood / Re: Good Day
« on: October 07, 2017, 01:49:11 PM »
what is the worst color

Gaming / Re: Humble Monthly Bundle - October 2017
« on: October 07, 2017, 12:38:47 PM »
if i were to get quake, though, i'd probably wait for it to officially come out first

not that i'd get it anyway because i don't have a good gaming PC and probably never will

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 07, 2017, 11:29:23 AM »
My encounter in the Ice Path was a Delibird, but it ran away. It's one of the few Pokémon that actually runs from you. Whatever, I didn't really want one that much anyway.

I also went fishing in Blackthorn City, since I might as well have. The only things possible to get in the city are Magikarp and Poliwag, and I have both of them, so I may as well burn my encounter. I caught a level 5 female Magikarp and named her Puella. No points for catching the reference.

I have Shuckie on my team just for the fuck of it—part of his sidequest involves making him happy enough to where his original trainer will let you keep him, so I figure if I let him tag along and gain some levels, I'll be able to do that. Otherwise, his OT asks you to return him, and I dunno, I kinda like having a Shuckle.

At this point, I think I finally have a firm grip on my new team's "personalities" and their roles on the team.

After Gnash (Raticate) died, my team didn't exactly have a clear-cut "leader" anymore. But, several badges later, I honestly think it's Sheila (Scyther) now. She has the highest overall stats on the team, is incredibly reliable despite not having the best attacks, and despite what her Pink Bow would suggest, she's all business and no frills. Along with December (Fearow), she probably takes the whole nuzlocke thing more seriously than anybody else, which is great, because it means she always gets the KO when she needs to. I feel like if I can get her Swords Dance, she'll be nearly unbeatable.

December is the only one who could match Sheila in terms of raw efficiency. Whereas Sheila's efficiency comes from a sense of duty, December's comes from a place of mirth. He's a bit more show-offy and "stylish" than Sheila, and he's always surprising me.

Having been in my party ever since I beat Bugsy, December is just so fucking good. He might even be stronger than November was in his day. Since I boxed Rosalie (Smeargle), he's my primary Flyer, and recently, he gained access to one of my all-time favorite moves: Mirror Move, allowing me to send my opponent's attack right back at them. Always getting crits, always getting 5-hit Fury Attacks, and always mercilessly slaying everything he fights. The only reason I don't consider him the "leader" is because of his stats, which are admittedly quite a bit under the rest of my crew, but he really makes up for it in being an overall beast. He holds the King's Rock, so even on the rare occasion that he flubs and gets a 2-hit Fury Attack, there's still a chance that he'll cause his opponent to flinch.

While Sheila and December are the cold-blooded killers of the team, Peckham (Lanturn) is a lot different. He's cheerful, carefree, and doesn't really seem to understand the imminent danger that this challenge presents him—but he's also smart and incredibly strong, having the second best overall stats on the team. He's a bit of a strategist and likes synergy and working together with everyone else, which is why he knows Rain Dance. Because of his "happy" demeanor, he often has trouble seeing imminent threats, but it rarely matters when he has so much HP and is able to one-shot almost anything, due to the raw power of moves like Surf.

Other than December, Rocky (Onix) is technically the oldest living member of the team, if you count traded Pokémon. He has served me very well, being a sturdy defensive wall against scary things like Self-Destructing Koffing/Geodude, but lately, his usefulness has been tapering off. He doesn't hit nearly as hard as he needs to, even with a Hard Stone. As such, I consider him semi-retired. Because he's so big and bulky, I always kind of viewed him as half-oblivious to the shit that's going on. If he's withstanding an explosion, he takes the hit so well, he doesn't even understand what just happened. Fighting Pokémon is just like squashing bugs to him—but the bugs are starting to catch up with him, getting bigger and stronger by the day.

Alkali, who is also semi-retired, seems very resentful to me. Every time I think I'm about to face a tough Psychic-type, I take her out momentarily for the sole purpose of helping me fight it, and she always goes super overkill on it—landing several crits (often unnecessary ones), as if to say, "See? I can still be useful!" and she's very good at using one of her new moves, Rage. I feel bad for not using her, but honestly, I'm just not sure how much I need two Bug-types on my team anymore. Sheila outclasses her in every way except for the fact that Alkali's better at fighting the occasional Psychic-type. She's in such an awkward limbo position on the team right now, and I just don't know what to do with her.

Montague will be evolving very soon into an Umbreon, and I can tell he's been waiting a long time for it, especially since I never use him in battle except as a sponge for happiness. I think he's tired of being looked upon as the "team pet," and I can't blame him. It'll be cool when he finally does evolve.

Rosalie is quite unhappy with my false promises—I told her she could become anything (with Transform), but alas, due to the game's impossible mechanics, she'll only ever be a Smeargle. I also can't use her, since my level cap is currently only level 40, and she's level 41. That means I have to keep her in the box until I beat Clair, and she's none too impressed by that either. Her curiosity and optimism have been tainted by what she perceives to be my incompetence.

Prithvi (Miltank), now that I've accepted her as part of the squad, is as happy as could be, but she's a little bit over-eager and is waiting impatiently for me to use her again. I'm just not sure how much I need her at this current time, though. I have to fight a Dragon user next, so unless I can trust her to hit hard with an Ice Punch or something, it doesn't seem like I'll be using her again any time soon.

And then there's Capulet (Weepinbell), the newest member of the team. I've used a member of his family before (Patches), and I failed him, so understandably, Capulet is very apprehensively uncooperative right now. He misses with Sleep Powder... all the time. He also hates getting confused, and I've counted it—he has been confused for a total of nine turns, and he has hit himself SEVEN out of those nine times. When I caught him, he didn't even have Vine Whip as an attack. Just Wrap, which is extremely shitty in this generation. At least he eventually learned Acid, but he needs to get his act together very soon, because I think Clair uses a Kingdra, so I absolutely need him to learn Razor Leaf.

And since I won't be able to evolve Capulet until Kanto, so I only need him for this once purpose right now. If he doesn't learn anything useful before level 37 or 38, I'm gonna have to come up with something else.

I'm also struggling finding places to train. The north side of Dark Cave is accessible to me now, but since I already spent my Dark Cave encounter on Bram (Zubat, rest in peace), I don't get anything on the north side, even though there are different Pokémon available. Different people may treat that differently, but it's okay if you ask me. The only interesting thing I could've gotten was a Wobbuffet, and honestly, I have enough gimmicky Pokémon in my squad at this point.

But it was on Route 45 that I found the perfect Pokémon for my team: Skarmory.

This is hype as fuck for several reasons:
- It's one of my favorite Pokémon
- It's a 5% encounter on a route where I had an 85% chance of catching something from the Geodude line, making it my THIRD 5% encounter for this run (after Scyther and Miltank)
- It's a Steel-type, making it a solid choice against Clair (since Steel resists Dragon-type moves)

I guess the game is making up for all the Rattata it's been throwing at me.

I was listening the a song called Narayan by the Prodigy, so that's what I decided to name him. Narayana is the god of gods in Hinduism, so that's the second Hindu-based name that I've used so far.

Also, naturally, he's a fucking beast. I was taking him out for a test run on all the trainers on Route 45, most of whom were Hikers with Self-Destructing Graveler.

One of them even used a fucking Golem, and wouldn't you know it? At full health, Narayan was able to tank a CRITICAL HIT SELF-DESTRUCT from that Golem, with about 15% of his health left to spare. It makes sense, since Defense is Narayan's best stat, and Steel resists Normal-type moves, but still. STILL. That's fucking insanity. I never have to use Rocky again now (sorry, Rocky).

However, he seems a bit cocky. He gets unnecessary critical hits himself all the time, and he doesn't learn Iron Tail for some reason. That said, that Golem moment was so glorious, it pretty much instantly landed him a permanent spot on the team.

I'm gonna try to train everyone up to level 37 or 38, which may take awhile since there are no good training spots at this point in the game, but then I'm gonna fight Clair, and the Johto League will be completed.





The Flood / Re: Good Day
« on: October 07, 2017, 08:42:21 AM »
wanna play SFV sometime

haven't played it at all lately, but the announcements have got me back in the mood

Serious / Re: tbh, Trump saved America
« on: October 06, 2017, 09:13:44 PM »

Gaming / Re: Humble Monthly Bundle - October 2017
« on: October 06, 2017, 09:12:18 PM »
beats the shit out of weeb dumpster fire month

The Flood / Re: Hey das
« on: October 06, 2017, 10:28:51 AM »
Fuck Neck Deep m8 they're shit
what separates good pop punk from bad pop punk

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (NLDS and ALDS set)
« on: October 06, 2017, 08:02:59 AM »

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:18:56 PM »
Tangent, but what is the practical difference between recording something on DVR or even old-school VHS, and piracy? Is it because the show is readily available on some medium that you already have access to, such as cable or public channels? In that case, would that mean I have a right via fair use to pirate any show or movie that I'd have access to on whatever channels I subscribe to, like cable or HBO? Maybe someone would argue that it's the scale that is important, but one act of file sharing is as illegal as 1,000.
DVR/VHS recordings are for personal use; it only becomes an issue when you start distributing it to others.
This goes back to many pirates' legal defense that downloading is fine, and the real issue is uploading. Ignoring the fact that leeching typically requires seeding, if a person downloads a movie but never distributes it, has that he/she done anything wrong, and how is that different from a DVR?

Mostly asking your opinion, since I don't expect you to research the legal explanation of it.
Personally, I don't really see any legal or moral issues with downloading shit for personal use, so long as you've already paid for the original copy (first and foremost), and you do not plan on distributing it to anyone else.

Pirates do neither.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: October 05, 2017, 07:46:40 PM »
Tangent, but what is the practical difference between recording something on DVR or even old-school VHS, and piracy? Is it because the show is readily available on some medium that you already have access to, such as cable or public channels? In that case, would that mean I have a right via fair use to pirate any show or movie that I'd have access to on whatever channels I subscribe to, like cable or HBO? Maybe someone would argue that it's the scale that is important, but one act of file sharing is as illegal as 1,000.
DVR/VHS recordings are for personal use; it only becomes piracy when you start distributing it to others.

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (NLDS and ALDS set)
« on: October 05, 2017, 03:51:36 PM »


The Flood / Re: Guys I really need costume suggestions
« on: October 05, 2017, 02:43:47 PM »
i like danny devito

The Flood / Re: Things you take for granted
« on: October 05, 2017, 02:33:18 PM »
i try to appreciate everything i have so that i don't take anything for granted

like, i never get sick,  and i'm always thinking about how nice that is

i still think of little things all the time, though, like the fact that i can take hot showers and stay in that bitch for 30 minutes if i want, so i try to work on those too

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V - Amazon lists a new "Arcade Edition"
« on: October 05, 2017, 01:21:47 PM »


and before people get salty:

"all new modes and gameplay features will be available as free updates for existing street fighter v owners"

if there's one thing missing from this, though, it's the teaser for the final season 2 character

i understand that we just got menat, but i think if we got some kind of quick tease at the final character, that would've blown this trailer through the roof

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 05, 2017, 01:07:41 PM »
Bad news re: the Transforming Smeargle thing. I don't think it's actually possible anymore.

I got Rosalie up to level 41 so that she can Sketch for the third time, and since she can Fly now, I thought if I just gave it a few more tests in the field, I'd be ready to go Ditto hunting. As it turns out, the results from this little test period aren't exactly favorable to my silly endeavor.

The way Fly works is this: Rosalie flies up in the air on turn 1, gaining momentary invulnerability as her foe's attack misses. She then swoops down on turn 2. At this point, this is where I assume Transform would be Sketchable, but I made a pretty embarrassing oversight. I failed to account for the fact that the Ditto can still attack after Rosalie swoops down. Otherwise, I'd be able to use Fly perpetually and never take any hits, as long as Rosalie is faster.

If she's slower, that's not gonna work either, because then the Ditto will just Transform right away.

Basically, there doesn't actually seem to be a way to have Transform fail and then immediately Sketch it on the next turn. It seems impossible. I scoured Google for an hour, sifting through old forum posts of people trying to do the same thing as me, and they all concluded it wasn't possible either. And these people are more creative than me, trying to utilize flinching and paralysis, but nothing seems to work.

As a last ditch thing, I went over to Route 44 to get my encounter, which has an 85% chance of being a Grass-type (or something that knows Sleep Powder). I caught a Weepinbell and named him Capulet (because I had a Weepinbell named Juliett in my Blue nuzlocke). Fucking thing ate six of my Great Balls at 1 HP, I might add.

In Generation III, it's possible to teach Smeargle Transform by putting a Ditto to sleep and then using Sketch on it, because of how the game's infrastructure works. While asleep, the Ditto still technically chooses Transform as its attack, so Smeargle can still Sketch it. I tried to see if this method worked in Gen II. Needless to say, it doesn't.

There is ONE MORE solution that I concocted that may or may not work, but it's so ridiculous that even I'm not autistic enough to try it. It basically involves speed ties. The idea is to somehow have a Smeargle with Fly (or Dig) that's just as fast as a wild Ditto, creating a speed tie. The way these games have handled speed ties has never changed, and it's always fairly simple: it's totally random.

So, in THEORY, I could have a Smeargle use Fly on turn 1 and win the first speed tie. Ditto's Transform will miss, and then on turn 2, Ditto will win the second speed tie. It uses Transform again, and it misses, because Smeargle is still up in the air (or undergroud). THEN, the Smeargle comes back and smacks the Ditto. Since Ditto already moved this turn, it can't use Transform a third time. Finally, on the third turn, Smeargle will use Sketch and learn Transform, provided it wins the third speed tie.

The odds of finding a Ditto out in the wild is (5%).
The speed of wild Ditto will vary slightly, so we'll assume that there are four different speeds. You need to find one. (25% * 5%).
Then you need to win and lose three speed ties in the following order: Win-lose-win, which is 1 in 8. (25% * 5% * 12.5%).
THEN, assuming I'm using Fly instead of Dig and I'm worried about one-shotting it, I need to shoot for Fly to MISS.

So, the odds of all that happening perfectly are:
(25% * 5% * 12.5% * 5%) = 0.000078125%, or 1 in 12,800

And that's with the assumption that there are only four varying types of Ditto speed out in the wild. Could be more, could be less.

So yeah, the dream is dead for now, but I'm actually not opposed to experimenting with that in the future.

I still want to make use of Rosalie, but since she's level 41, that actually puts her 1 level above my current level limit, so according to my rules, she must be boxed until that limit increases. That's fine, though, since it'll give me plenty of time to think of the next best moves to have her Sketch (Lock-on + Guillotine, anybody?) and it means I don't have to keep the Experience Share on her anymore.

Anyway, enough about that. I went ahead and beat Jasmine, and now I only need one more badge.

I had a pretty strong strategy going in. During my quest to visit all Surf locations, I actually forgot about one of them, and I'm happy someone reminded me. In Slowpoke Well, I can pick up a King's Rock, as well as the TM for Rain Dance.

If Quill were still alive, I could've just blasted Jasmine's Steelix with a Flamethrower at this point, but now that I can't, I had to train something else up. I caught a Krabby at the Whirl Islands (named it Eugene), which gave me the idea to just use a plain ol' Water-type for the gym. The trouble with that, however, is that Jasmine also uses a couple of Magnemite, and I can't use Eugene, because his Special Attack is so shitty.

Peckham is very strong and could take out those Magnemite with no issues, but her big boy Steelix is gonna be a bit of a problem. It probably knows some powerful Ground-type moves, I'd imagine, so that puts Peckham out of commission for that part of the fight.

Needing some other options, I settled with Verbette, a Magikarp-turned-Gyarados with Surf and Strength. The two moves I didn't want to saddle her with, but I feel like the game is kind of forcing my hand right now. She also knows Dragon Rage, and since she's part-Flying, she'll be able to fly over whatever Ground-type moves Jasmine will throw at her. That said, her low Special Attack is kind of worrisome. Steelix is one of the biggest tanks in the game, so I wanted to make sure that would not be an issue. I had her hold Mystical Water to boost her Surf up, and I taught Peckham how to Rain Dance, since they'll be working in tandem.

Rain Dance in general is a cool move. It boosts the power of all my team's Water-type moves for five turns, and makes it so Thunder hits for 100% accuracy. This move was practically made for Peckham, and Gyarados will highly appreciate being made a little bit stronger, too. It kinda takes me back to my competitive Drizzle team during Generation V.

In practice, however, shit got a little crazy. I led with Peckham and set up Rain Dance immediately against the Magnemite, since Peckham isn't afraid of them at all, one-shotting both of them. As soon as Steelix came out, though, I switched to Verbette and prepared for her to wreak havoc.

But then the Steelix used Sunny Day, which REALLY threw me off guard. Why the fuck does it know Sunny Day??? It powers up Fire-type moves, and Steelix is WEAK to those. Does that mean it knows Rain Dance, too? Does it use whatever move it needs to shut down both of its weaknesses, or something? I mean what the fuck?

Despite that weird shit, I was able to take her out with Dragon Rage anyway. That makes seven badges.

Also, Team Rocket invaded the Radio Tower and I stopped them; they're disbanded now. Hooray.

Next stop: Ice Path.





The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: October 05, 2017, 12:17:36 PM »
This happens with literally everything.

there are games, movies, etc. that are still heavily celebrated several decades after they were made

i've had stuff happen to me when i was seven or eight that i still look back on now

it's not really that unusual

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: October 05, 2017, 12:15:53 PM »
here come the mad faggots

a whole lot of hype for something no one could even give a fuck about anymore

maybe we shouldn't be hyping this stupid shit up if no one's even gonna care in the future, huh

or would that be too intelligent
So Mr To Intelligent where are you gathering your data from that nobody cared about the fight the next day? Because nobody posted in this thread in this forum? I talked about with a bunch of irl people and even some people here a few days after it.

At the end of the day it's just you being wrong, mad, and negative again for no reason.
you don't talk to people irl
LOL 😂🙏
you said a "few days"

will you be talking about this fight in a year, or ten
I know you're socially awkward and shit but people don't usually make a 10 year plan for what they're going to talk about lmao

I probably will though, because it was hilarious to see McGregor humbled. A lot of people will talk about it for years to come. It wasn't incredible as far as boxing goes, but it was a big event for both sports.
you won't

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: October 05, 2017, 12:08:38 PM »
here come the mad faggots

a whole lot of hype for something no one could even give a fuck about anymore

maybe we shouldn't be hyping this stupid shit up if no one's even gonna care in the future, huh

or would that be too intelligent
So Mr To Intelligent where are you gathering your data from that nobody cared about the fight the next day? Because nobody posted in this thread in this forum? I talked about with a bunch of irl people and even some people here a few days after it.

At the end of the day it's just you being wrong, mad, and negative again for no reason.
you don't talk to people irl
LOL 😂🙏
you said a "few days"

will you be talking about this fight in a year, or ten

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: October 05, 2017, 12:06:14 PM »
here come the mad faggots

a whole lot of hype for something no one could even give a fuck about anymore

maybe we shouldn't be hyping this stupid shit up if no one's even gonna care in the future, huh

or would that be too intelligent
So Mr To Intelligent where are you gathering your data from that nobody cared about the fight the next day? Because nobody posted in this thread in this forum? I talked about with a bunch of irl people and even some people here a few days after it.

At the end of the day it's just you being wrong, mad, and negative again for no reason.
you don't talk to people offline

Gaming / Re: Cuphead
« on: October 05, 2017, 12:02:31 PM »
i just bought it. about to play
cool, what led to your decision to purchase warframe?

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: October 05, 2017, 11:59:51 AM »
here come the mad faggots

a whole lot of hype for something no one could even give a fuck about anymore

maybe we shouldn't be hyping this stupid shit up if no one's even gonna care in the future, huh

or would that be too intelligent

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs McGregor press conference LOS ANGELES
« on: October 05, 2017, 10:35:57 AM »
no one will remember or care about this fight by tomorrow
look how right i was

did anyone even think about this fight a single time a week after it happened

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