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me and tyger are battling again
thank you

though it's not technically against the rules, always complete your matches as soon as you start them

just makes it easier on me to organize all of this shit and keep track of everyone
i'm doing this all by myself


scoreboard's a mess right now due to clusterfuck activity, but i'll get it all sorted out soon

good catch

im putting all my battles in my post above, so check there for all mine
Nice, you got the other Cheat match. Thank you.
You fought Cheat, right? Did you get the replays? Cheat lost one of them.

friendly reminder to save all your replays

(and well shit, somehow I coppied the same match 3 times... I have no link for you).
maybe your opponents salvaged them
if not, that's fine, i trust you

scoreboard's gonna be super inaccurate until the activity cools down

okay someone help me keep track of this

what battles have happened/are happening/will happen since Cheat challenged TBlocks

holy fuck all this activity

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:14:38 PM »
I was hoping for normal. Lots of gimmicky pokemon, so this should be fun.

I likely won't be able to battle until Monday. Got work and I need to prep my team.

Someone can give this the lock; we're all finished here.

Anyway, we finally have the maximum number of participants. Ember, Orion, and Tblocks are now in the tourney.
Eighteen players representing all eighteen types.

For new players:

Though I do allow you to edit your team in between matches, you may not edit your team in between battles.
This may not have been made clear in the OP; I apologize for any confusion.

I never really outlined what to do in the event of a disconnect.

Basically... just... do it over. lol

If whoever disconnected refuses to battle again, then they forfeit the match.

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 05:02:25 PM »
Cool cool.
I'm assuming you've read the rules?
Your type has been chosen (see above).

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney? (ONE MORE SPOT!)
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:57:01 PM »
Give me that Water type. 8)

I can't guarantee you Water, but since you and Orion are the last two to join, I'll give you the option to trade with each other (since you won't have the privilege of rerolling like everyone else has). Orion has stated that he's fine with either type, so I'm sure you'll be able to negotiate something with him if you need to.

Now, for the moment of truth:
TBlocks & Orion
TBlocks: Water
Orion: Normal

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney? (ONE MORE SPOT!)
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:39:47 PM »

Final six hours to sign up. One more person needed.

The Flood / Re: There are over 100 Billion Galaxies
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:30:25 PM »
that's a non-sequitur if i've ever seen one

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:28:03 PM »
man i had a water team half set up and everything

actually this isnt so bad

i get shit like venusaur and nidoking

Now, read the rules thread. It's not that long, but a shit ton of important info is in there.

You too, Orion.

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:27:09 PM »
OK. I'm in, but my play time is pretty exclusive since I'm usually in college, working, or masturbating.
Okay, cool.

I'm gonna put you on hold until tonight, though, okay? I wanna wait for one last person to join, because then we'll have reached full capacity. If I roll for you right now, someone is going to have a 100% chance of getting Normal or Water, and I don't really want that to happen. I'd rather roll for you both at the same time, so it's fair. All right?

Gaming / Re: Majora's Mask N64/3DS comparison
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:21:51 PM »
I still don't like how they made the Moon look.

Should look terrifying, with an anguished expression.
Now it looks goofy with a ridiculous expression.

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:20:22 PM »
i'd like one reroll please
...Poison again. Still wanna play?

On the bright side, you have access to Tentacruel.

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:17:54 PM »
I am tempted, though I cannot into PvP much.

Is this in-game or showdown?

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:14:20 PM »
you should have known better than to expect me to read rules

but alright give me a type

hint: make it water
it doesn't seem like more people are interested anyway, so fuck it, whatever

since you want water, i'll roll twice, okay? as stated in the rules, everyone gets one reroll
but whatever your reroll is, you can't go back on it, all right



The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 02:06:20 PM »
yeah okay ill take water
you don't pick--i randomly assign it to you (stated in the rules thread)

and just in case you decide to be an opportunist and wait until water is perhaps the last type available, i'll be doing it like this

>wait for three people to sign up
>set up an RNG from 1-6
>each number represents every permutation

that way, all the types are assigned at the same time so everyone has the same chance

you could say i should've done that from the start to make it super fair, buuut
that would require waiting for eighteen people to join before receiving a type

AND there are 6.4 quadrillion permutations for eighteen types sorted among eighteen people

anyway, i can still give you a type but you can't choose

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney?
« on: January 31, 2015, 01:35:27 PM »
Pokemon is cancer.
I'm gonna call you Vulpix from now on.

The Flood / Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney? (Done!)
« on: January 31, 2015, 01:33:46 PM »
Ember, Orion, and TBlocks have taken all remaining spots.

Thanks for participating, guys!

Signups are officially over.

there was a point in my life where i wondered why i, of all people, was born with this brain
this life

i could've been anyone--i could've been "normal", i could've been someone who liked pop music
ate red meat
partied with a bunch of other mindless partiers
get piss-drunk every single weekend
play sports

not be a deviant fuck who hates not only 90% of what the human race likes, but the human race itself

but i got over it

it's not an interesting question anymore


people are conditioned by all the vicissitudes of their daily lives

if you're not against drinking alcohol, for example, you obviously haven't experienced (or witnessed) just how destructive it can be, like i have. i would make the argument: if one truly understood how stupid of a choice it is to make yourself dysfunctional via intoxication for recreational purposes, no one would ever drink alcohol, or use any drugs at all.

so anyone who does clearly doesn't understand.
and if they do understand, and they just don't care, then, i'd classify that person as a fucking moron--plain and simple

point being, this is an argument i'm making from personal experience, as well as from my own personal set of values that i've developed over the years--either consciously or subconsciously. i am the sum total of everything that happens around me. invariably, many of you will disagree with what i say, based on the twists and turns of your life that determined who you are today--and yes, i do speak of determinism.

the subconscious development of one's personal values is a form of psychological conditioning--the aforementioned twists and turns of life that make all of us conditioned in our own unique and ugly ways

forgive me if i'm not very lucid right now, i'm quite bushed

Dawn of
The Final Day

-24 Hours Remain-

(to sign up)


Tyger, Luis, and I are now tied for 2nd.

Das rises from 6th to 3rd...

Cheat and Byrne are back in 4th, due to a shakeup with the numbers...

Records added. Just fun little trivia about various aspects of the tournament thus far.
I could use some ideas here.

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