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« on: February 18, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
oh good, the black dane cook

Septagon / Re: How much respect do you have for this community?
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:14:36 PM »
i dislike most people here, but i dislike most people everywhere

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:02:50 PM »
your avatar is edgier than i am

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 18, 2015, 02:01:53 PM »
even a little bouncing is intolerable

the animators didn't make them bounce for the sake of realism--they did it because they know it'll entice perverts
that's the ONLY reason

because apparently, they think it's the only way to keep male viewers interested
it's an insult, and it's never acceptable

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:58:56 PM »
I don't see what's strange about it
because it brings up a lot of questions

none of which i care enough to ask, so it's like... i don't know

it's one of those things that manages to be both weird
and uninteresting
at the same time

hence the rating

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:55:44 PM »
Tfw Verb ignores you
didn't see your reply, soz

uhh, yeah, that was a good one
like, 7 or 8

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:53:25 PM »
I demand a new rating


as... interesting as it is... it's just a very strange choice of avatar in my opinion
it doesn't really... work

but you've had it forever, so i mean, whatever
I'm a fan of the Hyperdimension Neptunia game series, and a fan of this character in particular.
i'm not


The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:50:02 PM »
hmm that's fair i guess, i thought you said 1/10 because you just wanted to be mean
nothing i do or say should ever be taken personally

i mean, unless i make it a point to say otherwise
but that's rarer than you may think

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:47:57 PM »
Cuz bombing Japan is bad

what the fuck is it/10

reverse googling it doesn't give me shit
i seriously just... can't

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:46:24 PM »
I either like the character and their designs, or animation.
ugh god

i think you have the most out of anyone here
not even gonna try to see them all

3/10 average

really just can't stand the anime shit, and it doesn't help that most of them have white backgrounds (and not transparent ones)

transparency is just the way to go

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:43:24 PM »
i wasn't actually supposed to rate anyone's avatars, i just decided to
i suppose i should at least explain my own avatar

i just think it's a great photo is all
and it's me--no one else but me

if i'm going to be identified by something, why would i want to be identified as anything else other than myself

as opposed to... "magikarp guy", or... "nine inch nails fan"

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:39:39 PM »
1/10? 1/10?!!?!? Kill yourself.

My avatar is easily among the best on the whole fucking site.
i really just can't stand the asymmetry

and the white background, especially

it's like a cheap jpeg in gif form

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:38:07 PM »
Are you rating avatars or our reasoning for using them?

Because, I actually have a better reason. Josh Homme is a big inspiration on me as a guitarist, even before I started listening to QotSA, when I listened to Kyuss, and wanting to vocals too, he has had a major influence in the recent times with that.
yeah i'm just rating the avatars themselves, arbitrarily, based on my honest opinion of them

i know you're a big qotsa fan, so i completely understand why you'd use him

but for me, i have to take a step back and think "hmm... would i use trent reznor as my avatar?............ nah"

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 01:28:45 PM »
Cause I like it.

I'm sure you know why I have mine.

i like the idea, but enlarging them like that just makes them all pixilated

and not in the cool way that sylveon pixilates things

Carnegie Steel.

Capitalism number 1

dull, boring, poor quality

i thought it was funny

it irritates me

I just got done playing REmake when I signed up and I have a boner for Jill.

Also I never took the time to choose a real avatar.

ironically, i prefer your jill avatar over korra's
Because stannis baratheon is the real g

some are good, some are bad

having to sift through the good ones is a chore

After using my Halo 2 avatar for 8 years, several people pointed out how outdated it was and I decided to change it.

I wanted a few gifs that would be enjoyable to watch, with a mix of symmetric and asymmetric.

they're all kind of neat, but some of them are just flat-out hypnotic
Well, I changed them up, keeping them as these now.

I just like them. That's all really.
Because nerdy shit

I like how elites look, so I've just got a few on rotation, I haven't had the time really to make a custom avatar or go searching for another one.

Because Nicola Samorì is based.

here's another avatar pet peeve:

chode avatars

i hate avatars that are wider than they are long
it just looks awful

Because I love my car(s)

i'd like to key all of them
just throwing that out there

I'll be tossing the Batman avatar very soon, it's becoming stale. Kramer, on the other hand, will be staying for quite some time due to how awesome it/he is.

i don't think so

Because it's Kuh Why as fuck

I'm a big Supernatural fan and Ruby was the shit in season 3.


Because they're all so cool

like turkey, i tend to get a little hypnotized by them
which is irritating
Because Sofles is my favorite artist.

for respect
I like Tron

I like bears and I like the artwork of the pictures I'm using. Though on one of them, he's a character from a book I read when I was younger.

Because I had just gotten done reading stuff on 4chan and this avatar made me lol. Now it's been six months and I can't switch to anything else. "moot lied, people died" is my face now.

>I really love Dredd
>MaMa is a cool character
>Best MaMa scene
>MaMa implies moms
>I like moms
>Literally perfect avatar

grosses me out a little bit
i don't like blood

I would be Josh Homme's sex toy.

he looks rather debonair in that picture
but still, if i was josh homme, i'd be a little creeped out

Mostly random discography and pictures of my favorite band, mixed with gifs that I find funny.

0/10 shitty avatars

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 18, 2015, 11:06:49 AM »
because i'm vulgar?

well boohoo

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:56:05 AM »
Because I like it. The artwork i nice, and I love guns.

i like it too

large enough to accommodate the image's detail
consistent theme
sits nicely on the page
pleasant to look at


The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:50:48 AM »
All of the people in my cycling avatar command some sort of considerable respect from me.

though, as you may already know, using other people as your avatar is one of my pet peeves
it's just a little creepy

like, if i was a famous philosopher, scientist, what have you, and i found out that people are using my face for their avatar on internet forums, like... i would be flattered, but it would still be kinda weird

that said

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:44:47 AM »
What must I do to make myself better, Verby-chan?
you could start by not quoting the entire wall of text

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:44:11 AM »
That's disappointing. No real opinion?
i mean, i respect that it's what you've had on bnet for such a long time, but like
that doesn't make it any less boring/unoriginal

i don't even think it suits you

if i had to give it a number rating, i'd say... the most vanilla 5/10 possible

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:41:57 AM »
Because I found this frog on the internet and liked it. I then found one with eyebrows and liked it even more.

it's actually 0/10 tier, but it has that "it's so bad it's good" appeal
Because Jill Valentine is awesome.

she's not exactly a looker
like, her head looks really... meaty to me
It comes from an anime I watched, while I didn't think the anime was all that great, the screenshot I grabbed from the character with a stache was quite fitting for an avatar, so I used it, I've been using it ever since.
Because the Master Chief struggles to get girls but he has immense swag at the same time.
I liked the character and the art is pretty good.

bad cut-off
Image for future reference if I change it.

I made it myself as a full size image, and decided to make a cropped version for an avatar. It's nice and simple, not too much details, but not too plain either.
I like it. It's bumpy and stuff
Fuck it, it's easier just to do this
that's better

like, 8/10 better
I enjoy playing as Shyvana and Soraka and they look cute. And I like Gasai and Izumi. Oh, forgot about Jinx, she cool.
I use this avatar because I like Skull Kid, and to remind me of the fact that I'm playing through Majora's Mask 3D (I have a tendency to stop playing games).
i like skull kid too, but man, could you have picked a lamer picture of him


Gaming / Re: >Playing a Pokemon Emerald nuzlocke
« on: February 18, 2015, 09:02:59 AM »
don't get me wrong--all i do is nuzlockes if i play pokemon these days

but just the first two rules

Gaming / Re: >Playing a Pokemon Emerald nuzlocke
« on: February 18, 2015, 08:33:19 AM »
well that's silly

i wouldn't bother with that extra shit unless you wanna grind for the next five years

Gaming / Re: Mortal Kombat X to make female character more proportionate
« on: February 18, 2015, 08:29:48 AM »
not even close

Gaming / Re: >Playing a Pokemon Emerald nuzlocke
« on: February 18, 2015, 08:26:50 AM »
did you not use your potion

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:50:29 AM »
How so? According to the OP I'm doing it right. Are you giving way to personal bias when you should be obeying the strictures? I deserve at least a 7.
there's too much going on for such a small image

it's just too complex
i like simplicity/minimalism

pretty gross

I have class now.


The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:50:10 AM »
I like the symmetry. It's simple, has a transparent background and has just grown on me after using it for years on
Because bearded dragons are the shit.

just kinda boring though
Because this is the only Dragon Ball Z gif I could find that looped perfectly.
that's unfortunate


The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:46:41 AM »
please rate me senpai

what the fuck dude

all your other ones were actually halfway decent
I was having a bit of a Failure day on the same day as I joined in with this little name trend; I pre-ordered a signed copy of their new album. My avatar picture is the cover of what was formerly their final album, 1997's 'Fantastic Planet.' The words next to my abbreviated name are the title of a song from said album.
i mean... eh
it's okay i guess

not really my thing though

I'm a gay furry
5/10 for the white background

it's always just a huge turn-off

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:39:55 AM »
I like cute boys.

Because my ass is awesome.

the only plus-side is that it's, you know, you

just not a very good photo though

The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:37:57 AM »
Proton-M is a sexy rocket.
doesn't make a good avatar though


Look it was a different time. I was young.

why would you want to have that associated with you
people are strange


good rotations

i still think just having one solid unchanging avatar is best though

I'm a very patriotic Canadian and enjoy a lot of sports so I want to cover as many that fit into my colour scheme.
A lot of them are logos from my  home town teams. >_>


The Flood / Re: why do you have your avatar
« on: February 18, 2015, 07:32:02 AM »
Because I like Ugly Americans.

And because Ryle MLG'd it.

anything associated with ryle gets two points off

aloha mr hand
i like sean penn, and that movie

but i mean


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