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Well, I'm sorry, but I don't think you did it very well. You said everything I expected you to say--you like the story, the animation, the music. That's all just kind of obvious. Like, of course you're gonna like that. That doesn't really help me understand why you like it, though.

Yeah, but Verb, you enjoy writing essays.
I'm just saying, if someone thinks they're going to convince me that anime doesn't suck with a couple of short paragraphs explaining superficial things, then they're sadly mistaken...

Is writing an essay about your detailed opinion on something that hard?

Am I just the shit, or something? Because if you ask me why I like anything that I like, I can write you a fucking ten page essay explicitly telling you every little thing that makes it good. It's not hard. Is it a time thing? It would take me no more than ten minutes to write something nice.

You lose.

The Flood / Re: are you friendly irl?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:29:26 PM »
Well, this question is one hell of a catch-22 for me.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:27:41 PM »
Look at this damage control
Look at THIS damage control.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:25:22 PM »
again, that all just sounds very superficial
...then you're a stupid cunt, who

1. didn't read the post, and didn't realize that i'm actually conceding that pokemon isn't that artful in any non-superficial way
2. thinks that themes are superficial

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:22:38 PM »
Wait, what sorts of philosophical/psychological value are you getting out of playing Pokemon of all things? Where does the artistic appeal start in a game with such a simplistic premise and goal?
pokemon is just a fragment of my childhood that i can't seem to let go of

though it is admittedly less intellectually artful than any of my ideals demand, there are a number of themes present in some of the game's stories enough to keep it interesting

like, in generation V--the ethics of actually capturing and training and forcing the pokemon to fight with each other is explored

not to mention, competitive battling can get surprisingly complex
complex strategy is artful in itself, i would argue

that is a good example though, and i'm glad you pointed that out

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:17:47 PM »
I can't pinpoint what makes it special because there isn't anything that makes it special compared to the above.
then you're just not understanding what i mean by special, because this point is integral
it's absolutely fundamental to understanding where i'm coming from

if you did not see something in the anime that you enjoyed
you wouldn't watch anime

and if it's something superficial like gore, just because you can't have as much blood in real life

that is an extremely superficial reason to like anything, and i reject it on its face
if you have no other reasons to watch anime, i'm putting you in the "has bad taste" bin
It's quite fine, going to work just involved Alt-Tabbing and doing my essay lol. 15 minutes isn't going to throw it off, I'm just happily going to axe my density playtime tonight in favour of catching up on my work <.<
oh, i thought you actually had to go somewhere

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:14:10 PM »
go to work, goddammit

i don't wanna keep you here or anything

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:12:28 PM »
it can't just be "wow, that thing he just did was funny" or "wow, that girl is really cute"
and i would argue that if you DO like stuff like this, then you have bad taste

but how an anyone say someone like me has bad taste?

i'm the one who's actually trying to find philosophical/psychological/etc. value in a lot of these shows
but they're just SO empty

you take a movie like fight club, and it explores all sorts of themes
what the hell does k-on! explore? jackshit

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:08:50 PM »
Is Fight Club not entertaining?
that's not what i meant, das
they're not mutually exclusive

i'm not saying art can't be entertaining--i'm saying it doesn't have to be

in order for me to enjoy it, it has to be artful on some level
there has to be some intellectual merit

it can't just be "wow, that thing he just did was funny" or "wow, that girl is really cute"

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:06:52 PM »
If you are going to just outright dismiss my reasoning for why I like anime, then have at it. But it makes you look remarkably petty to do so, because you make the claim that nobody can - I then do, as does tru - and you shift the goalposts by saying 'oh that's not justifying it' So if you are going to keep on making fallacies, have fun. I've gotta get on with my work now.
if there wasn't something special about anime, you wouldn't watch it

that's my argument

obviously, you do find something special about it
i want you to pinpoint what that thing/those things are

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:05:48 PM »
i disagree, strongly


The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:02:20 PM »
Verb, why the fuck is anyone here going to bother writing a formal essay to explain how they derive entertainment from a specific media form?
because it's the easiest goddamn thing in the world to do

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:01:50 PM »
nice contribution

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:00:24 PM »
Remind me what film and music is for then.
are you talking about good music and good film?


are you talking about the average film and the average piece of music?

the average film and the average piece of music blows dick, though

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:58:58 PM »
A reminder to everyone that if you don't share Verb's logic and opinions then you're retarded.

if you disagree, but you can't articulate why you disagree, then yes
you're retarded
*Explains in detail*
nobody did that

i'm looking for a fucking essay, here, guys
if you're not willing to do that, then don't bother

you can't just say "i like the animation"
"i like the music"
"i like the voice acting"
"i like the story"

that doesn't WORK

WHAT about the story do you like?
does it teach you anything?
does it give you a new perspective/appreciation of life?
what about it does that?
why do you like music?
what about this scene is so special to you?
what emotions does it evoke?
why do you like these characters?

THAT'S detail, fucktards.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:54:47 PM »
art shouldn't just be for entertainment

bottom line

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:53:01 PM »
I enjoy the story in most of my favorite animes, Studio Ghibli for example; The artwork inspires me, the scenery is great in their movies and I can enjoy most characters in every Ghibili film I've seem. A good mention would be I watched them when I was young, back then, they were just cool cartoons to me. Now I can understand why I like them.

It's not just Ghibli anime I like, The Love Live anime took me by surprise with how much I enjoyed it, I like music, It's a musical anime, I enjoy the Pop style music it had, I like the characters and the story behind them, I could get a good feel out of the drama that happened. I don't just 'Like it'.
again, that all just sounds very superficial

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:51:52 PM »
Speaking generally, obviously this only applies to my favourites but anyhoo
You've got developed characters, storylines (Such as ones based around implementing a better world for everyone, ending war with a quantum computer etc.) that interest me. Some have very fluid and beautiful animation in themselves, in the same way that you can have pretty artwork and pretty films. Then you have some of the less important but things I do love in any genre, Gore that's not possible/common with live action stuff (Or when it does, it looks awful and fake), plenty of guns (More dakka is always better), comedy/black humour and enjoyable soundtracks.

I could go on, but it's not just 'hurr I like it' it's not something commonly stated because it's like asking why you like reading books or watching films. It's a generic term, so I had to narrow it down to two of my favourites for the examples above.
- lots of things "developed characters" and storylines. that doesn't make it good
- animation is a very shallow reason to like anything--it's like saying, "i like this song because it makes my ears feel good"

you even mention that movies and other art can also have beautiful animation
So what the FUCK makes anime so special?

- gore... like you said, that's... gross? and niche as fuck
- guns are boring as fuck, and you can have lots of guns in movies, too
- comedy and black humor is a legit reason to like something--i can concede to that, but then again, i would argue that that still doesn't make anime special

So, you've done nothing to justify liking anime thus far.
Anyone else?

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:46:46 PM »
"I hate anime because it's anime"

"But you can't like anime because it's anime because I said so"

Holy shit, this is golden.
I don't hate anime because it's anime.
I'm not saying you can't like anime.

i'm saying you're fucking stupid if you can't explain in detail why you like it

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:45:42 PM »
I don't even think I'm going to waste my time watching every anime ever.

If I say "I hate anime", and you DOUBT me, then you're just a fucking retard.

They can't do it. Not without saying something stupid and generic like, "because I like it."
Its more sensible than hating anime because its anime.
No, it isn't. They have the exact same amount of sensibility.

I don't hate anime because it's anime. Like I said, I'm in the process of starting an anime reviewing series here called "Fuck Anime", and I'm starting it with Ghost in the Shell. I have calculated reasoning for all my hatred. I don't just hate things for stupid, unsubstantiated reasons.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:39:58 PM »
Oh, I almost forgot.

Not only are anime fans unable to accept the fact that I hate anime.
They are also unable to articulate why they LIKE anime.

They can't do it. Not without saying something stupid and generic like, "because I like it."
It's like all anime fans are fucking retarded, or something!

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:37:29 PM »
You go to anime message boards?
That's pretty funny.
I don't. It's called an example.

Also, thanks for completely avoiding pretty much every single point I've made in this thread so far.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:35:23 PM »
'Cause like, I've rarely seen people try and make recs without asking about what kind of other media the person likes so that they can recommend reasonably. I mean, it's just pointless to fling shot in the dark with TV shows of any origin...
It happens every single time. Every single time.

You wouldn't know, because you don't hate anime. Try it some time. Post "I hate anime" in some message board talking about anime. See what kind of responses you'll get.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:29:24 PM »
So, coming into an anime thread and interacting with people there, will what?

Make them discuss it.
Or are we not allowed to make discussion threads anymore?
No. That's not what he said.

Instead of asking why I hate anime, they start DOUBTING me. Instead of either A) accepting it, or B) discussing the follies of anime, they do C) recommend me some bullshit anime that I will probably hate.

the one time that i asked for recommendations doesn't count, of course--because that time, i actually asked for it

this applies to every other anime-related sector of the internet that i've posted on

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:26:23 PM »
Why don't weeaboos just ignore me?
Because it's fun messing with you
And it's fun messing with idiotic anime fans who refuse to accept that I hate their shit.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more weebs in sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 02:23:06 PM »
>Comes into thread about a certain topic even though he doesn't like it
>"I hate this"
>"But why"
>"If you don't care why are you here?"

Except I've never said anything remotely similar to "I hate it because I hate it" and ZERO people have asked me why I hate anime.

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