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Ooooh, my heart. I think you're just reading too much into it. You want so badly for it to align with your philosophies that you're choosing to ignore all the evidence to the contrary.
that's why i'm conflicted about it, and perhaps you'll see what i'm talking about when you finish it

though, even if i am reading too much into it, i don't think there's such a thing as an invalid takeaway
They were trying way too hard with that ending, smashed that feels button.

It was nice that they didn't pussy out and do the cliche reset ending.
i think they did do that, though, if i know what you're talking about

i'm pretty sure that's what the last shot of the earth is for, since it's the same shot that happens when god nukes the dinosaurs

The Flood / Re: Ribeye cooking issue
« on: January 12, 2018, 06:10:27 PM »
Steak is shit, there's nothing appealing about a chewy tasteless slab of meat unless you're primal of course
You've never had a decent steak in your life, it really shows.
Dude I've eaten steak at one of the most expensive steak houses in London and it was meh
And how did you order it?
Well done I think he said is how he eats steak 😂😂😂😂😂
why would you eat steak any other way

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:05:24 PM »
>he thinks capitalism isn't a failed system
What you're doing right now is capitalism :^)
what a brilliant and intelligent post

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:01:29 PM »
>he thinks capitalism isn't a failed system

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 12, 2018, 01:49:22 PM »
what is challengerX good with

The Flood / Re: Why aren't you a Communist?
« on: January 12, 2018, 01:36:43 PM »
Communism fails because it leaves the Jew free to do what he does. We must evolve to Strasserism if we want to ever truly free the proletariat.
Communism fails because it doesn't give humans incentive to work.
but it does

Serious / Re: Damore sues Google
« on: January 12, 2018, 01:01:01 PM »
I guess you can say Politics, but in my day to day life that still doesn't affect me. I can do all these things without have to be involved in politics.
i would so ban owning pets

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 12, 2018, 12:50:16 PM »
why would it be fake when we've known that those are the actual actors for a while

three volumes would be more accurate

Serious / Re: Damore sues Google
« on: January 12, 2018, 03:51:03 AM »
stick your head in the sand all you want. politics inform every single aspect of life
I wake up, shower and and get ready for the day, have breakfast, drive to work, do work, occasionally have fun with coworkers, come home, cook dinner, feed the cats, go to bed.

Wow so political.
what do you think gives you the right to do all of these things

The Flood / Re: ILL KILL HIM
« on: January 12, 2018, 02:22:39 AM »
fuck you too jono

winona has the strength of her incredible acting not to mention her personality itself, she doesnt need any men to get roles

kill yourselves both thanks!!
evidently not, according to that picture

Oi Verb, have you seen Angel Beats yet?
it's on the list

looks like a bunch of bullshit, so i'll be sure to check it out

Ooooh, my heart. I think you're just reading too much into it. You want so badly for it to align with your philosophies that you're choosing to ignore all the evidence to the contrary.
that's why i'm conflicted about it, and perhaps you'll see what i'm talking about when you finish it

though, even if i am reading too much into it, i don't think there's such a thing as an invalid takeaway

Also, devilman has also been gore porn.
doesn't matter, crybaby isn't, despite having the appearance of such
I dunno verb, I think you might have been memed. I'm only for episodes in but I'm not convinced.
you're also not that intelligent and probably aren't very good at reading into things

not that the show is very deep or subtle

The Flood / Re: Should Star Wars: The Last Jedi be removed from canon?
« on: January 11, 2018, 03:20:13 PM »
the throne room fight was awesome, sorry

Serious / Re: Seattle's Sugary Drink Tax
« on: January 11, 2018, 01:04:14 PM »
taxing the poor, unhealthy, and stupid for being poor, unhealthy, and stupid has never really seemed like a great idea to me

this last show kind of ruined my brain so idk what i'm gonna follow it up with
Watch some absolute garbage like Elfen Lied to reset yourself.
good idea, i just might

though my impressions of elfen lied so far are that it's generally well-liked, but hated by people who read the manga because it doesn't follow it or something

visually, it doesn't look godawful, and that closeup image of that girl's eye seems pretty iconic, because i used to see it everywhere

this last show kind of ruined my brain so idk what i'm gonna follow it up with

fate is not a series i want to fuck with for a while

mainly because of this shit

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Remastered
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:34:56 AM »

Serious / Re: Damore sues Google
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:33:24 AM »

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Remastered
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:25:12 AM »
just add a prompt at the title screen asking if you'd rather not play online please
that is an option in 3, can toggle to play offline in the settings. maybe 2 as well, can't remember, but don't see why it wouldn't get included
idk, i can see them going the hyper purist route

i'll be pleasantly surprised to see any of the more archaic design decisions fixed up though

Also, devilman has also been gore porn.
doesn't matter, crybaby isn't, despite having the appearance of such

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Remastered
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:17:54 AM »
just add a prompt at the title screen asking if you'd rather not play online please

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls Remastered
« on: January 11, 2018, 09:10:13 AM »

I decided to take a break from the 1995 shit to watch something more contemporary instead—in fact, this is something that dropped less than a week ago on Netflix, so this show is actually extremely relevant right now.

If your name is Snake, then don't read this overview at all. Just watch the show. I'm specifically recommending this one to you.

Devilman Crybaby (Science Saru, 2018, completed)

I am so very conflicted about this show. On one hand, this anime contains pretty much ALL of the themes that I've been searching for ever since I decided that the medium was irrevocably terrible: It's a dark, cutthroat, extremely hateful, grotesquely brutal, and delightfully ultraviolent examination of humanity, exploding with blatant, unflinching, and intensely misanthropic messages. This is EVERYTHING that I've ever wanted to see—and for what it's worth, it does it so very well... For the most part. We'll get to what sucks about it later.

While the show relentlessly beats you over the head with the most vile and unpleasant aspects of human nature, with decidedly unsexy fanservice, perverted characters, and continuous sexual imagery (including a gay sex scene), all of which seem to coldly mock the human desire for sex, rather than celebrate it (which I've been begging to see in an anime for YEARS). On top of that, there's some patently horrific and genuinely harrowing scenarios that each character finds themselves in, and they all effectively and rapidly evoke feelings of anger, sorrow, disgust, and despair, all in one gut-punching 10-episode package.

On paper, this should've been my favorite anime (and it IS on paper, since it's based on a manga written in the '70s). But, as perfect as it may seem for me, I'm afraid cannot ignore the simple fact that it's ultimately just as flawed as every other anime I've given a lower score to. And that pains me SO MUCH to say, because I feel like a show like this only comes once in a lifetime (and previous adaptations of the same story don't count). It feels like someone in Japan heard all of my requests across the Pacific Ocean, but my voice was too muffled for them to hear precisely every last detail of what I wanted to see.

The degree to which this show condemns scummy human behavior is palpable and scathing, sure. That's great. But it's still not quite misanthropic enough for me. Since the story is supposed to be a shonen manga for younger boys (despite all the pornographic imagery), the ending still has a relatively positive and vaguely life-affirming note—albeit, in a highly Pyrrhic fashion, but a trapping that I would've preferred this series not to have fallen into, because I feel like it undermines the sheer intensity of the rest of the show.

Not to mention, after the catastrophic acutely heart-raping events of the penultimate episode, I'm left almost completely numb to the ensuing apocalypse that happens during the finale, where the show starts losing its footing a little bit in terms of pacing. Sure, it's an undeniably emotional, poignant, and tightly-constructed ending that I wish I could've appreciated more, because on the same level, I feel like you almost could've ended the series one episode earlier and have been mostly fine.

However, those issues, among other various technical aspects that I don't really care to go into right now, I have are relatively minor compared to my biggest issue, and I think it has to do with a small yet significant difference in vision and philosophy. I'm willing to accept that I may be undergoing some cognitive dissonance here, but I intend to smooth my thoughts out over the next few days so that they're more clear.

Basically, I get it. People are awful. People are disgusting. People are the worst scum on the planet. The world is a much better place without us. This show illustrates these messages competently, yet also to a grave fault. I don't need to be told these things; other people do. But think about the kind of people that this series would most likely appeal to.

In spite of its attempts to shock and horrify the viewer, let's be honest with ourselves. It pretty much winds up pandering to the same scumfuck people that the show is disgracing. They're going to treat the series as gore porn, in spite of all the attempts to question why you find that shit entertaining in the first place, causing them to miss the point entirely. Normally, this wouldn't be so bad—I can already hear someone saying "that's not the show's fault." And to some degree, you'd be right. However, it still finds itself pandering to the worst kinds of people, almost by nature, which I consider a failure on the show's part.

This is what I like to call the Me!Me!Me! effect, where your messages gets buried by the people that you're trying to reach out to, all while giving them a shotgun to kill you with. Also, you can also kinda tell that the animators really had a blast animating some of the more fucked up scenes, which may have added to their devastatingly stomach-churning nature, but it also puts a sick taste in my mouth, upon further reflection. This anime was made by the same filthy scumfucks the show appears to hate so much, and they relished in every second of its creation. Kind of undermines the message, too, though I'm willing to concede that I'm being too presumptuous here.

But you can see now why I'm so torn about this one. But I think I've finally decided where the tip scales for me. We've just come to different conclusions, and this is what I meant earlier, when I said I wanted it to be even more hateful. The show is misanthropic (good philosophy), yet life-affirming (poor conclusion)—that is my ultimate problem, because it fails to provide a tangible justification for the latter position. I don't want a series like this to have ANY semblance of positivity towards life on earth, but it seems convinced that humans, though flawed beings, are still forgivable. Needless to say, I strongly disagree with this. All I wanted to do when I finished this series was spit blood in the face of life itself, which is all I think anyone should ever want to do. It does not inspire any confidence within me that things will get better, so long as we all stop being pieces of shit.

That's where I wanted more from this story, and there's precisely where I didn't get it, and it hurts the overall narrative a lot for me.

That all being said, I'm still incredibly happy that a series like this exists (and the story itself has been floating around for decades), because it's the closest an anime has ever come to meeting almost every one of my prerequisites. Every scene depicting sex, alcohol consumption, and other shitty, debaucherous behaviors (including rape) is portrayed with a underlying sense of "This is you. This is how disgusting you are." and it all makes life on earth seem so incredibly foolish, embarrassing, and shameful.

This show comes a cunt hair away from transcending all of the trappings that I hate seeing so much in nearly every single anime that I've ever tried, so it's sad to have to admit that it ultimately came up short for me.

I'm not quite sure what I'd give this show /10, because of my mixed reactions to it. Right now, it could be anywhere between a 4 and a 6. It's quite the anomaly.

Gaming / Re: Most evil things you've done in videogames
« on: January 10, 2018, 11:06:13 PM »
also, not activating the failsafe in tranquility lane

because i failed to realize how that was the only "good guy" option

i expected there to be a way to actually save the people in the simulator, and not just put them all out of their misery

stupid fucking quest

The Flood / Re: just had this at the local pub tonight
« on: January 10, 2018, 09:27:50 PM »
Kill yourself

The Flood / Re: Jury duty sucks fucking dick
« on: January 10, 2018, 05:58:42 PM »
why doesn't it seem like a good idea to allow random fucking people to render any kind of verdict

i get that it means they're impartial, but they could also be fucking idiots

The Flood / Re: Favorite serial killer
« on: January 10, 2018, 05:05:29 PM »
I don't recall ever seeing it. Was it before Snake kidnapped me and brought me here?
this was 2013, so shortly after b.lind happened

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