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You don't do drugs, good for you. Now if you would quit being an asshole maybe people would tell you that without you having to demand it.
except they won't because that's just not what people do

i don't actually care if anyone congratulates me for not doing drugs, i just think it's RETARDED to congratulate drug addicts for solving a problem that they create for themselves out of weakness and stupidity

if anything, they should be mocked and belittled for it for the rest of their lives regardless of if they're clean or not

The fact you care so little for others and how willing you are to raise yourself above, calls into question if you have a modicum of empathy.
i have more empathy in my left thumb than this entire forum has combined

i just know what to use it for

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
TIL verbatim, who complains constantly about hardships and suffering, has never faced hardship or suffered
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
oh wait, I didn't learn that today, I already knew that
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

thank you for confirming that i have struggled and drug addicts have not

>restraint or constriction

you can't restrain yourself, you have full control, no one can force you to do drugs

and if they somehow manage to, then that would be a struggle, but that doesn't happen to anybody

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
TIL verbatim, who complains constantly about hardships and suffering, has never faced hardship or suffered
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
oh wait, I didn't learn that today, I already knew that
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

and also i have faced hardship and have suffered, probably more than the average drug addict

it only counts when it's not completely your fault

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
TIL verbatim, who complains constantly about hardships and suffering, has never faced hardship or suffered
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

The reason is because once you start doing that shit, its hard to give up. Its not that hard NOT to do it. Just say no.
So if you had enough will power to stop and get normal again, that's an accomplishment.
no it isn't, you stupid shithead

why is it an "accomplishment" to get yourself out of a situation that you put yourself in

how the fuck does that even work

"Validate me!!!!! Wahhhhhh!!!"
"validate those who deserve to be validated"

haha yeah i'm going to mock that perfectly logical and morally just statement because it was stated in a cynical way that doesn't jive with my narrow view of how people should think and feel and behave

here's the 20 likes you're fishing for
People do pat me on the back though. Not all the time, but when the subject comes up and I say my position generally they take a position of "Wow that's great!"

And yes, your post comes off as crying for attention. Doesn't matter how you slice it, demanding to be congratulated for something that should be expected isn't exactly a great look.
>comes off

no, it IS

and drug addicts are expected to quit, so either congratulate me for being fucking awesome, or never say anything positive to anyone who has ever done drugs

double standard

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

"Validate me!!!!! Wahhhhhh!!!"
"validate those who deserve to be validated"

haha yeah i'm going to mock that perfectly logical and morally just statement because it was stated in a cynical way that doesn't jive with my narrow view of how people should think and feel and behave

here's the 20 likes you're fishing for

I clapped for you
i clapped when i saw darth vader

i think this is somewhere between secondclass and loaf, i'm not sure

"getting over an addiction is hard, you don't know what that's like"

even though i'm
- more depressed than you
- more socially anxious than you
- poorer than you
- have less friends than you
- have less skills than you
- have less of an overall reason to live and be sober than you
- have sustained this sorry state of existence for a MUCH greater period of time than you

and yet i still have the strength of will not to indulge in anything, because i just kick that much ass i guess

where is my ovation

yet nobody congratulates people who have been clean for their entire lives

where's my pat on the back

The Flood / Re: If I wanted to break your balls
« on: November 23, 2017, 05:13:08 AM »
what's a shinebox?
a box that you'd put your feet on as you would have them shined

The Flood / Re: Becoming an art student was a mistake
« on: November 22, 2017, 11:53:27 PM »
>twenty seventeen
>people still can't into post-modernism
>Literal having no talent and pasting shit on a wall and getting paid for it because of who you know
"LOLOLO SO Creative™ and meaningful®"

This shit should be punishable by death
>missing the point this hard

it's not meant to be creative or meaningful
That's not art, that's being a lazy asshat.
where do you draw the line between art and non-art

as far as i'm concerned, there is no line, and attempting to draw one is extremely harmful to the medium

The Flood / Re: Becoming an art student was a mistake
« on: November 22, 2017, 11:46:52 PM »
>twenty seventeen
>people still can't into post-modernism
>Literal having no talent and pasting shit on a wall and getting paid for it because of who you know
"LOLOLO SO Creative™ and meaningful®"

This shit should be punishable by death
>missing the point this hard

it's not meant to be creative or meaningful

The Flood / Re: Becoming an art student was a mistake
« on: November 22, 2017, 11:36:03 PM »
>twenty seventeen
>people still can't into post-modernism

The Flood / Re: Why haven't you killed yourself?
« on: November 22, 2017, 09:54:18 PM »
Because I'm not edgy.
lmao in what world is suicide considered edgy

Serious / Re: Net Neutrality Dead?
« on: November 22, 2017, 08:15:52 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why did you start doing drugs?
« on: November 22, 2017, 02:07:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why did you start doing drugs?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:22:35 PM »
0/13 satisfactory answers what a surprise
Lmao kys
obviously only those who have done drugs count

The Flood / Re: Why did you start doing drugs?
« on: November 22, 2017, 12:38:49 PM »
0/13 satisfactory answers what a surprise

Gaming / Re: Lootboxes = Gambling
« on: November 22, 2017, 06:36:17 AM »

a history of cancer

funny how people shat on the concept of "horse armor" back in the day
Did you just link a boogie video
what of it

The Flood / Re: writing
« on: November 22, 2017, 03:15:36 AM »
I'm sure you can tell it's sometimes difficult for me to express myself through writing.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:28:40 AM »
You seem to think that competitive gaming doesn't cause distress.
Because it doesn't if you know how to handle yourself. It's pretty fucking easy.
They aren't easy replacements and that is in no way debunking the benefits. You argued from a subjective position and only you think you won that argument.
They're the easiest replacements ever.
Can't find any statistics on the matter but one in three hundred billion seems a bit on the low end.
Because it doesn't happen.

Bjork is actually pretty great.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:16:27 AM »
Now you're just being silly.
Eustress and distress are fairly basic concepts that most people learn about in high school.
You didn't debunk them, you offered alternatives because we should fight our animalistic urges, something you just admitted you don't always do.
Pretty much the same as debunking, because I obliterated every reason there is to masturbate. If your reasons for masturbating can be easily replaced by better activities, then there's no reason to masturbate at all. Destroyed.
I believe a member of this community got carpal tunnel, could be mistaken.
So 1 in 300 billion people get carpal tunnel for playing video games too hard. Big whoop.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:10:10 AM »
Your physical health is important verb, shouldn't you want to do everything in your power to preserve it?
I could not give the slightest fuck about my health. It is more useful to be stressed every once in awhile.
Flee outlined several benefits to masturbation that you wrote off, it's not difficult verb.
And I debunked every single one of them effortlessly.

Flee has spent most of his life studying law, and that's the lane that he should stay in.
Also, carpal tunnel exists.
Nobody fucking gets carpal tunnel playing video games. Get real.

Gaming / Re: Lootboxes = Gambling
« on: November 22, 2017, 01:01:20 AM »

a history of cancer

funny how people shat on the concept of "horse armor" back in the day

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 22, 2017, 12:59:43 AM »
Minimizing stress is beneficial to everyone, not just for people who deal with chronic stress.
But it's not necessary for everyone. Doing things just because they're "beneficial" is retarded. What is it worth? Sometimes it's GOOD to be stressed the fuck out. I want to be stressed. It motivates me.

How is jerking off any different?
Because the ONLY THING that it gives you is pleasure, making it a colossal waste of time.

I'd rather suffer a broken arm than a heart attack or aneurism.
You might be retarded.

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