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The Flood / Re: apparently its cool to like the SW prequels now
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:45:43 PM »
i've grown to dislike aotc (the romance scenes are what make it excruciating), but i still wouldn't consider it the worst movie—not by a longshot

The Flood / Re: Bojack s4 is p lit
« on: November 07, 2017, 10:23:56 PM »
what is this show
Bojack Horseman is an American adult animated television series, and the first to be produced by Warner Bros. Animation for Adult Swim. It premiered October 27, 2014.[2] The series features Mike Tyson solving mysteries, in the style of I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali, Scooby-Doo!, Jonny Quest and Mr. T.[3] On December 10, 2014, Adult Swim renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on November 1, 2015. A third season premiered on May 14, 2017.[4] The show has been renewed for a fourth season.[5]
did not read

what is this show

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 07, 2017, 10:05:01 PM »
what about FOUR parents

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 07, 2017, 09:50:08 PM »
guys what about THREE parents

The Flood / Re: Bojack s4 is p lit
« on: November 07, 2017, 09:43:19 PM »
what is this show

The Flood / Re: What does it mean when a girl sends you this
« on: November 07, 2017, 08:28:34 PM »
But what does it actually mean? Surprise or what?
surprise, curiosity

The Flood / Re: What does it mean when a girl sends you this
« on: November 07, 2017, 08:11:28 PM »
she's 12-15 or a weeb

The Flood / Re: Recommend me stuff to draw
« on: November 07, 2017, 07:55:20 PM »
if you draw me an avatar (whatever you want, go crazy), i will use it and i will keep it on for the rest of the year
Are you tired of the Pokemon shtick
nah, it can be pokémon related

maybe a player avatar based on the gen 2 rival?

idk, you have total freedom

The Flood / Re: My mom is getting married again
« on: November 07, 2017, 07:53:51 PM »
TBH, I don't get the whole marriage thing anymore. Basically it's saying you want someone else all to yourself so badly you want to involve the government. I had a 17 year long marriage. 2 kids and a house. Marriage doesn't mean they stay. It's pointless if you ask me.
It's only pointless when one or more parties doesn't understand how to love someone in action. Love is consistently putting someone else before yourself no matter what comes in return. Love is letting your mother lash out on you emotionally because she's been stressed out for weeks and you'd rather her take it out on you than someone else in the family. Considering what I know of your first wife I'd say she doesn't really understand this concept and stopped "loving" you the moment the feeling went away.

People in marriages look at their partner as a romantic interest instead of a family member and that's the worst possible way to go about it. Romance fades, the love you have for your family doesn't.
i don't disagree with any of this, but where does marriage itself actually come into play here

my parents have been together for 25 years, unmarried

Gaming / Re: Breath of the Wild - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Armour DLC
« on: November 07, 2017, 03:43:52 PM »
i just think that xenoblade game looks like hot garbage, is all

Gaming / Re: Breath of the Wild - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Armour DLC
« on: November 07, 2017, 03:26:57 PM »

at least it's free

The Flood / Re: Don't forget to vote today!
« on: November 07, 2017, 01:54:28 PM »
done and done

The Flood / Re: >tfw i actually went through a hopsin phase
« on: November 07, 2017, 01:19:57 PM »
i found an old comment on one of his songs i made like 4 years ago that was the most cringe shit ive ever seen
post it pussy
i deleted it in shame

but it was something like

"If all rap sounded like this I wouldn't need metal"

okay just typing that made me wanna vomit
thats not bad depending on what song it was

anything but nocturnal rainbows and i'll yak
the first single he dropped from his new album is actually pretty great

which is why it's so strange he proceeded to drop this turkey

The Flood / Re: Recommend me stuff to draw
« on: November 06, 2017, 08:28:44 PM »
if you draw me an avatar (whatever you want, go crazy), i will use it and i will keep it on for the rest of the year

The Flood / Re: Fuck spanish, and fuck sjws
« on: November 06, 2017, 08:20:10 PM »
i guess that's a given though

The Flood / Re: Fuck spanish, and fuck sjws
« on: November 06, 2017, 08:19:43 PM »
Language is just a bunch of meaningless symbols that we collectively attach arbitrary meaning to.
>loaf is smarter than challengerX

The Flood / Re: Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:50:43 PM »
tbf, science hasn't exactly ruled out the possibility of increasing our lifespans indefinitely

there's a species of jellyfish called turritopsis dohrnii that's basically immortal, because it can revert back between its baby stage and sexually mature stage, so unless it gets eaten or something, it'll never die a natural death

some japanese fucks are trying to figure out how that shit works, so maybe we can harness the ability
>you can just reborn yourself and have another shot at life

Fucking yes please!
for us it would be more like cell regeneration to reverse or stagnate the aging process

Gaming / Re: who's getting mario odyssey
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:55:03 PM »
RC Car Challenge: 24.64
Jump-Rope Challenge: 184

The Flood / NSFW >tfw i actually went through a hopsin phase
« on: November 06, 2017, 04:30:19 PM »

what the fuck happened to this guy

The Flood / Re: Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
« on: November 06, 2017, 03:59:08 PM »
tbf, science hasn't exactly ruled out the possibility of increasing our lifespans indefinitely

there's a species of jellyfish called turritopsis dohrnii that's basically immortal, because it can revert back between its baby stage and sexually mature stage, so unless it gets eaten or something, it'll never die a natural death

some japanese fucks are trying to figure out how that shit works, so maybe we can harness the ability

The Flood / Re: Recommend me stuff to draw
« on: November 06, 2017, 02:15:07 PM »
mario in a gerudo outfit

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:48:58 AM »
Band manager literally encouraged me to pirate his music since they make almost nothing from albums. Pirating his band's music spreads popularity more so than harming them. Current day musicians use their music for soundtracks or other applications, since they make a small cut every time someone clicks on said video or app.
So why doesn't he just give the album out for free, and then have a donate button or some shit? What a fucking idiot.

Serious / Re: Piracy is not really a crime
« on: November 06, 2017, 07:47:01 AM »
There's nothing wrong with emulating old games
Yes there is, especially if they were just rereleased (like Pokémon Gold/Silver).
Why should you buy the remaster (or whatever this is I don't care about Pokémon) instead of emulating it?
Because then you'd be a thief and a bad person. You're not supporting the company that produced the game, and you no longer have the excuse of "it's an old game that they're not profiting from anymore."
But they're just rehashing an old game. I don't really see how they deserve the money that badly.
They're not just rehashing an old game. They're putting it on a modern device with newer and more reliable technology that's less likely to fail on you. The games I'm talking about are so old, they were on these big cartridges that had little batteries inside of them that are only designed to last a few years before they burn out. Once it burns out, you can no longer save your game anymore and it's basically just worthless.

Replacing these batteries is expensive and dangerous, because it requires you to know how to use a soldering iron if you want to do the job right, and even if you still have a working battery, it's gonna die again eventually and there's no way to transfer your Pokémon to newer generations like you can with every subsequent game. Gold/Silver were the only generation of Pokémon games up until now that didn't let you do that, because there wasn't a way to connect a Game Boy to a Game Boy Advance.

Re-releasing the games on 3DS solves all of these problems.

They're also only $10 and if you can't spare that much for such an excellent game, you're really just a pathetic waste of skin.
So after paying for the game and being boned by substandard technology, you're gonna buy it again? Why not emulate it?
Not "substandard" technology, outdated technology.

Because it's a fucking amazing game that Game Freak deserves billions of dollars for making.

I'd buy both versions 30 more times.

I don't emulate games ever because I'm not a piece of shit.
Seems like a lot of fanboying tbb. It's substandard technology to have it run on batteries that aren't easily replaceable.
Not if they last nearly a decade. People weren't even 100% sure video games would still be around in that long.

I know you're slightly stupid, but come on.
So they planned for failure and the industry collapsing within a decade?
Welcome to reality.

And yes, they do deserve money. I'll buy 100 copies every day.
>hates capitalism
>openly shills for a broken copyright system designed to protect big corporations and the capitalist status quo.
I'm not "openly shilling" for it. I'm saying "this is the system that you all want, so this is the system that you should get."

If you don't like this system, feel free to reject it and become a socialist, That would be the most intelligent way to respond to the problem. But either way, wanting to change the law doesn't give you the right to break the current law.

Nobody hates the fact that I have to buy stuff more than I do, but that still doesn't give me the right to be a thief, and that doesn't mean that people shouldn't receive compensation for their work of some form in an economic climate where you NEED compensation just to fucking survive. It's stupid, but that's the way it is, and that's the way capitalists like you want it. So good job making it so fucking difficult for everybody else, and pulling the hypocrisy or shill card on any socialist who tries to peacefully coexist with you by acquiescing to your godawful system while openly protesting it.

The Flood / Re: Verb gives his shitty opinions on anime (redux) #FuckAnime
« on: November 05, 2017, 05:33:23 PM »
TIL that, for your vote to count on MAL, you need to have watched 20% of the show.

looks like i have some catching up to do

Gaming / Re: What are your problems with Breath of the Wild?
« on: November 04, 2017, 11:01:00 PM »
I agree that they're too short, but I don't think they're unmemorable. I distinctly remember the mechanics and some of the puzzles for each.

The Flood / Re: I think I just found the best YouTube channel in existence.
« on: November 04, 2017, 09:57:29 PM »
>hasn't been banned a dozen times only to make a new account and continue as if nothing happened immediately afterwards
>hasn't released literally thousands upon thousands of videos at a neckbreaking tempo despite averaging 0 viewers most of the time
>doesn't incoherently mumble about video games and random topics in largely unintelligible English with a thick Finnish accent
>clearly not the best youtube channel


This is like Dunkey but for connoisseurs
Dude's made 5000+ videos that are just him mumbling about video games and random shit while almost no one watched them. He's gotten banned a dozen times for copyright infringement and just makes a new channel the same day to continue like nothing's happened (started at Jaakko001 and got up to Jaakko011 before they tied your account to a gmail). He never comments on his videos or responds to anyone, so some people think he's legit autistic or just a very elaborate troll because of the outlandish shit he sometimes says or does (make 20 minute long videos looking at random pictures online and doing nothing but saying whether they're "anime" or "not anime", for example).

10/10 would have a beer with.
gives me nostalgia, i remember stumbling on his shit in the related videos for the actual AVGN's videos back in 2008
oh I thought you were gonna say because he's the same as that creepy old guy you try to be like
in what way do i try to be like him just because i agree with some of his ideas

The Flood / Re: I think I just found the best YouTube channel in existence.
« on: November 04, 2017, 08:17:08 PM »
>hasn't been banned a dozen times only to make a new account and continue as if nothing happened immediately afterwards
>hasn't released literally thousands upon thousands of videos at a neckbreaking tempo despite averaging 0 viewers most of the time
>doesn't incoherently mumble about video games and random topics in largely unintelligible English with a thick Finnish accent
>clearly not the best youtube channel


This is like Dunkey but for connoisseurs
Dude's made 5000+ videos that are just him mumbling about video games and random shit while almost no one watched them. He's gotten banned a dozen times for copyright infringement and just makes a new channel the same day to continue like nothing's happened (started at Jaakko001 and got up to Jaakko011 before they tied your account to a gmail). He never comments on his videos or responds to anyone, so some people think he's legit autistic or just a very elaborate troll because of the outlandish shit he sometimes says or does (make 20 minute long videos looking at random pictures online and doing nothing but saying whether they're "anime" or "not anime", for example).

10/10 would have a beer with.
gives me nostalgia, i remember stumbling on his shit in the related videos for the actual AVGN's videos back in 2008

Gaming / Re: CoD WW2
« on: November 04, 2017, 07:40:20 PM »
There is actually a challenge or whatever to watch someone else open loot boxes.
oh my fucking god

Gaming / Re: What are your problems with Breath of the Wild?
« on: November 04, 2017, 06:37:01 PM »
I'm okay with the number of dungeons, given that Majora's Mask (a top 3 Zelda game) also only has four.

Voice acting was probably a mistake, though.

Gaming / Re: What are your problems with Breath of the Wild?
« on: November 04, 2017, 01:30:13 PM »
Yeah, the music is perfect.

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