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Messages - Verbatim

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The Flood / Re: So this one guy comes into a bar...
« on: May 03, 2015, 08:36:11 PM »
a skeleton walks into a bar
he asks for a beer
and a mop

The Flood / Re: >people giving AoU 6/10 reviews
« on: May 03, 2015, 08:34:42 PM »
Thor's hammer isn't heavy, it's magical and prevents those it deems unworthy from lifting it.  Vision lifted it because he was pure and has no ill intentions, or something along those lines.
Ah, that's right.
Still a cool scene.

I'd still say Thor's Hammer is pretty heavy on its own, though <_<

The Flood / Re: >people giving AoU 6/10 reviews
« on: May 03, 2015, 08:23:41 PM »
OH. And I was super impressed with how they didn't sexualize Scarlet Witch at all. Always a plus.

The Flood / Re: >people giving AoU 6/10 reviews
« on: May 03, 2015, 08:19:58 PM »
Just came back. Enjoyed it. I'd say it's about on par with the last film.

Favorite Avenger is still Hawkeye, even though I really had to stretch my imagination to make sense of the fact that he is at all capable of holding his own against Ultron with just his arrows.

I thought they introduced way too many new superheroes in this one, and it makes sense that
they would kill off Quicksilver, because otherwise, that's just a fuck-ton of characters to keep track of. It sucks that that's probably the only real reason, though.

I wasn't digging the Bruce/Natasha romance scenes.

My favorite scene was when they're all at the party, and they're all trying to pick up Thor's hammer, and none of them can do it.
Turns into a beautiful Chekhov's Gun/Brick Joke much later, where this new Avenger (I don't know his name, because they never do name him) is created, and after explaining his purpose, he nonchalantly picks up Thor's hammer and passes it to a bemused Thor. You know, to show us how powerful he is. That was cool.

Overall, 7/10.

The Flood / Re: If you could be any food
« on: May 03, 2015, 04:17:50 PM »
what kind of drink would you be?

I'd go with water because its the most widely used

never mind someone already did that joke

It's safe to say capitalism works the best when you are taking human nature into account.
part of me wants to believe that we're not all just selfish pieces of shit deep down, though

we're very capable of transcending our nature

i don't know anything about venezuela

So Verbatim, if capitalism is so full of "teh evulz", what other system do you propose? Something that wouldn't work in reality, I'd imagine.

didn't work in the past =/= can't ever be done correctly

At least give me time to respond.
i'm not blaming you, i'm just saying, it's sort of silly to pretend as though i've been "REKT" when the one question that i'm asking hasn't yet been adequately answered

and by "adequately answered", i mean i should be a capitalist by the end of this conversation
I'm not sure how to elaborate further.
exactly, right

i mean, i'm not gonna sit here and tell you that i know how it would work, either, but one's own inability to understand something does not necessitate any sort of argument against it

"You can't price things meritoriously; it doesn't even make sense. "

maybe to you and i
but to say that it can't be done because a couple of teenagers are unable to grasp it is simply myopic

this is something i've discussed with aria before, but it was only under the token that all the world's commodities and resources are infinite

so, if you work for a week, you earn a week's worth of food--i think that's pretty simple, and i fail to see how that kind of system wouldn't work even with finite resources

the informational deficits you speak of diminish when you take animal products out of the equation
if anyone has allergies to any of the food provided, there would be alternatives
what informational deficits are there
The economy operates on productivity, not merit.
productivity is inherently meritorious
but only if it's, you know, actually productive--you have to use that word carefully and precisely

saving cancer patients is productive; making a new ipad with 1 or 2 new redundant features is not

no matter how many drooling idiots want that ipad, it's never gonna be worth it
saving sick people is worth it 99.99% of the time
Depends on the model you're using; but put simply it's a growth in our ability to convert inputs to outputs.
that was a rhetorical question; i know precisely what productivity growth is
and i was saying that it's kind of oxymoron, in the way that we define our productivity

because the new iPad really isn't that much different from the previous model
maybe it's a little bit lighter, i don't know

and people will spend hundreds of dollars on them by the tens of millions

What makes you the arbiter of "worth" in this situation? If you don't like a product, you're free to not buy it and to persuade others why they shouldn't buy it.
of course, but you see, that's missing the point

it's not that i'm the arbiter of value--i just don't think you're going to be able to argue that a cancer patient is worth less than your iPad

you cannot believe in an objective morality if you don't have an objective system of values, can you
But it's exactly this system of free consumer demand which means we aren't living off the land with no time for philosophy, literature, art or anything else of higher value than a new iPad.
perhaps, but now we don't have to live off the land anymore

we've built civilization, and the only reason it would collapse if capitalism were to end is because people are greedy, selfish, petty cunts
(part of the evil of capitalism is that it's self-sustaining, like a cancer)
Except it isn't; capitalism will end itself eventually. Capitalism is unsustainable in the very long run precisely for the reason that it's too innovative.

Which is a monopoly. Which is very rarely a function of capitalism.
which is just the thing
monopolies aren't inherently bad--they're only bad once they start abusing their position

a polypoly (or whatever you'd call it) is WORSE, in my opinion, because we start wasting resources on redundant products--this video game console thing is a good example

does there really need to be three consoles on the market
why don't we just have one console and improve upon that model

oh, it's because people are greedy cunts... that's right
Yeah, and I think they're all retarded. But, again, you're misapplying something as being a function of capitalism; people are loyal about all manner of things from sports to skin colour. It's a fairly common cognitive bias, regardless of whatever economic system you have set up.
so why exploit it further

i don't think i said this, in particular, was a function of capitalism--merely that those are the type of people that capitalism breeds

which is a fact
we breed mindless consumers who "pick sides"
Which is a function of protectionism, which absolutely isn't a function of capitalism. I agree that people who go on about 'muh domestic industry' don't know what they're talking about.
fair enough
Knowledge and information is becoming ever more important in the modern economy; it's not surprising that younger people are therefore somewhat disadvantaged.
>somewhat disadvantaged

a little bit glib, coming from someone who hasn't quite made it to that point yet
but i guess it's better than saying we're not disadvantaged
There's no moral principle which dictates people must have a home.
i look at it as compensation for being born
i didn't ask to be here, meta--i'm only here because a couple of fucknuts thought it would be a good idea

and it's been the same for all one hundred billion of us

i think we're entitled to some form of compensation in the form of a comfortable life
and yeah, having a home is one of the must-haves

call it a "trailer park", i don't give a shit, it's the same idea

It's a broken system because people don't like what you like?
No, what I like has nothing to do with it. I like video games, but I'm still able to make the basic concession that it would be better to donate to a good cause than it would be to waste money on a game. All capitalism does is make us spoiled brats with mixed priorities. Just because you see the stupidities of brand loyalty doesn't change the fact that there's millions of brand loyalists, and they wouldn't be brand loyalists if there was no such thing as a "brand" to begin with.

I'm not claiming the outcomes are always as efficient as possible
It should be, though. That's my argument. If your system isn't always as efficient as possible, it's a broken system. That's the very definition of brokenness. If something is inefficient, it's broken.
I'm saying the system of pricing and resource allocation is more efficient than any other system you could name.
But not one that I could imagine.

Hell, it's why I support policies like the EITC which subsidise low wages.
It does. It's why the capitalist systems in the world are the most innovative, it's why capitalism has been the most productive system in human history. Competition works.
I don't think anyone said it didn't work. It just doesn't work well. Or, well enough, I should say. It's inefficient. Socialism, from all that I've read about it, just seems so much better in theory.

And by the way, I fail to see how giving everyone the right to a comfortable home (without mortgage, of course) isn't socialism, or at least, an example of it in practice.

STFU don't copy me, try to be original for once
STFU don't copy me, try to be original for once

"he didnt even reply to my last post"
It was massively implied you dolt
except it wasn't

you said i got "wrecked"

which implies not only that he "won", but he "WRECKED" me

one basic, easily rebutted response does not constitute getting "wrecked"

You really are delusional enough to think that the lack of a reply means you win
is that what i said?


yeah i got wrecked so hard, he didn't even respond to my last post



And now it's even worse.

The Flood / Re: Favorite Courage the Cowardly Dog villains
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:44:43 PM »
This was legitimately a great show.

Katz was my favorite, if not only for his sexy theme.

I won't refuse to watch a movie for any minor details, but there are some minor details that make me cringe.

- When the title of the film is forced into the dialogue with no subtlety. Goodfellas did it good. Interstellar did it bad.

- Any film where there's a joke that I thought was hysterical as a child, but then grew out of. Because now I just cringe at the thought that I once found it hysterical.

- Prolonged romance scenes, because they're always awkward/cheesy as fuck. Especially if it's supposed to be a "quirky" romance.

That's all I can think of from the top of my head.

I can't watch Dark Knight Rises because of that plane scene

well ok i can watch it

but its now a comedy instead of the serious movie its supposed to be
I know, right.

Fuck the Internet.

The Flood / Re: Mayweather V Pacquiao
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:22:20 PM »
wait no seriously

why does everyone suddenly give a shit about boxing
Because people have wanted this fight for quite a while
it's just that i've never seen anyone talk about boxing here before, like ever
so i was like, "what"

The Flood / Re: Mayweather V Pacquiao
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:08:01 PM »
wait no seriously

why does everyone suddenly give a shit about boxing

The Flood / Re: Mayweather vs. Paquiao
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:03:03 PM »
Why have I been hearing so much about this fight? I thought people stopped giving a shit about boxing ages ago.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever felt hornier post-fap?
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:23:30 PM »

i was gonna make a joke about that, but i thought it was too easy

Gaming / Re: 2nd Sep7agon Pokemon Tournament *ONE WEEK LEFT*
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:06:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Stolen Valor.
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:30:16 PM »
I've never heard of this.

Gaming / Re: Do you still buy hard copies of games?
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:54:17 PM »
I like to own my games, not the license to a game.
technically the license is still all that you own even if you have a physical copy

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