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The Flood / Re: Small boobs vs large boobs
« on: April 09, 2015, 01:10:21 PM »
Um... Both? Having preferences over something like this is dumb.

>People who try to make youtube a career
i'm not saying it's smart

but adblock doesn't help

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 09, 2015, 10:41:46 AM »
But Verb, I would be surprised if they didn't show a tidbit of Street Fighter V, especially since it's a PS4/PC game.
True. I forgot all about that.

Sorry for not supporting things like shitty clickbait websites or YouTubers I don't like. I'm sure they'll go into crippling debt without the ad revenue I've denied them
1. why do you use shitty clickbait websites
2. why do you watch youtubers you dislike

I prefer CGP Grey's view; he does promotions for whatever at the end of a video so he still gets payed/ video view (To my knowledge) but doesn't put annoying adverts that interrupt viewing.

It works for everyone.

OT- One step closer to required subscriptions. At least they got rid of adverts in the middle of a video, though. I certainly won't pay for youtube though. Most of the channels I watch host their videos elsewhere anyway.
not quite

also, he does promotions at the end? that's kinda rare
usually you'll have youtubers having promotions at the very beginning

and i think that's because they're instructed to--advertisers know full well that people block/skip ads
so if you put them at the end, literally nobody is going to watch them--you must put them at the beginning

that way, you force people to either sit through it, or manually skip it themselves

I love when people get bent out of shape about adblock :P
yeah, fuck people's livelihood

they should receive no compensation whatsoever for giving me the content and the websites that i enjoy every day for free

Obviously I wouldn't, but that's not going to happen.
The people that don't use adblock outweigh the people that do.
not if you keep advocating it

Except I shouldn't have to.
you'd rather pay out of your own wallet? k

ads -> free content

then don't use it on those websites, you bellend

Shady websites aren't the only websites that have pop up ads either. This place used to have redirecting ads that opened on their own.
not using it on "those websites" necessitates not using adblock at all--because i want to support every single website that i frequent, and you should too

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:40:08 AM »
nothing i care abou
Does acting like a sociopath give you some sort of sexual pleasure
>for not having any interests on the E3 bill this year

wow lol
angry manchild

To block ads and pop ups on other websites. Duh.
>implying i don't want to support those websites too

>pop-up ads
>using shady websites

The Flood / Re: Post ITT for my opinion of you
« on: April 09, 2015, 09:32:46 AM »

Preserving privacy and protecting against malware is wrong.
if you're going on websites that have ads that give you malware just by viewing them
maybe you should stop using that website

preserving privacy isn't wrong, it's just kinda stupid
what do you need privacy for--honestly

>use adblock
>disable adblock for the YouTubers you support

Not that difficult really
then why fucking have it in the first place then

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:25:47 AM »
You don't understand its a travesty that its even a option for people who want it.
Everything should cater to me and my desires or else its objectively wrong.

Also my desires are objectively wrong because enjoying things is bad.
i hope you get all of your shit stolen
because who the fuck are you to say that getting stolen from is a bad thing

not everything is about you, did you know that? some people might LIKE losing all their shit
stop trying to make people cater to your own desires and let people STEAL from you. GOD

Fucking vomit.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 09, 2015, 03:18:10 AM »
You know what I do when I don't want to be invaded in Bloodborne?

Use the offline mode that they added to the game
this will be my THIRD time explaining this:

that doesn't prevent all nonconsensual invasions from occurring

it's still a part of the game, and censoring it for yourself won't change that

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:08:16 PM »
Except Zelda U was the original commonly used title for it, and it has 'wii u' in the full name.
So, no that would be nothing alike.
that also implies that they're actually gonna call it "The Legend of Zelda Wii U"

the way you phrased your post, you made it sound like you were gonna call it zelda u no matter what
even after they gave it an official title

content creators can suck on this diiiiiiick, adblock is my homeboy. not a chance in hell ill be paying for a youtube subscription.
you should probably not be allowed to use youtube at all, then

No, I'd rather provide them with as much revenue as possible. Ads are the least annoying thing ever. They're not even intrusive. YouTube has made them skippable for the past three or four years.
Ads are pretty annoying and invasive when you're wanting to watch what you clicked on.
Not even a little bit.

There are a number of ways, I don't really know every one of them, but things like clicking links, generating more visitors on their sites, and if a group is really sneaky, an anti-ad-blocker. Individuals use these methods as well, not only that but people sometimes add in small fees for their products, programs, art, music, and people pay for them too. Ads are just one of the easiest ways, there are much better and less intrusive ways to get money on the internet.
oh gee, i guess i should start blocking ads now

There's other ways to support channels you like rather than annoying the hell out of your viewers with ads.
Like what.

And I've never been annoyed the hell out of by an ad. In my life. Try being more tolerant?

Ads aren't the only way sites generate revenue you know, especially larger more popular sites. The internet won't dwindle away just because people use ad-blockers.
Educate me.

I think YouTube makes more than enough money for people using adblock to not be much of an issue.
It's not about YouTube--it's about the individual content creators.

You can install adblock and ever have to worry about 90% of your ad problems ever again.

That's fucking retarded and only serves to kill the Internet. Ads provide revenue.
By not viewing ads, you're taking away revenue.

Fuck you.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:40:33 PM »
and fine--if being illogical is one's schtick, knock yourself out
i'm not going to stop someone if they enjoy being wrong

all i ask is that they admit that they are wrong
admit that they are illogical

or if they don't think they're being illogical, make an attempt at justifying your actions
failing that, i think you have a moral obligation to concede your imperfections, so as to not influence other people

so yes, ultimately, i don't think there is any way to justify wanting to invade someone in a souls game without their consent
it's an asshole feature of the game that is indefensibly and objectively wrong

i'm not gonna try and stop people from doing it--but i will call you out on it

because if you do, then i think you're an asshole who needs to find better ways to entertain yourself than potentially ruining someone else's day when all they're doing is trying to play a stupid video game

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:37:10 PM »
Verb. Verrb verb verb. You can take it a step further even beyond video games. Movies. Movies have higher chances of inciting emotional responses over video games. They can incite stronger emotional reactions.

Logically speaking you don't want to be afraid. If you know the feeling of fear then you know it's not a fun feeling to know. Where video games capitalize on the action and intent aspect of doing something with a player, movies capitalize on immersion.

A horror movie that does it's job.

When you watch a sad movie, a happy movie, a funny movie that makes you laugh, or a horror movie that makes you jump or scream or tense.

Those reactions are real.

So logically speaking there should be no sound reason to pay to go to a movie and scare yourself.

And yet there it is.

It isn't just dark souls Verb. Your attention is just focused on that particular aspect because you didn't enjoy it. You thought about it. But really, it's all around us. We compromise our logic constantly.
i get what you're trying to say, but ultimately, you're leaving out the whole notion of consent, which is where my contentions lie

i don't watch scary movies because i think wanting to be scared is irrational--and anyone who does like being scared, i demand an expalanation from them

and you always get the same responses, too
"the adrenaline"

as if there aren't better/smarter ways of getting adrenaline pumping
like, go outside and ride a bike or something

you're right in saying that we contradict logic constantly--and i think that's an inherent flaw in our psychology
i, personally, choose not to break logic as much as i can

i don't know if what you're doing right now is trying to justify illogical behavior, so i won't pretend like i do
but i will say that it most certainly does not justify illogical behavior--no matter how many people do it, no matter how often

People who use Adblock are the very reason why people are doing this. I'm glad you support the channels you watch through donations, but I mean, who the fuck else does that? Adblock is still retarded, and wrong.

Gaming / Re: What do you expect from E3 2015
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:28:20 PM »
I still call Zelda U Zelda U despite it being 'The legend of Zelda Wii U'

that would be like calling OoT "zelda 64"

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