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Gaming / Re: Bungie gave us a lot of great April Fool's jokes
« on: April 01, 2015, 02:36:07 PM »
There, I just fooled my mother into thinking that I dropped out of college. :^)

you Are my favorite PosteR, jIm

i Love you, Fam

i am nOt kidding


eat Shit
c u n t




The Flood / Re: Corrupt-A-Wish Forum Game!
« on: April 01, 2015, 01:08:19 PM »
i wish someone would corrupt my wish

you Are my favorite PosteR, jIm

i Love you, Fam

i am nOt kidding


eat Shit

You could've saved yourself a whole lot of writing if you realized that this is the group I'm talking about.
And I'm saying it's like talking about how red M&M's give you cancer.
My whole post was simply an effort to explain why game developers are reluctant to open up to more diverse characters that are female or part of a minority. Because even though this group is just a minority, it's a very vocal and powerful one. The internet is growing ever more important, and a single (radical) feminist hashtag or spree of opinion pieces on varies gaming and social media outlets can be incredibly damaging to a game developer.
Give me a scale as to just how "powerful" these awful feminists are. I don't think you have anything. What exactly do game developers have to lose by not acquiescing to the ideals of extremists? Someone mentioned that their JOBS are at risk. Feminists are gonna try to get you fired.

How in the fuck could they possibly do that? And if it's already happened, please show me some sources. Anyone.
Because even though it is only a small group that thinks like this, short and un-nuanced keywords are an easy way to manipulate the masses. All it takes is some crazy extremists on the internet who take something in gaming a bit too seriously, and it doesn't have to take long before the watered down version hits the mainstream media and outlets where the generally less informed people will just get on the train of "these people think it's bad for women, so I too will share join the trend because I'm a feminist." Gamergate is a pretty good example of this.
The way I see it, if you're willing to compromise to a vocal minority who utterly LACK a strong case for their contentions, then you're just kind of a spineless coward, aren't you? That's what I think. Unless, of course, someone provides me with evidence that these people are a far greater threat to their livelihood than I imagine them to be.

The Flood / Re: Youtube's being daRUDE...
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:47:39 PM »
Aw, they're back to doing simple ones? I liked the extremely elaborate ones.

The Flood / Re: Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:44:00 PM »
>Watched it on a whim
>didn't enjoy it

Deal with it.
i didn't enjoy it either though lol

Bold doesn't really show up well in quotes...

That's... better.

The Flood / Re: Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:31:16 PM »
>watching films for humor

The Flood / Re: Something good? Something bad? A bit of both?
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:28:39 PM »
not everything has to have weeb shit in it

The Flood / Re: Someone tell me the fucking truth.
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:24:46 PM »
come the fuck on now

Gaming / Re: Bungie gave us a lot of great April Fool's jokes
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:17:39 PM »
And then say "April Fools", yeah. That would've been topical.

Gaming / Re: Bungie gave us a lot of great April Fool's jokes
« on: April 01, 2015, 12:15:20 PM »
I was gonna do a joke, but I couldn't think of anything good or something I haven't already done before.
Like, say that I was just trolling anime fans for my whole life, and that my favorite anime is Madoka or something.

Played any Bioware games lately? There are at least three main characters whose entire personal arc revolves around their sexual orientation in DA:I alone. It's fine for these arcs to exist, and Dorian's in DA:I is particularly good, but when that's all that's explored about the person, it kind of defeats the point.
Refer to my edit.

I don't claim to speak for all women, either. If any woman takes issue with what I say "on their behalf" (what I'm actually doing is speaking for everyone), we can have a discussion about that. This notion that I think of myself as the arbiter of social justice or whatever is just false, and it's getting old.

Don't forget the part where minority characters have to have their minority characteristic be their entire character arc. AKA any gay/trans/racial minority Bioware character.
That's not true either. Just because there are games where that sort of thing happens doesn't mean that that's what feminists want, or say that you "have" to have in your game, in order for them to be appeased.

What has always bothered me about these movements is that these social justice advocates seem to be shooting themselves in the foot. One of the main reasons that game developers are so fond of the white, straight male protagonists is not because they are evil agents of the patriarchy trying to keep women and minorities down, but because it is the only safe choice.

A white, straight man, you can put it any scenario. Give him any background, make him suffer any type of abuse and have virtually anything happen to him, and no one will complain or give a shit. And this is something that you cannot do with a character who's a woman or part of a minority.

If you go with a black guy, you can't have him be captured and enslaved, because that'll be a clear endorsment of racism. You can't have him be beaten by a white guy, or it'll be promoting white supremacy. You can't have him act too white, because that'll be forcing a person of color into a white-approved role and will entail ignoring and forgetting his cultural identity. Yet you also can't have him act too “black”, because that'd be enforcing racial stereotypes. He can't be around too many white people, because then he turns into just a token character, yet you can't have him around too many blacks either, because then you might be furthering segregation and showing that races should be separate.

If you go with a woman, then you can't give her a partner, because it'll be using her as an instrument of romance to entice male players. You can't dress or shape her the way you want, even if part of it has to do with the story, because having too prominent breasts, a slim waist and skin showing, you're objectifying and sexualizing women. You can't give her any background or storyline that you want, because a lot of themes are just absolutely taboo. You can't have her endure too much violence, or it'll be endorsing male on female violence. You can't have her interact with too many men or talk about men, because then it'll be too male-centered. You also can't have her interact with too many women or talk about them, because it'll be seen as a male (lesbian?) fantasy. You can't have her act too (typically) feminine, or you'll be treating them as an inferior gender, yet you also can't have them be too male, because then you're saying that acting masculine is the only acceptable way for females to get anywhere. You can't have her lose against males, or it'll be portraying women as weak. You can't have her receive help from any men, let alone be rescued by one, or you'll have the damsel in distress trope.
None of this is true. The demands you refer to are expressed only by what I'd call the fringe "vocal minority" of feminists on the Internet. I'm sure there are some feminists who actually believe that you should not be able to subject female characters to any sort of adversity, but the majority of opinions over the matter are a lot more nuanced than that, and that's what your post fails to acknowledge--in particular, feminists such as myself, who recognize that adversity is a key component of storytelling, and isn't something that any decently-written character should be totally immune to, regardless of his or her gender/ethnicity/what have you.

I think most feminists would agree with me, too--yes, most of them--that the main thing you have to keep in mind when it comes to the depiction of women and minorities in video games is the intent behind the depiction. No intelligent feminist is going to act like a woman getting raped in a film or video game is inherently oppressive and inherently co-opting the patriarchy or some stupid shit like that.

I consider myself more of a film guy than a game guy, so I'm going to use more film examples for this. But I think they really go hand in hand. So, have you seen Boys Don't Cry? I'm sure if you haven't seen the movie, you've at least heard of the case. It's about the story of Brandon Teena, a transgendered person who befriends a couple of ruffians who rape and murder him when they find out that he "lied" about his gender.

Now, do you honestly believe any sane person would watch that film and interpret those rape and murder scenes as some kind of patriarchal male dominant rape fantasy or something crazy? Do you think the intent of those scenes was to say that raping transgendered folk is okay, and that we should all kill them? I don't think so. The intent of those scenes are pretty clear.

And I think the same logic applies to video games.
While pointing out these issues is obviously a necessary step towards overcoming them, it can cross a line. Instead of just making game developers aware of a lack of female leads and giving them the idea to portray women differently, this is also leading to negative and adverse effects. Game developers are more likely to go for the safe choice of the default straight white male, then to take the risk of including more females or minorities. Because all it takes is one slight misstep to start a feminist-inspired public outcry followed by a twitter hate campaign and boycot action.
Even those feminists probably have a lot more of a nuanced position than, "Oh, she's getting hurt, therefore bad."

It's not necessarily the content of the art--it's what the art is expressing. That's the argument that needs to be had that you are not making.
And not only is there a whole lot that can go wrong with using more female or minority characters (as opposed to the typical white male), it can also really stiffle creative freedom.

As established, you have the creative freedom to do anything you please, but that's not the point. If you want, you can write a story about raping all women, supporting misogyny, etc. etc. etc. But there's no reason why we shouldn't be critical of stories like that. We're far beyond basic tropes like "damsel in distress". It's just a fact. It's been done to death. It's been done so often, it kinda makes women look bad, or weak, when put in such an objectified position.

Which is kind of a raw deal for women.
A lot of themes, story lines and plots become a no-go for all of the abovementioned reasons. Being treated equally should entail both the good and the bad, not just what certain people deem good and acceptable. "Yes, we definitely want more women in video games. But only if they're portrayed EXACTLY the way we want them to be. So no, you can't have her be oppressed, abused or raped. And no, you can't have her be beaten or overcome by a male. You also can't treat her in a stereotypical manner, but don't forget to include her female identity too! She also can't ever be rescued or helped by a man, or portrayed in any weak way, because that's endorsing the patriarchy. And no, you can't have her show any skin, even if it's part of the story, because that's sexist and objectifying women. So yeah, we want more women in games. But only if they're basically infallible and nothing too bad happens to them, and that they always triumph in the end."
Nobody says this. Nobody wants this.

The Flood / Re: For you Star Wars Figure collectors
« on: March 31, 2015, 11:02:10 PM »
those are actually pretty cool

To get a bite. Like I won't even try a serious discussion with you anymore.
except i'm not trying to "get a bite"

to what

The industry is big enough to support games everyone likes. Don't feel like there's a need to say something I don't personally care for is wrong or problematic, and therefor shouldn't get made.
until i can play a fighting game around friends without feeling really awkward and embarrassed when i play as female characters because of the way they are portrayed, i will disagree

The Flood / Re: In response to everyone in this thread....
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:10:54 PM »
That's really fucking stupid for a meme. Sounds like someone misspelled idiot.
that would be the point

The Flood / Re: In response to everyone in this thread....
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:10:35 PM »
People were arguing with you because of the stupid (and false) shit you were spewing over and over.
99% of what i said was opinion based

pretty sure opinions can't be false

The Flood / Re: In response to everyone in this thread....
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:08:32 PM »
it's a meme you dip

in a debate about video games, an "idort" is someone who claims to take both sides

The Flood / Re: In response to everyone in this thread....
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:04:45 PM »
PC gaming is srs biznuz
He seriously got mad over a fucking preference? Christ man.
No. People get mad over MY preferences, so I bite them back.

you are so simple it hurts.
let's talk about hyphens

there's a hyphen in the title, so that means the topic is about hyphens

oh, but this thread is about Anita as you've put her name in the title and linked to her video.
there's a bunch of letters in the title
i guess that means the topic is about the alphabet

No, the topic is female representation in video games. The speaker in the video just happens to be Anita Sarkeesian. Why the fuck wouldn't I put her name in the title?

Continue to call them sexist, lie (as they are currently doing with obsidian), continue to take it to the mainstream media, and try to get people fired which was threatened to the lionshead pr manager and was attempted on EA staff a month or so back.

The same shit they've been pulling for a while.
well, i obviously don't condone any of that

this thread is about female representation in video games--not your opinion on anita or her crowd

Hey Mop Boy!

Why the hell did you derail my thread? Asshole.
because pc gaming sux

And let's not forget the #changethecover debacle
pretty sure it was well within their free speech right to do that
i don't see the problem

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