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So this is what the cool kids are listening to huh
mostly future and migos though

Fuck Chicago and their bitch ass music
trap originates from atlanta though

that said, the song that i just posted is pretty good tbh

Wtf is trap music

a style of hip hop music that's really popular in america right now among stoners, club-goers, lean sippers, and trashy white girls

Are you just doing this to enjoy things other people enjoy without admitting it?
what would be the point

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (WORLD SERIES SET)
« on: October 30, 2017, 07:03:22 AM »
The whole "stop liking what I don't like" mentality that so many people have these days is just tiresome more than anything.
It's a mentality everyone should adopt.

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (WORLD SERIES SET)
« on: October 30, 2017, 03:13:24 AM »
What a miserable person you must be to go on a dead obscure internet forum and berate people about things they are passionate about.
when there are clearly more useful and intelligent things to be passionate about, i literally don't see the issue

all of you are posting on a dead obscure internet forum as well, so i don't see your point in bringing that up

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (WORLD SERIES SET)
« on: October 30, 2017, 02:57:17 AM »
you don't know real pain if a baseball game upsets you in any way, actually
"Wah stop having emotional connections to things I don't care about!"
*that nobody should care about

also who's "wah"

me or the guy who literally made this post unironically over a meaningless game that would never matter in any universe

I don't feel like doing anything... like literally anything.

I'm so emotionally drained that I can't even get up to go take a shit. That game is going to haunt me forever.

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (WORLD SERIES SET)
« on: October 30, 2017, 02:37:25 AM »
you don't know real pain if a baseball game upsets you in any way, actually

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (WORLD SERIES SET)
« on: October 30, 2017, 01:13:52 AM »
i am LITERALLY going to kill myself over a baseball game that i never even took part in

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: October 30, 2017, 12:24:25 AM »
Didn't think so. And man, a lot of stuff unlocks when you beat this game. Looks like some of it's pretty challenging too.
That's good, I just finished New Donk city and the game feels way too easy so far.
it's mario

What the hell is trap music
rain drop, drop top

Uh... the ting goes skrrrraaaaa?
no that's grime


trap is just shitty club music for poor people to smoke pot and sip lean to

What the hell is trap music
rain drop, drop top


Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: October 29, 2017, 02:47:07 PM »
some of you faggots need to get a switch already smh

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: October 29, 2017, 02:46:43 PM »
you dont really like 3d mario anyway right
yeah, not really, but something about this looks different

What about watching movies featuring traps?
Just One of the Guys is pretty good

For someone who claims to attempt to limit suffering you sure put yourself through enough of it unnecessarily.
it loops around, though, because through this suffering, i attain enjoyment through the validation of my own superior taste

i guess i'll start here

even my dad used to listen to this

because i hate trap music and i enjoy torturing myself

recommend trap artists

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: October 29, 2017, 01:20:19 PM »
just picked it up, but i can't play right now

people have their sportsball to watch
just Switch to portable mode
yeah, but i want the first time i play to be on our nice new TV

i feel strange being suddenly excited to play this game when i wasn't really all that hype for it when it was announced

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: October 29, 2017, 12:45:09 PM »
just picked it up, but i can't play right now

people have their sportsball to watch

i have attempted 60 anime

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (Kyoto Animation, 2006, two-and-a-half episodes) Can't do it, guys. 2/10

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Madhouse, 2006, Mamoru Hosoda) Pretty simple movie with a simple premise and a simple plot. Like a lot of these highly-regarded anime films, it's rather difficult to outright hate when the message is so strong. The worst things I can say are that the animation wasn't the best (for a big budget project), and the score was pretty forgettable—but good music in anime is quite rare. I don't know, it's all right. It needed a lot more for me to consider it truly worth watching, though. It's just one of those stories that's been done a million times better, and usually by the Western film industry. 5/10

Steins;Gate (White Fox, 2011, three episodes) I like the premise, but the show itself turned out to be quite dull and uninteresting. The characters in particular are terribly bland, and I hate all of them—especially Mayuri, and the show has probably the worst sense of humor out of anything I've attempted to watch. It's very rare that an anime succeeds in making me laugh, but I can at least appreciate that something funny happened. Here, there wasn't a single joke in the three episodes that I sat through that did not make me physically cringe. Also, the harem vibes are really fucking gross, and I find it hilarious how often these sorts of these are always swept under the rug by fans. 3/10

Gintama (Sunrise, 2006, two episodes) It's not good when a comedy bores you to tears. The fact that there's a billion episodes of this shit made me drop out early, and the characters were testing my patience. Kagura is particularly insufferable, and overall, I wish I could go back to not knowing this show even exists, because—again, like Tiger & Bunny—while it may not have been the worst thing I've ever seen, I don't understand why this is one of the highest rated shows among weebs on MyAnimeList. Yeah, I only saw two episodes, but you'd think a show that good would grip me from the word "go." 4/10

Bakemonogatari (Shaft, 2009, five episodes) I've made a decision. At some point in my life—preferably before I turn 25—I'm going to procure a gun. I don't really care how I get it. I don't really care what kind of gun it is, either. It doesn't really matter. The point is, I'll be getting my hands on a firearm within the next few years. That gun is going to hang over my bedpost. Mind you, I wouldn't do anything stupid or drastic with it—it's just going to hang there. Once I move out, I'm going to take it with me, so that every single night that I sleep, it'll always be there over my head. This will serve a symbol—perhaps a monument—to my personal strength and willpower. Because every single time I watch a show like Monogatari, the constant temptation to just end it all, quickly and painlessly, will literally just be hanging over my head every step of the way—but I'll refuse to give into it. And I know that I'll refuse, because I'll know that the struggle will only be temporary. 0/10

The Flood / Re: Public speaking is very exhilarating
« on: October 28, 2017, 06:17:15 PM »
haven't had many opportunities lately
>write article
>advance state of the art
>submit to conference call for papers
>pass peer review and get invited to present your work
>free travel, accomodation and food

Nothing but upsides Verb.

ahaha, you're funny

The Flood / Re: Official 2017 MLB playoffs thread (WORLD SERIES SET)
« on: October 28, 2017, 05:14:31 PM »
i'm pretty sure jono's "brain" is just a thick cloud of cheetoh and fart smoke

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: October 28, 2017, 02:39:31 PM »
so, this little dance that pauline does:

is actually a recreation of the movement that she does in the arcade game:

The Flood / Re: Public speaking is very exhilarating
« on: October 28, 2017, 12:57:01 PM »
yeah, totally

haven't had many opportunities lately, but i still find it pretty fun

The Flood / Re: Can't sleep
« on: October 28, 2017, 09:40:07 AM »

Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gold/Silver thread
« on: October 27, 2017, 09:49:37 PM »
Sheila the Scyther      - 55 - 134.3333333333333
Peckham the Lanturn     - 55 - 132.3333333333333
Shuckie the Shuckle     - 55 - 131.3333333333333
Narayan the Skarmory    - 55 - 124.6666666666667
Alkali the Beedrill     - 55 - 117
Rosalie the Smeargle    - 55 -  85.83333333333333

I'm ready for Blue now, I think.

I checked Sheila's and Narayan's Hidden Power—they have Ghost and Psychic, respectively. Not very helpful; I got rid of them immediately. On Alkali, I replaced Focus Energy with Return. I think Focus Energy has far outlived its usefulness at this point.

Peckham wanted to learn Hydro Pump at one point, but I made the tough decision to decline it. Surf isn't quite as strong, but it still gets a rain boost on top of Mystic Water, and it's perfectly accurate as well. Accuracy is something I value a whole lot.

Rosalie will hopefully not see any action whatsoever, but I'm having her hold Leftovers just in case.

The Flood / Re: ITT we do straight up illegal things
« on: October 27, 2017, 05:46:58 PM »
i stream every anime that i watch
Piracy isn't cool
i'm probably the last person you need to be telling that

but i'm also not pirating anything

The Flood / Re: Can't sleep
« on: October 27, 2017, 04:34:04 PM »
Honestly the "people do it anyways" argument is the worst form of justification for anything
Why does it need to be justified? People are gonna use shit, I'd rather they're budded out taking a nap than drunk and beating their wife.

The ideal world of nobody using drugs isn't gonna happen anytime soon.

Everything we do should be justified
Just because something is the norm doesn’t mean we should just accept it

We only got to this point in human history because we wanted to change the negatives in our society
Most massive changes occur when we pioneer in completely new directions, without regard for the problems.

For example, electricity may be seen at first glance as an advance against our dependency on fossil fuels to light our homes, but when you consider that our dependency actually increased as a result, you realize that this modern marvel was, in fact, developed purely because we could. It's the same with advances in aerospace, compound materials, and nearly every other revolutionary product.

These advances were made purely in the interest of advance, no matter the eccentricity and no matter what problems may be resolved, or created, in the fallout.

We owe societal advancement to people who ask questions that have not been asked before, not to people who scurry about trying to solve all the world's problems.
damn you're stupid as hell😂😂😂
you both are

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