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Illuminati wants to reduce the world population to half billion.
i love the illuminati now

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 01:58:50 AM »
You can jerk it while waiting for the match to load. Super efficient.
it takes me 30-60 minutes to get off which is why i don't do it anymore
Get the slow jerk going, ain't gotta pump and dump my dude
yes you do

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 01:48:45 AM »
You can jerk it while waiting for the match to load. Super efficient.
it takes me 30-60 minutes to get off which is why i don't do it anymore

you don't like my methods, but you're not supposed to like my methods
At the end of the day, whether your methods are liked or not isn't the issue. It's effectiveness. Yes, it's hard to not see things work out
it's more than "hard"

it crushes my soul into a million irreparable pieces, and sometimes--all the time--i just don't have the patience to put them all back together, so i take the easy and more smugly satisfying way, and on some level, i don't think you could blame me

the bottom line is that i'm not cut out for the task, and i fully admit that

don't have the energy, don't have the patience, don't have the temperament

so, the third option is to do nothing, like everybody else does, and just watch the people i care about slowly (or swiftly) kill themselves, because i just don't know how to handle it "properly," and in a certain sense, am too afraid of not doing a "good enough job" to help them out

i wouldn't feel blame or anything, it's ultimately always going to be their own dumbass fault

but it still sucks the life out of me

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 01:21:05 AM »
So you chastise people for doing something you do.
Nope, not even close to what I'm doing.

And even if I were doing that, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Either way, stress from competitive gaming can be alleviated by jerking that meat.
That's extremely inefficient.

but for how difficult it is for most people to be sober, maintaining sobriety for perhaps someone as long as i have starts looking more and more like a genuine praiseworthy... attribute (if not achievement or accomplishment), if you ask me
At that point, you're just embodying the idea of total legal normalcy. Not to say that it's being "average" since that would have involved trying a drug at least once or twice, but the kind of person who's in the middle.

I say the middle instead of the other side because the opposite of "addict getting clean" would be "the person who helps addicts get clean". The most positive and productive way to be validated for sobriety is to help others make the same choice. It's a weird thing to say, but being sober is something most useful when it's spread rather than upheld by a few.

I'm not saying you need to become a registered therapist and go run AA meetings, but simply helping the people you know make the right choice works. It's the people to either side that get noticed, not the ones in the middle; if you want recognition, you can be recognized for helping people get clean.
the problem here is that you're suggesting that i do something i already believe i am doing

i DO view myself as a person trying to help people get better

you don't like my methods, but you're not supposed to like my methods

my options are to either

1. swallow my hatred and adopt more positive reinforcement, maybe help a few people, and then proceed to get stepped on as they all relapse or fall back into some other bullshit, because that's what people do

2. continue my current methods, which gives me personal satisfaction no matter the result--which may have a 0% success rate, but at least i get to be right at the end of the day

you could say that's my vice, the desire to prove others wrong

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 01:04:03 AM »

Nothing is impossible if you're verb, least of all abstaining from your competitive urges.

You jerk off?

Abstaining from "competitive urges" would be a bigger negative than it would be a positive. Abstaining from masturbation has only been a good thing.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:58:49 AM »

Sounds like an excuse, you're better than that verb.

The thing about impossible things is that they are not possible.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:54:36 AM »
You listed it as a positive that you got from playing Street fighter, it isn't.
No, I didn't. The positive was "a place where I can dump this objectively bad thing that otherwise cannot be destroyed."
Not in your original post, and you're weak if you can't rise above your animal instincts.
Yes in my original post.

You ARE weak, but sometimes that's literally unavoidable.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:51:07 AM »
You listed it as a positive that you got from playing Street fighter, it isn't.
No, I didn't. The positive was "a place where I can dump this objectively bad thing that otherwise cannot be destroyed."

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:45:44 AM »
Point is stress is bad for you, competition isn't healthy.
Neither are points that I have argued against; you have no point.
I'd post the definition but "dictionaries lie, lol"
Good boy.
Nah, just too lazy to look them up.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Zelda games?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:39:04 AM »
Again, handling stress is different from not experiencing it. Your body doesn't handle stress well even if your mind does.
You still have no point.
Regardless of how you think doing five different things to get the same benefit of masturbation, that's not debunking it and there's literally no reason beyond we should be fighting our animalistic urges.
It's debunking it.
There are plenty of articles on it, just none that I can find with statistics.
So you lose?

The Flood / Re: Where are you going to go when sep7 finally dies?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:13:35 AM »
Why does everyone think this site is going to pop out of existence? It'll still be around when I'm the only one left.

So that's how it ends huh? Just you and me posting until I stop posting and you're the only one left talking to yourself.
I thought we were all Cheat's alts. Isn't he doing that already?
Plot twist.

I'm Cheat the entire time. Bought Sep7agon ages ago including Cheat's account.
"Possessed Deci's inactive account" would've been more believable, given that he's already done that with kinder
It was a joke dumbass.
yeah and i gave you a better joke

The Flood / Re: Where are you going to go when sep7 finally dies?
« on: November 24, 2017, 12:04:13 AM »
Why does everyone think this site is going to pop out of existence? It'll still be around when I'm the only one left.

So that's how it ends huh? Just you and me posting until I stop posting and you're the only one left talking to yourself.
I thought we were all Cheat's alts. Isn't he doing that already?
Plot twist.

I'm Cheat the entire time. Bought Sep7agon ages ago including Cheat's account.
"Possessed Deci's inactive account" would've been more believable, given that he's already done that with kinder

so of what purpose is forgiveness, especially when nobody actually seems to care anyway
Forgiveness is earned. There's a reason why being sober for a year is something that gets congratulated, whereas being sober for two days is ignored at best and still scorned at worst. It's because committing to the path of correcting one's mistakes is more certain the longer it's maintained. Everything boils down to habits; if you're in the habit of doing heroin, then a few days not doing it just means that-- even if you're trying-- you could still quite easily relapse without any noticeable difference to the schedule of disappointments. If you go five years without doing heroin, it means the person put in enough effort to stop being a disappointment, and that should be congratulated.

Really, the applause isn't for being drug-free, it's for not being a burden anymore (whether it be emotional, financial, physical, etc). And continuing to punish people for things they have either pushed through, or are pushing through, seems pretty counter-productive.

I'm not saying give uncle Das $500 for not touching kids for a week, but maybe give him a shoulder pat when he admits that the supermarket giving him back incorrect change wasn't a Zionist conspiracy.
i just think it's a double standard, and that's what pisses me off

given how easy it is for some people to cave under pressure, it would seem to suggest that the world we live in is just too difficult to bear soberly for most people in the world

1 in 10 US citizens are addicts

well over half of the remainder abuse recreational substances habitually, whether it be caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, molly, xanax, or whatever the fuck else

are all drugs equally bad? no

but for how difficult it is for most people to be sober, maintaining sobriety for perhaps someone as long as i have starts looking more and more like a genuine praiseworthy... attribute (if not achievement or accomplishment), if you ask me

but nobody cares, of course, and ultimately, neither do i

i just think it's silly to praise one and not the other, if you're gonna do it at all

veganism is cool and all, but if you've ever eaten meat then you're forever a piece of shit regardless of how long you've been meat free tbh.

there's no way to undo any crime, and no way to demonstrate the veracity of one's atonement

so of what purpose is forgiveness, especially when nobody actually seems to care anyway


Quick question, bro

How well can you relate to Adam's Song and Stay Together For the Kids?
adam's song, to a degree yeah

not so much the second song, given that my parents are still happily together and such

Gaming / Re: Dragon Ball Fighterz
« on: November 23, 2017, 06:03:21 PM »
Looks terrible

and yet i still have the strength of will not to indulge in anything, because i just kick that much ass i guess
This looks like something Deci would say
if deci were a genius

this is just sad.
you will never be able to say you've never done drugs

that's even more sad

That is the goal - so when we praise someone who is getting closer to the perfect state, we let them know that "hey man, you're doing good."
So that's exactly it - you are praised for being closer to perfection.
but it's not

you didn't profit from the experience

if you got out of that situation and THEN proceeded to help others get out of that situation, that would be profiting

but most drug addicts instead decide to relapse, because they're pieces of shit
"Decide to relapse"

Also it's incredible how robotic you view people.
there's no such thing as addiction

just weak, weak people

That is the goal - so when we praise someone who is getting closer to the perfect state, we let them know that "hey man, you're doing good."
So that's exactly it - you are praised for being closer to perfection.
but it's not

you didn't profit from the experience

if you got out of that situation and THEN proceeded to help others get out of that situation, that would be profiting

but most drug addicts instead decide to relapse, because they're pieces of shit

ITT: Verb tries to understand why positive actions are rewarded/praised.
it's not a positive action

it's a return to the neutral position
to return to neutral from negative requires a positive.
but you're still back in neutral

why is that praiseworthy

ITT: Verb tries to understand why positive actions are rewarded/praised.
it's not a positive action

it's a return to the neutral position

No one is arguing that they are not idiots for starting, but if they were able to turn their lives around? You were at least smart enough to realise what you were doing was bad and you did something about it.
but that in itself is not worthy of praise

ts a positive change - so it gets appraisal.
why shouldn't something that is consistently perfect never get appraisal

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
TIL verbatim, who complains constantly about hardships and suffering, has never faced hardship or suffered
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
oh wait, I didn't learn that today, I already knew that
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

thank you for confirming that i have struggled and drug addicts have not
literal example "he struggled to the summit of the world's highest mountain"
oh thAt's NoT a StRuGgLe hE chOse to ClImb ThAt mOunTaIn
that's not a struggle

he chose to climb that mountain
you used that incorrectly

appeal to definition is used to describe exclusion of certain scenarios based on the idea that it does not match what's in the dictionary, because the definition is too narrow

try again sweatie
so i didn't use it incorrectly at all then thanks
no, you used it in literally the opposite way

instead of stating that the definition's scope is not wide enough to cover all applicable fields, you have made the claim that the scope is too general and applied to too many situations, which is not how claiming appeal to definition works
there is absolutely no fucking reason it shouldn't work like that, and it's implied to work like that

every fallacy is an implied two-way street

an appeal to nature is described as a shitty argument wherein someone claims that something is "good" because it is "natural"

this also implies that claims of nature being "bad" are also appeals to nature

the point is that, intrinsically, nature is neither good nor bad

it makes perfect fucking sense that definitions can either be too broad or too narrow, and they directly imply the existence of the other

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
TIL verbatim, who complains constantly about hardships and suffering, has never faced hardship or suffered
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
oh wait, I didn't learn that today, I already knew that
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

thank you for confirming that i have struggled and drug addicts have not
literal example "he struggled to the summit of the world's highest mountain"
oh thAt's NoT a StRuGgLe hE chOse to ClImb ThAt mOunTaIn
that's not a struggle

he chose to climb that mountain
you used that incorrectly

appeal to definition is used to describe exclusion of certain scenarios based on the idea that it does not match what's in the dictionary, because the definition is too narrow

try again sweatie
so i didn't use it incorrectly at all then thanks

you have literally described what i just i did

Well, they do for me so I dunno what to tell you.

Again, people make stupid decisions and dumb choices, it does not factor into my ability to empathize and attempt to help. Explain to me who would gain from belittling them.

I doubt it.
in order to believe everything that i believe, you basically have to be made of pure empathy and nothing else

"don't do drugs or we'll treat you like shit for the rest of your life on top of your addiction"

everyone would gain from this, except the addicts (who chose a life of mockery and hatred anyway)

"i know exactly how you feel, sally the rape victim!

i climbed a big mountain once, and it was hard!"

nobody cares about people who have never struggled
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
TIL verbatim, who complains constantly about hardships and suffering, has never faced hardship or suffered
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to
oh wait, I didn't learn that today, I already knew that
and drug addicts and alcoholics have NEVER struggled

if the struggle is something you levied on yourself, then it's not a struggle at all, and you don't deserve anything

if anything, people should mock you for the rest of your life for ever putting yourself in that position when it is SO FUCKING EASY not to

thank you for confirming that i have struggled and drug addicts have not
literal example "he struggled to the summit of the world's highest mountain"
oh thAt's NoT a StRuGgLe hE chOse to ClImb ThAt mOunTaIn
that's not a struggle

he chose to climb that mountain

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