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The Flood / Re: Why Do Guys Call Traps โ€œSheโ€?
« on: January 22, 2018, 09:04:36 PM »
to get people to ask stupid questions about it

You know it's odd

Verb is watching more anime than some of the "weebs" on this site, which really gets my noggin joggin

Maybe it's just the best industry to critique since it's just too easy sometimes.
you should watch devilman crybaby


It`s not about anime trope itself, it`s about how it`s used. You said yourself in review of Devilman Crybaby, that tropes there were used in way they are interesting, which is not the case in SAO. You hate Ghost in the Shell, because while you might like the concept of show, you don`t like it`s realization, I hate Sword Art Online, because while I might like or enjoy anime tropes, I dislike how it was used in Sword Art Online.
hmm, fair enough i suppose

Have you reviewed cowboy Bebop yet? That shit is mad depressing son.
yeah, but i wasn't super into it

i had mixed feelings about it, since some of the episodes are very good, but they were mixed in with some pretty dull ones as well

the ones that were good really left an impression on me, though, like the first episode and the lobster episode

« on: January 22, 2018, 04:50:24 PM »
FUCK chip kelly

« on: January 22, 2018, 04:49:09 PM »

i'm actually a pretty big football fan, and the eagles are my team, so i'm actually pretty pumped about this
Good joke
the day wentz got injured i was preparing to kiss this season goodbye, but goddamn who would've thought nick foles would be the qb to carry us to the big dance

maybe it's a pipe dream, but given that we rocked the pats last year, i'm not counting the boys out just yet
whoever wins, though, one thing's for sure


« on: January 22, 2018, 04:30:43 PM »

i'm actually a pretty big football fan, and the eagles are my team, so i'm actually pretty pumped about this
Good joke
the day wentz got injured i was preparing to kiss this season goodbye, but goddamn who would've thought nick foles would be the qb to carry us to the big dance

maybe it's a pipe dream, but given that we rocked the pats last year, i'm not counting the boys out just yet

« on: January 22, 2018, 02:29:21 PM »

i'm actually a pretty big football fan, and the eagles are my team, so i'm actually pretty pumped about this

Devilman Crybaby (Science Saru, 2018, completed) After giving this show multiple rewatches over the past few days, I think I can finally see where I stand with it now. I've tried somewhere between 70 to 80 different shows and films of all genres, popular and obscure, and none of the shows have come close to what I'd describe as my "dream anime." I've come to accept within myself that anime, as a medium, simply doesn't have a lot to offer somebody like me. Most of it is made for human beings who possess a joe de vivre to some degree. It's for people who enjoy simple pleasures (sex, violence, cute things, bla bla bla) that are unchallenging, quickly digested, and easy to enjoy. It's for escapists. It's a highly consumable and disposable medium for people who don't like to think very much, and just wish to be entertained in some carnal way, because it lets them live in a zanier world for a little while. Personally, I hate everything about this, which is why it's so difficult for me to find anything to enjoy from this medium, and why I look down at people who are able to. Escapism isn't artistic to me. It's pap. And then a show like this comes along. Now, Devilman Crybaby is not my dream anime because it I think it's this "deep" story filled with these incredibly intelligent themes that are far too sophisticated for your average viewer. It's very much the opposite of that, since its messages and themes are bludgeoned across your head, repeatedly, with a lead pipe. Devilman Crybaby comes closest to my dream anime because it takes all of the beaten and abused tropes that I normally HATE about this fucking medium, and actually uses them in what I'd consider to be an interesting, justified, and tasteful manner. By deconstructing several of the worst and most insufferable cliches in shonen, it's able to use these tropes for good, rather than evil, albeit in an extremely disturbing and brutally violent fashion. Whereas most anime are lighthearted, life-affirming, and don't take themselves very seriously, this is the most misanthropic anime I've ever seen. And I love that so much about it. The show relishes in displaying just how disgusting, depraved, and callous the human race really isโ€”and while the show is about demons, the demons are used as a metaphor or pseudo-foil, not to highlight the differences between humans and demons, but to highlight our similarities. Everyone has their demons, because we ARE demons. We are horrible, depraved, mindless beings with a capacity to do much good in the world, but so often do we succumb to our most base desires. Now, I can see how people might roll their eyes at this. There are definitely moments of stupidity and hamfistedness here and there, where the sheer volume of the tropes being lambasted tends to overshadow the commentary. Less intelligent viewers will probably write the show off and mistake it for just another mindless edgy fuckfest with lots of sex and violence, rather than a comment on that form of entertainment. I didn't miss the point, though, and hopefully if you try the show for yourself, I will have adequately prepared you for it. It's relentlessly dark and depressing, though, and there's a lot of strange and bizarre shit early on that will make you question why you're watching it at first. And by the end, you might just feel empty. It's really difficult to describe the appeal of this show to someone who has conventional tastes in anime. While it is neither deep nor subtle, it's still not for the faint of heart. But I love all the characters. I love the story being told, and everything that happens just feels so "right." I wasn't into the music at first, but it's definitely grown on me. But still, even if you watch it, you might even be shocked to discover that someone like me was able to find enjoyment out of it. The easiest way to put it is this: The show made me feel something, and I felt it intensely, which is more than I can say for the vast majority of shit that I've seen. It's not perfect, but this is still a prime example of something that "transcends" anime for me. It's fucking great, and I wouldn't be opposed to checking out the manga, or even the first animated series based off of it. 8/10

Elfen Lied (Arms, 2004, completed) Most people seem to understand that this show isn't good, so I'm not going to dwell on it too much. I will say that I expected to hate it a lot more than I did, but I actually found plenty of things to like about it. It's essentially a less mature version of the show I just got done praising. It's just as dark and violent, and has a lot of the same themes, but with none of the style, taste, execution, or development. I've heard the show described as "baby's first dark anime," and I can see where that statement is coming from. I like Lucy as a character, and that's about it. Whereas the sex and violence in Devilman is used to create a beautiful grotesque of human nature, the nudity and violence in Elfen Lied is really just there for the fanservice and shock value. It's the exact opposite, and it really shows. That all being said, I didn't absolutely hate the show with every fiber of my being. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen. I can think of at least ten other shows I've seen that are far worse. Maybe twenty. So a part of me understands why the show is disliked, but there's another part of me that's confused as to why the show is hated so very much. But such is the anime community, I suppose. 3/10

Sword Art Online (A-1 Productions, 2012, completed) I've been watching this show in the background for quite awhile, slowly taking each episode in, because I know that this is a "special" show. It's everyone's favorite. And now that I'm done with it, I'm once again left wondering why so many people hate this show so goddamn much. From my point of view, this show is everything that an anime fan could ever want and THEN some. But don't get me wrong, though. I'm not saying I liked Sword Art Online. Just look at my score. What I'm saying is, if you REALLY hate this show, then why do you like anime at all? Because this show is everything that anime is, always was, and always will be. If you like Dragon Ball, if you like Eva, if you like Ghost in the Shell, and ESPECIALLY if you like Gurren Lagann, I see literally no reason why you wouldn't like this show. None whatsoever. So please, someone explain that to me. If you enjoy anime, why do you hate this show? Why is this show not perfect for you? Because from what I can tell, it has everything an anime fan could ever want. Every character, every trope, every plot point. This is what you want. It was specifically made for people like you. So what the fuck is the problem? Consider me baffled. 1/10

Eromanga Sensei (A-1 Productions, 2014, two episodes) I could copy and paste my entire Sword Art Online rant and place it here. This is another show that's very unpopular with anime fans, and I just cannot figure out why. I think the problem is that I view you all as tasteless degenerates, so when I'm given a show that appeals exclusively to tasteless degenerates, it's very confusing to me when the tasteless degenerates aren't just eating it up. Either way, I guess it doesn't matter that much. I'm not gonna continue torturing myself with this one. It's bad. It's abhorrent. You know it, I know it. Moving right along. 1/10

Angel Beats! (P.A. Works, 2010, three episodes) To its credit, based on the title and posters, I wasn't expecting this show to actually have a plot, so I was pleased to discover that it actually does. It's not a very compelling one, though, and I found myself bored with the characters and their so-tragic-it's-hard-to-take-seriously backstories. Overall, it feels like a dull kiddie drama. Can't get into it. 4/10

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 21, 2018, 12:37:38 AM »
They're the same gun almost design wise and the onky difference is you can charge the pistol so it isn't just a shittier version of the rifle. Come on man think a little.

plasma pistol is better and only a retard would disagree

I suggest buying Halo 2 and 3.
we're not talking about those games

They're neither generic nor boring. Halo is popular because it's an extremely fun game.
they're the most generic and boring weapons i've ever seen

if you're an easily entertained dumbass with shit taste and a tiny brain

lowest common denominator

You don't.
i do, because there's literally no reason why i wouldn't

you're a fucking retard dude

kill yourself


I mean you'd have to be retarded to enjoy borderlands. I don't play dress up so I don't give a fuck what the weapon looks like lmao. The game was hyped as having tons of weapons, and it's just reskins. Plenty of people complained about this. I could play 1 or 2 for longer than like 10 hours before uninstalling.
anyone who complained about it is a retard, because it should've been obvious from the start

the game obviously doesn't have a billion different guns, they're the same types of guns with small tweaks here and there

and that is what makes it a cool game, and better than halo by default

I mean if you could read above preschool level you'd know that normal means normal and if you wanted a challenge Heroic is before Legendary so you'd probably pick Heroic. But hey, if you're illiterate you're illiterate.
except you're illiterate because heroic says "this is how halo is meant to be played"

which takes precedence over normal, because the game is literally saying you're playing the game wrong if you play on normal

so again, kill yourself you sad worthless cunt
Maybe if you stopped being a little Nazi that needs his fuhrer's instruction on how to play the game you'd enjoy life more.
fuck life

Because I'm not a dumbass that does what other people tell him to do.
wow what a free thinker

what an independent mind

you're so special, you should totally not kill yourself

Gaming / Re: Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition - Out Now
« on: January 21, 2018, 12:17:45 AM »

- Sakura's fun. Her redesign is fucking awesome, and her character story is probably one of my new favorites. I like that she's kinda growing up a little bit and questioning whether fighting is really what she wants to do with her life.

- UI and menu changes are a nice change of pace. I like the platinum gold aesthetic.

- The new Arcade Mode, while LONG overdue, is an obvious welcome addition, even if they took an unorthodox route with it. The worst thing is that you don't get anything substantial out of doing it, but I like how they've actually confirmed in-game when each and every installment of the franchise actually takes place chronologically. I'm pretty sure they haven't done that before. Best of all, unlike the shitty art in the character intros, the art featured in each character's ending is much higher quality.

- Extra Battle is fucking stupid, as it turns out. There are two battles available right now: a single round fight against Shin Akuma that costs 1000 FM per attempt, where all you gain is a special title for winning, is absolutely batshit insane. The AI just relentlessly tears your asshole apart, and while I was eventually able to beat him (after wasting more FM on it than I'm willing to admit), to know that all I'm getting out of it is a title makes it one of the biggest wastes of time ever. The second Extra Battle is an ongoing one where the final prize is a Viewtiful Joe costume for Rashid. Hopefully these things get better with time.

- I'm liking all the balance changes and the gameplay in general feels a lot smoother. Not all of the new V-triggers seem all that useful, but some of them are actually pretty fun and exciting, and it'll be cool to see how the new meta will develop with them in the cards. Also, the game's input lag has been reduced to about 4 frames, which is fantastic. This wound up adding a lot of lag to netplay at first, but they patched that up rather quickly.

Gaming / Re: "PUBG is a terrible game"
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:44:54 PM »

Gaming / Re: "PUBG is a terrible game"
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:26:56 PM »
it is easy

easy game

not even really worth screencapping

The Flood / Re: Brazilian Steakhouse.
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:10:40 PM »
why would i

Gaming / Re: "PUBG is a terrible game"
« on: January 20, 2018, 02:43:20 PM »

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 01:16:35 PM »
I've played both and apart from the face huggers none come to mind, and eve that is basically a ripoff of Alien.

An Elite, Hunter, Brute, Jackal, or Grunt is easily recognizable and you know exactly what game it's from.
and how boring they are

you're like 19 or something and you're this senile
They don't have any distinguishing features or really anything that makes them stand out from any other game. It's funny, now that I think about it Half Life is honestly one of the worst games I've ever played.
i don't care about your shit taste, why do you feel the need to let me know about it

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 01:12:57 PM »
It's funny

I enjoy Dark Souls simply because it doesn't hold your hand and actually requires you to think a little

but for that same reason I curse games like Elite Dangerous
well, dark souls tells you pretty much all of its controls in the tutorial area

not much else to explain

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 11:43:36 AM »
I've played both and apart from the face huggers none come to mind, and eve that is basically a ripoff of Alien.

An Elite, Hunter, Brute, Jackal, or Grunt is easily recognizable and you know exactly what game it's from.
and how boring they are

you're like 19 or something and you're this senile

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 11:42:59 AM »
>powerful guns are boring

Again, no other game had the same design or noises the Halo AR has. Knowing how much ammo you have left isn't stupid lmao, if anything it's exactly what futuristic weapons would have.
probably because no other game would design a weapon so boring
Show me examples of mother games where the sniper looks exactly the same and sounds the same. You can't. If anything the night vision is something that other snipers have in other games.
none of this matters because it's still a boring weapon

night vision is cool and it doesn't matter if it's in other games
I think if you learn to read you'll see where I said it isn't generic while not becoming too cartoonish.
therefore it's boring

the more cartoonish it is, the more fun and memorable it is
There's nothing generic about it. Most movies games have this bulky black thins that shoots red lasers, this shoots balls of bright blue plasma with a believably alien design. It's the furthest thing from generic. In fact it's so original to Halo I have yet to see anything like it in other games or movies because they could probably be taken to court over using Bungie's design. That's how original it is.
it's extremely generic and by far the most boring weapon in the game
Design =/= mechanics
i'm talking about both shithead

It'sl still there, being wielded by an actual alien looking alien with pretty good AI for an old game.
doesn't matter, can't use it myself

It is fun to use. A revolver is fun to use in Rainbow Six Vegas, too, but that doesn't make it any less generic.
i don't care

my issue is that halo's guns are both generic and boring to use

you can be generic all you want as long as you're still fun, and that's what saves a lot of HL2's weapons

That's fucking generic.

Again, even you don't believe this.
i 100% believe it

halo is probably the worst shooter i've ever bothered to finish and i never want to play it again

i'll play half-life 2 right now
I know what laser guided is lmao.
are you sure
Again, being a contrarian. Guiding a missile is not more or less fun, it's a mechanic that allows you to kill easier. Honestly I preferred it where you couldn't lock onto Banshees etc.
it's extremely fun


That means there aren't 8 billion guns or whatever it was they used to say to hype the game up. It's the same guns, boring guns with nothing special.
"i have not played borderlands"

if you expected the game to actually have a million unique guns, you're a retard

i mean you're a retard anyway, but you know

having many variations of the same gun is good for personalization and is exciting, because there's a gun out there that's just for you
What does that have to do with the fact that they want people to play it?
the fact that if you're going to play the game just once, you probably wouldn't pick legendary

i wouldn't, because that's not how the game was meant to be played according to bungie


Hmm, I disagree.
because you're an easily-entertained moron

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 11:25:47 AM »
You just described Half Life enemies.
so you have to look at their designs more specifically

i can't think of any way to describe halo's enemies other than "big dumb alien monster"

half-life's enemies are iconic

The Flood / Re: *OFFICIAL* Fast and Furious movie ratings thread
« on: January 20, 2018, 10:13:50 AM »
and you barely even liked a single one lmao

The Flood / Re: *OFFICIAL* Fast and Furious movie ratings thread
« on: January 20, 2018, 10:12:29 AM »
you would be the type of person to watch all of these shitty movies

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 10:07:19 AM »
also, enemies?

what does halo 1 have

grunts, elites, jackals, hunters, flood

i can't think of anything else

half-life 2 has all sorts of shit
Every enemy in Half Life is either a human, or a very basic type monster/alien. It's something you've seen before, that's why Half Life never catches my interest.
still better than

>big alien

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 10:04:27 AM »
It has a scope and is so powerful you almost don't need any other weapon.
so it's unbalanced

this is a bad thing
Really? I haven't seen the Assault Rifle type of design in any other game.
it's a generic machine gun

every FPS game has one

the only thing is that it has a goofy little display showing how many rounds you have left, which is just stupid
That design and sound is "generic" to you?

the only interesting thing about it is the night vision, which isn't even possible in MP

Again totally original and cool design. It's a rocket launcher, it can only be so different without becoming wacky and overly cartoonish.
so you agree with me that it's generic, thanks

>it's called a plasma rifle so it's generic
nope, it's generic in general

the only thing that isn't generic is the plasma mechanic itself, which isn't really saying much

It's practically the same design as the plasma rifle
nope you can charge it up and it's satisfying to rapid fire it
>thinking a crowbar is cooler than the energy sword in Halo
it's not, but you can't even fucking use the energy sword in halo 1, which is what we're talking about

>literally a real life revolver

it's fun to use and has a satisfying reload animation

more than can be said about any of halo 1's weapons
Again, crossbows exist. There's no creativity here.
it fires red-hot metal rods

that's fucking sick

Again, no originality.
originality can be sacrificed as long as the weapon is fun to use

none of halo's are

You can't say you think lasers make things cooler and then say you don't think Halo has cool weapons.
i just did

the laser isn't being used as the weapon itself, it's being used to control a rocket

it's the tactile sensation of guiding a missile that feels real and fun

halo lacks this in pretty much all of the games, even when they added guided rockets, it's not nearly as satisfying

>a boring 9mm is more satisfying than Halo's pistol


Borderlands is literally the same 10 or so guns reskinned millions of times.

You realize they designed Legendary, right? They spent hours of their lives to design Legendary difficulty. They want people to play it.
it's obviously not intended for you to play it first

No offense but you're probably autistic. I'm not insulting you, but it'd make sense.
not even close

from my observations, you're probably more autistic than deci is

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:14:43 AM »
>he goes to school

uhhhhh just teach yourself how 2 be phycisist yourself you fucking moran LMAO
yyyyyep, that's the meme

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 09:02:56 AM »
also, enemies?

what does halo 1 have

grunts, elites, jackals, hunters, flood

i can't think of anything else

half-life 2 has all sorts of shit

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:58:53 AM »
I found both of these games extremely bland. Halo is so much more colorful with fun weapons and enemies.
halo 1 has no weapons

generic pistol
generic machine gun
cool shotgun that you get to use a lot during the best level
generic sniper
generic rocket launcher
generic plasma rifle (which is literally just called a fucking plasma rifle)
cool plasma pistol that's actually my second favorite, i like how they designed this one
needler which is kinda creative but really shitty and not that fun to use

so not only are there only eight weapons, not counting grenades, only two or three of them are cool

half-life 2 has the cool crowbar
the cool magnum
the bugbait which is fucking awesome
the crossbow which is fucking awesome
the MP7 which is kinda generic, but it looks cool and has a grenade launcher
the RPG which is cooler than halo's because it's fucking laser-guided
the spas-12 which is awesome (but i'm biased because i like shotguns)
a pretty generic 9mm but it's more satisfying to use than halo's
and then of course the gravity gun

and the primary selling point of borderlands is that it has millions of cool weapons
Why do you think Bungie didn't intend for you to play it on Legendary?
because the word "normal" is there, and that's usually a safe bet

if they called normal "medium" or something, i might have considered legendary

but then i probably wouldn't have beaten the game as fast

It's not about yours or theirs. Your parents must have been extremely strict or something because this is just a weird mentality.
not really, my parents were actually extremely chill

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:36:59 AM »
I doubt it, the game is fun even on easy. It's a great game. If it's not your bag whatever I guess you don't like shooters. You're spazzing out over trivial things.
half-life 2 is the same kind of game, but it's way fucking better and my favorite shooter

borderlands is a different kind of game, but i also love that one quite a lot

it's not that i dislike shooters, i just dislike playing games outside of their intentions

it's why i don't mod, it's why i don't even change controls or camera preferences

nothing about the game is mine unless it's made abundantly clear otherwise

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:32:38 AM »
oops, guessed wrong, ruined the whole game for myself

oh well!
hahaha how?
because maybe (part of) the reason i thought halo 1 sucked ass is because i thought it was too boring/easy

maybe i would've enjoyed it more if i actually knew to play on heroic instead of normal

but i didn't, and i'm not gonna replay a game i didn't enjoy on a harder difficulty just to see if i like it more

that would be a waste of time

Gaming / Re: Difficulty levels in videogames
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:25:40 AM »
Are you talking about this? It's just a stupid description. It's not like they're saying "WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T PLAY ON THE OTHER DIFFICULTIES" lmao
it's a pretty definitive statement

they could've said "this is for true halo veterans" or whatever the fuck, but they didn't

now i feel like i'm not getting the proper experience from the game unless i play that, so i have no real choice

why would i play halo in a way that it wasn't meant to be played? that's stupid

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