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Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:21:24 AM »
you didn’t watch the video did you. It’s not about not posting dude, I have no temptation to post here. As you can see I’ve basically been inactive here almost the entire year. I don’t want to be associated with this place anymore. I’m glad to see quite a few users have changed their ways, but I still don’t want to be associated with this place.
but you're having cheat permaban you though right

why is that necessary, is what i'm asking

why not just leave without a word
Because I don’t want to be a part of this website. I tried to leave without a word but cheat didn’t answer for me 2 days so I made a thread. Then I saw Ender’s post and it shocked me how much she changed, so I talked to her, then I talked to you. Why are you so worried about what I’m doing?
it's just so fucking weird and lame

if i were to leave, i would sign off and never sign in again, getting cheat to ban me isn't a necessary part of that process

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:08:47 AM »
you didn’t watch the video did you. It’s not about not posting dude, I have no temptation to post here. As you can see I’ve basically been inactive here almost the entire year. I don’t want to be associated with this place anymore. I’m glad to see quite a few users have changed their ways, but I still don’t want to be associated with this place.
but you're having cheat permaban you though right

why is that necessary, is what i'm asking

why not just leave without a word

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:37:38 AM »
destroys temptation, and eliminates accountability

but also not really, since you can still read blacklisted members' posts by checking their profile

besides those two reasons, there's nothing else

seriously why can't you just not post if you don't want to, why does it have to be a thing

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:03:29 AM »
destroys temptation, and eliminates accountability

but also not really, since you can still read blacklisted members' posts by checking their profile

besides those two reasons, there's nothing else

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 09:35:46 PM »
That’s the tone you take when you have conversations, you always want to be right.
I always want to be understood.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 08:23:24 PM »
Well that’s just something you’re into doing. If I don’t like something I may continue watching it to give it a chance or I’ll just drop it. I won’t spend a bunch of my time posting every thought I’ve ever had about it especially when it’s a rehash of the same negative opinion.
I just like discussion for discussion's sake. Positive or negative, it literally doesn't matter. If you were to watch all of Evangelion and you thought it sucked, I would encourage you to go for paragraphs upon paragraphs explaining to me why, because I'm there for the discourse. Not to prove you why you're wrong or whatever, but because I'm genuinely interested in your reaction (unless you're like Flee, and intentionally missing the point just to be annoying. That's no fun).

The people I consider my friends don't have to like all the same things I do. Just knowing that I have somebody to talk about stuff with is enough. My "going on for three days" was me trying to engage with you about something you were interested in. If I were you, I'd find that exciting, not discouraging or annoying.

Just a personality difference, I guess.
There’s nothing wrong with it when you want to actually be part of a conversation instead of trying to shut it down because you dislike it.
I don't recall ever trying to shut a conversation down.

Gaming / Re: Brother and I bought a Wii U
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:48:04 PM »
Come to think of it, the Wii U does have a pretty robust Virtual Console.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 07:20:53 PM »
I tried to be a friend to you so many times, and so many of those times you told me I was full of empty platitudes. Like my life experiences don’t count for anything and I don’t have anything of substance or anything original to say.
"I know you've probably heard this a billion times, but in my experience, it turned out to be pretty good advice." That's one way to deliver a platitude to somebody diplomatically and in a way that won't make it look like you're just regurgitating what everyone else says, which is what I immediately assume when you say stuff like "you just need confidence" or whatever, if you honestly just don't have any better advice to give.

It's not that your experiences don't count for anything, but the advice that you'd give to a relatively normal person is probably not the same advice you'd give to a weirdo like me. That's why I'd shoot it down. I was trying to get you to understand how my brain works so that you'd understand why your advice wouldn't necessarily work for me. I mean, you can't expect everything to work for me the same way it has for you. You understand that.

But it's absolutely true that I could've been less harsh when you were just trying to help out, especially when the advice wasn't completely unsolicited.
I guess, in your way, you feel like you did try. But it always felt like you wanted to able to argue about something else, or to prove a point. I remember I told you to watch something and you spent like the next 3 days shitting on it on and off in the server hahaha. I was like what the fuck. Just say it isn’t for you and move on. You’d always make things so negative.
Are you talking about Breaking Bad? You asked me to watch the show, so I eventually did, and I gave my honest thoughts about it. I wasn't into the first season, but it did get better, and I decided it was a pretty good show by the time I finished it.

To quit after a few episodes after deciding "it wasn't for me" is, to me, extremely fucking lame. Especially when you've been hyping it up like crazy, and obviously want to know what I think about it. I always give people my in-depth thoughts on stuff when they ask me to watch stuff. It's my way of giving back. If those thoughts happen to be negative, what's the big deal? I don't get it. I never shat on you for the recommendation, and if anything, it gives us the chance to have a discussion on what you personally liked about it so we can come to an understanding.

There's no way you actually see anything wrong with that, so I don't understand what this weird disconnect is.

I get that you’re full of anger about everything, even more than that I empathize with you. I don’t know man. You’re so hardline about everything. I remember when we all invited you to play that Half Life multiplayer mod and you were like “I don’t play mods”. Hahaha it’s like come on dude, lighten up a little. There were also a lot of times where you’d rarely post, but you’d inject yourself into a conversation just to let everybody know how much you disagree with what’s being discussed. This isn’t just me, a lot of people get this vibe from you and it’s off putting.
Well, I've softened my stance on mods and piracy and other game-related stuff recently, so there's that. If you asked me to play some Half-Life mod with you, I'd probably say "sure" (although the issue right now is that I don't even have a machine that could run it).

As far as "injecting myself into conversations," I don't really understand what the big deal is there either. I can't always be there at the very beginning of every discussion, man. And if I have something to say about a topic, I'm gonna say it. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that.
I’m not trying to insult you or judge you, I’m just saying you should take a look at how you’ve been acting all your life, look at the results, and think about if you want to keep getting those same results.
I agree with some of your suggestions, and disagree with some others. I still don't think I was ever that bad in the first place.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 06:23:58 PM »
You and I have never played a game together, or ever really had a normal discussion. It was usually you venting about your life or life in general, and any advice or opinion of mine you would shoot down and just react in a very bitter way.
Venting about life isn't normal to you? Seriously? We've had several meaningful heart-to-hearts about life. I still think about those conversations sometimes. So what if I shoot your advice down? To me, that just leads to a deeper and more invigorating conversation.

It's not like I wouldn't have played games with you. We just don't really play a lot of the same games, otherwise I probably would have. It's not like I haven't tried compensating. I've recommended you stuff to read/watch so that we could have something to discuss and relate to. It didn't pan out, but let's not pretend I didn't try.

Yeah we have, but the difference is I know he doesn’t actively dislike me. The way you’d act towards me was always extra. You’d always go the extra mile to try and belittle me or make it personal.
Although very little of that is my intention, I guess I don't blame you for feeling that way.

Well, it’s like I said. You have to actually create a bond with somebody that becomes strong enough to where you can have that kind of relationship. Can you honestly say you’ve even tried to do that with me, or anyone in my server?
I mean, kinda. Yeah. It obviously wasn't enough.

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 06:08:00 PM »
That's fair. Are you still an undergrad?
yeah, thanks to the two years i wasted doing compsci

oh well

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:50:45 PM »
I agree, it's much more financially convenient for someone attending University. Why do you need to begin planning a move soon?
well, i'm grad-bound, so i won't have the university excuse for too much longer

The Flood / Re: Do you live alone?
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:47:33 PM »
in spite of everything, i have to appreciate the serendipity of living in a time where i don't have to feel too ashamed about living with my parents at my age, although i do need to start thinking about my next move relatively soon

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:08:45 PM »
No I can understand perfectly why you behaved that way towards midget and I don’t hold it against you. What bothered me is that I asked you so many times to stop and you didn’t.
And given that I was right in the end, it's very hard for me to regret that. Now, if I were to come back, knowing how seriously you feel about my past behavior, I'd probably respect that and cut it out for the most part, although I don't see anything wrong with @ing you an article that debunks something you said that I thought was dumb years ago. It's genuinely funny to me, and I also consider it productive, because you're learning something. And yes, when I'm proven right about something, I have an insufferable habit of rubbing it in, and if you honestly hate that so much, I'd be happy to stop it.

But the problem with me not being sorry about the Midget thing is that I would do it again, and you wouldn't like it. And you don't to like it, I suppose. If you wanna just create the chillest and most conflict-free little gamerbro club possible, where nobody ever has to worry about being called stupid for posting something dumb, that's your prerogative.

But the fact that I don't fit into this mold is not a me problem.
Why are you calling me and people who are my friends idiots when we’re not, though? Because we disagree with you on a certain issue? The crazy thing to me is I don’t even really disagree with you on anything, it’s just the way you go about everything that’s a turn off for people.
Right now, I'm only criticizing you for foolish decisions that I think you've made, not calling you an idiot, because I guess I just felt a desire to wrap things up with you now that you're apparently checking yourself out of this website forever.

But if you're talking about back then, it's because I don't consider lightly insulting people to be a big deal. I just don't. It's not like it ever got personal, and if it did, who cares? People fucking fight sometimes. That's life. Even you and Fedorekd have fought heatedly about some serious political shit in there. I've seen it happen.
You didn’t. Look, what’s the point of being in a server/group text with people if you don’t consider them your friends? You act like you’re like this with everybody, but you’re not. I’ve never seen you call people on here idiots, who I know are your friends. That’s because friends don’t jump down each other’s throats over disagreements.
I would in the past. I try not to anymore because I've learned that friends, especially ones over the Internet, don't typically respond well to negative reinforcement, even though that's the only kind of reinforcement that I know how to do. The problem is that I've never known anyone who doesn't take my abuse to heart, even though I've always wanted to have that kind of friendship where we can just insult each other without having to worry about anyone's feeling getting hurt or anybody taking it too seriously, because we have a mutual understanding that we care for each other and just want to see each other improve. That's my ideal friendship, but I guess it's not something you can force into existence.

I don't have much else to say at this point man. I've aired out my frustrations and it seems like we're not going to change each other's minds on the things we still disagree about, but that's okay. I'm glad I was able to hash it out with you one more time regardless.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:28:30 PM »
This thread is about riots, maybe you should move your discussion to a separate thread or use PMs.

there, happy

Gaming / Re: Brother and I bought a Wii U
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:23:09 PM »
The unfortunate thing about the Wii U is basically all of its worthwhile exclusives have been siphoned away and ported over to the Switch at this point. I don't even know what to recommend.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:10:37 PM »
No, the final straw was that I said you had to stop acting like you were and I gave you 3 final warnings after countless times talking shit to everybody in there. It’s obvious you haven’t changed.
There's a million things I'll change about myself before I change how I behave online towards people like Midget, and that's why I'm not welcome back.

I’m a forgiving person.
Yeah, and that's your problem, if you'd forgive a racist troll faster than you'd forgive me, just because I call people idiots a lot.

You don’t find any of this hilarious. It’s painful to you. For you to care this much after all this time, it’s obvious. I’m sorry you feel this way, but this is a result of your own actions.
But don't go and think that this is some kind of special instance. There's no amount of time that could pass by where I could forgive or forget any situation where I felt like I was wronged, going back to when I was a little kid. In the first grade, I had a substitute teacher who backed me into a corner during class and scolded me because I got up as soon as the bell rang instead of waiting for her to excuse us. I've held a grudge on this person ever since, even though she's been fucking dead for ten years. It's fucked up, but it's the way I am. This is just one more thing in the pile.

I wouldn’t kick anybody for teasing me about anything. I don’t want you to be sorry about anything, all I asked was if you want to come back you’re welcome to, just don’t insult people. Like I said a bunch of times before it’s like a group text in there, so when somebody starts insulting people and belittling people wouldn’t you exclude them from the group when nobody else engages in that behavior?
No. Not if they had a good reason, and I did.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:38:02 PM »
I can admit that I did enjoy being on your server, and after Midget was finally booted, I did appreciate when you invited me back, because it showed that you still saw me as somebody who could be cool enough to hang around with in spite of everything. It's not often that I get accepted in places, so I tend to take it harder than usual when I'm thrown out of a place where I used to be accepted. It's obvious and worthless to point out, but I probably take a lot of Internet stuff too seriously in that regard.

The reason I didn't come back is not because I'm uninterested in returning, or because I dislike you guys. It's because I knew it would be pointless. You would probably just throw me out for teasing you about your shitty beliefs about veganism again, even though from my perspective, it's all in good fun. It's because you seem to want me to be sorry for what I did, and I'm just not. Fuck Midget. Fuck the idea that you'd let him in for any reason. There's many things I'm prepared to apologize for, and have apologized to you for, but that's not one of them.

It's not that I don't want back in. You don't want me back in, because I haven't changed in the specific way you want me to.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:26:44 PM »
One point I will make, is that you just being some guy on the internet isn’t true. You always have influence, especially on those that consider you a friend. Them knowing you’re against racism vs you actually calling them out makes a huge difference. Especially when it was against me who you had a well known dislike for. If you (and a lot of other people) would’ve called this behavior out, this website would’ve been very different.
also, just saying, the last time i refused to accept the presence of a racist, i was kicked out of a discord channel
You’re really gonna bring this up again. You just didn’t like him because of the shit he kept saying to you. He wasn’t being racist when I kicked you. When he started posting racist shit and I asked him to stop. He didn’t, so I kicked him. I thought he had changed, but he hadn’t. You can see how quickly he went back to calling me a nigger on here because I didn’t allow him to demean black people in my server. I tried giving him a second chance, it didn’t work out.

I kicked you mainly because all you would do is argue with everyone there, and I asked you several times to stop behaving that way. I get disagreeing with people and having strong opinions. But you’d constantly belittle and insult everybody. I said if you’re not like that anymore you’re welcome back, but you didn’t respond. That leads me to believe you’re not interested in being in the server, so I’m not sure why you still care.
because, as you've shown, you still don't get it

you can talk all you want about how it wasn't the only reason, and that i was always acting out, so it was building up over time, and this was just the final straw

but the fact of the matter is, the final straw for you was the fact that i wasn't going to accept the presence of a complete scumfuck shithead like midget in that server, who has always been the way he is, and you've never had any reason to believe he's changed—and then of course, after you kicked the wrong person, he went on to prove me exactly right. my hatred of that fuck has never just been about his treatment of me, or his trolling—he's just a trash human being, and i've always known it

and yet, he deserves to be in the server more than i do, because i don't jerk you off enough

i don't know why i still care either—i just think that's the most hilarious fucking thing ever, and i guess was just wondering if you've caught on to the humor yet. guess not

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:04:09 PM »
ive gotten 16 episodes into naruto

honestly i dont think it's for me. even during the 2 big fights so far, i struggle to enjoy it

i might just finish up this arc and call it quits
watch devilman crybaby instead, that one has "alphy" written all over it
really? i dont usually pay attention to anime netflix "makes"/licenses/owns

i dont really see it talked about so maybe ill give it a try
yeah! post thoughts :D

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 02:44:24 PM »
One point I will make, is that you just being some guy on the internet isn’t true. You always have influence, especially on those that consider you a friend. Them knowing you’re against racism vs you actually calling them out makes a huge difference. Especially when it was against me who you had a well known dislike for. If you (and a lot of other people) would’ve called this behavior out, this website would’ve been very different.
also, just saying, the last time i refused to accept the presence of a racist, i was kicked out of a discord channel

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 01:52:40 PM »
No, I agree that I’ve said fucked up things to trans people on here, but only after they called me shit first. Nuka being a great example of this. I remember I told him to stop whining about something related to the site, and as a result him and Nick McIntyre relentlessly called me a sandnigger for various months and never faced any bans over it.

Cindy was another one who almost everybody here disliked, for the pretentious behavior he displayed and even worse attitude than you. I remember clearly that I made a post telling him he’ll never become a woman as a joke response to something he was saying, I hadn’t even posted in the thread previously. Is that fucked up to say? To me, at that time, after Cindy (and Luciana who was a mod at the time) liked several posts written by Das where he said it’s in my DNA to be “ignorant” about these topics because of my ethnicity, no. I felt like I was simply reciprocating the hate that was being spewed at me which NOBODY on this site ever tried to stop. Be they a mod or just another member of the community who could’ve at least said “hey dude I don’t agree with him either but that’s not cool”. Especially when at the beginning I was being very respectful when it came to discussions on trans issues.

That said, I still believe transitioning does a significant amount of harm to people and many are not happy with the results and STILL commit suicide. My point was always that there must be a better way for trans people to exist. That was ALWAYS my main point, and it quickly turned into every trans user on here thinking I hated them.

And apart from that I have apologized for (some) of the things I said. I won’t apologize for talking about the suicide rates among post transition trans people because those are facts, whether people like them or not.
You have a "facts are facts" attitude, I have a "jokes are jokes" attitude. Maybe these are two sides of the same coin?

This is all I really wanted to hear, though, so thank you—although I'm in no position to thank you on behalf of those you've hurt, I very much appreciate your honesty and your willingness to reflect on these things.

You also make a good point about silence, and you're absolutely right that I (and many others) could've done a lot more to actively fight against that kind of posting. I only have three things to say in defense of that, and they're all pretty weak, so you can take them or leave them:

1. I didn't like you. That's definitely not a good reason, but it's the most straightforward one. I was younger, pettier, and less mature. I've never approved of anyone using your race against you on any level, but I understand that my silence has also contributed damage when I could've spoken up for you in the interest of doing the right thing. I'm sorry.

2. A lot of racism here is expressed in dogwhistles, and I'm pretty slow on the uptake. Someone could post something extremely fucking racist here five years ago and I probably wouldn't have even known it was supposed to be some kind of callsign for white supremacy. Even if I do see someone post a slur, my brain has sort of been conditioned at this point to take it as a joke—call it an overactive defense mechanism.

Let me reclarify my position on jokes, I guess: I do on some level agree that this type of a thing, posted as a joke, could cause some serious harm in the long run. My defense of jokes has always come from the standpoint of "don't hate the joker—hate the idiots who take the jokes seriously," but your perspective on the matter does make sense to me. If nobody realizes you're joking, and all your joke does is create a rally cry for actual racists, then that's not a joke worth telling. There kind of has to be a well-established or widespread understanding that what you're posting is a joke for it to really function as one.

3.  My condemnation of racism has sort of always been an implicit thing by choice, because while I would do anything in my power to eliminate it, I'm ultimately just a guy on the Internet with no authority. This is part of why—believe it or not—I wanted to become a mod here, because it would actually give me the power to get rid of these people. Without that power, if I see someone dropping racial slurs here, there's virtually nothing I can do besides virtue signal—condemn it, despite the fact that everybody already knows that I condemn racism, and if anything, revealing that it upsets me on any level would just encourage even more of it—or so I've been conditioned to believe. It was a meek and defensive and selfish strategy, and while I won't say that I've been entirely nugatory on the matter (I did try to become a mod so I could help enforce the stricter rules that I helped to implement), I have to concede that I could've done more.

So yeah, you're absolutely right about that, and I am sorry for not doing my part to make the forum a bit more enjoyable for you. I could've done a lot more, but between our personal history, my ignorance about racist rhetoric, and my social hang-ups when it comes to openly condemning the universally condemned on the Internet sort of made it difficult for me.

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 14, 2020, 12:51:15 PM »
ive gotten 16 episodes into naruto

honestly i dont think it's for me. even during the 2 big fights so far, i struggle to enjoy it

i might just finish up this arc and call it quits
watch devilman crybaby instead, that one has "alphy" written all over it

The Flood / Re: Discord Chat
« on: July 14, 2020, 05:09:01 AM »
Is this thing dead or not-dead
afaik, challenger runs the only sep7agon-related discord worth posting in, so try asking him or fedorekd to invite you

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 04:35:52 AM »
I’ve said plenty of ugly things here that I’m ashamed of and have even apologized for.
Well, it's not just whatever racist comments you've made in the past—and if they were jokes, then there's not much reason to care about them, as far as I'm concerned—but you've also spewed a lot of horrible un-joking shit about transpeople, too, which you've never openly expressed any remorse over.

Even if you still find yourself stuck in your ways about that topic, the garbage opinions and misinformation you've spread about trans issues would go on to fuel the flames stoked by other more toxic and less charitable users than yourself, vindicating their bigotry, and making the forum significantly less comfortable for the high volume of trans users that were present in those times, many of whom were still deeply closeted and figuring themselves out. In your laundry list of users who you've labeled as hateful people, how many of them would like all your posts that expressed conservative gender politics? Probably a lot. Probably all the time.

I'm not trying to pin all this stuff on you, or claim that you're responsible for anyone else's actions. I'm not even asking you to apologize about anything you've said about transpeople, because I know you wouldn't anyway. I'm just asking you to acknowledge that hatred has played a bigger part of your legacy here than you've chosen to own up to.

If you don't, then to me, it proves that you're not exactly the most reformed and morally changed individual that you're trying to paint yourself as here—so enlightened and above it all—when you still perhaps have some work to do in certain areas.

Asking questions and having debates is perfectly okay, but the discussions you've taken part about trans rights have contributed nothing positive to the website whatsoever. By the time you discovered more reasonable ways of engaging with these subjects, it was far too late, and sadly, it had a net negative impact on the community in the long run. Should this matter to you? I don't know, but I think it would be big of you to acknowledge it.
I spent years getting called a sandnigger and a spic by a lot of users on here. Have you? To top it off they’d rarely get banned for it. One of those users (das boot) is actually a good friend of yours, who you have defended vehemently over the years. I can easily find and post screenshots of you defending him on my server claiming it’s all just jokes and his constant pedophile jokes aren’t a cause for concern at all lmao. Who the fuck are you to try and call me out on anything?
Jokes will always be jokes to me, and I don't think it really matters what the current social climate is. It's one of those things I'll probably never budge on.

That said, a big part of my defending of Das does come from a vague sense of loyalty I have towards those who I consider friends/friendly (which you can say is one of my weaknesses), and also from the idea that I don't want to believe he's really like that offline. I don't believe I've ever said his sense of humor wasn't "cause for concern." If I have, then that was foolish of me to say, and I take it back. What I would say instead is that, as someone who's actually spoken with him, I'm in a better position than you to say that he's not actually a complete degenerate, and over the past year or so he's made some noticeable strides to be a lot less edgy about shit. You haven't been around, so you wouldn't know.

He's a pervert, but the reason I like him in spite of that is because he's honest about it, and he's never really made much of an effort to defend himself. His humor, while gross, is often very self-depreciative and unpretentious in a way that makes it very clear to me that he's not asking you to like him, which I find inherently respectable. He also doesn't dislike me, and has never once given me shit about fucking anything, which I cannot say the same for legitimately anyone else here, at all. As a result, I like the guy. Sue me.

That said, I've never encouraged his humor. I don't even like it, and wish he never developed it, because he was a lot more "normal" on Bnet. I just don't think he's ever really crossed the line, or given me any reason to believe that he's a genuinely bad guy. It's okay if you disagree, though. I understand why you feel the way you do, and it's perfectly rational. I just see the guy differently.

What I'm calling you out over is the horrible stuff you've posted that wasn't in jest. I consider that very different.

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 14, 2020, 02:42:08 AM »
I came here recently to tell Cheat to delete my account/permaban me, because of the ugly history this website has which was propagated by you and users like you.
do you honestly think she contributed more to the website's ugly history than you have

is your last post on here going to be a lie

The Flood / Re: Don’t ignore me cheat
« on: July 13, 2020, 02:22:59 PM »
are you asking to be perma'd too lmao

The Flood / Re: Watch this video of me it’s hilarious
« on: July 13, 2020, 01:10:06 AM »
What were the videos

something along these lines, except shirtless, looking 10x more strung-out, and playing charlie brown music in the background

second video was just some dirty foot fetish shit that someone paid for, i guess

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: July 12, 2020, 02:54:14 PM »
do you play all the games you collect? or just have them for the sake of having them
yeah, the end goal of this is actually to play/beat every single one so i can make a big-ass youtube video where i rank them all

i've always held that the N64 is the worst nintendo machine as far as games go, so this would be a fun way to test that theory, and it would give me an excuse to praise majora's mask to the high heavens

Gaming / Re: Game collecting
« on: July 11, 2020, 07:33:32 PM »
They also had AeroGauge, Mickey's Speedway USA, Mike Piazza's Strike Zone, MRC: Multi-Racing Championship, Off Road Challenge, Ridge Racer 64, Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt, and Wheel of Fortune, but I had to pass these up for now, since I was going over-budget and didn't wanna starve today. Had I caved in, though, I'd officially have over 50% of the N64 library.
Forgot to update earlier, but I did end up picking up all these the other day, meaning that I'm now officially in possession of over half the N64 library. Pretty cool. Conker's Bad Fur Day is the most valuable cartridge in my collection, going for about $90 loose. I'm still looking out for Banjo-Tooie, Castlevania (not Legacy of Darkness, which is ironically the rarer game), and the first Turok. Mischief Makers, Harvest Moon 64, Pro Skater 3, and the Snowboard Kids games would be nice to pick up as well, but besides that, I don't think I have very much else to collect as far as "must-haves" go.

Jono tells me No Mercy is the best wrestling game for the system, which is funny, because it's probably the only one I haven't found yet. What a bitch.

Currently, of the games I still need to find, only thirty of them go for $30+ loose. Those games are listed below:
ClayFighter: Sculptor's Cut                 $535.53
Super Bowling                               $350.44
Stunt Racer                                 $247.32
Worms Armageddon                            $190.52
Bomberman 64: Second Attack                 $186.05

Goemon's Great Adventure                    $ 86.25
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine      $ 72.51
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon              $ 67.50
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber    $ 67.33
Snowboard Kids 2                            $ 56.64
Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals        $ 53.93
Daikatana                                   $ 51.98
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3                    $ 51.47
Duck Dodgers                                $ 50.00
NFL Blitz Special Edition                   $ 49.94
Harvest Moon 64                             $ 49.39
Carmageddon                                 $ 47.88
PGA European Tour                           $ 46.02
Snowboard Kids                              $ 42.85
Earthworm Jim 3D                            $ 42.44
Starshot: Space Circus Fever                $ 39.97
Hydro Thunder                               $ 39.00
Banjo-Tooie                                 $ 38.91
Road Rash                                   $ 34.03
Chameleon Twist 2                           $ 34.00
Mortal Kombat Trilogy                       $ 32.64
Cruis'n Exotica                             $ 32.24
Resident Evil 2                             $ 31.72
Mischief Makers                             $ 31.24
WWF No Mercy                                $ 30.75

I think I'll survive if I never own anything in the top 5 here.

If you have any of these in your collection, go get yourself a pretty penny with it (or give them to me lmao).

The Flood / Re: tfw no gf
« on: July 11, 2020, 06:54:08 PM »
Verb, would you date someone like yourself?
part of the point of dating is to find someone with whom you share a lot of things in common, right?

so in that sense, absolutely

but if she was almost exactly like me, while i feel like that kind of relationship would be nice and peaceful, it wouldn't necessarily go anywhere—i feel like basically every conversation we'd have would be a boring circlejerk

but we'd be there for each other, and maybe that's what counts. idk

i think it can be advantageous to have the kind of relationship where you fill each other's gaps—the fact that i can't drive means that i would appreciate having someone who can, and in exchange, maybe i'll learn how to cook for her or some shit

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