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Messages - Verbatim

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seems dumb

The Flood / Re: realization
« on: July 30, 2020, 03:31:10 PM »
I remember finishing Cowboy Bebop and Trigun and then never getting back into anime.
was that because you didn't like them
If I didn't like them, I wouldn't have finished them.
right haha yeah that makes sense

>has 150 finished shows that i've rated a 1/10 on MAL

The Flood / Re: realization
« on: July 30, 2020, 03:20:18 PM »
I remember finishing Cowboy Bebop and Trigun and then never getting back into anime.
was that because you didn't like them

The Flood / Re: Can Class Get Banned Already
« on: July 30, 2020, 02:52:40 PM »
deadbeat cheat won't even ban someone who asks for it

The Flood / Re: What are you listening to right now?
« on: July 30, 2020, 04:46:42 AM »

The Flood / Re: Listen guys I would like to announce my plans
« on: July 29, 2020, 06:56:29 PM »
I didn't know pharmacies had dxm
it's just cough syrup


i thought this was just delightful

oh wow

still gotta play destiny 2 though, right?

The Flood / Re: i may have discovered the root of all my problems
« on: July 27, 2020, 08:55:09 PM »
So what changes other than distance because you can get pretty far from people already

Just go build a cabin in the woods and you won't have to worry about Trump or any other president for the rest of your life

But I assume you would still want utilities and access to shops
if it was as easy as building a cabin in the woods, i might have considered that a long time ago, but the problem is that land is proprietary, so you actually cannot just do that legally

if you want to lead a relatively normal life, you have to put up with human beings—and breathing the same air that serial killers, pedophiles, and anime fans breathe has just never really sat well with me

The Flood / Re: i may have discovered the root of all my problems
« on: July 27, 2020, 03:29:16 PM »
i've seen the light—i don't hate anyone anymore

i just wish we lived on different planets, that's all

The Flood / i may have discovered the root of all my problems
« on: July 27, 2020, 03:13:59 PM »
the fact that we all have to share the same planet

if we didn't, i would be the happiest and most laidback person ever

oh, you watch kill la kill and voted for trump? that's cool man, you do that

in the meantime, i'll be over here on this other planet where people don't do stupid shit like that

The Flood / Re: Verbatim, have you watched Rick and Morty?
« on: July 27, 2020, 03:04:00 PM »
i can't

the internet ruined it for me

Gaming / Re: Halo Mega Thread
« on: July 24, 2020, 06:26:52 AM »
i can't believe you people kept this thread alive long enough for halo 6

The Flood / realization
« on: July 22, 2020, 11:24:11 PM »
if in 2014, weebs had just said "anime is good; we just have extremely terrible taste," 90% of the conflict in this website would've been averted

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 17, 2020, 02:30:54 AM »
No I wasn’t dodging your question. I don’t have anything I wish to hide, I just don’t want to have an active account on here. As far as I know Cheat can blacklist accounts and I remember once he actually deleted Deci’s account. I don’t know, I’ll see once Cheat gets back to me.
fair enough man—i think you're right about deci's account, but that was a very long time ago and i don't remember the circumstances behind that. but since then, it doesn't seem like cheat wants anything to be straight-up deleted anymore (for reasons i never understood)

my apology before was genuine, by the way, if you still care. i genuinely don't understand why there has to be this constant friction between us when there's probably a timeline where we get along just fine. i don't think we're fundamentally different people, or anything, so it's really difficult to understand what continues to go wrong, and it makes me sad that we were never able to get to the bottom of it. i don't think it was impossible

the things i don't expect you to take seriously are the things that end up offending you most, and vice-versa. it's really fucking weird and i wish i understood it

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 17, 2020, 02:10:00 AM »
You said “ it's just so fucking weird and lame” and you’re telling me I’m negative? And it just disassociate me, there’s a reason people here have done it. Flee being a recent example. I can’t tell you exactly why Flee asked to do it because I haven’t talked to him in a long time but he definitely doesn’t have anything to hide. I imagine he has similar reasons to mine.

You started getting aggressive and I said “ok I really appreciate your input” to let you know I was done talking because you started being rude. Now you’re gonna act like I was being rude in the first place? I was trying to end my conversation with you as amicably as possible, I don’t understand why you’re having trouble understanding why someone wouldn’t want to be associated with this place. Honestly, I’m surprised you’re still here.
i got aggressive because i felt like you were dodging my question for no reason

i still don't get how blacklisting dissociates you when all your posts are still easily accessible, but if you still feel like that's what you have to do, then i guess it doesn't matter

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 17, 2020, 01:02:05 AM »
I responded to what question like a dick?

Also, you’re claiming you don’t want me to respond like a dick, but then you’re encouraging me to respond like a dick by telling you to mind your own business? HAHAHA wtf dude. I don’t get it. I legitimately tried to be your friend, I even invited you back after kicking you, and all you can seem to do is to keep hurling insults at me.
getting blacklisted will not actually dissociate you from the website, since cheat doesn't actually delete posts, and they're still visible to everybody as long as they check your profile

so knowing that, i was just wondering what difference it would make if you were to just leave instead?

i asked you this, but you just kept saying "i don't want to be associated" over and over, which doesn't answer my question, and then you were like "ok thanks for the input" which i thought was rude and unnecessary, so i was rude to you back

it's a shame that you couldn't have ended your departure on a more positive note, but that's just you i guess

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 17, 2020, 12:39:12 AM »
I find it very interesting how so many of you apologized and then immediately became hostile afterwards, almost as if you can’t handle the guilt of how you treated me and now you’re lashing out at me because of it.
no, it's literally only because i asked you a simple question and you responded like a dick

i understand that you just don't want to be associated with this place—i don't understand why the blacklist is necessary

all you had to say was "mind your own business" or "the reasons are personal" and i probably would have respected that

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 16, 2020, 03:28:55 PM »
The only people worth being or feeling condescending to are druggies, murderers and rapists. By chance you don't strike me as any of those. It's as simple as that. I asked, got an answer, and called it a day.
Sure he can. That'd be the rational and easy to make choice. But for whatever reason he deems it necessary to delete his account. I'm not much for bothering to summon an argument over people and their semantics because on most accounts they'll just do them anyway. Just so long as they do their semantics out of my life my day isn't totally fucked by default.
Get a load of Oliver Twist over here HAHAHA. No the rational choice is to not want to be associated with shit like this

The site’s history is ugly, and it continues to be an ugly and disgusting place. If you’re here and not actively speaking against shit like this, one can only assume you’re either for it or it doesn’t bother you enough to make you want to say anything or leave. So please, shove your pseudo intellectual bullshit up your ass.
you will always be associated with this website
Why are you acting like a girl who’s mad she didn’t get a phone call the day after? I don’t want you in my server dude, get over it.
you will never dissociate yourself from this website, get over it

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 16, 2020, 02:03:47 PM »
The only people worth being or feeling condescending to are druggies, murderers and rapists. By chance you don't strike me as any of those. It's as simple as that. I asked, got an answer, and called it a day.
Sure he can. That'd be the rational and easy to make choice. But for whatever reason he deems it necessary to delete his account. I'm not much for bothering to summon an argument over people and their semantics because on most accounts they'll just do them anyway. Just so long as they do their semantics out of my life my day isn't totally fucked by default.
Get a load of Oliver Twist over here HAHAHA. No the rational choice is to not want to be associated with shit like this

The site’s history is ugly, and it continues to be an ugly and disgusting place. If you’re here and not actively speaking against shit like this, one can only assume you’re either for it or it doesn’t bother you enough to make you want to say anything or leave. So please, shove your pseudo intellectual bullshit up your ass.
you will always be associated with this website

The Flood / Re: Covid-19 playlist thread
« on: July 15, 2020, 08:06:27 PM »

Serious / Re: Depp V Heard Domestic Abuse Case
« on: July 15, 2020, 05:20:48 PM »
I was kinda interested when those first recorded calls were revealed, but delving into the private lives of celebrities like that has always made me feel a little gross, so I stopped paying attention.

I was definitely anti-Depp when that initial recording of him being drunk and belligerent at home was uploaded several years ago, because I kinda always suspected that he might've been a douchebag anyway, but if it's true that Heard was the real abuser all along, then I guess people will have to stop making oh-so-clever jokes at his expense whenever they watch one of his movies, so that's nice.

The Flood / Re: What shows have you been watching lately?
« on: July 15, 2020, 01:28:40 PM »
as a small break, ima watch something else. verbatim recommended devilman crybaby, and first impressions are pretty good. the first episode was very bizarre but in a good way. i dont usually watch mature shows, i stick to good ol romcom/drama/slice of life. but, i do enjoy darker stuff every so often.
oh shit i actually thought you'd hate it lmao

go nuts then, it's a wild ride

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 03:29:52 AM »
I remember when slash banned you that actually was hilarious
over absolutely nothing too, yeah that was pretty funny

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 03:11:29 AM »
destroys temptation, and eliminates accountability

but also not really, since you can still read blacklisted members' posts by checking their profile

besides those two reasons, there's nothing else
actually, i just thought of a third reason

you might ask to permaban yourself if you feel like you deserve it

obviously not the case here, but he's still getting what he deserves in a way—just three or four years late

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:47:55 AM »
Valid point if that's what you want for your life.
it's not valid at all, he can just stop posting lmao

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:45:09 AM »
you didn’t watch the video did you. It’s not about not posting dude, I have no temptation to post here. As you can see I’ve basically been inactive here almost the entire year. I don’t want to be associated with this place anymore. I’m glad to see quite a few users have changed their ways, but I still don’t want to be associated with this place.
but you're having cheat permaban you though right

why is that necessary, is what i'm asking

why not just leave without a word
Because I don’t want to be a part of this website. I tried to leave without a word but cheat didn’t answer for me 2 days so I made a thread. Then I saw Ender’s post and it shocked me how much she changed, so I talked to her, then I talked to you. Why are you so worried about what I’m doing?
it's just so fucking weird and lame

if i were to leave, i would sign off and never sign in again, getting cheat to ban me isn't a necessary part of that process
ok I really appreciate your input
thank you for admitting it doesn't make any sense at all, and for admitting you obviously have some kind of self-control problem

i'll enjoy getting the last word, at least
this is exactly why I don’t want to have any association with you and why I kicked you. The fact that you care about having the last word on anything, especially on this website, is very sad.
i don't care, it's just hilarious and satisfying that i will in fact get the very last word

i hope you overcome your self-control issues (and everything else that's clearly wrong with you) some day
”I don’t care, I just care” 😬

You need to watch the video I posted
you need to blow me before you run off to your coolbro gamer club

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:39:49 AM »
you didn’t watch the video did you. It’s not about not posting dude, I have no temptation to post here. As you can see I’ve basically been inactive here almost the entire year. I don’t want to be associated with this place anymore. I’m glad to see quite a few users have changed their ways, but I still don’t want to be associated with this place.
but you're having cheat permaban you though right

why is that necessary, is what i'm asking

why not just leave without a word
Because I don’t want to be a part of this website. I tried to leave without a word but cheat didn’t answer for me 2 days so I made a thread. Then I saw Ender’s post and it shocked me how much she changed, so I talked to her, then I talked to you. Why are you so worried about what I’m doing?
it's just so fucking weird and lame

if i were to leave, i would sign off and never sign in again, getting cheat to ban me isn't a necessary part of that process
ok I really appreciate your input
thank you for admitting it doesn't make any sense at all, and for admitting you obviously have some kind of self-control problem

i'll enjoy getting the last word, at least
this is exactly why I don’t want to have any association with you and why I kicked you. The fact that you care about having the last word on anything, especially on this website, is very sad.
i don't care, it's just hilarious and satisfying that i will in fact get the very last word

i hope you overcome your self-control issues (and everything else that's clearly wrong with you) some day

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:36:47 AM »

Pardon my intrusion into the conversation as I read along. Just a question out of curiosity. Why attempt to bury dirty laundry by seeking account deletion? I only ask since any sort of move of that caliber stands against my own personal code of conduct, and it has me curious as to the mentality of it.
”dirty laundry”? Hahaha what the fuck. I don’t want to be associated with this place or with the people on here anymore. That’s it. If I was trying to hide my own shit why would I bring up stuff I’ve said? Man you really thought you said something too 😂👍
Why go the extra mile and ask for account deletion and not just walk off then? Not wanting to associate has a set of very different meanings to it.
yeah it means I don’t want to have any association with you, verbatim, or anyone else on here because I think you’re all very weird and boring people
which is why you need someone to come in and cut the cord for you instead of being an adult and leaving

Serious / Re: Justifying Riots
« on: July 15, 2020, 02:34:02 AM »
you didn’t watch the video did you. It’s not about not posting dude, I have no temptation to post here. As you can see I’ve basically been inactive here almost the entire year. I don’t want to be associated with this place anymore. I’m glad to see quite a few users have changed their ways, but I still don’t want to be associated with this place.
but you're having cheat permaban you though right

why is that necessary, is what i'm asking

why not just leave without a word
Because I don’t want to be a part of this website. I tried to leave without a word but cheat didn’t answer for me 2 days so I made a thread. Then I saw Ender’s post and it shocked me how much she changed, so I talked to her, then I talked to you. Why are you so worried about what I’m doing?
it's just so fucking weird and lame

if i were to leave, i would sign off and never sign in again, getting cheat to ban me isn't a necessary part of that process
ok I really appreciate your input
thank you for admitting it doesn't make any sense at all, and for admitting you obviously have some kind of self-control problem

i'll enjoy getting the last word, at least

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