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Try reading the next sentence there maybe?
Just last week we saw two Twitter campaigns against devs to remove content. Worked on Lionshead.
it was ultimately lionshead's decision

what would they have done if they didn't listen

this isn't the way to do that.

fucking talking about it?
what else is there, kid

Explain how it's garbage. This should be a laugh.
Anita Sarkeesian is not only a disgrace to Armenians, but is also a massive fucking cunt that's bending the video game industry behind and fucking it dry and senseless.

Also, she's not even a real fucking gamer let alone an actual fucking developer. She's only trying to spew shit and cause a tear in games.

If I wanted to include a female character that I created and wrote a story arch for and that took years and there is one point in the scene where she has her shirt off because she lost it while falling into a pit and needs to get out if the pit while only wearing a bra, I would get complete fucking shit from Anita because I am not allowed to keep continuity within the story forcing me to rewrite what happens and change around years of work to serve Anita's shitty agenda.

Not the best example, but my point is we can't have women appear how they would be in most R rated flicks if the game is rated M. The damsel trope... I get it that's been overdone, but what if it's actually required for the main female character to get captured and you play as her and need to find away to GTFO? Anita will still rip you a new one with all these bullshit points.

Fuck her.
regardless of whether or not anita is a gamer, she still manages to make a few good points

i don't support pressuring developers into changing aspects of the game to appease SJWs or pressuring them into including SJW-friendly characters

but i do still think we need to be more conscious of how we represent females in video games

God why do you guys care.

Gaming / Re: Lol what is this Weeb shit that the AVGN is playing?
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:09:20 PM »
avgn hasn't been good since 2008

because i have the capability of realizing that capitalism has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, and you can't?


The Flood / Re: I'm so tired
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:06:31 PM »

capitalism IS evil

but i'm not sure what that quite has to do with anything

Considering the last video I watched had her saying Hitman was exploiting women because there were two prostitutes at some point and you could kill them, I think I'll pass on this one.
i didn't like that video either

she didn't really say anything objectionable in this video, but suit yourself

That's fair. Although technically you could spin it around another way. I mean think about it this way. Out of all the games out there, somebody chose to use your game engine. They chose to use your engine and what you made as the groundwork for their own idea.

Rather than be insulting, wouldn't that actually be somewhat honorary to you? Because usually, there's a lot of games and their respective sandboxes to choose from. Having somebody to pick yours, your groundwork, your framework, and build off of that.

To me that seems something to be proud of. That you've made something that somebody looked at from a differnt angle and modified. They were inspired to make something else from what you gave them.
sure--if i was kindly asked permission by some yearning modder to fuck with my game, i would be flattered

but i'd respectfully decline if their idea failed to meet my vision
and if they proceed to fuck with my game anyway, then they're an asshole

if i like their idea, then it wouldn't be a mod anymore--i'd make it an official part of the game if it ended up being perfect

that's how i'd do it
if you're not gonna ask me for permission, i don't see how i could not take that disrespectfully

i realize that modern game devs encourage modding, and that's their right
but the way i see it, they're allowing a lot of misguided people to fuck up their games indiscriminately

obviously, i must just simply take my own art a lot more seriously than other people
maybe they don't even consider their games to be art

the main thing that i want people to take away from me with regards to this subject, or any subject revolving video games, for that matter, is that i'm not trying to FORCE my opinion on anybody--the reason it might seem like i am is because i am very militant and passionate when expressing these opinions, but i ultimately don't give a shit at the end of the day if anyone disagrees

i just never understand why, and that's frustrating

The only time I'd ever consider modding a game is if I've already played and beaten it a hundred times, and I'm bored of it.

But that's what sequels are for. And... Different games.

You don't like how you swing swords in Skyrim? Play a game where the sword is swung differently.
...That simple.

Yes, but the component that allows me to adjust what I can "fucking see, with my eyeballs, on the screen" is sometimes in an .exe separate from the game itself, and sometimes it's not even that, but is a text file that I have to edit manually.  That would make it an edit to a game done from outside, or *pulls sunglasses* a mod.
Well, then I would just make the argument that you shouldn't have to do that. I don't play on PC, so I can't sympathize with having to do that.
But why not let the developers decide whether or not they consider it "pissing on their art"?  Why are you insulted on their behalf?  If they're giving out the tools to the public, I doubt they see it that way.
Who isn't letting them? I've expressed the exact opposite sentiment. I said, yeah, I don't care if the developers don't consider it to be pissing on their art. I disagree with them.
It's also pretty snobbish, and just plain wrong, to believe that your own creation is infallible, and to believe that no one is better at your job than you.
That's not the point. I don't think my creations are infallible, or that no one can do the job better than I can. But that doesn't change the fact that I'd still take it offensively, because regardless of who can do the job better, it's still my piece of work.

But my point is that modding can make a bad game good for PC users.
That's the problem. Part of it that I see, anyway. By continually using mods, you're sending the message to game developers that they don't HAVE to put in any work to make the game enjoyable--the community will do it for them.

That is FUCKING bullshit. And I refuse to believe that I'm the only person who can see that.

Mods improve games (well most of them anyway)

Tell me right now how i'm supposed to play Skyrim without mods?
By not playing Skyrim, because it's a bad game.

not a single person has demonstrated how my opinion is "wrong"

i'm hardly a "gamer"

Who dictates that?
Me. Feel free to disagree with me, I don't care. But that's my personal interpretation.
Also, I guess I'm supposed to say a game is trash, since the launcher that allows me to adjust the resolution of the game to something I can see is its own .exe, hence "not inside the game itself".
I would say the resolution of the game is inside the game itself, yeah. You can fucking see it, with your eyeballs, on the screen.
I wouldn't call developers idiots or bad at their jobs for giving tools like those to the public. I'd say that they don't have their heads lodged up their asses, since they're not believing that their art is perfect, not improvable, must stay pure, and must be looked at the same way by everyone.  Maybe those developers aren't pissed, because those modders show how the game inspired people to try and make their own art, using the game engine that the team's programmers slaved over.

I don't care what you'd say. I obviously disagree.

Explain how it's garbage. This should be a laugh.

It's arguable that the Creation Kits that developers like Bethesda release to the public are just as much an "actual part of the game", regardless of the fact that it's a separate program.
It has to be inside of the game itself to be part of the game.
Also, please respond to the rest of my post.
There was nothing to respond to.

The mod article he linked for KoTOR 2 is a restoration mod. That mod adds content to the game that was cut. Some of the content that was cut was major story elements like the HK factory.
So why the fuck was it cut in the first place?

Here's a solution: Don't cut out important parts of the game.
Don't have the community do your fucking work for you.

Now I hate the modding community even more.
You want through the whole game having the HK droids trying to kill you and you tried to find out where they came from. With the mod you are able to to that.
Shouldn't have been cut out in the first place.
Then for the other mods they ended up being their own game. Mods like Team Fortress and Counter-Strike ended up becoming their own games.
And they're both godawful.

So would you say people piss all over Halo whenever they use Forge mode, in order to make maps that are better than the vanilla ones?
No, because Forge is an actual part of the game.

for having a different opinion than you; got it

except i can explain precisely why i like EVERYTHING i like in excruciating detail

so, no

there is absolutely no irony

Pariah would be an understatement, this is a little bit like Jack Thompson praising Mortal Kombat but ehh at least it's positive.
I think it's more like Jack Thompson praising a game that, you know, doesn't have any violence in it, showing that a game doesn't have to have violence in it in order to be fun, or whatever. Not that anyone contests that.

The good thing about this new series is that it seems to be, as pointed out in the OP, feeding some of the detractors who say that all she does is bitch and moan, instead of providing what she considers to be a good example of a female hero.

Well, she's doing that now--and she did it rather well, if you ask me.

because they think i'm trying to impose my opinions on everyone else, and say that because i don't like mods, that means no one else can like mods either

even though i've never said anything remotely similar to that in my life

what i do is question people for their interests
if you like something, you should be able to explain precisely why, and if you can't, then you're just... not very smart

and when i point out that truth to people, they get butthurt

so basically, they're crybabies

Judging by the endcard, it looks like the next episode will feature Jade, from Beyond Good and Evil.

Gaming / Anita Sarkeesian - Positive Female Characters in Video Games
« on: March 31, 2015, 02:56:27 PM »

This new series appears to be what a lot of Anita's detractors have been looking for--instead of complaining about poor examples of female representation in video games, this series is about celebrating female characters that aren't damsels in distress, aren't sexualized, and aren't objectified by any other means.

I recognize that she's sort of a pariah in the gaming community, but regardless, I've always enjoyed her videos, and this Tropes vs. Women series she's been doing is my favorite in her repertoire--if not just because it's funny seeing so many people get pissed off over her opinions.

I don't really see how anyone can fault her for this particular series, however.

if the developer doesn't care about their own artistic integrity or their intellectual property, then whatever, have at it

but i won't respect that developer as an artist, and i probably won't play their games

So, my question is. If somebody is inspired enough to put that effort in to mod a game, whether it be for something simple, or whether it's really thorough and well done.

What's wrong with that?
some graffiti art takes a lot of time and effort to make, and the end result is often beautiful

but it's still graffiti--it's vandalism

it's a little more acceptable for video games in the sense that everyone is entitled to use their own copy of the game for whatever purpose they choose

i'm just saying that i don't personally approve of it
if i was a game developer, and people were putting shit into my game that wasn't intended to be there, i would be offended

because they're not playing the game how i intended it to be played--they're ruining my art for their own entertainment

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