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The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:29:19 AM »

witty text
consistent theme

points off for using signavatar
i say, pick one and stick with it

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:27:04 AM »
10/10 perfect avatar; you'll do well on the SAT

The Flood / why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:26:11 AM »
because sometimes i'm just like

"why the fuck would you"

if your answer is, "because i'm a fan of x" or "i like x", you're doing it right
if your answer is, "i thought it was funny"

you're doing it wrong

if your answer is anything else, i'd like to read it

Gaming / Re: Describe the first time you went to Ravenholm?
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:19:15 AM »
Half Life is extremely overrated
calm down verb

The Flood / Re: The aesthetics of Coup.
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:11:43 AM »
having been a


"core" member of the coup group during its final couple years, i have a particular allegiance to the script, but

the notion of it ever coming back is laughable, considering the whole idea was to give posters more freedom when it comes to their titlebar and avatar... but unlike b.shit, there are no restrictions for that stuff here

the fact that it would be provided by explosion imminent doesn't help

The Flood / Re: .
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:04:12 AM »
Retards all jerking each other off.
after reading the thread in its entirety


that is a very poor description of what this thread was about

The Flood / Re: Your temperament?
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:58:50 AM »
You forgot the perfectionism/idealism bit.

The Flood / Re: Your temperament?
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:55:17 AM »
You can take frustration and disappointments even-evenhandedly, but the second someone crosses the line, your emotions get the better of you. You're never quite sure when the beast will come out. It can happen over an insignificant and poorly-timed comment and other times it will stay dormant in even the most trying circumstances. This tendency clearly comes from your passion and desire for the world to be ideal. You want the world to function properly, you want your friends to be perfect, and your love to always be passionate, and when these fail you, it frustrates you to no end.

The Flood / Re: Do you consider yourself a "core member" of the Flood?
« on: February 18, 2015, 06:51:48 AM »
As for Bnet itself, probably not. I think people would tend to categorize me with the likes of John Cena (the spamming guy), Camnator, and other general nuisances. Which is unfortunate.

The Flood / Re: Do you consider yourself a "core member" of the Flood?
« on: February 18, 2015, 05:14:30 AM »
Core members of the Flood:;sort=posts;start=0;desc

First page. The top thirty.

So... yes.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 18, 2015, 04:52:16 AM »
I loved that - not because it was enticing, but because the boob physics became hilarious after a while, culminating in the utter insanity that is bullet-time bullet-dodging boob swaying.
what is funny about that


all it does is make me want to kill people

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 18, 2015, 12:22:51 AM »
I think things like uhh... Highschool of the Dead was annoyingly much. Like the tits swaying with each bounce and individually. Like, when it gets to literally be too much, I just roll my eyes and go "really?" Once it breaks the natural physics (like, to an insane degree) is when I just think it's annoying.

As for the Red Lobster thing, well.. you heathen.
Well, I wasn't the one who made the decision to eat there, but... I do enjoy eating there...

but i'm glad you can at least see where i'm coming from, i guess
that's really all i ask, if you disagree with my extremities

where do you people get all these images from


Thus far, only 85/136 matches have taken place--including the forfeits.

Shiny new scoreboard update, with accurate numbers 'n' shit.

The Flood / Re: Daily reminder multiple personality disorder isn't real
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:56:12 PM »
especially because it's called disassociative identity disorder now

The Flood / Re: Are you sexist?
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:47:35 PM »
Whatever that means.

The Flood / Re: Are you sexist?
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:45:40 PM »
So say a female doctor is about to preform surgery on you? You'd be cool with that?
Yes. I've had women perform surgery on me.

The Flood / Re: Are you sexist?
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:41:19 PM »
No, I'm not an evil cunt.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 07:42:01 PM »
I don't think it's a problem because I think it fits in the fantasy world. Can it get to be a little much? Absolutely, but from what I gather, you're against any and all fanservice.
I remember you bringing up Kill la Kill, which has just as much GUY fan service as it does female, yet no one seems to remember that. A double standard, much like a lot of things in life. Guys can fuck as many girls as they want and they're cool. Girl does it? SLUT. Guys can't cry because it makes them look weak, girls can. Double standards. A cancer really, and those are just a few examples.
I agree. And just for the record, I have no misgivings over calling promiscuous men sluts. I don't think sexual promiscuity is cool at all. Gender doesn't matter.
The point is, if you're actually going for a compelling and in depth character and all you have to rely on is the lowest common denominator (aka fanservice) then yes, I am against it. But if your character is some stereotype or goes into something completely silly, I don't have a problem with it. Mainly because I know it's not what females are like in the real world, because my brain is actually grounded in the real world. It becomes a problem when people expect women to be like that. Much like it's a problem if females expect every guy to be some lean/ripped person with a 12 inch cock.
In my opinion, fanservice only serves to reinforce all the stereotypes and double standards that you claim to hate so much. Just because you are able to shrug it off because "that's just the way it is" or whatever doesn't actually justify its existence. If it doesn't add to the artistic merit of the game/show/movie/book/etc., and only serves as fodder for the LCD, it shouldn't be there. And the more we allow it to remain there, the shittier the entertainment industry will become. And I would argue that the entertainment industry hasn't ever been much shittier.
Edit: I think we can both agree that it can be annoying, yes. Heck, even in KLK I was annoyed by how much of it there was, but it wasn't enough to put me completely off.

Also, I wanna know what you had to eat
If Kill la Kill wasn't enough to put you off, is anything?
Where do you draw the line?

Because I draw the line at a single gainax.

My family and I went to Red Lobster. I had shrimp. Which is funny, because I'm actually a vegan, but I've heard in a few vegan circles that shrimp is fair game, because they're not sentient--they're basically just bugs. So there's that.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:56:39 PM »
I'm off to go eat, if anyone's still willing to discuss this rationally.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:53:58 PM »
No, I'm just raising another point about sexualization of men or whatever since it's not really as "in your face" as video games.
I appreciate that, but it's not necessary to remind me--I'm very aware of it.
I just don't think showing fan service to females in video games is always objectifying or whatever you were bringing up. I think people should really know the difference between fantasy and real life. Much like porn.
It's not objectifying, it's just... insulting. To my intelligence. To think that the developers think that, as a male gamer, I can't be interested in this character unless she has her tits exposed and bouncing all over the place and shit, with her exaggerated hips, and maybe a pantie shot or two.

If that's how you advertise your female characters, I'm not fucking buying it.

And if you do, I think you're part of the problem. And it disgusts me. You think it's not a problem--that's fine, unless you're unable to explain to me why it isn't a problem, and no one has (ever) been able to do that yet. And I've argued with people over this for years.

If the SJW "movement" had any part in the decision to make the women in Mortal Kombat more proportionally realistic, then I consider this a victory.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:45:59 PM »
What bowlcut? Never had a bowlcut in my life.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:44:54 PM »
Explain whatever the fuck it is you were saying, then.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:42:28 PM »
It shouldn't be that hard. Just thinks like

Shampoo... FOR MEN is fucking stupid. Or how they make all guys look like mindless idiots in commercials.
And I agree, those are problems. But again, they're irrelevant. We're talking about sexualization in video games.

But apparently, wanting to talk about THAT just makes me a white knight SJW.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:41:41 PM »
Yeah big tits are bad but walking powerhouses of pure ab are totally cool.
>implying women can't be muscular without being sexualized

people like you just don't deserve rights

The Flood / Re: Something we can all agree on
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:39:17 PM »
i enjoyed the whole movie actually

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:36:26 PM »
And why do people keep bringing up the fact that Bayonetta was created by a woman, anyway?
As if that fucking matters?

nice tumblr meme
>doesn't even use shitty fucking Tumblr

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:29:42 PM »
Okay, kiddo. I mean, you can get worked up and be a white knight if you want.

Meanwhile I think most of us wont give a shit.
Is that why you responded, then? Because you don't care about my opinion? Huh, all right then.
You should look at commercials on TV and see how they deal with men more so than focusing on video games.
>implying I already don't

The reason I talk about video games here is because they're actually relevant. This not just just the Gaming forum--this is a gaming forum. And one of the most exploited yet most taken for granted aspects of video games is indeed the women.

Men are exploited too. But it's harder for me, personally, to see it due to two simple factors.
1. It's not as prevalent, and if you think it is, you're fucked in the head.
2. I'm straight. So... It's a lot harder for me to notice sexualization of men if I'm not attracted to men.

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 17, 2015, 03:22:26 PM »
The only reason anyone would ever pass me a joint is if they wanted their arm severed off.

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